"It’s All About Love"

(a.k.a. " Give ‘Em What They Want ")

production #W9346


Season 6, Episode 20

story by


teleplay by

A Bard

directed by

The Bard

Shooting Draft July 16, 2001

Full Script July 28, 2001

Disclaimer: All characters (at least most of them in this story) are the property of Pacific Renaissance Pictures, USA Studios, Universal Studios, Oxygen, and anyone else who has monetary and legal ties to the characters. The writer has merely borrowed the characters to play with for awhile and will give them back immediately upon completion of the play.





Aello (whirlwind)

Marpesia (archer)

Clyemne (famous might) — elder/healer

2 wardrobe ladies

2 makeup ladies

8 Extras milling around set (in street clothes)

10 Amazons (non-speaking villagers)

10 Amazons (non-speaking, dancers and musicians)


Interior sets: Scenes:

Lucy’s home A2/S1

Inside Varia’s hut

Exterior sets: Scenes:

Outside wardrobe/makeup trailers A1/S1

Woods a day’s ride from Amazons A1/S2

Outside the Amazon village A3/S1

Campsite by the lake, Amazon territory A3/S3

Amazon village (bonfire) A3/S2

Sitting on chairs waiting to shoot A1/S3

[Music to be added after shooting, not normally indicated. Sound effects to be added later, also.]




Outside trailers on set waiting to start final shooting of series finale. Lucy and Reneé are in Xena and Gabrielle costume ready to begin the day. Extras, still in street clothes, are milling around behind them.


I’ve been reading over the lines again since we went over them with the rest of the cast. You know, Reneé, it’s not going to be easy for the fans to let Xena and Gabrielle just ride off into the sunset on their television screens. I hope this look back on their lives through the years helps the HCNBs come to grip with the fact that the series is really over.


Hard Core Nut Balls? That is being said with great affection, isn’t it, Lucy?


Strewth*. [Lucy smiles and winks at her friend] Without them, Xena would never have lasted six seasons. And come to think of it, with them it would have continued another six if we were all willing and TPTB had allowed the show to continue.


I’m totally serious, Lucy. I’ve been reading some of the comments on the Internet that the fans are writing. They’re distraught that the show’s going off the air. Most of them realize that it’s been a physical strain on us and understand that we want to move on, but the thought of losing their heroes is . . .

Lucy looks surprised


You’ve been on the Internet?



Reneé gives Lucy a sheepish grin. Lucy laughs and shakes her head.


I’m sure they realize that Xena and Gabrielle are only television characters. I know they’ve taken them to heart, but . . .


No buts. Have you watched any of the episodes? Have you really listened to the fans? Have you looked at the fanfiction out there? Xena and Gabrielle are more than fictionalized characters to some of the fans. They’re friends, family, and role models. This show has changed lives, Lucy.


Cor blimey*, Reneé, I don’t mean to make light of it. Of course I’ve listened to the fans, I don’t live in a bubble. I know lives have been turned around, women have gotten out of abusive relationships because of the courage they attribute to watching Xena and Gabrielle, new writers have come to light, and charities have benefited greatly. All I’m saying is that I haven’t taken the time to watch the episodes after filming. When I’m home I like to pay more attention to the kids than I have time for during the week.

Reneé looks at Lucy incredulously.


Even so, I can’t believe you haven’t watched any of the episodes. And we’ve talked about the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle and how it’s grown over the years. We both know how the subtext has become more and more main text and we’ve always played into it. Now we have this ending script . . . Lucy, we need to make this special for the fans.

Lucy puts her hands up in an "I give up" fashion.


You’ve got no argument from me. What do you want me to do, play catch up and start watching videos now? Damn, Reneé, this is the last episode.


As a matter of fact, yes. How about tonight after shooting? It’s going to be an early day.

Shrugging her shoulders, Lucy gives in.


Okay . . . Why not . . . Might be fun.

