

Ephiny pushed Argo onward as she continued her search for Gabrielle and Aurora. She scanned the surrounding landscape as the snow continued to be whipped around by the icy wind. She held her coat closed as Argo carried her to the top of a hill. From there she stopped to see if she could spot anything from the vantage point. She called out to Gabrielle again but like every time before,  Ephiny got no other response except for the howling of the wind. Argo snorted as they stood there for a moment with Ephint trying to figure out what to do. 

Yeah, I'm cold too. At least I'm assuming that's what that was about. 

Argo sorted again as she shook the accumulating show from the top of her head and snout. 

(Thinking to herself) I'm never gonna find them like this. I don't even know if I'm going in the right direction. They could be anywhere. 

After another minute Ephiny got Argo going again and continued her search. 

(thinking to herself) They weren't kidding about the winters getting bad around here. I can't believe Clover and the others actually sent Gabrielle and Aurora out in this.  

Ephiny sighed as she fought off a shiver from a gust of wind that hit her. 

(thinking to herself) I just hope I can find them or that I'm not already too late. 

Ephiny continued to call out to Gabrielle in the hopes that she would hear her as she rode Argo further into the storm. She maintained a moderately slow pace for her safety as well as to make it easier to spot any signs of Gabrielle or Aurora. As she rode a ways further Argo suddenly stopped. 

Hey, we can't stop here Argo. 

She tried to get the mare going but Argo didn't budge as her ears turned several times and she snorted. 

Look, I know it's miserable out here. And I'm sure you're tired and confused about why I'm here and Xena's not, but Gabrielle and Aurora need help. 

Ephiny attempted to get Argo walking again but once more the horse didn't move as she shook her head. 

Come on Argo we don't have time for this. 

Ephiny tried a couple more times to get Argo to move with no luck. 

(Sarcasm) Oh great it turns out that Xena's horse can be just as stubborn as she is at times. 

Ephiny sat there for a moment as she tried to decide what to do. Finally, she was just about to get down and try leading Agro when the mare suddenly took off running nearly throwing the unsuspecting Ephiny from the saddle, who managed to hang on as the mare galloped in a different direction than they had been going. 


Ephiny held on tight as Argo ran for a bit. She jumped over a fallen tree and made a sudden as they continued. She raced through a group of trees as she trampled the snow beneath her hooves, not letting it slow her down at all. A little further and Argo galloped up a small hill before finally coming to a stop at the top. Ehpiny breathed a sigh of relief once they came to a halt, but was not too happy with Argo for the sudden wild ride. 

(annoyed tone) You know finding Gabrielle is already hard enough without you making it worse. What's so important over here anyway? 

Ephiny looked around and only saw more of the same snow and wilderness that she had been seeing for some time now. 

Nothing. Just as I thought. 
(muttering to herself) I guess you're not nearly as smart as I thought. 

Argo snorted as if she heard the comment and took offense to it. 

Well come on there's nothing here so let's keep looking. 

Ephiny gave Argo a nudge to get moving but Argo didn't obey. 

Oh, come on not this again. If I knew you were gonna act like this I would've taken my chances with a different horse. 

Again Ephiny tried getting the mare to move but couldn't. 

(frustrated tone) Why are you suddenly being so difficult? You know if something happens to Gabrielle and Aurora Xena's not gonna be happy. I know you don't want that right? 

Argo snorted as she again didn't move when Ephiny told her to. Ephiny was at a loss for what to do and was about to just leave the horse there and continue on foot when she heard something in the near distance. 

What is that? 

Ephiny focused on the small sound for a moment and couldn't believe what she thought she heard. 

It can't be. 

Argo snorted as she turned and headed in the direction that Ephiny had thought the sound had come from. That was when Epiny realized that must have been why Argo had stopped. 

Good girl, if that's what I think it is I take back everything I just said about you. 

Argo rushed a ways further as the sound became clearer to Ephiny, which confirmed that she was likely finally on the right track. The wind blew as it carried the sound of crying and Ephiny heard it coming close as she rode for a bit longer before bringing Argo to a stop. She then got down from the saddle as she looked around for the source of the sound. 


 She walked a few steps from Argo as she continued trying to locate any signs of Gabrielle and Aurora. 

Gabrielle if you're here say something. Gabrielle. 

Ephiny could now hear the sound better and knew that she was close. As she called out for Gabrielle again. With no response, she was beginning to fear the worst as she followed the sound. As Ephiny continued she spotted an embankment and peered down it as she heard the crying coming up from there.  Carefully she made her way down and walked with Argo for a bit longer until she came across a small rock formation in the near distance. She moved towards it and heard the crying becoming louder. Knowing she must have found them, Ephiny raced over and felt a small sense of relief as she laid her eyes on a huddled-up Gabrielle who had her body wrapped around a crying Aurora. 

I don't think I've ever been so happy to see you. Come on let's get you two out of this and somewhere warm. 

Ephiny crouched down to help Gabrielle up but then realized that her eyes were closed. 

Hey Gabrielle. 

Ephiny gently touched her and got no response. Gabrielle's skin was so cold. Her lips were purple and she was completely unresponsive to Ephiny's attempts to get her to stir. 

Oh no. 

Fearing she might have found her too late, Ephiny quickly felt for a pulse. She checked Gabrielle's wrist and felt nothing. 

No, I can't be too late. 

Ephiny then moved her fingers to Gabrielle's neck and felt a small, slow thump beneath Gabrielle's now pink, ice-cold skin. 

(Thinking to herself) She's still alive. But just barely. I have to get her and Aurora somewhere warm and fast. 

Ephiny stood and went over to Argo who was standing nearby. She took her reigns and led her over to where Gabrielle and Aurora were. Then she noticed Arrian standing nearby shivering badly. 

Don't worry we'll be out of here soon. 

Ephiny then grabbed several blankets that she had brought with her and went over to Gabrielle and draped a couple over Gabrielle's shoulders before gently taking Aurora from her arms and wrapping the very cold and crying little girl in multiple layers. She placed her back down and moved to try moving Gabrielle to Argo. Slowly Gabrielle stirred but was completely unaware of anything happening as Ephiny helped her to stand and picked up Aurora before guiding the drowsy and dazed Gabrielle over to where Argo stood. She then got Gabrielle up in the saddle and tied Arrian's reins to Argo's saddle before getting up and sitting behind Gabrielle and placed Aurora in Gabrielle's lap. Ephiny then made sure they were secure with one arm as she held Argo's reigns with the other and got the small group moving as she turned and headed for a city that Xena told her was nearby.  Feeling slightly warmer Gabrielle some what came to and opened her eyes which still felt heavy. She noticed herself moving and then saw the familiar horse she was on and felt herself leaning back against someone sitting directly behind her. In her foggy mind she had forgotten why she was even out in this weather to begin with, and felt a sense of comfort she always felt when she was held like this as she closed her eyes again and whispered so softly only she could hear as her consciousness slipped away once more. 

(tired/ weak whisper) Xena. 



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