
Violence. There isn’t much violence in this story, just a whole lot of angst.

Language. There really isn’t any curse words here.

Explicit sex. Definitely and it involves two women.

General. If reading about two women making love is illegal wherever the heck you are, then click the little ‘X’ on the top right hand corner. If you’re under eighteen, you REALLY shouldn’t be looking at this.

Comments. Reach me at, passionatetyger@aol.com. Tell me if you like it, or if you don’t, but don’t be purposefully mean, please, my young heart couldn’t take it. J



A Sibling’s Rivalry

{Part I}

By Katia N. Ruiz

Copyright 1997

Copyright Poem "Love Not Lost" By Katia Ruiz ©1997

Copyright Poem "Almost lost you" By Erica Polanco ©1997



Love Not Lost...'

by Katia Ruiz

I loved you from the first time I saw you.

We were together,

Happiness invaded our every day...


THE DeValoi family was notorious for their fun and simultaneously distinguished gatherings. Their gatherings were the most talked about amongst New York City's most distinguished families; most remembered for their sense of enjoyment. The family consisted of Richard, Francine, Frances, Ross, and Louie, an adopted family member. Frances was the eldest of the couple's two biological children. No one knew her, since she had remained in France with Louie when her parents had moved to New York nine years before.

Young Frances' pictures were strewn all over the immense Victorian house, for her parents lavished upon their daughter love and care; they missed her greatly and when the news came that she would be coming to New York to live with them, their happiness was immense. Those many young men and women who were the sons and daughters of friends of the family, who were always cordially invited to the gatherings, saw her pictures. Most of the time, these youth accepted to go along with their parents or the invitations made by young Ross just to see those deep gray eyes, golden blond hair, gorgeous face and that beautiful cherub smile of Frances' that had that single dimple on the left side of her mouth. And when these youth heard of the arrival of the longed for and admired elder daughter of the DeValoi couple, they rejoiced.

Every time they would see Ross, it was to talk about his sister, like always. When news of the welcoming party was spread, the youth rejoiced even more. Ross wasn't too happy with his sister's arrival, or with the party, for that matter. Upon his parents' request, he grudgingly invited his friends from school, including Katie Rosenberg, whom he happened to be in love with. Katie, unfortunately for him, didn't feel the same way. She didn't even know how he felt for her; though she might have had an idea. Ever since her initial high school years, she knew she was a lesbian. And though she didn't find it necessary for people to know, everyone knew. Everyone except poor Ross.

THE day came when Frances would arrive from France and her welcoming party would be thrown. There was tension amongst the young guests. They were awaiting the arrival of Frances DeValoi; they wanted so much to see how she would look in person. She was coming directly from the airport and was going to be surprised by what awaited her.

When she arrived, everyone stared at the stunning woman with the penetrating gray eyes, the newly close-cropped blonde hair, the gorgeous dimpled smile, and the softly clefted chin. She wore an off white three-piece suit; off white colors were her obviously favorite, she always wore them in her pictures. Her parents greeted her with long hugs and kisses. Everyone greeted the intense young woman with nervous shakes of hands and greetings. They were swooning with the sight of the beauty this woman possessed even more in person.

Frances walked through the crowd, politely accepting introductions. On the other side of the extremely large living room, she spotted her brother, who was speaking with Katie Rosenberg. Frances couldn't see her though, for Ross had turned away from her to look at Frances, covering Katie with his tall frame.

Frances walked up to him and smiled warmly. "My brother." She said, extending her hand for him to take.

He did take it, but his smile was not so warm; it had coldness in it that made Frances shiver. "My dear soeur." He said the French word for sister with such hypocrisy. After a few minutes of squeezing her hand too hard, he let go and excused himself, walking towards his parents, who were speaking to some of the guests.