Makeup people come over and announce they are just about ready to begin the filming. They touch up both women’s makeup. Wardrobe comes over and adjusts the costumes. The women walk to their places on the woods set.

Time of the Episode: After Many Happy Returns.



It is a sunny day. Xena is leading Argo II and Gabrielle is walking beside Xena as they travel down a path in a wooded area. Xena suggests an extended vacation that would include visiting Varia’s Amazon tribe and perhaps looking into settling down.


You know, Gabrielle, we’re getting a little old to be out on the road constantly, kicking ass on a daily basis. You used to bother me constantly about wanting a place to call home and put down some roots; don’t you still want that?

Gabrielle looks at Xena with an almost confused expression.


Of course I want to settle down, I simply gave up trying to change you. I figured if you ever got tired of moving around you’d let me know. I guess that day has come.

Xena puts her arm around Gabrielle’s shoulder. They continue walking as Xena begins to reminisce.


Sometimes when I look at you it’s hard to imagine the young woman you were when we first started traveling together.

Clip from Sins of The Past — Gabrielle saying "You've got to take me with you and teach me everything you know. You can't leave me here." Then Xena sitting on Argo, giving Gabrielle a hand up to sit behind her. "I was born to do so much more."


Yes, [Gabrielle giggles] it took me some time to realize that it wasn’t easy to travel with a warrior princess, and filling your shoes definitely took more than just putting on your armor.

Clip from The Greater Good of Gabrielle wearing Xena’s clothing.

Gabrielle stops walking and faces Xena, a somber expression on her face.


You’re serious though, aren’t you, Xena, about settling down?

Without saying another word, Gabrielle gives Xena a longing look that tells the warrior that this is something she has been waiting for.


Yes, Gabrielle, I really am. I thought we might go visit Varia and see if they would mind two new additions to the tribe.

Gabrielle’s eyes start to fill with tears of joy as she gives her soulmate a hug.


You don’t know how much this means to me.

Xena kisses Gabrielle on the crown of the head while holding her close.


I knew you’d say that.

FADE TO BLACK — End of shoot.




Lucy and Reneé are sitting on chairs waiting for the next scene to shoot. Someone comes over and whispers to Lucy. Lucy turns to Reneé.


We’ve been given a reprieve. Word just came down that something happened to the set we’re supposed to film on, so we’re through for the day.


Great, then we can go back to your place and watch some of the shows. Steve’s in the city for the week, so there’s no need for me to rush home.


Yeah, well, Rob will be holed up here for quite a while, I’m sure. He told me he might even sleep in the trailer tonight if it gets too late. Daisy’s at her father’s, so why don’t you plan on sleeping over? It will just be the three of us, and Julius will be ready for bed not long after we get home.


Sounds like a winning idea.




Lucy’s screening room in her home. Lucy and Reneé with their feet up on the coffee table eating popcorn and watching clip tapes from shows that Lucy found in the video cabinet.


I didn’t even know these clip tapes were in the house. I guess Rob keeps them categorized to follow the growth of the characters and their relationship to each other.


And because he’s a bit kinky and likes to watch the women together. [Reneé laughs] You have to admit, Rob has an unusual flare for the avant-garde.

Lucy joins in the laughter as she puts the videotape labeled clips of the soulmate relationship between Xena and Gabrielle into the VCR.


Reneé, you want a fizzy* or wobbly-pop*?


No, thanks. I’m just fine with this water. [She holds up a bottle.]


Okay then; let’s take a look at Xena and Gabrielle through the eyes of the subtext fans.

Lucy sits down next to Reneé; the bowl of popcorn resting on Reneé’s lap as Lucy starts the tape and helps herself to the popcorn. Scenes run together, voice-overs while watching the kiss from Return of Callisto, after Gabrielle’s wedding.


Look at our faces, Lucy. Xena looks so lost, and Gabrielle looks anything but the happy bride. More like she’s just waiting for Xena to invite her to run away and forget everything that just happened.


