The Request

by Ri

Please see Cybotic Love for all disclaimers.

Hilda was silently staring out the window. She couldn’t believe how her life had changed in the last eleven months. She had fallen in love with a human. ‘Love,’ She thought of the word with irony and smiled sweetly. She leaned her head against the coolness of the window pane and watched the snow fall on the other side of the glass. To allow herself to fall in love was the best decision of her life. She knew her beloved father would be very proud of her.

He always wanted her to lead a normal life. She had convinced herself that he was wrong; that she, his creation was incapable of love. ‘After all I waited fifty human years for my little one to come to me. How was I to know she would stumble into my class and my heart all in one fell swoop?’ She thought with a a happy contented smile.


Hilda turned, aprofessional looking woman was just inside the door at the waiting room she was in, "Yes?"

"Its time for you to prepare for the procedure."

Hilda nodded her had and followed the woman down the sterile corridor to another room where she was to change. The other woman left to give Hilda her privacy. Hilda sat down and stared at her hands and shook her head.

I can’t believe this is happening,’she thought as she mechanically began to change her clothes. ‘It all began so informally...

* * * * *



"Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, little one. Whats wrong?" Hilda asked putting down the information plate she was studying. It was finals and she had a lot of tests to read on the plate.

Anna smiled and shook her head, "Nothing is wrong....I....uh....just need to discuss something with you."

Hilda smiled at Anna. Everytime she looked at this human her heart fluttered. Hilda never believed she could be so happy and content but she was and she would do anything for the little human. "What would you like to discuss?"

Anna sat down across from the tall beautiful android and took a deep breath. ‘Here goes,’ She thought to herself, "Hilda, how do you feel about children?"

"I love human children, you know that."

"Yes, um...well I wasn’t thinking of children in general, I was...well I kinda though....well about our child?"

Hilda’s beautiful blue eyes widened in shock. She thought she must have a circuit in her ears malfunctioning, "Uh...Anna, we don’t have...are you want...but..."

Anna couldn’t help it she began to cry. "Its ok if you don’t want to..."

Hilda had the smaller woman in her arms in seconds, "Its not that...I can’t... Anna....I’m not human and...even I were... I am not a male and..."

Anna was cuddled within Hilda’s comforting arms. "I know all that. I was thinking of child implantation."

Hilda looked at her in astonishment, "But why?"

"I want to have a child with you."

"I’m an android."

"You're my love. And while we're still young..."

"I am 50 human years old...."

"You wouldn’t carry the child. I would. And you're immortal."

"No I’m not. Love, I will die too. I just decompose slower then a human. Do you really want to have a baby?"


"What can I offer a human child?"


Hilda nodded, "Yes, I can do that. But what else? I’m not exactly a role model for a human."

"The hell you aren’t. You're wonderful. And you damn well know it." Anna reached up and caressed a cheek and then lifted the lowered head till their eyes met, "Don’t you?"




"Will you?"

A deep agonizing sigh and then Hilda nodded and whispered, "Yes."

"Thank you, I love you."

"I love you too, little one."

* * * * *

There was knock on the door and Hilda looked at herself in the mirror in amazement. She was in doctor’s scrubs on the way to coach the love of her life to have their child. "Life was just too bizarre for this Android."

* * * * *

Six grueling hours later she and Anna were looking in amazement at the healthy six pound, five ounce daughter nestled in Anna’s arms. She had blonde hair, sky blue eyes and was a delightful combination of both her mothers.

"She’s beautiful." Hilda said caressing a soft little cheek.

"Yes, She has your eyes and skin tone."

"She has your hair color and cute little nose." Hilda replied with a sweetly besotted expression on her face.

"God, I just can’t believe we did it."

"You did all the work."

"Not really, I almost pulled your arm out of it’s socket during the delivery.

And I wasn’t very nice to you. I think we both earned this little joy." She said smiling at her partner and caressing her child’s soft hair.

"Anna....I’m scared."


"How can I help raise a human baby?" Hilda had tears in her eye ducts from both fear and frustration.

"You're not. You are raising our baby. She is not just some human foundling. Though I think you’d be incredible to a foundling too. This is our child, carefully picked by both of us. We have only have one job to do. To love her."

"I already do."

"Then we're half way there."

"I love you both."

"And we love you."

"So what do you want to call our little girl?"


"After my Father?" Hilda asked in breathless disbelief.

"Why not? If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have you or her. I’m very grateful to him."

"So am I." Hilda bent down and gently picked up her daughter. Anna smiled at her love and partner with tears streaming down her cheeks. She was so proud of her.

"Well my darling, Jaime, as soon as your Mommy over there is rested from bringing you into the world, we will go home and I will love you both till the end of time."

Blue eyes met green and they knew that what Hilda said was how they both felt. They were a family. They both knew that this was only the beginning.

The End

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