Frances stared confusedly after him, and then she turned to his friend. She stared at the beautiful green-eyed woman with long black hair that was Katie. Frances never believed in love at first sight; but at that moment, she believed in anything. Katie was oblivious to Frances' appraising eyes upon her. She was speaking with such attractive vitality with one of her fellow students, Lucy. Frances approached them slowly, oblivious to the appraising eyes of the other guests. For the first time, she was shy about approaching another woman.

Katie was made aware of the approaching Frances and when she looked up, their eyes met. It seemed time stood still for them that first time they looked into each other's eyes. Frances spoke first, her deep French accent-making Katie shiver. "I am Frances." She said loudly, the music was already blaring.

Katie smiled and introduced herself also. She couldn't stop looking into Frances' beautiful gray eyes. She wasn't much of a believer of love at first sight either, but at that moment she didn't know what to believe in. Katie's friend looked at both of them wonderingly then smiled to herself knowingly. Suddenly, someone walked up to Frances and pulled her away. Frances felt suddenly empty and kept looking back at Katie, who was staring after her, feeling the same way.

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HOURS later, when the party was in full force, Frances managed to pull Katie out into the garden. Once they reached a place where the noise from the house was barely audible, Frances took Katie in her arms. It must have been the alcohol she had drunk that gave her the boldness to just take this stranger into her arms. She felt a surge of eroticism grip her and her breathing quickened.

Katie struggled to free herself from the tight embrace, but Frances was surprisingly strong. "What… are you… doing?" She gasped, trying to control herself, trying not to surrender to the strong arms. Her body ached with surprising want.

Frances let go of her, lest she scare this fair skinned beauty away. "I am in love with you." She whispered, and took Katie's small hands into her own larger ones.

Katie looked at her incredulously, though she didn’t pull her hands away. "Is that what you say to all your conquests?" She asked sarcastically, then pulling her hands away. She suspected Frances was not the kind of person who would commit herself to one woman.

Frances shook her head. "No," She answered simply, ignoring or not hearing the sarcasm in Katie's voice. She decided to go for honesty; which was one of Frances' greatest virtues, though Katie did not know it yet. "I always tell my conquests the truth about what our situation would be." She said, and then she paused for a few long seconds, staring into Katie's eyes. "I am not lying to you. I am in love with you." She then whispered.

Katie didn't know what to say, for she felt something akin to what Frances spoke of, although she couldn't admit it. "But you've just met me!" She exclaimed. She felt her heart would burst any second if she didn't get away from this woman.

Frances smiled a lovely smile, her dimples deepening. "I have never felt this way for anyone." She whispered simply, her husky voice was a caress. Her heart beat fast as she struggled to control her urge to take Katie into her arms again and kiss her. She moved closer to her, though she didn't reach out to touch her.

Ohmigod, she's got a dimple too! Katie thought, aroused, and she was sure that her knees would give out on her at any moment. "Okay," Katie said, crossing her arms over her chest; more to cover her shivering than to portray self-control. "Fine! What if I'm straight?" She questioned, thinking that maybe Frances’d had too much to drink.

Frances smiled. "But you are not," She said. She could read into this woman's eyes like she could never read into anyone.

Katie was aghast, blushing furiously. "Please get your feelings straight!" She snapped, before walking past Frances towards the French doors that were the entrance to the living room from the garden, making her way through the throngs of people. Frances was left thinking only of Katie Rosenberg; nothing else could get the thought of that beautiful woman away from her mind. A deep, love-struck smile played across her beautiful features.

When she went back inside, Katie was already gone.


THE weeks passed and Frances was getting used to her new life in New York. Her parents purchased a new car, a red Ford Mustang Convertible, for her. They also opened a large bank account in her name. She went with her father to Columbia University, to an interview with its director, who was a very good friend of Richard's. The transfer from the law school in France was made immediately and Frances would begin school in a month's time.

Still, all this busyness was not working on getting Katie out of her mind. She continuously asked her parents about this young woman and they admitted that they knew her only slightly, that she was a good friend of Ross'. Frances decided not to try to ask her brother about it, for she knew his attitude about her sexuality. "Mais ne savez-vous rien au sujet d'elle?" But do you not know anything about her? She'd asked them insistently, a look in her eyes that they’d never seen.