I’ve got to admit that these clips could be taken more than one way. But even if they were just friends, Xena would have probably reacted exactly the same way, like she did in that episode when Gabrielle almost died.


By screaming at her ‘don’t leave me?’

Show clip from Is There A Doctor In The House where Gabrielle is dying.


I don’t know, Lucy. That’s a pretty powerful scene! Xena’s beside herself; she’s absolutely lost her composure. Sure, she’s losing a friend, but her reaction is . . .


Okay, okay . . . I see it.


You don’t just see it? Look at how it filmed! Anyone who can’t feel that scene has no heart. That’s nothing but raw emotion. She’s in love with the girl.

Lucy smiles, shakes her head, and pats Reneé on the shoulder, grabbing another handful of popcorn.


The subtext fans really picked up the relationship early on, didn’t they? If I try to remember back, I can feel it, too. I just wasn’t giving it much thought in the beginning. I was trying to let Xena react to Gabrielle, and I guess the love just poured forth.


It really did start early on. Remember when Xena had to battle her own demons to help save Gabrielle in Dreamworker? You don’t risk your life for someone you just met because they’ve been taken away from you, especially if you’re a warrior.


I think I came to the conclusion that Xena loved Gabrielle more than she’d ever loved anyone else in her life during Remember Nothing—she was willing to allow Lyceus to die again to make sure that Gabrielle would be the tender soul that she loved.


I think even the fans who weren’t originally into the subtext got the message when Xena kissed Gabrielle in The Quest.

Show the clip of the kiss with the words, "Xena, I can’t lose you again." and "Gabrielle, I’ll always be here."


Well, you surely let it be known that Gabrielle was in love with Xena during that scene.

Lucy chuckles.


I let it be known?

Reneé is giggling also.


Xena was the one who bent over and kissed Gabrielle. Rest assured, that was no kiss of friendship.


It’s a shame we weren’t allowed to put the actual footage on the small screen. The subtexters would have gone crazy with that.


They pretty much did with the small kiss they got. I remember pictures of the kiss being all over the Internet the very next day. I think we have more pictures of kissing each other than any other television female personalities ever.


I think you’re right, Reneé. But you know, watching these clips in order as we were allowed to let the emotions play out, I can really see where the fans got the notion that the gals were lovers. I guess all the while I thought I was just acting, the Xena character was living a life of her own.

Looking at the clip from A Family Affair where Xena finds Gabrielle walking in the woods.


Did you remember calling Gabrielle ‘Sweetheart’ in that scene, Lucy? The expression on Xena’s face is pure love as she hugs and kisses Gabrielle with tears streaming from her eyes.


That line kind of slipped out, actually. Xena must have ad-libbed it during the passion of the moment and her joy at finally finding Gabrielle. [She laughs] funny how much she took over in these scenes.


So we both agree that the subtext is definitely going to be the main text in this final episode?


How could it be anything but? It’s really time that we give ‘em what they want, don’t you think?


Positively. The writers already did, at least as much as they could while still keeping within the confines of the show and sponsors. [She puts her hand up to her mouth, smiles, and shakes her head.] So, Lucy, I guess it’s up to us to make sure the love between Xena and Gabrielle comes through truer than ever before.

Lucy turns off the VCR and gets up from the couch.


What do you say we call it a night? I’m buggered*, but I need to go upstairs and look over tomorrow’s lines.


Yeah, it’s getting late. I’m tired, too, but should probably do the same. You know, Lucy, after looking at some of these clips tonight, I’m even happier that Rob decided not to use that Japan episode as the last in the series.


Me, too! That little veto ability of mine sure came in handy. I’ll tell ya, he was not a happy camper when I told him I didn’t think killing Xena off was a good idea. You know how much he loves his Asian films.


But can you imagine how the fans would have reacted to him having Xena dead and having Gabrielle sail away alone? [Reneé rolls her eyes and shakes her head.] Can you say ‘sushi ala Tapert served with wasabi?’


