by TrueT159

When Xena and Gabrielle volunteer to traverse a highly dangerous mountain to rescue a kidnapped princess, they find themselves facing unimaginable dangers. Changing things from a mission of rescue, to one of mere survival.

It was a beautiful, sunny day. The birds were singing. A gentle breeze was blowing. And the air was filled with the sound of battle, as Xena and Gabrielle faced down a group of raiders they happened to stumble across on their travels. They overheard that the raiders were preparing for an attack on the nearby city. And of course they couldn't let that happen. So naturally Xena and Gabrielle stepped up to put a stop to their plans. They fought them off with relative ease. Cutting their losses, the raiders decided to retreat. As they scurried off like scolded dogs running away with their tails tucked between their legs, Gabrielle noticed one of them drop something. Xena sheathed her sword, as Gabrielle walked over to inspect what the raiders had left behind. She saw it was a scroll and picked it up. Curious, Gabrielle opened it. When she read what was on it, she quickly informed Xena of her find.

Xena I think you better look at this.

She handed Xena the paper. Xena read it.

Let's get moving.

Xena and Gabrielle set off to the city that the raiders were heading for. Once there they went to find the one that the note was addressed to. As the two of them walked through the city, they saw a big castle up on a hill overlooking the entire city. Based on the note, they knew that was their destination. Xena and Gabrielle made their way to the castle gate. They were stopped outside by the guards.

State your business.

We're here to see the king.

Sorry but I can't just let outsiders in to see the king.

But this is important.

No one can enter without permission.

This should be all the permission we need.

Xena gave the guard the note. He read it.

It was left behind by some raiders we ran into not too far from here.

Come with me.

The guard lead Xena and Gabrielle inside. They hastily made their way to the kings war room. The guard threw open the door as he addressed the king.

Your majesty I have urgent news.

The king, who had been sitting stoicly at the table stood up with the guards announcement.

Yes, what is it?

The guard gave him the scroll. The king read the note.

Your failure to comply with our previous demands have only served as proof that you care more about your wealth and power than you do the princess. This is your last chance, if you want to see your daughter again you'll give us what we want. You have two weeks to send the ransom. This is your final warning or the next thing you get from us will be your daughter's head.

The king slowly sat back down. Clearly distraught, he held his head in his hands.

No, what am I going to do? My daughters going to die.

You seem like a very wealthy man. Why haven't you just paid them?

I can't.

Hearing his response angered Gabrielle.

You not seriously choosing your money over your own daughter are you?

The king looked up at them.

Of course not. I would do anything to ensure that my daughter was safely returned home.

Xena slammed her hands on the table.

So why haven't you just swallowed your pride and paid the ransom?

I told you, I can't.

Why not?

Because no one can!

Xena and Gabrielle gave him a questioning look.

The place that they're holding her is on the other side of the western mountains. I've sent numerous people to make the exchange, but only one person I sent has come back alive. Those mountains are impossible to cross. None of my people have the ability to do so. Those mountains are a hell frozen over. Now my dear daughters going to die and there's nothing I can do.

Xena and Gabrielle could hear the sadness in the kings voice.

We'll get her back for you.

I can't ask you to do that. I can't send two women to their death.

Gabrielle looked at Xena, giving her a slight smirk.

I don't think he knows who you are Xena.

The kings eyes widened as he focused his attention on Xena.

Wait YOU'RE Xena? As in the warrior princess? That Xena?

I am.

Oh finally some good news. Yes please Xena bring my daughter home. You will be very handsomely rewarded. Anything you want, it's yours.

It's fine. We'll stock up on the supplies we need and then we'll head out.

Xena turned and headed out of the castle.

Don't worry, we'll bring your daughter back safe and sound.

Thank you too, uh forgive me I never caught your name.

It's Gabrielle.

Thank you Gabrielle. Both you and Xena for taking on this dangerous mission. Please be careful.

Gabrielle nodded, thanking him as she left, following Xena. They stopped by some shops for the things they needed for the trip. Then Xena and Gabrielle left the city for the mountains. What seemed like a straight forward mission, would become anything but. Soon Xena and Gabrielle would find out why the king referred to the mountains as a hell frozen over.


Warmly dressed and their packs filled with the supplies for the climb, Xena and Gabrielle made it to the base of the mountains. Gabrielle looked up at the enormous mountain range before them.

These mountains are a lot bigger than I thought they were.

We better get moving then.

The two of them began their climb. It wasn't very steep, so for the most part they could just walk to make their way up the mountain. The snow crunched beneath their feet as it had become partially frozen due to how cold it was. But something like that wouldn't be enough to stop Xena or Gabrielle from doing what they had volunteered to do. This was nothing compared to alot of their other adventures. So unfazed, they continued their assent. They casually chatted to pass the time as they went on. They walked until the sun was about to disappear from the sky.

Continuing in the dark will be too dangerous. Plus the temperature is going down. We'll set up camp around here for the night.

They looked for a cave, or somewhere that wasn't covered with a thick layer of snow and would shield them from the cold. That way they could rest and sleep a little more comfortably. After a little searching, they found a small rock formation. It was too small to really be called a cave. But it was big enough for Xena and Gabrielle to use as shelter for the night. As they made their way inside and set up camp, it began to snow. Once a fire got going and they layed out their bedding, they settled in for the night. Though the wind howled as it whipped the snow around outside, Xena and Gabrielle were fairly comfortable inside the little nook. They layed together wrapped in their warm blankets next to the crackling fire.

We'll head out first thing in the morning. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow. So we better get some rest while we can.


Gabrielle turned to her side as she rested her head on Xena's arm that was wrapped around her. Xena idely traced her fingertips on Gabrielle's shoulder as they layed there in silence for a while. As the night went on the fire began to burn out. As the flames began to die, the nook got darker. Soon it cast only a dim light. Gabrielle shivered a little as she felt it get colder. Noticing, Xena held her closer.

You want me to get the fire going again?

I'm okay, you keep me plenty warm.

She leaned against Xena a little more. Xena could still feel her shivering. Even though Gabrielle said she was okay, Xena got up to put more wood on the fire. She looked for the wood they had sitting next to the campfire. Even though it was getting dark, she knew where it was. But Xena couldn't find it.

Gabrielle, where's the wood?

Isn't it near the campfire?

It should be, but it's not here.

Did we use it all already?

