Chapter Two

                                      Dominus and Domina

The Dominus was not what Xena expected, but, then, maybe he was. He was Roman, undoubtedly, but not the strapping, manly Roman Xena was expecting, not at all like Caesar. But, rather, he was short of stature, and not particularly impressive. But he was the Dominus of this Ludus, and Xena’s and Gabrielle’s captor.

“What is this?” he said as he laid eyes on Xena. For a moment he only stared at her, then slowly said, “Send for the Domina. She needs to see this.”

Immediately, one of the house slaves rushed off to find and to request the Domina join her husband. The Dominus Batiatus walked over to Xena and stopped only an arm’s length away and looked up at her. And Xena looked down at him, her eyes never wavering or dropping in deference.

“Amazing,” he almost whispered. “If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I never would have believed it.”  Then louder, he said, “Woman, what’s your name?”

“Xena,” she replied bluntly.

“By Zeus’ cock, this is doubly amazing. Not only do I have the infamous Warrior Princess in my custody, but she....”

Batiatus smiled, then turned from Xena and barked out, “The Domina, where is she?”

“Someone has gone after her, Dominus,” another house slave answered.

“Then go after her again!” he demanded, and the slave rushed off as the first had.

Batiatus turned back to Xena, looked at Gabrielle, looked at Xena, then back at Gabrielle, then walked over to her. And not being quite as sure of herself as Xena, Gabrielle’s eyes dropped. Batiatus’ hand un-gently went under her chin to raise her head so she would have to look at him.

“Well, aren’t you the beauty?” he said almost sarcastically. “A fine addition to my household.”

Just then Domina Lucretia entered the room. Both Xena and Gabrielle were surprised how much like Xena she looked, except for her pasty-white skin and very red hair.

“What is it?” she asked with an irritated voice. “I was about to enter my milk bath.”

Batiatus simply pointed at Xena, and after Lucretia’s eyes followed his finger, she was momentarily struck speechless, then she said, “And just who is this?”

And as Batiatus had done, Lucretia stopped only an arm’s length from Xena, looking her up and down, and then looked her in the eyes.

“I see you have taken pains to resemble me,” she said. “I suppose I should be flattered, but a common trollop gives no flattery.”

“Ah, my dear,” Batiatus said, “but this is no common trollop, she claims to be Xena, the warrior princess Caesar seems to be insanely obsessed over.”

Lucretia looked at Xena with renewed interest. She reached out and touched her dark hair, her cheek, and her lips.

“Is this true?” she asked. “Are you truly Xena?”

“I am.”

“And my husband’s soldiers managed to capture you and bring you here?”


Lucretia nodded, then turned to Batiatus.  “And just what plans do you have for her?”

Batiatus thoughtfully hesitated, then said, “I am of two thoughts. Perhaps send word to Caesar that I have her, and she is his for the taking.”

“A wise decision,” Lucretia said. “He will pay handsomely for her.”

“Or - perhaps, train her as a gladiator. Her name alone would insure the prestige of this ludus to rise precipitously.”

Lucretia turned back to Xena, then seemed to notice Gabrielle standing there.  “And who is this?”

“Her companion. I was thinking of using her as a household slave, and as insurance that she will give us no trouble.”

Batiatus walked to Gabrielle and put his hand over one firm breast, causing her to jerk away from him. For her trouble, he grabbed the breast and dug his fingers in, causing her to wince in pain.

“Stop it!” Xena yelled out at him.

“What?” Batiatus said in surprise. “What did you dare say to me?”

“You hurt her, harm one hair on her head and everyone in this place who isn’t a slave will die a bloody death!”

Batiatus looked around the room at the slaves and soldiers there, in disbelief. He looked back at Xena with fire in his eyes, then he began to laugh. There was no humor in it, but it was loud and long.

“I do believe we have someone who will be well served to watch her tongue.”

Batiatus then looked back at Gabrielle.