Richard had laughed and teased his daughter. "Francine, I think our daughter has fallen in love," He'd said, then he looked at his slightly blushing daughter and said, "Mon Cher, all I know is that she works in the JC Penney's in Queens Center Mall. Your mother's seen her there."

Frances smiled and thanked her father. "I will be seeing you later." She said as she hurried out of her father's home office, missing the knowing look that transpired between her parents. Only when she was driving, did she realize that she didn't really know how to get to the JC Penney at Queens Center Mall. Well, she would have to figure it out if she wanted to see Katie again, didn't she?

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AFTER a couple of hours of asking questions and figuring out how to get to JC Penney, Frances finally found it. She walked in, thinking for the first time that day that maybe Katie would not be working there at that moment. She sighed; it wouldn't hurt to try to see. She walked in and looked around. She finally found the registers, and looked down the rows, trying to catch sight of Katie.

She silently cheered herself when she saw Katie, who was checking if accounts were valid in order to cash checks made out to the store. She stood behind a closed cash register, dialing into the phone the numbers of accounts. Frances walked up to her row and stood in front of her, smiling stupidly, not knowing what to say.

Katie lifted her head up when she saw the shadow fall over her hands, and felt the eyes upon her. She gasped when she looked into Frances' eyes. "What are you doing here?" She asked, looking around to see if any of her supervisors were around. "Please go." She'd grown nervous at the sight of Frances.

Frances shook her head. "I could not stop thinking about you all these weeks." She said softly; her soft, husky voice made Katie shiver. "I need to speak with you." She slid her hands into her coat pockets to hide their shaking.

Katie shook her head. "You do not know how you feel," She said slowly, trying to show that she was loosing her patience, which was not true. She actually loved to know that a woman this stunning was actually feeling for her that way, if it was true. The blood rushed through her body. "Please go!"

Frances lowered her head and looked at the floor. When her gorgeous gray eyes looked back up into Katie's, they were sad and full of love. She nodded slowly and turned to go. "Okay, I will go."

Katie felt suddenly sorry. Maybe Frances was telling her the truth. Maybe she did feel love for her. Maybe. In the past few weeks, Katie hadn't been able to stop thinking about Frances. She would sometimes find herself in a state of arousal, just thinking of the sound of the sexy and husky voice. She would fight with herself because she felt so much, so quickly. Often, in school or at work, she would stand there and be oblivious to everything and everyone around her, her mind far away and on Frances.

She wanted to talk to her, wanted to see that beautiful dimpled smile. "Wait!" She said. Frances turned back to look at her, hope in her eyes. "Wait for me," She looked at her watch, it was two twenty five. "I get off in about a half hour."

Frances smiled happily and told her she would wait for her outside in her car.

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WHEN Katie exited JC Penney, through the exit on Queens Boulevard and Ninetieth Street, Frances climbed out of her car and ran to the passenger side, opening the door for her. Katie smiled softly, climbing into the car. Frances jogged over to the driver's side and climbed in. She looked at Katie and asked: "Would you like to have lunch with me?"

Katie looked down, considering. She couldn’t resist. "Okay, let's go." She replied.


THEY had eaten lunch at a fine French restaurant talking and laughing. They found they had a lot of things in common. Little things like colors, types of music, expectations about love, etc. At one point, Frances had placed her hand over Katie’s when they’d agreed on a point of interest. Katie’s eyes had widened and she’d looked frantically from their hands to Frances’ eyes. Frances had, with an embarrassed apology, pulled her hand away quickly, and they continued talking. She was trying hard to forget the electricity her body had felt and the look in Katie’s eyes, with just that slight connection of flesh. When it was time to go home, Frances asked her where she lived. Katie had declined to tell her at first, but after some convincing, she agreed.