I didn't think we did, but it's gone. So we must have. We're gonna have to deal with what we have until morning. It might no be that late, but it's already too dark and it's snowing too hard to be able to see anything out there.

Xena took off her armor, leaving on just the leather underneath.

You normally sleep in your armor, why'd you take it off?

Xena got back under the covers next to Gabrielle.

My armor will be too cold against you. Besides I don't think we need to worry about anyone just showing up and attacking us way out here.

Good point.

Gabrielle leaned against Xena.

You're right, this is more comfortable.

Xena smiled as she pulled her closer. Gabrielle draped her arm across Xena. As they layed there, Gabrielle couldn't seem to fall asleep. Xena noticed.

Are you too cold to fall asleep?

It's not that bad. And apparently you can't sleep either.

Xena looked at her and smirked.

(Joking tone) You know I can think of something that would warm us up.

Gabrielle gave a little chuckle.

I thought you said we needed to get some sleep.

(Sly tone) Oh I think my idea will help with that too.

Gabrielle ran her fingertips up and down Xena's arm.

(Enticing tone) Well if you think it'll help. Why don't you show me what you had in mind.

Xena let out a small chuckle as she knelt above Gabrielle. She began placing light kisses down Gabrielle's neck and chest. She ran her hands up Gabrielle's torso until she reached her boobs. Xena gently squeezed them as she passionately kissed Gabrielle. She continued to knead Gabrielle's chest as she pulled back. Xena began lifting Gabrielle's shirt. Gabrielle sat up, making it easier to get her top off. Once that was out of the way, Gabrielle kissed her again as she layed back down. Xena removed the rest of Gabrielle's clothes. Then she pulled off the last bit of her own clothing. Now with both of them totally bare, Xena grabbed the blanket, pulling it completely over them as she knelt over Gabrielle. She began running her fingers down Gabrielle's torso, slowly until she reached Gabrielle's womanhood. Gabrielle shuddered as she felt Xena trace her finger along her entrance. Xena began to rub against her, making Gabrielle's desire build. She teased Gabrielle like this for a bit. Making Gabrielle want Xena even more. Just as Gabrielle thought she might be driving mad from the teasing, she felt Xena push her fingers deep inside her. She let out a small gasp as Xena swiftly entered her. Gabrielle kissed Xena as she moved against Xena's hand. Xena gave her a smirk as she held Gabrielle still. She slowly began pulling out of Gabrielle, until just her fingertips touched her. Then she quickly drove them back in, making Gabrielle gasp loudly with enjoyment. Xena got closer to Gabrielle as she continued weaving her fingers in and out of Gabrielle's flower. Xena let out a low sultry growl as she enjoyed watching Gabrielle moan in pleasure. Gabrielle gripped the blanket underneath her as she felt Xena repeatedly drive into her. Using her free hand, Xena gently squeezed Gabrielle's boob. Gabrielle began breathing heavily as she felt herself getting closer to her finish. Xena preceded to go faster, harder and deeper into her. Making Gabrielle cry out in extacy. Xena knew that Gabrielle was nearing her climax. She got up to her knees, between Gabrielle's legs. While still moving inside her, Xena took her other hand and began rubbing Gabrielle's most sensitive spot. After only a few moments this, Gabrielle was completely overtaken by an immense wave of pure extacy. She tightly Clenched the blanket as Xena drew out her high. Sending Shockwave after Shockwave through her. After a little while Xena withdrew her fingers. She kissed Gabrielle as she moved next to her. She pulled Gabrielle against her as she tightly wrapped the two of them in the blanket. She smiled at Gabrielle.

Are you feeling warmer now?

(Giggle) Very.

Gabrielle snuggled closer to Xena.

I thought that would do the trick. We should really get some sleep now. We've got a ways to go tomorrow.

Gabrielle nodded as she already began drifting off. It wasn't long until they both fell asleep. Soon enough morning came. Xena and Gabrielle woke up and got dressed. They ate, then they packed up and handed back out into the cold, snowy climate. The two of them continued their journey up the mountain, completely unaware that they were not alone. They had been being followed ever since they first made their way into the wilderness at the mountains base. However that wouldn't last much longer. It wouldn't take long for them to learn that they were not alone on that mountain.


Both Xena and Gabrielle continued their hike up the mountain. The snow was still falling from the night before. While the snow on the ground was already pretty deep, making it far more difficult to walk. So their progress had slowed down significantly. Still they marched on.

I really hope the next thing we end up doing takes us somewhere that's a alot warmer and has far less snow.

I'll keep that in mind.

The both of them continued onward. Making their way through the snow and bitter cold. They walked for awhile. Suddenly Xena stopped.

What's wrong?

Shh, I thought I heard something.

Gabrielle tried listening for what Xena heard.

I don't hear anything.

It's gone now.

Do you know what it was?

It was probably just some wild animal. Nothing else would be this far out here. Come on, let's keep moving.

They continued walking for a while. As they carried on, Gabrielle heard a growing sound.

You heard that too right?


Please tell me that was your stomach.


Sensing an impending threat Xena drew her sword. She looked around for the source of the noise, but didn't see anything. Xena and Gabrielle picked up the pace. But as they did the growling got louder.

Keep an eye out. We're clearly not alone out here.

Gabrielle readied her weapons too as they cautiously continued on. They slowly walked, looking around for anything that might attack. The growling continued to get louder. However they couldn't tell where it was coming from. It almost seemed to surround them. Xena and Gabrielle stopped as they tried to figure out where whatever was following them was. They searched, but saw nothing. The two stood really to fight. When after a few moments the air fell eerily silent. All that could be heard was the wind as it blew. They kept their guard up for a bit. But nothing happened. Finally Xena put her sword away.

What ever it was, I think it's gone now.

Gabrielle put her sais away as they continued their climb. Xena lead the way as they walked on for a good while. They got to an area where the snow was so deep, it went up past their knees. It became extremely hard to move. Still slowly they stomped through.

This snow is getting ridiculous.

As Gabrielle tried lifting her foot to continue, she realized she was stuck. She pulled harder trying to free herself, but she still couldn't move. She called out to Xena, who was walking ahead and hadn't noticed that Gabrielle had fallen behind.

Xena, wait up.

Xena turned around to see Gabrielle stuck in the snow. She began walking back towards her. Xena stomped her way through the snow. As she got closer she held out her hand for Gabrielle to grab onto. Gabrielle reached out, but just as she was about to take Xena's hand, her feet felt like they were yanked out from under her. She fell, buried up to her waist in the snow.


