Conqueror and Companion

by Johnette Loefgren


     Gabrielle slogged along behind a line of female slaves with eyes half closed against the wind. Rain slashed her face and hid her flowing tears. The girl in front of her threw back her head and drank the icy raindrops,oblivious of the cold. Nella looked back and said,"Drink Gabrielle, you don't know when they will stop and give us anything again."

A whip flicked out and nipped the girl's bare shoulder,"No talking," yelled the guard.

The Conqueror lounged across a stack of furs spread out near a roaring fire in a vaulted cavern.Her long raven hair caught the flickering light in a waterfall of beauty. "I'm bored Corven," she grumbled,"Bring me a dancer or two and that fellow with the lute."Corven rose from his place by the fire and came to kneel before his ruler,

"Pardon me my Lord but we did not bring any such ones with us into battle. Xena growled and threw her golden goblet into the flames. In past days she would have beaten the man or worse but somehow she just didn't enjoy such things the way she once did. Instead she merely shoved the man over with her booted foot and said,"Go and get more wine and a haunch of that venison I smell roasting."She unrolled a map after he left and noted the area her army annexed that day. Tomorrow she would lead them back to the castle.

In the outer section of the caverns, the long line of captured slaves made their way slowly out of the rain. They were divided according to sex,age and health. They were also divided one other way. Xena's second in command, Ronan, kept an eye out for uncommonly beautiful specimens among the rabble

       Gabrielle held her manacled hands out towards the fire and grimaced at the pain. Wrists raw with the constant rubbing were still not as bad as her ankles. Ronan stood in front of the shivering girls and noted their abrasions,"Draxel! Come over here you dog!" he yelled at the soldier in charge of the slaves.
Draxel hurried over to his commander and was punched in the jaw immediately. "You stupid fool!" Ronan growled," These women belong to the Conqueror. You have allowed them to be damaged."
Draxel lay on the ground where he had fallen, begging for mercy.
Ronan kicked him in the ribs and said,"You will personally tend to their injuries and give them your double portion of food tonight.They are to be presented in two days so you had better hope they heal quickly." With that Ronan turned on his heel and made his way back towards the deeper cave to the Conqueror. As he walked away he saw firelight flicker in a pair of green eyes and stopped dead in his tracks.For many nights he had a recurring dream about those eyes. In the dream he was dying and the sea green eyes shed warm tears of grief for his demise.

An old woman with a long gray braid stood behind Xena combing her hair. It was so soothing, the ruler was nearly dozing. Anolyn loved caring for her mistress even though it meant roughing it when she went on her adventures. She preferred to call them that rather than marauding raids of death. Anolyn didn't really care what Xena did as long as she stayed safe from harm and wound up here with her at day's end. She ran twisted fingers through the heavy raven locks and smiled,"Are ye caring for a bit of ale before ye take yer rest now Mistress?" Xena's azure eyes fluttered open and she stretched with a yawn,"That sounds like a good idea old woman. I guess you still have a little touch of sense left in you after all."Putting down the ornate comb, Anolyn said,"Alright then Mistress,I'll just go and fetch it for you.Then I'll turn down your furs."Xena watched as her favorite servant exited the chamber. Bringing the old woman along on her campaigns was one of her few indulgences.

       Draxel knelt before a young woman with long golden hair washing her feet and ankles. He applied a soothing salve on her wrists and moved on to the next girl.Chains had been removed and everyone was shocked to see the soldier humbling himself at the feet of slaves.
Ronan waited until the green eyed girl was tended to and then Came to stand in front of her. He reached out his hand to her and with great trepidation she took it.
She looked back as she was guided off down a side tunnel into the shadows.
Grabbing her shoulders,he whispered hoarsely,"Who are you? Are you an oracle?" Now Gabrielle had at times been given the gift of prophecy but it was very unpredictable.Now she felt a strange calmness of spirit overtake her and she replied,"Who do you know me to be?"

        As Gabrielle stood in the tunnel with Ronan,she noticed an old woman hobbling along towards them. At that moment she also saw a serpent slither out from behind a pile of rocks in front of the old servant. Crying out,she grabbed a stone from the cave floor and threw it at the snake's head. Anolyn screamed and fell down on seeing the rock collide with the snake.
Gabrielle ran to her while Ronan chopped the serpent's head off with his sword

Gabrielle held the old woman's head in her lap.She whispered soothing words to her as she watched Ronan dangling the snake from his sword."Fine work Oracle! " he exclaimed,"My men will have something different for dinner tonight thanks to you."
He threw the carcass out towards the fires and came back to Gabrielle. Picking up the servant woman he said back over his shoulder,"You saved the Conqueror's favorite. She will be pleased. We will talk soon ,now return to your place."
Gabrielle stood watching them as they went around a bend in the tunnel and then went back to stare into the flames once again

Ronan carried Anolyn into Xena's section of the cavernous maze. He put her down gently on the Conqueror's bed knowing it would be acceptable. The Conqueror glanced up from the scroll she was reading to see the prone woman being deposited on the furs."What is the meaning of this?" she demanded. Jumping up from her chair she rushed to the bedside and bent down to examine the old one.
"She fainted dead away!" offered Ronan ,"A snake nearly struck her and gave her an awful scare."
Xena knelt beside her and took an old wrinkled hand into her powerful one."Bring me the water skin," she instructed.
Ronan tilted Anolyn's head and Xena drizzled a few drops of water into her mouth saying,"Come on now you old witch,you can't be afraid of a little serpent can you? Why I know you use them in your conjuring every full moon."
Ronan looked up in surprise and said,"Oh your Majesty,is it true then? Is she really a sorceress ?"
"Of course she is one of the best I have ever known. That is one of the reasons I take her everywhere I go. Now get me a damp rag for her head and be quick about it before I have her put a curse on you."
Xena got a kick out of Ronan's obvious fear of the dark arts.