Euclid Avenue, Katie's street, in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, had once been one of the most beautiful looking in the area, but things had changed. Katie's block now wasn't the nicest looking, where there once were clean front yards, there now was garbage and old rubble that needed to be put out. Katie lived in one of these brownstones, but this didn't bring any comments or complaints from Frances. The old brownstone house in which Katie lived was dilapidated and dirty. Katie was very embarrassed; she jumped out of the car, with a quick and curt goodbye and thank you, and ran towards the house.

Frances realized that Katie was embarrassed, but she didn't find any reason for her to feel this way. She jumped out of the car also and followed Katie up the steps. Katie, who was one step ahead of her, felt her close behind her, turned and looked at Frances with surprise. "It's not necessary." She whispered. They were now face to face with each other.

Frances smiled softly. "I can not even give you a kiss?" She whispered back.

Katie felt shaky and liquid all over, and blushed. She rolled her eyes, attempting to show exasperation. "Frances!" But inside, she was really feeling warmth and she was ready to melt. Tightening her arm that held her schoolbooks, she glanced at Frances' lips, pink and smooth, and felt weak.

Frances quickly corrected herself, blushing too. "On the cheek!" She said, it sounded like she said 'Un ze sheek.' "I meant on the cheek." She looked down at the floor, and muttered, embarrassed: "Merde."

Katie sighed with relief. If Frances would kiss her on the lips, she knew she would melt like butter into her arms. She closed her eyes as Frances leaned forward and planted a soft-lipped kiss on her cheek. As Frances moved back to her own space, their eyes met. Katie felt suddenly full of love and want for this woman. She leaned forward and kissed Frances softly and lingeringly on the lips. Her breath caught in her throat. The lips that greeted her were so velvety and smooth; they conveyed the rising love in Frances’ heart. They parted and welcomed Katie gently. Their mouths opened slowly and their tongues met softly.

Frances shivered and with a low moan, stepped into the embrace that she'd known from the beginning would be so wonderful. She wrapped her arms around Katie's waist, pulling her possessively close. They breathed hard against one another, intoxicated. Katie wrapped her free arm around Frances' neck and caressed the back of her head, moving her fingers through the silky hair. She broke the kiss, leaving them breathing hard and extremely aroused. "Come inside with me!" She gasped. So what if Frances may be lying to her, so what? That closeness they shared in that first earth-shattering kiss propelled her to want more. She was willing to take a chance.

Frances stared at her with wide, surprised eyes. "That is not all that I want." She replied. Her eyes were full of love, her voice was husky, and her arms around Katie were trembling.

Katie was still breathing hard. "I don't either!" She gasped, pulling Frances to her again and kissing her with a deep passion. When she pulled away, Frances was weak-kneed and gasping, she buried her head into Katie's shoulder. "I don't want just sex either, but right now, I want to feel you so close to me." She whispered into Frances' ear. "I’ve been waiting too long…" She ran her hand through Frances' silky hair, breathing in the delicious scent it contained.

Frances shivered at the feel of her warm breath against her neck. She nodded and pulled back. She walked back to her car, almost mechanically, and locked its doors, and then she pulled out her car keys from her pocket. She pressed the alarm button and a loud single beep signaled that the alarm was active. Katie waited for her, shivering with the hot desire that was running through her body. Her arms were crossed in front of her, holding up the schoolbooks she knew she’d drop if she held them in any other way. Frances followed Katie up the steps and waited patiently while Katie let them into the house and then into her small apartment.

For it being a small apartment, it was very well furnished and simply but stylishly decorated. Trying not to hurry things, Frances walked around the living room, studying pictures and plates. Hanging from a wall, were small gold plates, bearing images that seemed to Frances like they were from maybe a European country like Greece or maybe England. She often wondered, in the long month she’d been incessantly thinking of Katie, where the beautiful young woman was from. As she moved along the wall, she came across a picture, and smiled. "Who are they?" She asked politely, pointing at a picture with a couple. A beautiful couple they were, and she already knew who they were. The male had really dark hair and his eyes were green, his lips were soft and full, his smile very much like Katie's. The woman was much smaller than he was, her eyes were a deep hazel color, her hair was a light brown also and it cascaded over her shoulders. Katie could have been a carbon copy of her except for her eyes and hair.