We certainly wouldn’t have been welcomed in L.A. or New York for a while. [Lucy grins]


We can sit here making light of it, but I think we both know how serious the fans would be.


I hate to even think of the repercussions.

Reneé looks at her watch.


I didn’t realize how late it was. I think we’d better get to bed. Goodnight, Lucy.


Goodnight, Reneé.

They exit the room as Lucy turns off the light.




The next morning. Lucy and Reneé are back in costume, standing in front of the entrance to the Amazon village. As they walk into the village, women are milling around doing various chores. There are huts to either side of them. The Queen’s hut is soon directly in front of them. As they get closer, Varia comes out of the hut to greet them.


Welcome. [Hugs Gabrielle] Gabrielle. [Clasps Xena’s hand] Xena. We’ve been expecting you. One of the scouts came back yesterday with the news of your arrival in Amazon territory. We thought you might like the privacy, so I told them to leave you alone. What brings you here?

Gabrielle smiles at the queen and looks to Xena.


It was your decision, why don’t you tell them?

Gabrielle Aside to the Audience:

If I let Xena handle the situation, that way she won’t back out at the last minute making it seem like living here is all my idea.

Xena gives Gabrielle the eyebrow and a slight smile.

Xena Aside to the Audience:

This is Gabrielle’s way of making me commit myself. If I make the initial statement, then there’s no way I can back out and say it’s all her idea.


Actually, Varia, we’ve decided that it’s time to put down roots, and we could think of no better place to do so than here.

The look on the ruling queen’s face is a mixture of happiness and confusion. Gabrielle quickly puts Varia at ease.


We don’t want to upset the life of the village, Varia. I don’t expect to become reigning queen, and Xena has no intentions of stepping in and leading the warriors.

Xena shakes her head in "Yeah, what she said" fashion.


We simply want a place to call home.

Putting one hand on Xena’s shoulder and the other on Gabrielle’s, Varia welcomes the duo.


Well, then I guess the village is in need of a celebration to welcome two of its own home.



GABRIELLE (Whispering)

I guess this means you’re going to become a full-fledged Amazon, Xena.


It’s probably about time I took the oath; after all, I am the soulmate of the Queen of the Amazon Nation.

While plans are started to hold a celebration later that night, two young Amazons join Gabrielle. Xena takes Varia aside. Neither conversation can be heard. Loving OMITTED Glances are exchanged between Xena and Gabrielle as they continue their conversations with other people.

Xena finishes talking with Varia. She walks over and places a hand on Gabrielle’s shoulder.


Varia told me the sisters would be more than happy to help us build a hut. I told her we would look for an area just outside the village.


Feeling claustrophobic already, Xena?


No! I simply don’t want to go from living alone to feeling like we’re living in a closet.


Actually, I agree; it’s always better to be out of the closet. Living near the village is great, but having some space is good for us. We’re too used to being alone.


And that’s the way I like it.

Soft music plays as Xena bends down and kisses Gabrielle. She whispers in Gabrielle’s ear and Gabrielle blushes. Xena continues to nibble on Gabrielle’s ear. CENSORED/OMITTED

Xena places an arm around Gabrielle’s shoulders. Gabrielle puts her arm around Xena’s waist, and the two women walk away from the village and into the woods.




Back in the Amazon village, late afternoon, and already there are dancers and drums. Xena and Gabrielle walk in and are greeted by some of the younger women, who show them to a place of honor next to Queen Varia. They sit and watch the dancers while plates of food and goblets of wine are offered them.


So, did you find a spot that was to your liking?


Yes, we found a beautiful area with a view of the lake.


It has more than a view. From atop this huge boulder you can actually dive into the lake.


Well, Xena can dive into the lake. [Gabrielle grins at Xena.]


I talked to the elders of the tribe while you were gone this afternoon, and it has been decided that both of you will hold important positions on the high council. Your experience and opinions are far too important not to take advantage of them. We realize, Gabrielle, that sometimes you will be asked to act as Queen of the Amazon Nation, and we will understand when one tribe cannot take precedence over the greater good of all the tribes.