She tried freeing herself as Xena once again tried to help her out. Xena just grabbed her hand, when Gabrielle was suddenly ripped from Xena's grasp and began being dragged away through the snow.



Xena chased after her. But the deep snow made her run slower than usual. Meanwhile Gabrielle clawed at anything she could to try and get away from whatever had her. While she was being dragged, Gabrielle was also getting sucked down deeper into the snow. Now she was buried up to her chest. She franticly looked for something that she could help her. Gabrielle spotted a trees root that was coming up from the ground. As she got dragged by, she grabbed onto it. She held on tight as whatever was in the snow kept trying to pull her under.


Xena, who was still trying to catch up, grabbed her chakrum and hurled it at the snow near Gabrielle. As it hit they heard a loud yelp. Gabrielle felt whatever it was let her go. She still clung to the tree until Xena caught up to her. Xena reached her and pulled her out of the snow.

Are you alright?

Yeah. But I think I get why the king said these mountains were so dangerous.

Gabrielle winced a little as she stood. Xena noticed Gabrielle was in pain.

Allright, let me see.

Xena sat Gabrielle on a nearby rock while she looked at her. There was a good sized gash on her lower leg.

Is it serious?

I should be able to patch you up with no real trouble. It's gonna hurt to walk for while, but you'll be fine.

Xena got the medical stuff out and closed up Gabrielle's wound and bandaged it. Then she put the stuff back and retrieved her chakrum that was left behind by the thing she hit. She came back over to Gabrielle and helped her up.

Can you walk?

Gabrielle tested putting pressure on her leg. It hurt, but it wasn't too bad.

I'll be okay.

We should keep moving. We don't need that thing coming back.

Xena helped Gabrielle walk as they moved on. They continued on until nightfall. They found a spot to spend the night and set back out at daybreak. Now slowed down by Gabrielle's injury their climb had become even harder. But they had no clue just how much harder things were going to get. Soon enough their current mission would be the furthest thing from their minds.


The bitter wind blew as Xena and Gabrielle slowly carried on with their assent up the mountain. Though now their climb had become even more difficult due to Gabrielle's injured leg.

Let me know if you need to rest.

Thanks, but I'm okay. I've been in plenty worse shape than this.

I know.

Xena helped Gabrielle up over some rocks.

Still, don't push yourself too hard. We have plenty of time to reach the other side.

Gabrielle gave her a reassuring smile as they kept moving.

About how much further do you think it is to the top.

Hard to say. These are some big mountains. Not to mention the harsh conditions out here. Plus now with your leg. I think we're in for a long trip.

(Sarcastically) Great.

Xena and Gabrielle pushed forward. Making their way through the cold, harsh environment. As they went on it began snowing again.

I think we should stop and rest for a bit. I'll build a fire so we can wait for the snow to stop.

Gabrielle knew that Xena's real reason for wanting to stop was because of her concern for her injury. She was going to protest that she was fine to keep going but she was getting pretty cold. Plus she knew that trying to argue with Xena about it was pointless.

I'm not gonna say no to a nice warm fire right now.

They found a spot to sit and get a fire going. Xena and Gabrielle sat near the flames as they warmed themselves. After a bit the wind picked up as it began to snow harder. Xena looked up at the sky, realizing that they were in for some pretty nasty weather.

It looks like the weather's about to get bad. We should find some shelter until it passes.

Xena put out the fire. Then they set out to look for somewhere to hunker down until the storm passed. They searched for a place to wait out the storm. It didn't take long before the blizzard was pounding down on them in full force. The snow whipped around as they fought against the strong winds that blew at them head on. Xena lead the way with Gabrielle close behind.

Stay close Gabrielle.

Right behind you.

With the storm not showing any signs of letting up, they trudged onward. The storm had become so bad that it was a challenge just to see a few feet ahead. And not being able to see was only adding to their already difficult time. Between how dangerous the mountain had become and Gabrielle getting attacked and injured, Xena was beginning to regret taking this on. But it was too late to turn back now. She knew that they had no choice but to keep going.

You doing okay back there Gabrielle? ...Gabrielle?

Xena didn't get a response. She turned around, but she didn't see Gabrielle anywhere.


She tried to look through the snow, but couldn't see a thing around. Realizing that they had gotten separated, Xena headed back to find Gabrielle. Meanwhile Gabrielle had lost track of Xena as well. She had stopped to quickly readjust her bandage that was coming undone. It only took a minute, but when she was done she looked up and saw that Xena had disappeared in the blizzard.


Although they were pretty much blinded by the blizzard the two of them searched for one another. They didn't know it, but their yells were drowned out by the howling of the wind. Xena tried to see through the snow, hoping to spot some trace of Gabrielle.


She tried listening for a response. Finally she heard something. But it wasn't Gabrielle. Xena quickly drew her sword, recognizing that it was the same growling sound that they heard before Gabrielle was attacked.

Alright show yourself.

Xena got up on some rocks. Not wanting to get dragged under the snow, like it had tried to do with Gabrielle. She stood ready to fight. The growling got louder as Xena tried to pinpoint the mystery creatures location. Suddenly something shot out of the snow. It was so fast, Xena could only make out a basic shape. As it lept towards her, she deflected the attack as it disappeared back under the snow. Xena kept her guard up, waiting for the next attack. Then it popped up again, striking at Xena. Again she blocked. This pattern continued for bit. Xena was becoming increasingly irritated by the creature's tactics.

(Thinking to herself) I don't have time for this. I need to find Gabrielle and get us out of this blizzard.

Xena dropped back into the snow. Trying to bait the creature to her.

Come on. Come and get me.

She waited for it to strike. Sure enough within minutes the creature fell for her trap and grabbed a hold of Xena, trying to pull her down.

Oh no you don't.

Xena drove her sword straight down into the snow by her feet. As she did, the creature let out an extremely loud screeching, screaming sound. It echoed throughout the whole area. It was such a high pitched, loud noise that Gabrielle, who was still a great distance from Xena's location, had to cover her ears too.

What is that?!

Xena pulled her sword back as she plugged her ears, trying to muffle the horrible sound. She only knew of one thing that could make this noise.

(Thinking to herself) Banshee.

Xena knew the stories that anyone who hears a banshee's scream would soon become their next victim. But she thought maybe since she clearly injured it, she might have time to escape. But Xena was frozen in place as the sound seemed to rattle through her whole body. After what seemed like forever, the screaming finaly stopped. Xena uncovered her ears as she looked around for any trace of the banshee. It seemed like she had chased it off. Xena was about to continue looking for Gabrielle when she heard another noise.