Out by the group fires,Gabrielle chewed on a piece of bread a guard tossed her way.Her portion of cheese was stolen while she was with Ronan.A vision of her family came to mind and tears fell unbidden down her dirty cheeks.Her friend Nella moved over beside her and broke off a piece of her own cheese to share. Seeing the tears, she put her arms around her friend and whispered,"This is what your vision was about last Sabbath isn't it?"
Gabrielle wiped away her tears and stared into Nella's dark eyes. Her visions were few and far between. Most of the time they didn't even come true at all.So she hadn't connected that vision to this scene until Nella said something about it.
"Of course ,"she whispered ,"The fox raided our chicken coop wearing a golden circlet on its head. Then the witch who waited for them turned into a serpent.The fox had eyes just like Ronan."
"We are the chickens," moaned Nella,"Oh what can we do Gabrielle? You are the seer,do you have an answer

In the Conqueror's chamber of the caverns, Anolyn moaned and held her head. With a yelp she opened her watery brown eyes and said,"A snake,a serpent,your majesty! Where is it? It is deathly poisonous!"
Xena placed her hands on the woman's frail shoulders and grinned,"Yes,you old witch,the serpent is waiting in your bed roll to cuddle with you when you go to sleep."
The old one trembled at the thought and then said,"Oh no it isn't your Majesty. An angel did slay it with a magic stone before me very eyes

The weather continued to worsen,forcing Xena and her entourage to remain in the caverns for another day. Nella and Gabrielle huddled together for warmth beside the fire. Nella slept fitfully beside her while Gabrielle was lost in another vision.
She found herself in a castle surrounded inside and out with a pale mist.Massive doors opened to reveal a long banquet table with covered dishes upon it. A shrouded figure walked past her playing a lute and mouthing lyrics which she could not understand.Gabrielle looked down to find herself dressed royally in purple silks with a golden circlet on her fair head.
Joy such as she had never known filled her heart and she smiled at the seated guests.

"Welcome our lady,Queen of Light" announced a squire and an angelic choir began to sing as she was seated at the head of the table."Who are you all?" Gabrielle asked as the music ended.
The first person at her right hand lowered his hood and she saw that he was Ronan,"We are the ones whom you might save if you wish to do so."
The girl laughed,a sweet tinkling sound that reverberated through the misty hall."Well of course I would wish to save all that I can," she told him.
Three guests lowered their cowls to reveal huge hissing serpents who fell to the floor and slithered away.

Nella awoke at the sound of her friend's whimper and knew it was a bad dream. She shook her gently so that she wouldn't attract the guards' attention but it was too late. "You two there," said a burly guard,"Since ya ain't sleepin, ya can be doing somethin worth while.The Conqueror's servant is sick so ya goin to deliver her meal for us."
The guards hated having to brave the Ruler's scrutiny so they were glad to pawn off the duty on the slaves.

Gabrielle was disoriented and confused from the effects of the 
broken dream vision. With glazed eyes,she followed Nella in collecting the trays of dishes for the Conqueror's dinner.
A booming clap of thunder startled the girls and Gabrielle dropped a tray of honey cakes onto the dirt floor of the cave.
Without a thought , the burly guard back handed Gabrielle. She fell against Nella and they both landed amidst the gooey cakes.

Roses in the snow,scarlet, crimson, gashes on the pure white breast of Mother Earth . Xena held up her sword to the heavens and marveled at the twisting vine wrapping itself 'round and 'round.
Where there had been a bloody battlefield, there lay a garden of roses in the snow. Xena shook her head and realized she was gazing into the eyes of the old witch."What is this you are putting in my head now,old woman?"
Anolyn touched her cheek and whispered,"It is not I, your Majesty,it is the angelic one who has come to save us all. What did you see,My Lord Xena?"
Xena paced back and forth saying,"I saw the bloody snow turned to red roses and my sword sprouted a living vine. What does it mean?"

The old lady wrung her hands and said,"My Lord must find the angel and inquire of her and beg for mercy."
At that precise moment the "Angel" and friend came into the chamber bearing trays of food. 

One of Gabrielle's eyes was beginning to swell shut and blood stained her white robe from a cut lip. When Anolyn saw her, she screamed and fell to her knees before her "Angel".
The already distraught girls cried out and dropped the trays in Xena's lap.


                   Xena's first impulse was to Kill them all! but the field of blood and roses had effected her deeply," She stood up shaking off the cakes and sweet rolls and reached down to help Anolyn up."What is the meaning of this?" she growled 
Anolyn trembled as she sat down and pointed a long finger at Gabrielle,"My angel!" she cried,"She's the one who slew the serpent and saved my worthless life!"