Varia turns and specifically addresses Xena.


Xena you will have to become an Amazon via the blood ceremony. It’s very simple, and as well as making you a full Amazon, it will bind you to Gabrielle forever.

Xena and Gabrielle simultaneously let out a short laugh, which they both try to muffle. The looks they give each other should convey that they have already been bound to each other in more than one lifetime and that they will continue to be allowed to find each other in each lifetime to come.


I have no problem with that, Varia. We have already discussed that it was about time I took the oath. The Consort of the Queen of the Amazons should be an Amazon herself.


In your heart you’ve been an Amazon for many years, Xena. It’s merely that you continued to allow the past into the present and never gave yourself a chance. Without you, the Northern Amazons would have been destroyed long ago. Otari and Yakut would have never been the legends they are today.


She’s right, Xena.


Then that will all be taken care of tonight, won’t it?


Most definitely. [She picks one of the young warriors out of the crowd.] Aello, come here.


[The woman salutes her queen and bows] You called for me, my Queen. [She also bows to Gabrielle and Xena and receives nods from all involved.]


I want you to go and tell the healer that we are in need of her for a solemn occasion.

Varia tells Aello to be on her way and begins searching for another face in the crowd. Finding the sister she is looking for, she motions for the young woman to join them.


This is Marpesia. She is one of our best archers. She will light the bonfire and then let fly the lighted ceremonial arrow to signify the initiation of a new sister into the tribe.

Marpesia sits on the ground beside the Queen awaiting further orders.


As soon as Clyemne arrives, we will begin the ceremony of tribal induction. Clyemne, as you may remember, is our healer/shamaness and one of the most revered of the elders.

Xena turns to Gabrielle.


They aren’t going to cover me with mud and make me howl at the moon, are they?

Gabrielle laughs.


No, Xena, you know better than that. [Gabrielle takes Xena’s hand.] Just a little cut, right here. [She runs her index finger seductively OMITTED along Xena’s palm and then lifts Xena’s hand to kiss the area to be injured.]CENSORED/OMITTED


Ah, yes, I do seem to remember an initiation such as that a long time ago, but if I remember correctly, the person who brings the new member into the tribe also participates. [Xena turns Gabrielle’s hand around and repeats the gesture just done to her on Gabrielle’s palm.] That would be you, my love, CENSORED/OMITTED and the second cut would go right here.

Varia interrupts the conversation between Xena and Gabrielle as an older Amazon arrives.


If I can have everyone’s attention. [She raises her arms and calls to order the Amazons from around the center of the village.] There is usually a waiting period before initiating a member into the Amazons who was neither born of an Amazon nor given a right of caste. The woman being accepted into our ranks tonight has already undergone that process. While she has been considered an Amazon in thought and deed for many years, she has just now agreed to take the oath of sisterhood to be afforded the honor of residing in the Amazon afterlife with her soulmate, Gabrielle. Xena is the only member of her immediate family who has not officially been inducted into our ranks. Tonight that will be rectified.

The crowd lets out a cheer, and after a few seconds Varia again calms them down. Varia motions to Marpesia to stand and prepare the arrows. From a flaming bucket, the Amazon ignites the oil-soaked arrow. As she does so, drums beat out a slow, steady rhythm. The archer sails the first flaming arrow into the middle of the pile of wood close by, combusting the bonfire almost immediately. She turns and faces Xena and Gabrielle, lights another arrow and releases it into the sky between the two women. At this point, the healer takes Xena’s right hand and Gabrielle’s right hand and holds them up to the sky.


By the rights granted to me as Shamaness of this tribe of Amazons, I begin the rights of initiation. Xena of Amphipolis, Warrior Princess, Consort to Gabrielle, Bard of Potidaea, Queen of the entire Amazon Nation, is it your desire to become one with the Amazons, a sister in blood, and soul?