(Annoyed) Oh now what?

Suddenly she felt the snow around her begin to shift. She looked further up ahead to see snow rushing down towards her. The banshee scream had started an avalanche. Xena tried to run through the deep snow in order to reach something to grab onto. But before she could reach anything, Xena got caught up and swept away by the avalanche. Gabrielle, who was still looking for Xena, heard a rumbling. Before she knew what was happening, Gabrielle also found herself being mercilessly tossed around, as she too got caught up in the plummeting snow. The two of them were sent crashing a good ways back down the deadly mountain. Though it didn't seem possible, things were about to go from bad to worse.


The snow careened down the side of the mountain. Carrying Xena and Gabrielle down with it. There was nothing they could do. They were totally at the mercy of the raging avalanche that completely engulfed them. The mountain seemed to roar as the snow pelted them with an overwhelming force. They didn't know how long they had been falling, when everything finally came to a stop. The mountain calmed as only the sound of the wind could be heard. The heaping amount of snow settled in its new location. Blanketing the area. Everything was still, with no sign of anything or anyone. After a few minutes a small area of snow began to move. Suddenly a arm came up from under the snow. Pulling up behind it a very cold, snow covered, slightly dazed Gabrielle. Slowly Gabrielle dragged the rest of herself out of the snow pile. She layed on top of the snow for a moment as she got her barings. After a minute she sat up and looked around. Realizing what happened Gabrielle knew that Xena must've gotten caught in the avalanche too. She called out, hoping that Xena was nearby.


She waited a moment. But she didn't get a response. Gabrielle slowly made it to her feet. On her injured leg, she limped through the snow looking for Xena. She continued calling Xena's name as she searched through the storm. Hoping she was okay. As Gabrielle was continuing her search, she tripped over something in the snow. She fell to the ground. She wondered what could have possibly tripped her. Then it hit her.


Quickly Gabrielle crawled over and began to dig. Tossing the snow out of her way as she tried to find her.

Hold on Xena. I'll get you out.

She dug through the snow until she saw a bit of dark hair sticking out.

(thinking to herself) Found you.

Gabrielle dug quicker, trying to reach her. And get her out from under the snow. Suddenly Gabrielle jumped back, letting out a small scream. Startled by what she saw.

It's the banshee!

She sat there motionless for a moment. Waiting to see what it was going to do. After it didn't move during that time, Gabrielle grabbed one of her sais and cautiously poked at it. Nothing happened. She carefully got closer to inspect it. After looking it over, Gabrielle breath a sigh of relief. The banshee was dead. It had been killed during the avalanche. With the banshee no longer a threat, Gabrielle resumed her search for Xena. She combed the area, trying to find her.

(thinking to herself) Xena where are you? Please be okay.

Gabrielle fought the strong winds as scanned the area for any sign of Xena. She was becoming more and more concerned that Xena might not have survived the fall. Gabrielle quickly pushed those thoughts out of her mind. Convincing herself that Xena was fine and she was going to find her. Gabrielle continued searching. She called Xena's name again. Just praying to get a response. She wanted a moment, but got nothing. Gabrielle yelled again as loud as she could. Then she just stood there. As it began to sink in. She knew something must've happened to Xena.

No, Xena... XENA!!!

Gabrielle yelled into the sky, as she felt the gravity of the situation overwhelme her. Gabrielle sat in the snow as she tried to think of what to do.

(Thinking to herself) If I can't find Xena, there's no way I'm getting out of this. Not with my leg like this. I'm gonna die out here.

Gabrielle let herself fall back. Staring up, as the snow fell from the sky above.

(Thinking to herself) Based on everything else that's happened since meeting Xena, freezing to death on a mountain is not how I thought I was going go.

Gabrielle layed there, feeling like this was the end. The wind slowly died down, letting a silence fall over the area. Now all Gabrielle heard was the sound of herself breathing. She watched the snow as it fell down on her.

(thinking to herself) I guess this is it.

She sighed, as she closed her eyes. Accepting that this was probably going to be it for her. Gabrielle layed there for awhile, when she began to hear a small noise. She ignored it at first. Then she heard it again. Letting her curiosity get the better of her, Gabrielle sat up and tried to focus on the sound. She listened for a moment. Then she quickly shot up and began making her way towards were the sound was coming from.

Xena. I'm coming,

Gabrielle followed the sound of Xena's voice, as fast as she could. She staggered through the snow, trying to get to Xena. She looked around for a moment, then in the distance she finally spotted Xena. She was almost completely buried in the snow. Gabrielle breath a sigh of relief when she saw her. She quickly made her way over to Xena.

There you are. I was beginning to think something happened to you.

Gabrielle knelt down and began digging Xena out of the snow.


Don't worry I'm okay.

That's a relief. But...

Now let's get you out of there.

Gabrielle gave her a smile as she kept clearing the snow away.

Gabrielle, wait.

Gabrielle stopped and looked at Xena.

What, why?

You need to know something.

I'm sure what ever it is, you can tell me after your out of all this snow.

Gabrielle went back to clearing away the snow.

No, Gabrielle. Don't.

Gabrielle stopped once again. But not because of Xena's objections. She looked at the snow in front of Xena, seeing that the color had changed. Gabrielle looked up at Xena with a look of concern on her face.


Xena gave her a sad smile. As Gabrielle carefully moved the rest of the snow that was obscuring her view, revealing a large branch that had impaled Xena during her fall from the avalanche. Gabrielle started trying to get her free, when Xena grabbed her hand. Gabrielle looked at her, as Xena shook her head. Implying that it was pointless to try and remove the branch. Gabrielle sat there beside Xena as it all began to sink in. Seeing the sadness in Gabrielle's eyes, Xena tried to confront her.

It's okay Gabrielle.

No, it's not okay Xena. None of this is okay.

Like the falling snow,, tears streamed down Gabrielle's face as she layed over Xena, holding her.

Please Xena, don't leave me.


Gabrielle sat in the snow with Xena's head resting on her lap, as she cried. She brushed Xena's hair out of her face, as she gently kissed her. Xena looked up at her with a small smile.

You can't die Xena. You can't.

Xena lightly squeezed Gabrielle's hand as she took a ragged breath.

What can I do for you?