Xena towered over the young woman and with one finger,tilted her head up to look into her eyes. It was a mistake. The rest of humanity fell away and left them alone on the edge of the world. A roaring wind above an abyss with just those sea green eyes to hold her sou 

Ronan walked over and put his hand on Xena's shoulder and broke the connection,"Your Majesty, I was trying to question this girl before the serpent went for Anolyn.I have seen her in dreams for many nights now."
Nella,fearful for her friend,said, "Please your Majesty,she has done nothing wrong. She's just a poor peasant just like me."
"Get out!" Xena told her,"Go back to your place now!"
Nella reached out to touch her friend as she turned and scurried away with tears in her eyes.
Gabrielle covered her face with her hands and sank to her knees in exhaustion.
"I'm so sorry My Lord," she sobbed,"Everything has gone wrong and I don't know what I am supposed to do."
A wicked thought came to the Conqueror's mind that perhaps she had just inherited another talented seer. With that in her head she decided to take a gentler mode with the girl.
Then there was that unsettling connection she felt while gazing into those deep green orbs.
Xena put her arms around Gabrielle's shoulders and said,"Now,now, don't cry,everything is alright."
Ronan brought a woolen blanket over and put it around her shoulders as Xena helped her to a seat.
Anolyn hobbled over with a cup of wine and held it to the shivering girl's lips.

Anolyn stroked the girl's golden hair and said,"Who are you little one? Are you sent by the Fates to save us?"
Xena looked at the bloody lip and swollen eye and said,"Ronan ,find out who did this and give him 20 lashes. These are my personal slaves and someone has damaged my property."
When it was just Xena, the old witch and Gabrielle in the smaller chamber,Gabrielle calmed down and let Anolyn see to her injuries.
"My name is Gabrielle and I sometimes have visions. Since I was a child my mother always warned me to keep them secret. They don't usually come true anyway but this time others have seen things too."
Xena thought about the Battle roses and her sprouting sword and frowned,"We are stuck here for a while anyway so we have time to sort this out."

At the darkest hour of the night,Xena was too restless to sleep. She looked around at the others resting by the fire and decided to go find Argo, her horse. She wanted to make sure the animal was being well cared for and she always felt better when she was brushing the horse down.As soon as Xena left,Gabrielle raised up and looked around furtively. Wrapping a heavy blanket around herself, she made her way deeper into the cavern. In a dream she had seen a way out that none of the others knew about.Maybe it would not be there but she had to try.

The weather had cleared when Xena went to check on Argo. She laughed out loud to see how happy the horse was to see her.Argo and several other horses were tied up under an overhang at the cave entrance. Untying the animal, Xena jumped on her back and galloped off into the forest. It was exhilarating and crazy but it was the spur of the moment way the ruler liked to live. 
The wind blew her raven hair back and sent her cloak flying like the wings of a great bird.Such was the sight seen by Gabrielle as she cowered near the secret exit she had found.


As Xena rode past Gabrielle's hiding spot in the dark,a low hanging branch slammed into her forehead.Stunned,she pulled on the reins to stop the horse and reached up to feel hot blood flowing down her face.
As she teetered there, Gabrielle knew what she had to do. It was all part of the dreamscape . Quickly , she dropped everything and ran to Xena. Scrambling up on a fallen log, she held onto the cloak of the half conscious Conqueror and climbed up on the horse. Her heart was pounding but she didn't hesitate.
This was Destiny! This was a frozen moment in time that would change the world.She knew she was being guided by a Higher Power for the Greater Good. Reaching around the injured woman, Gabrielle grabbed the reins and spoke to the dancing horse. 
"Let's go girl," she whispered hoarsely and Argo took off into the night.


Xena half lolled back onto the girl's chest, barely aware.
Gabrielle was terrified and exhilarated at her own audacity. She would surely die for this but she had no choice. As she slowed Argo down for safety in the darkness, she began to feel the cold.
"What do I do now?" she said aloud to the Universe.
At that moment she felt Argo change direction and she smiled into the moonless night.Up ahead she could make out a pale light.In another moment she saw the darker shape of a cottage and felt a wave of relief flow over her.


Three women stood holding lanterns outside the cottage door. As Gabrielle rode slowly into the yard,they set the lanterns down and came to her aid.Wordlessly three generations of the family reached up to cradle the form of the Conqueror.Gabrielle watched them carry the now unconscious woman into their home. Inside, a roaring fire snapped and crackled in the fireplace and Gabrielle sank down beside it overwhelmed.
Xena was laid out on a bear skin rug in front of the fire.The Grandmother fetched a pan of water and a soft cloth and began cleaning the wound on her forehead.


The Mother wrapped a soft blanket around Gabrielle's shoulders and kissed her hair.The youngest one brought over a hot cup of aromatic tea and placed it in Gabrielle's hands.Grandmother finished her task and proceeded to gently cover the Conqueror 
with a downy comforter.
"Who are you?" Gabrielle asked.
The youngest touched her shoulder and said, "Do not be afraid,we mean no harm to you.We are
Clotho , Lachesis and Atropos and we strive for the Greater Good,".