It is.


Who brings this woman forth to become one with the Amazons?


I do.


Do you realize that by doing this you become responsible for her?

Gabrielle looks at Xena with love in her eyes and smiles sweetly.


I do.

Clyemne motions for the two women to stand facing each other in front of her. Continuing to hold Xena’s hand, she takes a bone-handled knife from her robe and cuts Xena’s palm, causing it to bleed.


Protecting goddess of the earth, mother to all of us, goddess who watches over the lives of all the Amazons, take this new sister, Xena of Amphipolis, Warrior Princess, into your keeping and take her to your breast as one of your own. I know you have graced her with many skills, and now she will promise to use them in your service.

Clyemne takes Gabrielle’s hand and repeats the procedure.


Goddess, you already know this Amazon. Her name is Gabrielle, Bard of Potidaea, Queen of the entire Amazon Nation. She has been a great comfort to your people in times of dire problems, and her wisdom is part of what keeps the tribes together as one great race. She is asking that you allow her soulmate, Xena of Amphipolis, Warrior Princess, to join her as a true Amazon, to live not only the rest of their lives here on earth together, but to also be allowed the privilege of journeying to the Amazon afterlife together when their times arrive to leave this world for a better one.

The Shamaness clasps Xena and Gabrielle’s hands together. Pulling a thin piece of rawhide from within her robe she binds their hands, starting at the wrist and criss-crossing the material around their palms.


As the blood of these two women mingles, I pronounce Xena of Amphipolis to be a full-blooded Amazon from this day forward, and when her time arrives to leave this earth, the goddess will welcome her to the Amazon afterlife.

The watching Amazons begin to cheer.

Clyemne nods and smiles at Xena and Gabrielle while untying their hands. Standing between the two women, she holds up Xena’s right hand.


Amazons, I present your new sister—Xena—to you.

The Amazons cheer, music and dancing begin as the ceremony ends.

Varia offers her congratulations to the newest member of the tribe.


I know this was a ceremony in words only, Xena. In your heart you have been an Amazon longer than I have been alive, but it’s my honor to be the first of the Amazons to officially welcome you to our nation as one of us.

Varia turns to a young Amazon who has just run up to her, takes an object out of the girl’s hand, and hands it to Xena.


Thank you, Varia.

Xena turns to Gabrielle and takes her left hand.


I’ve known the Amazons since long before you and I ever met, Gabrielle, but it took you becoming Queen for me to become one of them. Now that I have, as your Consort, officially made a commitment to the Amazon Nation, I think it only fitting to also publicly make my commitment to you.

Gabrielle’s eyes fill with tears.


That’s not necessary, Xena. I know how you feel about me, and I think all the Amazons do, also.


No, this is something I want to do.

Xena smiles and places a ring on the fourth finger of Gabrielle’s left hand.


I had a feeling that if we ever came back here again, something like this would happen. I had this ring made and left it in Varia’s keeping. She knew that if we didn’t come back, it meant that we had both died somewhere together, and she would have thrown the ring in the lake with a blessing for us.

Gabrielle looks at the ring, tears of joy flowing freely down her cheeks.


By the Gods, Xena, it’s beautiful. It looks like your chakram, but it has a blue stone on one side that matches your eyes . . .


And a green stone on the other to match yours. Those are the colors that stand for each of us, Gabrielle. Together they combine into one setting, just like you and I merge into we. I love you, Gabrielle.


First the poem that Sappho wrote and now this!


The poem was a birthday present. The ring is to mark the anniversary of the first day we met, the day that changed both our lives forever and happens to correspond with today, the day when we finally settle down and make a home for ourselves.

Xena takes Gabrielle in her arms and kisses her. Gabrielle kisses Xena back. They stand there for a few seconds hugging until CENSORED/OMITTED The Amazons begin playing music and dancing around the central fire in celebration for all that has happened.

Xena, one arm still around Gabrielle, turns to Varia.


