The Royal Academy of Bards
is proud to present

Academy of Bards Challenge #26 Quoth the Raven, Nevermore

The Bard Solstice Challenge #26:  Quoth The Raven, Nevermore

The Challenge is to write a story using lines chosen from each of the three lists.

The Punzle

Da Roools


#1 - Nevermore! - Ann McMan    WINNER!

#2 - Window Shopping - J.A. Zollicoffer

#3 - A Risky Christmas - Catrina Wolfe

#4 - The Pen Name - Geonn Cannon

#5 - Descent - Spyrel

#6 - Memory Hunter - Jennifer Jackson

#7 - Hestians We Have Heard On High - Del Robertson    Honorable Mention!

#8 - The Enemy Next Door - Silverwriter01    Honorable Mention!

#9 - Magi Consulting: Cioccolata Interruptus - Lazy Laziel

#10 - Last Day - Ramsey

#11- Room for Improvement - Carrie's AJ


Just For Fun

From Bad to Verse - McFluffy

In Search of Kringle - D


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