Katie, whose luminous green eyes had been fixed onto Frances as she walked around, said: "They were my parents." Her voice was hoarse with desire. She wanted nothing but Frances, needed her deeply, scaring herself at this new feeling. She slowly stepped up to Frances and pulled her away from the picture. "Kiss me!" She whispered, wrapping her arms around Frances' neck, and pulling her tightly close.

Frances was instantly mesmerized with Katie's lips, the small beauty mark on her lower lip adding to their sensuous beauty. She closed her eyes slowly and covered Katie's lips with her own, taking a deep breath. Their kiss was sweet and passionate. Frances pulled back and breathed hard. "Where can we lay down?" She gasped hoarsely.

Katie looked down, embarrassed again. "Here." She whispered, and blushed a deep scarlet.

Frances strained to hear her. "Sofa bed, no?" She asked, smiling softly at Katie's embarrassment.

Katie nodded. Frances was instantly off to remove the cushions and pull out the bed from the sofa. Katie wantonly watched the grace and strength with which Frances did all these things. She quickly removed her clothes, and her eyes never left the woman in front of her; she was afraid this was a dream. When Frances turned, she was pleasantly surprised to find Katie already naked before her. Her hands began to shake; it was something that had never happened before. What was it about this woman that made Frances love her so much? Frances quickly pulled her own clothes off and each found herself studying the other's naked bodies.

Frances mouth watered at the sight of the soft and full breasts. Breasts that hung so perfectly and with such gentleness that made Frances want to thrive her mouth and hands in them and never move away. Her hands ached to dip into the fountain she was sure lay between her legs. The area between her legs was shaven and it looked so smooth... Her mouth watered even more.

At the same time, Katie took in Frances' own goddess-like beauty. She looked at the powerfully taut, yet soft looking thighs. The cuts on her thighs and calves revealed their strength. There was only a tiny bit of fine hair at the spot between her legs. Katie's eyes reluctantly moved up to the hard, heaving, stomach. She gasped at the sight of the full, round breasts; they rose and fell with each hard breath. Then their eyes met and they moved towards each other, like magnets.

They kissed fervently, their hands shakily caressing each other's bodies. When Frances' fingers first touched Katie's immense wetness, both women lost all sense of time, of place, of everything... They were lost to the world outside, and all there was, was the paradise that the other’s body provided, was passionately expressing. All they knew was the oblivion of each other's senses. Their moment was complete bliss. They merged into one in mind-shattering ecstasies; cries and words of rapture and pleasure filled the otherwise quiet apartment.



OVER a month had passed and the ever-happy Frances asked her parents to have another gathering. Richard and Francine, who lavished upon their kids love and money, readily assented. They were curious to know why Frances was acting so suspicious lately and would often ask her, always getting an evasive answer from their daughter. After her classes, she would return to their home and shower, only to go back out and not return until very late at night. Her parents often wondered how she managed to do her homework. But there was no doubt that she did it; her grades were excellent and there were no complaints from her professors, only praise.

But where did she do her homework?

Frances did her homework in the company of Katie, who also did her own homework with her. After the long hours of homework, they would make love for hours on end.

Katie was also curious and often asked her why she wanted another party, but Frances always answered her with: "I want to dance."

The last time Katie had asked Frances the question, and received the same answer, she stared at her with a sideways glance that said: 'Please, don’t jerk my leg.’ Frances didn’t miss it, but looked down at her books splayed out on her lap. Katie suggested patiently: "Don't you think a club would be better?" She had asked slowly, thinking that Frances wasn’t making any sense.