Thank you for keeping the ring safe, Varia.


Of course, Xena; that’s what friends are for.


Thank you also for the initiation and the celebration.


You’re welcome, Gabrielle. We’re proud that you and Xena chose to settle down here, with our tribe.


Varia, I hope nobody will mind if we forego the rest of the festivities. It seems we have a little celebrating of our own to do, and I can think of no better place than the spot we picked out for our hut.


Of course not. You know Amazons; they don’t care what the reason or who remains, as long as they can party.

Varia smiles and pats Xena on the shoulder.

Xena and Gabrielle nod to the Queen and walk away hand in hand.





The stars are shining brightly, dimmed only by the shimmering light from the full moon, which shines down upon the lake below the outcropping. For a while the two sit and watch the water ripple as Xena throws small stones into it while they converse. Xena places one arm around Gabrielle’s shoulders and Gabrielle leans into Xena, putting her arm around the warrior’s waist. Xena continues to toss small stones into the water.


It’s funny, I never thought I would end up living the rest of my life in a quiet place like this with someone I loved. I had no idea how it felt to love and be loved in return, until I met you.


When I first met you, I knew I couldn’t let you leave without taking me with you. There was something about you that touched my heart immediately, and it ached at the thought of being without you.

Xena holds her closer.


Well, I can remember a time or two that you almost decided to leave and be without me. There was that certain blonde zealot who heard voices—remember her? I almost lost you to her.

Clips of The Crusader where Gabrielle is riding behind Najara on a horse and talking to her by the lake.


If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were jealous.

Gabrielle smiles slyly.


Yeah, if you didn’t know better. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you were trying to make me jealous, going off with her.


You forget, Xena, the reason I went off with her is because she was going to kill you. You were unconscious at the time.

Clip from The Crusader where Gabrielle throws her body on Xena’s to prevent Najara from killing the warrior.


That was the second time. Let’s get back on the discussion of jealousy. You had your share of struggles with the green-eyed monster.

Xena gives Gabrielle the look and raises an eyebrow.


When Lao Ma sent for you? How could I ever forget that? And I tried so hard to repress the emotions and the dealings I had with Ares over that mistake.

Clip from The Debt I when Xena tells Gabrielle that she has to leave for Chin and Gabrielle says, "You owe someone so much that you would just throw away these last few years?" Xena answers, "Yes."


I’m just happy you finally worked everything out, even if it did take a visit to the temple of Mnemosyne to accomplish it.

Clip from Forget Me Not — the very end, where Xena says, "I wondered how you made it to Chin ahead of me. I figured Ares might have a hand in it, but what I couldn’t understand was why? Nightmares can tell you a lotta things. Thank the gods you talk in your sleep. I knew this was one journey you had to make without me. I’m just glad you made it back." Gabrielle answers, "If I didn’t have the painful memories, then I wouldn’t know what the good ones were like, right? I—I just couldn’t let it go, Xena, no matter what the pain. I’m sorry." But Xena was happy to have her back—"No--no, it’s over. Welcome home."


Through the years we’ve both made sacrifices. Those sacrifices have more than made up for any jealousy. You almost spent eternity on a cursed ship to be with me.


Better on the ship with you for eternity than to spend the rest of my life here on solid ground without you.

Clip from Lost Mariner when Xena vaulted onto the ship and grabbed Gabrielle.

Voice over RENEÉ

You certainly had the look of possession there, Lucy.

Voice over LUCY:

What can I say? [Giggle from Lucy.]


Jumping into Dahok’s pit was quite a sacrifice, Gabrielle.

Clip from the end of Sacrifice II. Gabrielle’s look as she falls into the pit holding Hope. Her last word is Xena’s name. Xena screaming "Gabrielle!"

Voice over LUCY

Did you say you wanted to talk about looks, Reneé? I almost forgot that one.