I'm okay. It doesn't hurt that bad. Most of the feeling in my body's gone.

Hearing that just drove home the seriousness of the situation, causing Gabrielle to cry harder.


Xena was silent for a bit as she let Gabrielle calm down a little. She reached up and wiped away Gabrielle's tears.

Gabrielle listen. It's time to go.

But how do I get you...

Xena stopped her.

No, I mean it's time for YOU to go. You need to get out of here. And head back down the mountain.

You want me to go and leave you behind. I can't just leave you like this.

Gabrielle, look at me. I'm in no condition to go anywhere. And there's no way you could get us both out of here with your leg. So you have to go and leave me here.

But if I leave you here Xena, you'll die.

I don't think that really matters. I'm pretty sure this branch peirced my lung. So at this point it's just a matter of whether it's gonna the cold or the blood filling my lung that does it first.

She took a labored deep breath as she coughed up a bit of blood.

I'm not leaving you Xena. I'll figure something out.


No. Without you I'll probably just end up dying out here before I can make it back down. So if either way ends up with me spending my last moments on this mountain. I'd rather them be spent with you.

Knowing that she couldn't force Gabrielle to leave, Xena held Gabrielle. She gently kissed the top of her head.

I love you Gabrielle.

I love you Xena.

Gabrielle pulled away as she carefully helped Xena turn to her side.

I know that you said it was pointless to try and get it out. But I'm not going to let you stay like this. I have to try and do something.

Xena was about to object, when Gabrielle stopped her.

Don't argue with me Xena. I'm refuse to lose you like this. Now I'm gonna get this out, stitch you up and you'll be fine.

As Gabrielle said that, she tried to force herself to believe it. For the moment she pushed aside her fear of Xena not pulling through. As she focused on the task at hand. She looked to see that the branch went all the way through and was sticking out of Xena's back. Gabrielle saw Xena deal with this sort of thing a number of times. So she knew what to do. She just hoped that she could get it done right and in time. She got out what she needed from their stuff.

You ready?

Xena nodded. She took a deep breath as Gabrielle began pushing the branch the rest of the way through.


Finally after some work, Gabrielle removed the rest of the branch. Xena let out a gasp of pain and slight relief as she felt the foreign object leave her body. Gabrielle quickly covered one side of the wound to slow the bleeding, while she worked on the other side. She knew she had to work fast, or Xena would end up bleeding out.

It's gonna be okay Xena.

Gabrielle worked on Xena for what felt like forever. She was determined not to lose her. Finally after alot of work, Gabrielle finished stitching Xena up. After making sure all of Xena's wounds were sealed and bandaged up, Gabrielle gently helped Xena sit up.

Are you okay?

I think so.

Though in pain, Xena slowly got to her feet. Gabrielle helped to hold her up.

Are you okay to keep going?

Gabrielle looked at Xena.

You can't be serious. You were just telling me to go back and now you want to keep going.

Looking around, I think it's gonna be faster to the top, then it would be to turn back now.

And what's the plan for when we get there? You're not exactly in any shape to fight.

Hopefully we won't have to.

You realize they're not just gonna let us stroll in and take the princess back.

Don't worry, I have an idea.

And so Xena and Gabrielle continued on. Climbing their way back up to where they had fallen from. Together they pushed onward. Until finally they neared the summit. They had been through so much already and yet they still had so far to go. So though tired and hurt they knew that they had no choice but to press onward. But what layed ahead would be something that neither one of them would see coming.


Xena and Gabrielle stood atop the mountain, looking out to the other side. They were both exhausted and hurt. Gabrielle did her best to hold Xena up, while not putting too much pressure on her own leg. Though Gabrielle had done her best to patch Xena up, it was just an emergency fix. Xena's wound was still serious. So they both knew that Xena would need more thorough medical attention soon.

(Thinking to herself) It took so much just to get here. We're only halfway and neither of us are in any shape to do much of anything. Especially Xena. How are we supposed to keep going like this?

She looked at Xena who dispite trying to hide it, was clearly in a great deal of pain and was breathing alot heavier than normal due to the injury to her lung.

We should take a break. That climb clearly took alot out of you.

I'll be alright. I just need a few minutes to catch my breath.

Xena held where the wound was, as she took a few deep breaths. Knowing that Xena wouldn't admit to needing a break, Gabrielle decided to tell her that her leg was really bothering her and she needed a rest. Xena agreed. So they made a fire and sat beside it. Warming themselves as they took a much needed rest. While they took a break, it occurred to Xena that they were only half way to their destination. And just getting this far had nearly killed them. If they carried on the same way down the other side, they'd be in no shape to rescue anyone. That is if they could even make it down at all. Slowly Xena stood up.

That wasn't a very long break. Don't you think we should rest a little longer?

Xena began looking around.

Don't worry we're not leaving just yet.

What are you doing then?

Xena continued inspecting their surroundings, as if looking for something.

In our current conditions, continuing down like this is far too dangerous. The odds of us even making it out of here are slim at best.

So what's the plan. It's not like we can stay here.

No, of course not. But I have an idea that'll make the trip down, much easier and faster...hopefully.

Gabrielle looked at Xena.


Well it's gonna be a bit risky. But compared to the alternative, I think it's probably our best option given the circumstances.

Okay. So what's the plan?

We're gonna ride down the mountain.

You're kidding right?

Of course she knew Xena wasn't.

Xena we can't just sled down the side of a mountain. With all the rocks, trees and ledges there's no way we'd make it in one piece.

Well walking isn't really a good idea either. Neither one of us are in the best shape to be continuing this on foot. So as far as getting off this mountain goes, riding our way down is really the only thing we can do.

Gabrielle signed, knowing Xena was right.

Okay, but this is gonna have to be a pretty good sled.

Xena continued looking for anything they could use to build a sturdy enough sled to carry them down the mountain. Gabrielle helped her gather the stuff and then they got to work putting it together. In no time at all, the sled was ready. It was simple, just big enough for the two of them. It had a part in the front that could move and had a rope attached that allowed them to stear somewhat. It wasn't the most well built, but it would have to do. Xena just hoped it would be enough to get the job done.

Okay that's as good as we're gonna get. Time to get moving.

Xena and Gabrielle got situated on the sled. Xena sat in front, as Gabrielle sat behind her, holding on to Xena. Not unlike how they would ride on horseback.

You ready?

As I'll ever be.

Good, let's get off this mountain.

Xena grabbed the rope as she prepared to get going.