"You sent the visions?" asked Gabrielle.
"Yes , we were desperate ," replied Grandmother,"Things have strayed to far from what was meant to be."
"Xena's darkness is winning ," said Mother,"There was only one chance left,one hope."
"And what is that?" Gabrielle asked as a chill ran up her spine at the intense looks she was receiving.

"That one chance is you," they said in unison and she dropped her cup of tea.

Dark and overcast,morning found Xena and Gabrielle sleeping fitfully in front of the fire. The three women sat in chairs around the room rocking gently . They had explained their plan to Gabrielle the night before and she agreed to go along with it .Xena began to moan and rub her eyes as she started to awaken.
She sat bolt upright and said,"Where am I?"

Firelight cast dancing shadows on the women as they rocked peacefully. Grandmother stopped knitting and smiled sweetly, "You are in a safe place my dear. You are injured and we are caring for you until you can safely continue on life's journey."
Xena stood up quickly and immediately fell to her knees holding her head. "What happened to me?" she gasped.
Gabrielle awoke and reached out to the fallen woman,"You hit your head when you fell," she lied. The women hid Argo in the forest. They didn't want Xena to have a means of escape.
"Water,a drink of water please," Xena begged and the young girl brought her a water skin.
Xena drank deeply and then got up and walked over to a window.
"I don't know this place," she said,"I don't know you,".
Then a look of horror twisted her beautiful face as she cried out,"I don't know who I am!"
"Who am I?" she said as she grabbed Gabrielle by the shoulders,"What's my name?"
Gabrielle looked deep into her eyes and said,"We don't know your name but you are safe here and we will help you."
Xena felt the same connection as she gazed into those sea green orbs as she had when she first met the girl but she remembered nothing else.

Outside a delicate layer of snow had fallen and the moon loved it.It was oh so beautiful to Gabrielle and she asked Grandmother for something on which to write the poem that came to mind. Xena had been restless all day but her head hurt so much that she spent the time sitting in front of the fire grumbling.The youngest stood stirring a pot of stew over the fire. Mother finally mixed an herbal remedy for the Conqueror to help with the headache and Xena said,"Hurry up girl,I'll soon die of hunger waiting for you to finish that slop!"
Grandmother came to stand over her where she sat on the hearth rug saying,"Oh dark spirit did you hunt for the creatures in this stew?"
"No,of course not," growled the Conqueror.
"Oh dark spirit,did you clean the rabbits and prepare the tubers ?"
"No" snipped Xena,"What are you talking about you old crone?"
"Oh churlish one, did you stand and stir our dinner for hours on end?"
Xena saw where this was going so she stood up and slammed out of the cottage into the snowy evening.
Gabrielle put down her scroll and hurried after her.
Xena was leaning against the porch railing holding her head,"Go away," she growled ,"I don't need your sympathy."
Gabrielle came near enough to see her face clearly in the moonlight. There were tears in her eyes and Gabrielle reached up and caught one on the tip of her finger."Everyone needs help sometimes," she whispered , My name is Gabrielle and I want to be your friend if you will let me."
She took the tall woman's hand and guided her to sit on the porch steps beside her. In a few moments Mother came out and draped a warm blanket across their shoulders and went back inside.
They sat there with one of Xena's large hands between both of Gabrielle's.
"What were you writing in there?" Xena mumbled , grudgingly allowing the closeness.


"I am writing an ode to the snow moon,"she said,"Would you like to hear it?"
The Conqueror shrugged and pulled the blanket closer around them.
Gabrielle laughed and said,"I'll take that as a yes, and began her poem,
"Snow Moon maiden 
frost in your soul
where's the love
to make you whole?

Ice for a heart
nothing is felt
where's the one
to make you melt?"

She stopped there saying,"That's just the beginning you know. There will be more tomorrow

Xena pulled the blanket off the girl's shoulders and stood up.
As she walked back into the cabin she said,"That was beautiful little bard. Thank you for sharing it with me."
Gabrielle stayed a moment longer smiling as she gazed out at the silent snow. There is something more to her than just a bloodthirsty warlord ,she thought,and I am going to find it.


Steaming bowls of rabbit stew awaited them when they got back inside the cozy cabin. Xena ate ravenously and asked for more.After the meal,Grandmother showed them to a room in the back of the cabin. There were two beds and a table with a lantern and candles on it. Two chairs and a large trunk completed the furnishings.
"There are clothes for you in there," said the old woman,"Warm things to wear tomorrow when you go fishing for our dinner."
Grandmother went out and closed the door leaving them alone together for the first time.

"Are they your family?" Xena asked as she sat down on one of the chairs at the table. Gabrielle lit the lantern and thought quickly,"Yes but I have been away and have only just returned.I was robbed on the road by bandits who stole everything I had.I barely escaped with my life.

Gabrielle opened the trunk and began to pull out clothing. It was all male attire such as farmers wore. There were long pants,shirts,stockings and jackets and even knit hats.Gabrielle was thrilled since she was still wearing her tattered slave clothes. Xena however scoffed at the lowly fare and preferred her black leather pants and silky blouse."If we must go down to the river tomorrow you would be better off in these clothes I think," suggested the girl kindly. "Leather is awful when it gets wet."
Xena ignored her and stuck her head out the door yelling,"Hey Grandma,have you got any wine? I need a drink."
Mother came to the door with a wine skin and said,"You will show some respect to the old one or you will be very unhappy."
With that she handed Xena a small scroll tied with a crimson piece of thread like the kind Grandmother had been weaving.

