Thank God for Apron Strings

As a newborn babe is placed in a mother's waiting arms Thank God for apron strings

As a wobbly baby toddles across the floor Thank God for apron strings

As a young child nervously undertakes the first day of school Thank God for apron strings

As an older child struggles with studies and peer pressure Thank God for apron strings

As a teenager faces decisions that will endure for a lifetime Thank God for apron strings

As a young adult at college, or on a new job is faced with pressure, temptations and sin

Thank God for apron strings

As a young man struggles to support his family; as a young woman strives to be a good wife and mother

Thank God for apron strings

As young parents achingly watch their children go through all the trials of growing up

Thank God for apron strings

As the nest empties and creates a void

Thank God for apron strings

As life renews, and grandchildren come

Thank God for apron strings

As an older man or woman stands, and solemnly watches a casket lowered into the ground

Thank God for apron strings

Thank God for those strings that bind us heart to heart, with ties that never end

For the bits of wisdom and affection that guide us through all of life's trials and joys and are never forgotten

For the knowledge that there's always someone who'll listen to us pour out our hearts in sorrow, or in gladness, with equal interest Someone who loves us unconditionally

Thank God for apron strings

Terri Lyn Stanfield

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