Alright, hold on tight.

And with that final instruction they pushed off and started their decent. They glided down the mountain, picking up speed as they went. Gabrielle held tightly to Xena as they practically flew down a large drop. They landed hard, but it didn't slow them down. They just kept right on going. Xena steered them through the rocks and trees. For what had taken them days to climb up, Xena and Gabrielle had made it down the other side of the mountain in only hours. Finally when the slope became too small to keep riding, they went the rest of the way on foot. It was tough, but they just kept going. After they walked for awhile it began to warm up. Signaling that were getting close to the base.

Based on the temperature and wind, it shouldn't be too much longer 'til we reach the bottom.

Finally. I thought we were never getting off this mountain.

They continued going and after a few more hours, until finally they made it off the mountain. Tired, hurting and knowing that they were probably going to have to fight to get the princess back. Xena and Gabrielle stopped for the night.

It took a lot longer to climb that mountain than I thought it would. We don't have much time to get to the princess. So tomorrow we're really gonna have to pick up the pace.

How long do you think it'll take to get there?

If we make good time we should be able to make it before sunset. So rest up, we still have a lot of work to do.

Xena and Gabrielle settled down for the night. Soon morning came and they headed for where they were told the princess was being held captive. Like Xena predicted they arrived at their destination around sunset. They hid just outside the building that they were told the princess would be in, as they went over their plan. Having no clue that their plan meant nothing. Because this mission was about to take a very unforseen turn.


The sun had just about disappeared from the sky, as Xena and Gabrielle hid outside the large building. After the hellish trip over the mountain, they had at long last made it. They crept around to find a way in without being noticed.

(Whisper) I really hope actually rescuing the princess is easier than it was getting here. Otherwise I think we're in trouble.

(Whisper) Hopefully we can find a way in, get her and get back out before anyone notices.

(Whisper) You really think that they're not gonna notice us taking their hostage?

(Whisper) We can hope. Come on.

The two of them snuck to a window. Peeking inside, Xena saw that it was a storage room. A perfect spot for them to get in. They climbed inside and crept over to the door. After making sure the coast was clear, Xena and Gabrielle began stealthily searching for the princess. After a while they still hadn't seen any sign of her.

(whisper) This isn't working Xena. If we just keep running around like this someone's gonna see us.

(Whisper) You're right. That might be a good idea.

Xena spead up as she went around a corner.

(Whisper) What?! Wait, Xena.

Gabrielle quickly and quietly followed Xena. She caught up to Xena as she stood up against the wall just outside a room. Xena cautiously peeked into the room, seeing someone inside. He had his back to the door so he didn't notice them. Xena gave Gabrielle a signal to follow her as she crept into the room. She snuck up behind him as Gabrielle quietly shut the door. Just as Xena reached him, he turned around. Before he had time to do anything Xena put her pinch on him. She explained that had a very short time to live unless he told her what she wanted to know. He nodded, agreeing to co-operate.

Good. Now tell me where you're keeping the princess.


The princess you people kidnapped and are holding for ransome. Where is she?

I don't know anything about a kidnapped princess.

Look lying to me right now is a really bad idea. Times running out. Now if I were you I'd start talking.

I swear I really don't know anything. But I can take you to someone who can probably help. Please.

Xena believed him and released the hold. She grabbed the back of his shirt and shoved him back out to the hallway. He nervously looked back at Xena and Gabrielle as he started leading them.

(Whisper) You realize he's probably leading us to a bunch of soldiers or something.

(Whisper) Probably.

(Whisper) With neither of us in any shape to fight, what are we gonna do?

(Whisper) I'm sure I'll come up with something.

(whisper) Wait you mean you don't know yet?

Xena shrugged as Gabrielle sighed. But Gabrielle knew by now to trust Xena. Given their current conditions she just hoped that whatever idea Xena came up with would work. Otherwise they were going to be in serious trouble. After walking for a bit, they reached a room. The man lead Xena and Gabrielle inside. There were a number of people in the room. But one of them stood out, he was clearly their leader. The man who lead Xena and Gabrielle addressed his leader, explaining what they were there for. The leader gave a confused look as he stood up. He walked over to Xena and Gabrielle and introduced himself as the leader of a theif group. Xena, who was in no mood for pleasantries demanded to know where the princess was.

I'm sorry but I think you've been given some bad information. We're theives, we take things not people.

And I'm sure in order to get some of those things, you're not above stooping to such underhanded tactics. Especially if you know you can get an extremely large payout.

(Irritated tone) Don't pretend to know anything about us. You just assume that just because we're theives, that automatically makes us terrible people. But if you insist on not believing me, you're more than welcome to look around and see for yourself. There is no one being held here against their will.

Not believing that the princess wasn't there, Xena and Gabrielle accepted the offer to search the area. The theif leader gave them completely unrestricted access to the whole building. Along with the surrounding areas to search til they were satisfied. They searched high and low. Leaving no stone unturned. But they came up with nothing. After combing the entire place Xena and Gabrielle returned to the thief leader.

Are you satisfied? As I told you there is no princess here. Now I think since I've been more than acomindating to you. I should at least know who it is that has so rudly brought these baseless accusations against us. So tell me who exactly are you?

I'm Xena and this is Gabrielle. We were told by the king that resides on the other side of the nearby mountain, that you people kidnapped his daughter and were holding her for ransome. We came here to get her. So where are you hiding her?

What more do I have to do to prove that we...

He paused for a moment as if he just thought of something.

Wait a minute. Did you just say that the princess your looking for is the daughter of the king from the other side of the mountain?

He let out a small chuckle. Xena just looked at him.

Ehem. Sorry that was a bit rude. But I'm afraid that you both have been played for fools.

What do you mean?

The king you're working for, I've done work with him many times. So I know him quite well. Well enough infact to know that he has two sons. And that's it. That man doesn't have any daughters. So I don't know why. But I'm sorry to tell ya, whatever story he told you before. He straight up lied.

And why should we believe you?

Well you said your name was Xena right?


Please forgive me for not mentioning this earlier. I wasn't aware of who exactly had sent you. But now that I know. It all makes alot more sense.

Xena was losing what little patience she had left.

Look we almost died a number of times trying to get here. I am in no mood for this monologing nonsense. Now stop rambling and spit it out already.

Oh sorry. Eh hem. The king despises you.


From everything you told me. And based on what I know about him. Yeah it would appear that he sent you into the mountains planning that you would fall victim to that deadly place.

