Final Curtain

The party's over
All the guests have gone
And now I sit here
Depressed and alone
When the party raged
And the throng was here
Oh, how I sparkled
Full of fun and cheer
I laughed and I danced
And held all spellbound
Now all is quiet
And I'm feeling down
With no audience
I cannot perform
And darkness descends
To claim me, once more
I shine in a crowd
I'm always sought out
But when I'm alone
I'm assailed by doubt
I can't face myself
The truth is too stark
My soul is empty
And black is my heart
But, when with others
The actress appears
And no one guesses
At my hidden fears
My act is flawless
It's sheer perfection
Everyone follows
My droll direction
But now, there's just me
And the demons come
As they taunt and jeer
I once more succumb
I feel myself fall
Deep into the pit
This time there's no one
To pull me from it
My act is over
There'll be no encore
This show is closing
To be seen no more

Terri Lyn Stanfield

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