But all Frances did was look back up from her thick law book and smile. Then she said: "I like the safety of my own home." And it was left at that; her answer gave no room for further discussion.

About two weeks after Frances asked, the party was thrown.

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EVERYONE greeted Frances, who was already more familiar with a many of the young crowd and their parents. She was very nervous and sometimes thought of not doing anything at all. Her hands shook and little beads of sweat collected at the top of her forehead. She told everyone that there was an announcement she had to make at the party, leaving them curious and insistent to know. Katie was already at the party; she had arrived on her own, since it was agreed between her and Frances that Ross was not to know of their love yet. The hours passed and everyone was having fun and dancing.

Frances and Katie's eyes would meet across the large expanse of the living room. Mutual memories of their passion would flash into their minds; they would find themselves aroused at these moments. No one seemed to notice those few hot seconds. Finally, at around midnight, Frances decided that it was time. She asked the DJ to stop the music, and then she walked halfway up the stairs, and turned to look at her guests, who were looking at her with curiosity.

"There is something that I wish to do tonight." She said, her voice broke with her nervousness. She wrung her hands and stared out at the crowd with a beseeching look in her eyes.

Everyone was respectfully silent, filled with expectancy; also with admiration; they could not get enough of looking at her. She joked, arching an eyebrow: "I admit, I have had a rather active life." Everyone laughed, knowing what she meant. In the month Frances had been trying to find Katie, many young women had fallen for her charms and beauty and expert lovemaking skills, the knowledge that Frances was not for one woman not bothering them at all. She had been trying to forget Katie, trying to tell herself that what she felt was nothing.

They’d always seen how Frances would become distant on dates, would seem to be in another world, not giving them much importance. Now they suspected why; the famous player was smitten in love, they could see it on her face. Their suspicions were confirmed when Frances continued: "But now I found someone worth a million times more to me than anyone I've ever been with, with the exception of my parents."

Everyone laughed again, Katie included. She was wondering what Frances was getting at. "I have fallen in love with the most wonderful woman in the whole wide world." Frances' hands and voice shook; she looked at Katie, who was suddenly tearful, and their eyes met. Ross was all the way across the room, but he could hear everything she was saying; he was wondering who Frances was looking at. "And I want to ask her to come up here with me." Frances said thickly, feeling the tears stinging her eyes, and extended her hand towards Katie. "Katie Rosenberg, please come to me."

Katie gasped, and slowly, as if in wonder, she walked towards the stairs. Everyone stared at her in wonder and admiration. She reached Frances and now they were facing each other. Across the room, Ross stormed out of the party, anger seething him. Oblivious to anything but Katie, her eyes never leaving her lover’s eyes, Frances kneeled, taking both of Katie's hands into her own. Katie could not contain her tears any longer, and they rolled freely down her cheeks. Frances spoke, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a little red velvet box: "Will you marry me?" She asked, her voice hoarse. Everyone gasped in shock.

Katie couldn't speak, her throat was tight, and she nodded quickly. Frances stood back up and pulled the diamond ring from its box; the diamond glistened beautifully with the reflection of the lights. She nervously slipped it into Katie's left ring finger. Katie watched as she did this, then she wrapped her arms tightly around Frances' neck and kissed her. Everyone clapped and cheered. Richard and Francine walked up to their daughter and Katie.

They were as surprised as the crowd, even though they had suspected it at some time, but they congratulated them with long relieved hugs and kisses. Their daughter was finally settling down. The party continued into the early hours of Sunday morning. Frances and Katie had long before the end slipped out of the party and up the stairs to Frances' bedroom.


THE next evening, Frances and Katie were sitting with Frances' parents in her father's comfortable home office, which when he wasn't there served as library. It was full of books that stood on beautiful mahogany wood shelves. Ross hadn't been anywhere in sight and they wondered where he was. "When do you wish to hold the ceremony?" Richard asked, writing into his agenda and plan book.