But the raiders we fought that had the ransom note?

I'd assume that he had been tracking you and set up that whole encounter.

Gabrielle turned to Xena.

What do you think?

Not sure yet.

Xena continued questioning the thief leader.

Why should I believe you?

Simple I'm sure that he just happened to neglect to mention that there's a ship just outside of town that will take you around the mountains and drop you off relatively nearby. You never needed to step foot on that frozen hellscape in order to get here. If you don't believe me, go down to the docks and check for yourselfs. But everything I've told you is true.

Xena pulled Gabrielle aside as they discussed the thief leaders claims. They decided to investigate the docks to see if they indeed could have just taken a ship in order to get there. So Xena and Gabrielle did just that. And discovered that it was true. Leading them to believe that everything that the thief leader told them was infact true. The whole thing really was a set up by the king. All in an effort to get Xena killed.


After realizing that this whole thing was a plot by the king in order to kill Xena. Both Xena and Gabrielle returned to the thief leader. He gave a cocky smirk as he saw them enter the room.

I was right wasn't I.

Yes. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

The thief leader laughed it off.

Eh no harm, no foul. Besides it's not like you hurt anyone. So we're all good.

Xena and Gabrielle decided it was probably better not to mention the guy that Xena used her hold on. He was fine anyway. So they kept that between them.

Thanks for clearing things up. We should be going now. Sorry again.

Xena and Gabrielle started to leave.

Now just you wait.

They turned back and looked at him.

I'm afraid I can't just let you leave.

Look, I already apologized. I had no idea this whole thing was a set up by the king.

Oh I know. But I still can't allow either of you leave.

Xena drew her sword, preparing to fight. The thief leader laughed.

Put your weapon away. You're in no danger here.

But you just said you couldn't let us leave.

The thief leader gave them a kind smile. Both of their current conditions hadn't gone unnoticed by him.

Well not like that I can't.

He gestured at them.

The both of you look like you've seen better days. It's obvious that neither of you are in any shape to do very much of anything. So please stay here as our guests. We can treat your wounds and you can get some much needed rest.

Xena was weary of his offer.

And what do you want in return?

I suppose I can understand your skepticism. But I promise you, I have no hidden motives. Other than the fact that I can't just let two ladies that have been through such a terrible ordeal go without offering my assistance. That wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me. So please stay for a few days and allow my people along with myself to help you in any way we can. Of course you're free to decline my offer and leave now if you wish. It's completely up to you.

After talking it over they decide to accept the thief leaders kind offer. Xena and Gabrielle had their wounds examined and treated. Then one of the thieves brought them a hot meal. Afterwards they were shown to their room and are left alone to get some rest. Completely worn out it didn't take long for them to fall asleep. Quite some time later Gabrielle woke up. She noticed that Xena who was laying next to her was already awake.

How are you feeling?

Xena gave her a gentle smile.

Better. You?

(Smiling) Same.

Xena slowly sat up. She winced a little, still not fully healed. Gabrielle sat up as well. They sat for a bit knowing that they still needed some time to recover.

You know I didn't get to ask before, but do you have any idea why the king would want you dead?

I've been thinking about that. Clearly it has to do with my past. I remember one time some of my men had gone off on their own. After they got back they bragged about what they did.

What did you do?

I was furious. Not because they had raided the castle and killed people. But because they had done it without my permission. I reprimanded the ones responsible and that was the end of it. I never saw the king, so that's why I when we took on the fake rescue
mission. I didn't suspect anything.

I can't believe he tried to get you killed for something that you didn't do.

But they were my men. So it was still my fault.

Xena Clenched her fist. Gabrielle could see that Xena was upset.


Wanting revenge on me is one thing. I can accept that. But he nearly got you killed. He clearly knew that you had nothing to do with what happened. But he still sent both of us to die. And that's something I can't just let go.

Gabrielle could hear the vengeance in Xena's voice. She got a little worried.

Xena, what are you gonna do?

Don't worry Gabrielle. You just rest up for a few days. Then I think we should go and report our "rescue" missions findings.

Xena picked up her sword and began sharpening it quietly. Gabrielle could see the silent rage in Xena's eyes. After a while she tried tslking to Xena, to get her to calm down. But it was no use. Xena just sat there still sharpening her weapon.

Xena will you just say something.

Finally in a ice cold tone, Xena spoke.

Long live the king.


A number of days went by as Xena and Gabrielle stayed at the theives hideout, recovering from their injuries. The thief leader made sure that they were well tended to. Dispite his line of work, he was actually a very kind man. After feeling like they were good, Xena decided it was time to go.

Are you almost ready?


Gabrielle finished packing up their stuff.

Xena are you sure you're okay to go. I can tell you're still in pain.

It's nothing I can't handle.

But your injury was really serious. There's no way you're healed enough. Maybe we should wait a little longer before we leave.

Xena put her hand on Gabrielle's shoulder.

I'm okay Gabrielle, really. Besides it'll take us a couple days to get back by ship. So I can use that time to get a bit more rest before we get there. How's your leg anyway?

Little sore, but I'm fine.

Good. I guess we should get going than.

They grabbed their stuff and headed out. They stopped to see the thief leader before they left.

Leaving so soon?

Yes, we have to get back to the king. We have some unfinished business to see to.

(smirking) I'm sure you do.

He stood up and shook Xena and Gabrielle's hand.

Thanks again for the help.

It was nothing. I'm glad I could be of assistance. You two take care. And if you ever find yourselfs back in these parts, you're always welcome here.

We'll keep that in mind.

With that Xena and Gabrielle bid farewell to the thief leader and headed for the docks. They boarded a ship and set sail. A couple days later Xena and Gabrielle arrived back at the castle. They stood outside as Xena stared clenching her first.

You okay?


What's the plan when we get in there?

I wanna see his reaction when we tell 'em that we never found his "daughter". See what he says. Come on, I'm sure he's gonna be real thrilled when we walk in.

Not knowing the kings vendetta against her and after saying that they were reporting back to the king from a mission, the guards allowed Xena and Gabrielle inside. The two of them made their way to the throne room, where they were told the king currently was. Meanwhile the king was sitting on his throne idlely listening to one of his people going over his schedule for the day. Suddenly the doors flew open, startling everyone in the room. The kings eyes went wide as he watched Xena and Gabrielle came walking into the room, stopping in front of him. He quickly hid his surprise to seeing them again. Especially Xena.