Xena threw the scroll on the table and took a long draw on the wine skin. Sitting back down she ran her hands through her long black hair and cursed,"Who do they think they are!" Then she laughed and said,"Who do I think I am?"
"You are someone very special" answered Gabrielle and lay her hand on a strong shoulder. Xena nearly shrugged it off but a look into the girl's innocent face changed her mind. 
Gabrielle picked up the scroll and asked,"May I open this,or do you want to do it?"
"Be my guest," the Conqueror snapped and began pulling off her boots. "Tomorrow I have to figure out how to get out of here. I need to find a village so I can start asking questions. Maybe somebody knows me or knows of me. I can tell I'm not poor by these clothes and this," Saying that she quickly pulled a dagger from her boot and threw it int the wall behind Gabrielle's head.She laughed at the fearful expression on the girl's pale face and went to pull out the dagger."Don't be afraid little one," she chuckled,"If I wanted to kill you ,you would be dead."


Gabrielle unrolled the scroll with trembling hands. The dark look on the ruler's countenance brought back the bloody battlefield she had trudged as a newly taken slave. Now here she was, trapped in a cage with the Destroyer of Nations herself. She sat down to stop the shaking in her legs and began to read the scroll aloud.
You will become Peace
You will kill the Beast
Bleed it of its fears
washed away in tears
cried for lost regrets
as your soul forgets
you shall then recall
then and now and all
melt away like wax
You shall then be Pax.

Xena growled and grabbed the scroll out of the girl's shaking hands,"What does this mean? What is this nonsense?"
"They are naming you," whispered Gabrielle,"They have named you Pax,which means peace."
Xena tried to tear the scroll into pieces but it was not possible.

Gabrielle reached out and took the scroll from the angry woman's hands,"They see something inside you that you must connect with my friend. Now is the time to find out who you really are."
Xena allowed the scroll to be removed from her hand. She was thinking about what the girl said about being her friend.Did she need a friend? Did she want one?
She looked at the gentle face before her in the lamplight and decided that she already considered the girl to be a friend. 
"It doesn't matter what name they call me," she said,"I am still me ,who that is I don't yet know," she added to herself.

"Let's see what we want to wear from our treasure trunk," Gabrielle smiled and tried to lighten the mood.She found that all the outfits fit them perfectly of course. Xena made no comment about that,being too absorbed in the message in the scroll. Turning their backs to each other, they quickly dressed in the warm,soft clothing.There were even leather boots for Gabrielle. She squealed with joy as she pulled on the red leather footwear which made Xena laugh too.
"I'm going to sleep in these tonight,"Gabrielle said and sat back on the bed,kicking her feet in the air.
She looked over and saw that Xena was wearing a peasant outfit which still looked amazing on her.Anything would look amazing on the Conqueror she thought.
Xena smoothed out the front of the dark brown shirt and went to get the wine skin. "Here," she offered,"have a swig,it's the best wine I've ever tasted,I think".
Gabrielle accepted the wine and lay back on the downy comforter,"Can I ask you something ," she said as Xena began to carve something into the table top.
"You can ask," Xena replied "But I really don't have any answers right now."
"Can I call you Pax?"
Xena kept carving but said,"Why not,its better than 'Hey You',
and I have no better ideas."


Gabrielle found a brush and comb in her treasure trunk and began the arduous task of untangling her long blonde hair.She walked behind Xena to see what she was carving and gasped as the brush fell to the floor.There carved deeply into the wood was a large X.
She had to think of something to distract the woman quickly so she said,"Do you want me to brush the tangles out of your hair too?"
Xena chuckled at that. Somehow she knew she was not that sort of person and yet she found herself accepting the offer.
She slipped her dagger back into her boot and sat back with closed eyes.
Gabrielle took the opportunity to slide the scroll over the large X in the tabletop.


Soothing brushstrokes finally melted away the last of Xena's headache and she began to feel very sleepy. "Why don't you lie down?" Gabrielle said when she saw the dark head drooping,"I am going to work on my scroll for awhile."
Xena nodded and moved over to stretch her long form out on the bed.In moments she was asleep. Gabrielle covered her up and quietly went out to find the Fates.


The three females sat in their chairs in front of the fire rocking and weaving multi colored threads. Gabrielle sank down on the rug in front of the fireplace and sighed,"She's asleep but she carved her initial X into the table. What about her army? Are they searching for her?"
The Crone smiled her enigmatic smile and reached down to stroke the golden head,"Her army is searching everywhere but they cannot see this place. We let them find her horse with blood spattered on her coat to distract them. They will think she has died and been eaten ."
Mother handed Gabrielle a mug of mulled cider and a sweet cake.
"You are doing well my dear,all is going just as it should be going."
Gabrielle took a bite of the honey cake and reveled in the rare treat. Her life had been one of hardship and poverty but she was not bitter.
She sipped the aromatic drink wafting the smell of golden apples throughout the room and felt happy.
"Tomorrow you will take her fishing,it was her favorite pastime as a child with her brother Lyceus.You have the same heart,the same purity of spirit that he had. You can balance her and you will make her whole if she will let you."
Clotho, the youngest, said,"You know we three are sisters and only Zeus has dominion over us.However, his haughty children may put pressure on him if we don't accomplish this soon. Ares will be furious if we succeed ."
"Even so, we could not stand by and see Evil triumph," said the crone,"We had to try to pull the Conqueror back from the edge of the darkness and you are her light."