Frances and Katie looked at each other. Katie answered shyly: "In six months. In October."

Francine cheered gracefully. "This is so great! A wedding that I get to plan!" She exclaimed, clapping her gracefully jeweled hands.

Richard, Frances and Katie laughed.

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ROSS had stormed into his room after the Frances' announcement. He had remained there, his pain and anger clear and deep wounds in his heart. Now he had another reason for which to hate Frances. That bitch! She didn't deserve Katie at all. He would get Katie, he had to. He loved her, Frances didn't. He had to find a way to separate them!

One thing, he wouldn't go to their supposed little wedding. He would find an excuse. He couldn't bear to look at them getting married. That was disgusting! His eyes were tearful as he swore to himself that Katie would be his.


THAT same year, three weeks before Christmas, Frances and Katie began setting up their first Christmas tree together. They were completely happy together; love was never ceasing in their new home. They’d gone all the way in their Christmas tree search, getting the tallest tree- nine and a half feet tall- and the best glass decorations to accompany it. Now, their living room was a mess, wraps strewn all over the floor. Their new Christmas tree was decorated beautifully, the lights reflected from the glass hanging decorations. They were dressed comfortably in loose shorts and torn T-shirts, bare feet against the plush carpet.

They really didn’t know how they would start picking up all the mess from the floor. They stared down at the mess with disdain, standing in front of each other across the floor. Frances snorted, shaking her head, her gray eyes sweeping the messy room and ending on Katie. Katie shook her head and pressed her hands onto her hips, leaning her weight on her left leg. She looked up at Frances, who was staring at her with undisguised desire in her lustrous gray eyes, eyes that shone with beautiful colors from the tree’s lights. An instant flash of heat spread through her body and she couldn’t help but feel that Frances was about to make love to her right there, beside their beautiful Christmas tree.

Frances moved to her and stood close, staring down into her eyes with ardent desire. She lifted her hand to caress Katie’s cheek softly, and leaned down to kiss her softly on the mouth, her silky lips opening to engulf her mouth, her tongue slipping through Katie’s opening lips. Katie moaned, and stepped into Frances’ strong arms. Her body was heating up inside, she couldn’t help her instant response to Frances’ feverish kisses.

Soon, without thought, they were naked on the floor, their bodies pressing against each other in hot sweaty ardor. Frances lay on top of Katie, driving herself wild by pressing her hips between her legs with a rhythm. Katie’s hands on her back were gripping, her fingers keenly feeling the wet of sweat on her lover’s smooth back. They were moaning loudly, kissing in a flurry of hot caresses.

Katie arched under Frances’ nimble fingers. She seemed to be everywhere along Katie’s aroused body, she knew where and how to touch, how deeply to kiss her. Her lips were gentle, her caresses strong but tender. She lay across Katie, her hips pressed between her legs. She could feel Katie’s intense wetness against her skin as she pressed herself against her. Katie let out the long moan she’d been holding. At the sound of her beautiful moan and feel of her hot breath against her ear, Frances groaned, her body shuddering and her hips jerking wildly. She moved off Katie, who sat up, her eyes on Frances lustful. Her lips were open as she panted, her full breasts rising and falling with every breath.

She was throbbing; she could feel the rush of wetness between her legs, the strong liquid sensation inside her body. She sighed as she felt Frances’ strong arms wrap around her to pull her up against her. Frances’ eyes closed, but her warm mouth still found Katie’s engorged, aching nipples. At the feel of Frances’ tender mouth sucking her with arousing sounds of pleasure, Katie’s hips jerked erratically, her legs around Frances’ waist tightening convulsively, and she felt an instant orgasm shake her body and send her mind into intense oblivion. She was crying out in exultant passion, her hands gripping Frances’ shoulders jerkily.