Voice over RENEÉ

I didn’t, Lucy, Gabrielle couldn’t imagine Xena dying because she killed Hope. She would have been left alone if she had let her do that. But it was also in Sacrifice II where Xena actually came out and said: "It’s strange—the one I love most in all the world and the one I hate—look exactly the same." Remember? Most people don’t love their friend the most in the world. She was claiming her love for Gabrielle in that episode. The way they look at each other makes it obvious that the only thing they’re about when they’re together is love; their relationship is all about love.

Voice over LUCY

I knew that.


Maybe so, but what about when you looked for me in the Amazon land of the dead, or when you let me turn you into a Bacchae?

Clip: Sin Trade I where Xena goes to the land of the dead in search of Gabrielle.

Clip: Xena letting Gabrielle bite her in Girls Just Want To Have Fun.


Sacrifices set aside, we’ve also had our share of reunions.

Clips: The final scenes of The Bitter Suite, when Gabrielle brings Xena through the water fall and then when they realize that they are home at last and hug. Fallen Angel when Gabrielle takes Xena’s hand after they are brought back to life. Livia with Xena holding Gabrielle while she is still in the ice coffin, waking up.


No one can ever say we’ve lived a dull life, Gabrielle. But, you know, I think we’re going to be happy here. It may seem a little mundane at times, but I’m sure we’ll find something to do to alleviate that.

Xena smiles at Gabrielle.


And I’m sure if anyone is ever in dire need of a Warrior Princess . . .


Or a Battling Bard . . .


They won’t have any trouble finding us.


Come here, you.

She begins kissing Gabrielle. The bard reciprocates. Xena’s hand caresses Gabrielle’s breast as she nibbles on her lover’s neck OMITTED

They get up from the rock and walk over to where Xena has a fire started. Gabrielle shivers as she picks up a stick to stoke the fire. Xena stands beside her and again places an arm around her shoulders. They sit down on a log by the fireside. Gabrielle leans into Xena and places her head in the hollow of Xena’s shoulder. Her eyes mist over as she begins to reminisce.


You know, Xena, we’ve outlived most of our friends and relatives, and we’ve been from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell together in this immediate lifetime. I’m glad it seems as though we’re finally going to be allowed to stop roaming the countryside in the service of others.


You’re right, Gabrielle. We’ve come full circle. I’ve taught you everything I know, just like you asked me to do so many years ago. [Gabrielle shakes her head, starts to speak and object] Okay, almost everything I know; you still can’t throw the chakram and the pinch . . . we’ll work on that some more, I promise. [Xena grins.] But, on the other hand, you have also taught me many things.

Xena kisses Gabrielle on the crown of her head and gives her a hug.


You have redeemed yourself more times than I can remember, Xena, so the karmic circle should continue without hesitation. Neither of us are the women we were when we began our journey, but we definitely are the women we were born to become. You’re my world, Xena, the love of my life and my soulmate.


I know, Gabrielle, over the years we’ve blended together like the two halves of the same soul we truly are. Our life together, no matter what else it seems to be on the surface, is all about love.

Gabrielle smiles. She raises her eyes and looks into Xena’s.


Of course, it is Xena; anyone who has ever seen us together knows without a doubt that our relationship is all about love. I’m glad your journey this lifetime led you to me.


Gabrielle, no matter what life we’re living, we’ll always find each other; it’s our destiny.

Xena tilts Gabrielle’s face up and gently leans down to place a kiss on Gabrielle’s lips. Gabrielle kisses her back. Kiss ends and they hug. Xena’s head rests on Gabrielle’s shoulder. Gabrielle’s head rests on Xena’s shoulder. They whisper to each other.


I love you, Xena.


I love you, too, Gabrielle.




*Kiwi Words:

Strewth God’s truth (honestly)

Cor blimey Exclamation of disbelief

Fizzy Soda pop

Wobbly-pop Beer

Buggered Exhausted

Miscellaneous abbreviations for those who are Not HCNBs:

HCNB Hard Core Nut Balls

TPTH The Powers That Be

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