Gabrielle stared into the whispering flames and said almost to herself,Why me? I am just a simple peasant. What have I to do with the Destroyer of Nations?"
Lachesis,the mother,said,"A soul is a soul,whether peasant or noble born,they are equal. It is written in the stars that you and Xena are Soulmates. Nothing can alter that."

"What do I do?" asked Gabrielle.
"You must simply be yourself and like salve on a burn,you will heal her heart."
"But be careful," said Atropos,the old one,"She is a wild beast,unpredictable and dangerous. She can kill you in an instant if you cross her or even if she thinks you have."

        Ronan and Anolyn sat in the cavern where they last saw the Conqueror. "We have searched everywhere in the surrounding forest," said Ronan as he chewed on a hunk of fish from the common pot. He was tired and hungry but he could not stop searching for Xena and the little seer.
"How far from here did you find Argo?" Anolyn asked him.
"Not far but there was blood on the horse and no sign of Xena.It could have been wolves or enemy soldiers.I just don't know."
The old witch grimaced and picked her teeth with a fish bone,
"Bring me my bag of bones," she told him,"I will see what I can see."
Ronan found the old hag disgusting but Xena valued her abilities so he did too. He brought her the greasy bag of bones and watched as she spread out the pelt of a small animal on the rocky ground.
She reached into the bag and felt around with her eyes closed. She began to moan and hum and a line of drool ran down her warty chin.
Sickened but fascinated,the soldier stared unmoving at the scene unfolding before him.
The flames of the fire rose higher and higher until they reached the ceiling of the cave. Anolyn gazed at him through the blaze ,smiling a snaggled toothed smile, she tossed the bones onto the pelt with a horrible scream.

           "She's alive!" the witch cried and poked at the bones with her long crooked fingers."She is close by with the young seer but some great power is with her.She looks but cannot find herself."
Ronan almost collapsed onto a large boulder leaning away from the heat and the flames.
"It's that girl's doing!" he yelped,"She has cast a spell on our Queen! When I catch her she will pay dearly for this."
The flames began to die down and the bones rattled themselves into a different shape,"It is something far greater," droned the witch.
Anolyn put the bones away and stood up. She spun around three times and then spat into the dying fire,"I need things," she told the man,"I need many things to peal away the layers from my eyes so that I may see our Queen's whereabouts."
Ronan stood up and grabbed her by her frail shoulders,"Tell me!" he demanded,"Tell me what you need and you shall have it."
The witch pulled him down for a kiss and as he jerked away,she laughed madly and said,"Anything I ask for my dear lovely boy?"
Shivering with disgust he answered,"I said anything and I meant it. What do you wish you old hag?"
"It isn't what I wish, you fool,it's what I must have for the Vision Spell."
With that , she told him what he must bring to her by the midnight hour.

Xena reached into the flames and quickly tore a hunk of flesh off the spit. The deer she killed at dawn was providing a hearty breakfast and the hut smelled wonderful. Gabrielle came out of the bedroom to see Xena tearing at the venison with her teeth as grease ran down her chin.The Conqueror grunted and motioned for the girl to help herself to the delicious fare.Taken aback by the barbaric sight of the hunter dressed in bloody clothes, gnawing at the greasy bones,the girl walked right by heading outside for some fresh air.

The three sisters simply exchanged amused glances but Xena jumped up. She tossed the bones into the fire and followed Gabrielle outside."What's wrong with you?" she asked curtly,"You sick or something?"
Gabrielle hugged her shawl close around herself and gazed off towards the rising sun,"I just hate mornings," she muttered,"they're too bright."
That made Xena smile ,"Well you looked like you were going to retch when you saw my deer cooking inside."
Gabrielle covered up her true emotions saying,"No its just that I thought we were going fishing this morning and I was disappointed."
Xena chuckled and said,"Oh is that all? Well I still want to go fishing with you. I just had a hankering to get outside and do something when I woke up.Come back inside and eat and then we will get going."
Gabrielle looked down to where the river went rushing by towards the falls and gasped. In the lingering mist she saw shapes akin to human forms.

On the other side of the river,six people stood in silence."I don't see anything," said Ronan, "There's nothing but heavy fog on the other side."
Anolyn shivered and leaned heavily on the arm of a burly soldier.The pale green mist swirled around their legs and obscured their view."Give me the water skin," the witch told Ronan,"I must have more of the potion ."
Ronan handed her the skin and she began to drink the foul smelling concoction, after which she rubbed some of the thick substance on her own eyes.
With a horrible scream she opened her bloodshot eyes and dug long fingernails into the soldier's arm. "There it is," she cried,"There's the cottage of the Three Sisters."