Frances moved her mouth to her neck, her own body responding to Katie’s orgasm with one of its own; her hips were thrusting against Katie’s, she could feel her muscles straining as she pressed. "Oh," She sighed shakily. She kissed the length of her neck as Katie threw her head back and breathed. "Katie, Oh God!" Frances groaned, wanting more of her lover, smelling the scent of only the beginning of their lovemaking. "Katie, baby." She whispered into her ear, and then she said: "Je veux vous faire l'amour sous notre arbre de Noël…" She closed her eyes as her voice trailed off and a deep shudder rushed through her body.

Katie knew enough French to know what Frances said: I want to make love to you under our Christmas tree… She felt a new rush of wetness between her legs, felt small trickles of sweat break from her body. She threw her head back and groaned. She was barely aware of Frances moving them effortlessly towards the tree, of her back touching the bare wood floor as Frances lay above her. She keenly felt the prickle of the tree on her face, and the tender silkiness of Frances’ lips on her body. She felt the wet trails Frances’ tongue left along her full chest and stomach. "Frances…" Katie groaned loudly, arching her breasts for Frances to take them into her mouth. "Oh!"

She could hear the suckling sound Frances made as she pleased her, the low groan coming from deep within her throat. Frances’ fingers trailed slowly along the inside of her thighs, parted her lips to engulf them in the delicious wetness that had been waiting for her the whole time. At the feeling of Katie’s wetness around her fingers, Frances groaned and abandoned her breasts to sink her mouth hungrily into her flesh.

"Hmm… Hmm…" Frances’ fingers dug into Katie’s thighs, her impassioned lovemaking sending Katie into a frenzy of ecstasy that left her trembling with exhaustion and pleasure. Frances rested her head along her thigh, realizing that orgasm hadn’t eluded her either. She was trembling all over, her passion still incandescent; she made love to Katie again and again, feeling her own body explode every time Katie explosively reached orgasm.

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THE next year and a half had been pure bliss for Frances and Katie, their love continued to grow and to glow with brightness. Frances’ parents, very content with their daughter’s never ceasing happiness, had grown to love and care for Katie as a daughter. She was welcome to any gathering, was included as part of the family. Richard had even arranged to have Katie be able to include their last name in her name. She became Katie Rosenberg-DeValoi. It was beautiful, the harmony between Katie and Frances, the eternal happiness made people envious. Not a month after the announcement by Frances, Francine had given her daughter a gift, a gift that symbolized their love, their unity.

A home, she’d given them a house, making her daughter even happier.

As the time passed, both women began to secretly yearn for something, something that could symbolize their love for each other. A little someone to nurture and raise, to love and teach; someone to call their own. A child, a baby. A little someone that could look like both of them, of whom they could say: "That’s our son, our daughter." But it was unfortunate that two women who loved each other with such intensity could not make a child together, could not make something so beautiful as a child would be. Both women didn’t talk about it; they always sent it to the back of their minds. But the thought would always resurface, would always nag.

Until one day, as they had dinner, Katie burst out with the question, throwing her fork and knife loudly on the plate: "Frances, have you ever thought of a child?" Her voice had been shaky, her hands too.

Frances had looked up from her plate of food, with a grin that left Katie smiling also. "Yes, I have." She’d replied, reaching across the table and covering Katie’s hand with her own. "I want a bébé, Katie."

Katie laughed with love and joy, her beautiful eyes glistening with tears. She bent forward and pulled Frances into a tight hug. She pulled back and gazed at her lover. "When?" She asked, ready to do it at that exact moment if they had to.

"Right now, if it were possible." Frances said, laughing also.

Katie grew serious. "But with whom?" She asked.

"Louie." Frances said, bringing a smile to Katie again. She’d been thinking about it for too long, had even spoken to him about it behind Katie’s back. "You know he and I look enough alike, no?"

"Yes," Katie said, smiling with complete happiness. "Let’s call him right now. I don't care what time it is in France." She pulled Frances off her chair, and out of the kitchen. They forgot their dinner as she pulled her towards her office.


Continued in part II

Katia N. Ruiz

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