No Answers

I'm drowning in questions
No answers in sight
Not sure which direction
To go in tonight
Do I follow my heart
And see where it leads
Or listen to reason
Regardless of needs
Do I do what I feel
Or what I've been told
Do I just play it safe
Or dare I be bold
If I do take this chance
And then it falls through
How do I explain it
But what can I do
I feel led to do this
And so I'm inclined
To go ahead with it
And see what I find
But what if I'm wrong
And I'm hurt once more
They'll say I told you so
And just as before
I'll be looking the fool
Just used once again
So just what do I do
And how can I win
I'm drowning in questions
No answers in sight
Not sure which direction
To go in tonight

Terri Lyn Stanfield

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