Three Sisters drew near to the fireplace throwing each their own crystals into the flames."This will keep them out a bit longer," whispered Clotho.It matters not what they may see as long as they cannot act upon it."
"It may well all be for naught," replied the Crone.
"We must buy them a little more time ,insisted Clotho and watched the scene developing in the scrying flame

Xena led the way down to the surging river with Gabrielle close on her heels.Part way down Xena turned and grabbed the girl by the shoulders and gave her a piercing look,"If this is your home then you know how to get out of here and back to civilization!
I went all around the cabin this morn and kept winding up back where I started.Is this an enchantment?"
Gabrielle stared into bright blue eyes and controlled the quiver in her voice,"It's the fog," she mumbled,"It's confusing. When the weather clears a little I can show you how to leave."
Xena accepted that but still felt that something was amiss.
Ice clung to the shoreline and only the middle of the river flowed freely where they stood.

Then magically, the mist cleared to reveal a rivulet from an eddy in the stream. There the snow was gone and in fact a patch of green grass formed a large circle. A hidden spring steamed its warmth into the morning air."What sorcery is this?" Xena asked,"Which one of the gods is toying with me now?" she queried but still seemed to be pleased at their discovery.
Without another word, she took off all her outer clothes and dove into the hot springs with just her undergarments on.
Gabrielle stared in amazement but chose to sit on a log nearby and watch.

Gabrielle watched the dark woman enjoying the warm pool in the middle of the frozen winter landscape.The intensity with which she did everything fascinated the girl.She was so beautiful but what struck Gabrielle deeply was the terrible loneliness.In that moment she vowed to find a way to change that. In that moment she decided that Xena would never be lonely again.

Gabrielle stood up, took off her clothes down to her own under wraps and dove into the delicious warmth. Xena sputtered and laughed at the big splash."Oh brave one," she teased,"I didn't think you had it in you." The girl tried to stand up but found that the pool was much too deep for that. Xena quickly came to her aid,grabbing her around the waist and holding her close.
"Can you swim?" she asked.
"Not so well," came the answer.
Xena got them closer to the edge of the spring where large boulders ringed the pool and helped the girl onto one.

             The air was warm and wonderful from the steaming pool.Gabrielle laughed and slicked her hair back saying,"This is bliss!"
In the flames the Sisters watched and waited,"Show her Lyceus now," said Atropos,"her heart is open."
Xena stood in front of the girl smiling at the way she seemed to radiate joy at the smallest provocation. Suddenly it was as if her brother Lyceus was there before her. Impulsively she put out her hands to touch his face. Gabrielle accepted the gesture knowing the Fates were working through her.Before her stood the Destroyer of Nations whose hands held the blood of countless innocents but that was not how she saw this woman.Here in lay the equal power for good and the saving of lives if only ....
Xena seemed to awaken from a trance and quickly pulled back her hands.The girl reached out and took them in her own smaller ones. "Did you remember something?" she asked gently. She knew from the comment about the meddling gods that Xena was close to remembering .


        "My brother," whispered the warrior,"I have a brother,or had one. I think he is dead now." Tears began to well up in her eyes and Gabrielle pulled her into a hug,"It's alright Pax,we'll take it slowly.I'll be with you no matter what happens."
Xena pulled back to look deeply into the green eyes,"Why?"
she asked,"Why do you care? You hardly know me."
Gabrielle knew that was true but the Sisters explained that she and Xena were destined to be together in every lifetime forever.She smoothed back a stray lock of raven hair and said,"Don't you feel it too?"


          Across the river, the old witch stumbled and would have fallen except for the soldier's help."Pick her up," growled Ronan.
Anolyn moaned and rubbed her rheumy eyes,"I see her," she told them,"She is with the slave just as I thought."
The burly soldier cradled the woman in his muscular arms careful to hide his growing terror.This was pure witchery and he wanted no part of it.
Ronan dismissed the other three of his men and sent them back to the caves.He wanted to create as little commotion as possible.

        All Ronan could see was a heavy fog across the river. "Is the Conqueror alright,is she injured?" he asked the witch.
He could not fathom why Xena would leave her army without informing him first. Something had to be terribly wrong.It must surely be the doing of the little seer. He decided to take a chance and cross the river blind with just the old one to guide him .

             In the flames the Sisters saw the young general prepare to find a place to ford the stream."We've let them bumble around enough don't you agree," Atropos said as she brought out her razor sharp shears.Lachesis watched both scenes playing out before them and held up the two threads belonging to Xena and Gabrielle.
"Be patient my sisters," she urged,"It is almost accomplished."
In midair the two threads began to glow and wrap around each other so tightly as to be inseparable.

             In the hot springs Xena grabbed at her chest and groaned. "Who are you?" she said and stumbled backwards away from the girl,"What are you doing to me?"
Gabrielle sat still,making no move towards the shocked woman as realization filled her eyes.
"You!,I know you! You're a slave!" she grabbed Gabrielle by her arms and shook her,"What manner of deception is this?"As she turned to look around for the source of the spell, Gabrielle jumped up and ran.

          Cold hit the girl like a sledge hammer but she kept running. If she could get across the river then she would be able to escape the Conqueror's wrath. The look of fury in Xena's eyes left no doubt as to her rage. She would kill the girl if she caught her.
Grief welled up inside the slave as she came to know that even the Fates hadn't been able to save Xena from the evil inside herself.
She ran through the fog until she fell headlong into the stream.
Icy water took her under and she didn't hear Xena screaming her name.