“Remove her chains,” he said to a guard, who hesitated only slightly, then hurried to do as instructed. When the chains on her wrists were gone, Batiatus put one arm around Gabrielle’s shoulders as if they were old friends, and turned her to face Xena.

“So, tell me girl," he said to Gabrielle while still looking at Xena,  "do you wish to see your friend here stripped naked, tied to a post in the practice arena and whipped until her back is mutilated and bloody?”

Gabrielle shook her head. “No.”

Batiatus’ fingers dug into the top of her shoulder.

“ ‘No, Dominus!’ “ he yelled into her ear. “I am your Dominus and you will address me as such.”

Then in a normal voice, he continued. “Now, let us try this again - Do you wish to see your friend stripped naked, tied to a post in the practice arena, and whipped until her back is bloody?”

“No - Dominus.  I do not.”

“And do you know how to prevent such an occurrence from happening?”

When Gabrielle hesitated his fingers once again dug into the top of her shoulder. “I am not in the habit repeating myself,” he said. “Must I ask you again?”

“By not disobeying you - Dominus.”

“Correct! Nor will you be insolent, nor disrespectful, nor slow in your duties. And you will also be such to your Domina.”

“Perhaps,” Lucretia spoke up. "Perhaps if it becomes necessary, then this girl should be the one to wield the lash.”

Batiatus grinned loudly, released Gabrielle and went to his wife’s side, grabbed one of her buttocks, his fingers deep within the crack between both cheeks, and kissed her soundly on the mouth.

“Is it any wonder,” he said to the room, “that I love her as I do?”

Batiatus then returned to Gabrielle, but behind her, and with both hands on her shoulders, propelled her to within two arm’s length of Xena, and their eyes locked on the other’s, and put one hand on top of Gabrielle’s head.

“So, let us get this straight - this warrior princess has threatened me and my household with bloody death if harm should come to a single hair on this head.” And as he spoke, his fingers tightened on her hair, again causing pain to Gabrielle. “So we have agreed that the girl will do as she is told or she will whip the warrior for any breaking of the rules of my house. Therefore, no harm shall come to her.”

Batiatus was orating as if before the crowd at the gladiatorial games. “And in return, the warrior will become one of my fighters and will cause NO problems for anyone.”

He then pushed Gabrielle up against Xena. “You may kiss her one last time.”

And without further prompting, Xena’s and Gabrielle’s mouths hungrily met in a desperate and passionate kiss, which Batiatus let continue longer than he intended.

Pulling them apart, Batiatus said, “I tire of this, and my wife desires to return to her milk bath. Take this girl to be bathed and dressed,” he said to one of the many slave girls in attendance.

Lucretia left ahead of Gabrielle and the two slaves. Batiatus then walked back to Xena and grabbed her by the hair, his face close enough that she could smell the stale wine on his breath. And between clinched teeth, he said angrily, “Do not think that I have forgotten your insolence. You will be dealt with for it, you can be assured of that. And remember this - what is good for one is also good for the other. You cause problems, foment rebellion, refuse to obey, and it will be you brandishing the whip on your lover’s back.”

Then to the guards, he commanded, “Take her to Doctore.”

As Xena was taken away, Batiatus looked over at another slave girl and motioned for her to come to him. And without a word, he bent her over a table and raised her tunic to expose her bare buttocks. He then took out is engorged organ and drove it into her.

Looking at her face she could have been fourteen, but her body said she could have been twenty. But it didn’t matter to Batiatus, she was his favorite for the moment and he took out his anger at Xena on the poor girl by pounding her unmercifully until his rage was released with his seed. As he took deep breaths, savoring the moment, he stayed within her until he lost the erection and was squeezed out of her.

He then slapped her hard on one ass cheek then said, “Go. Prepare my bath.”

And as she hurried off, he signaled to another to go with her. He took one last look around the room as if to check that all had been done, and with a final glance at the door where Xena had been taken, he strode purposely to the warm, scented bath awaiting him.


                                       To Be Continued


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