          Anolyn cried out at the sight of the barely clad girl falling into the rushing river. "Save her!" yelled the old woman,"You must save her general! Ronan couldn't see what she saw but he took off in the direction she pointed at.In an instant he was over his head in the freezing stream. Xena raced after the frightened girl, following her into the water. A slab of ice moved over the stunned girl blocking Xena's efforts to save her but the warrior slammed her fists against it. The ice broke allowing Xena to scoop Gabrielle up in her arms. She saw Ronan floundering nearby but had to get the girl to shore first.The sight of her general brought back the last of her memory.She just wanted to hold onto Gabrielle and get her to safety but she had to put her down and go back for Ronan.  His body was dead weight by the time she got to him. She brought him ashore and turned to see Gabrielle staring at her with a mix of fear and gratitude playing across her face.

      Around the fire in the cabin, the Sisters watched,"Do something !" cried Lachesis,"They are dying!"
Atropos snapped her scissors open and closed saying,"No,this is in their hands now. We have done all we can."
Clotho held the golden thread up in the light from the fire,"It will be alright.They are of one soul now and forever."
She waved her hand in front of the flames and the fog outside cleared away. Anolyn slapped the soldier on the arm saying,"Go you idiot! Save your general." The man ran to the river since he could now see everything. He picked up the still figure and looked at Xena for direction.
"Follow me," she yelled and took off running towards the cottage with a stunned Gabrielle in her arms.
Behind them Anolyn turned and slowly hobbled back in the direction of the caves.

Xena kicked the door open and carried Gabrielle to the hearth.The big soldier followed her in with Ronan. The sisters took over the care of the young woman and sent Xena in to change clothes. Ronan lay still and cold beside Gabrielle. She turned her misty gaze on the young man and reached out to Clotho,"Please," she begged,"Just one last favor?"As she passed out she had the joy of seeing his grey eyes flutter open.

   Late into the midnight hours the group sat around the fire and shared their stories. Gabrielle leaned back against Xena with a warm fur wrapped closely around her. Ronan lay propped up on pillows looking pale and drawn but very much alive.The soldier slept fitfully against the wall. Ronan turned towards Gabrielle and said hoarsely,"Just like in my dreams. You were watching me die."
"But you didn't," she said and snuggled closer into the warmth behind her.
Ronan fell asleep then and Xena rose up,pulling Gabrielle with her,"Will you come and talk with me a while,?" she whispered in the girl's ear.
Gabrielle nodded and followed her into their room as the sisters sat weaving away as usual.
They sat down on the side of Xena's bed and turned towards each other.Xena took the girl's hands in her own and closed her eyes.
When she sighed and opened them she said,"I'm so sorry I frightened you.It was such a shock and it all hit me at once. My memory came back at the same time I realized how much you meant to me.Can you forgive me?"
"If you can forgive me for my part in deceiving you. It was for the Greater Good but I still feel guilty."
Xena pulled her into a hug and said,"It's a deal then."
Gabrielle stood up and walked to the window to gaze out once again at the moon on the snow.She had a question to ask but she was afraid.
Xena poured two cups of wine and came to stand behind her at the window.Handing one to the girl she said,"Did you finish your poem you started before?"
Gabrielle sipped the tart wine and smiled,"Yes I did,would you like to hear it?"
Xena watched as a light flurry of snowflakes swirled past in the moonlight,"Yes,I would very much like to hear it if you want to share it with me." Gabrielle finished the wine and began the poem from the start in a quiet voice that only Xena could hear.

"Snow Moon maiden 
frost in your soul
where's the love
to make you whole?

Ice for a heart
nothing is felt
where's the one
to make you melt?

Take my hand
come with me
where you go
there I shall be

One soul sealed 
with love by fate
room no more for 
pain and hate

Gabrielle ended the poem and turned around to face the Conqueror. "That was beautiful," Xena said and before she could say anything else,Gabrielle asked her dreaded question, "What now?" she said. 

      Xena walked away to sit at the table and play with the lantern nervously.
"I have made a big decision but it all depends on you," she told the girl.
"My whole life has been a nightmare.While I was here with no memory of any of it ,I felt alive for the first time in many years."
Gabrielle came to sit across from her ,the light from the lantern flickered across their faces and glimmered in the tears in their eyes.
Their hands connected across the table and Xena said," I need time but I know I don't want to go back.I'm going to turn the army over to Ronan and have him release the slaves.He is a good man and he will know how to disperse the army slowly .
The one thing that I need to know is ,will you remain with me?
You have known all along who I am and what I have done. Can you live with that?"
Gabrielle looked her in the eyes and placed a kiss on the hand she still held,"It is our Destiny," she replied, The Fates have already decided for us. But my answer would always be yes no matter what."
When they walked back out into the common room Gabrielle squealed with joy. In its place was a huge banquet table with covered dishes upon it. A shrouded figure walked past her playing a lute and mouthing lyrics which she could not understand. Gabrielle looked down to find herself dressed royally in purple silks with a golden circlet on her fair head.
Joy such as she had never known filled her heart and she smiled at the seated guests.

The sisters smiled and disappeared leaving Xena and Gabrielle to enjoy an enchanted evening before beginning the rest of their lives together.

The End

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