Oh Xena you're back.

You seem surprised to see me.

Well yes. Given how dangerous the mountains are. I wasn't sure that you'd return...alive.

You sound disappointed.

No, not at all. I'm just in shock that you actually made it back.

Are you sure? Because you haven't even mentioned your daughter that you've been all so worried about. Now I would think that the first thing a concerned father would be asking would be the whereabouts of his missing child. Not how the one he sent to save them managed to make it back in one piece.

The king got a nervous look on his face.

well I uh...

But then again why would you ask about someone who doesn't even exist.

What are you talking about? Where is my daughter?

Spare me the lies. I know the real reason you sent me into those mountains.

The king tried to play dumb. But given everything that they had been through, Xena was in no mood for the kings charades.

You don't have a daughter. The soul purpose of this whole thing was just to get me killed.

The king chuckled.

Now why would I go through such an elaborate scheme. I'm a king, if I really wanted you dead why wouldn't I simply have you executed?

Simple. You wanted me to suffer. While at the same time keeping your hands clean. Thus keeping your appearance as a just ruler.

An evil smile came across the kings face.

So you figured it all out did you.

Xena drew her sword.

I'm truly sorry for what happened to your wife. I could've accepted your desire for revenge on me. But your thirst for vengeance nearly got someone I love killed. And you're gonna pay for that.

We'll see about that. Guards!, siese them.

With the kings order, the room became flooded with his guards. Xena and Gabrielle began fighting them off. However due to not being fully recovered from their injuries, they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of men against them.

Make sure not to kill them. Not just yet anyway. I have plans for them.

The guards subdued Xena and Gabrielle. Then they dragged them off to the castle's dungeon. There Xena and Gabrielle were held prisoners as they waited to see whatever new sinister plan the king had in store for them.


A few hours went by as Xena and Gabrielle sat in the kings dungeon as his prisoners. The cell was well guarded. And the king had advised his guards to not take Xena lightly. He was very aware of how smart and crafty she was. So being stripped of their weapons and with the guards on high alert, there wasn't very much Xena or Gabrielle could do. At least for the moment. So they sat up against the wall as they waited to find out what was in store for them.

Any idea how we're getting out of here?

I'm working on it.

Xena couldn't help but feel responsible. Not just for their current situation. But for everything that had happened since they had started this whole mission.

(thinking to herself) If it weren't for me, none of this would've happened. Even after all this time I still don't know the full extent of all the damage I've caused. And now once again my past has put Gabrielle in danger. We need to get out of here. Before things get even worse.

Gabrielle could see Xena was deep in thought.

Everything okay Xena?

Yeah. I was just trying to figure out what our next move was.

I'm sure we'll come up with something. We always do.

Xena chuckled slightly as she thought about all the times that they had been in similar situations.

Fair point.

Suddenly the door to the dungeon opened. Xena and Gabrielle stood up as they heard people coming their way. They watched as a number of guards walked in and stopped in front of their cell. The guards parted and the king stepped forward. He gave a cocky smile to Xena.

(Sarcasm) Are you enjoying yourself. I made sure that you got the finest of rooms we had to offer. Anything for the great Xena.

The king laughed at his own cruel joke.

(Sarcasm) If this is the best you have to offer. If I were you I'd be more worried about the state of your king hood than some old vendetta.

The king came closer to the bars.

You think you're quite clever don't you? A legendary warrior, with a legendary wit to match. Well we'll see what you have to say when I put my plan into action.

And what would that plan be?

Don't worry you'll see soon enough. We're still making the final preparations. I wouldn't want to go and ruin the surprise. I just wanted to come and see how things were.

(sarcasm) Lovely.

The king gave an evil, satisfied smile as he turned his attention to Gabrielle.

It truly is unfortunate that you would choose to keep such poor company. Such a shame. But I suppose as the saying goes, you can't roll around with pigs and not expect to get dirty.

Gabrielle scowled at him. She was about to give him a piece of her mind, but Xena stopped her. Telling her it was pointless to try and make an argument.

Well then I guess I'll see the both of you very soon. This should be great fun... well for me at least.

And with those ominous words the king laughed as he left. Leaving Xena and Gabrielle to wait and see what layed ahead for them. A few hours went by as Xena and Gabrielle waited. They figured that they had to be taken out of the cell at some point. And that would be their opportunity to make their escape. Neither of them knew how long they had been there, but finally the kings guards returned. Being extra cautious, the king made sure he sent a very large number of guards to retrieve his prisoners. Knowing Xena's reputation he wasn't taking any chances of her escaping and ruining his long awaited pursuit of vengeance. The guards shackled and blindfolded Xena and Gabrielle. The guards lead them through the castle. Along the way Xena tried to fight back. But being restrained and unable to see, the guards were able to quickly put a stop to any attempts to fight back or escape. After some walking they reached their destination. Xena and Gabrielle heard a loud slam. They felt their restraints being hung up.

Is everything ready?

Yes your magisty.

Good...Good. Let the show begin.

Xena and Gabrielle had their blindfolds removed. They saw the king sitting up on a platform looking down at them. As Gabrielle and Xena looked around at their new environment. It didn't take long for them to get a sense of what was going on. Xena looked at the king.

So let me guess. You're big plan is to use this stuff on us.

Technically yes. But you're missing a key part.

The king stood and walked over to them.

You see Xena simply hurting you physically isn't good enough. No, I want you to suffer every kind of pain imaginable.

The king stood in front of Gabrielle.

You see I've done some research and I found that you are quite fond of this young woman here.

He ran his finger on Gabrielle's cheek. Angered by the implied threat to Gabrielle, Xena fought against her restraints. The king gave Xena an evil smile, knowing that he had struck a nerve.

Oh Xena, you're almost making this too easy.

The king returned to his seat. He clapped his hands, giving his guards a signal. His guards went over to Gabrielle and took her restraints off the wall. She tried to fight but they just dragged her over to a large hook in the middle of the room. They hung her wrist restraints on the hook and left her hanging there. Xena struggled to get free.


The king let out an evil laugh.

Oh how I dreamed of this for so long.

Your problem is with me. Gabrielle hasn't done anything to you. Just let her go and you can do whatever you want to me.

Oh but don't you see I want you to suffer in every way possible. Suffer as I have, when your people took my wife.

The king glanced over at Gabrielle. Then looked back at Xena.

Soon you will know the pain of losing the one you love. I will break you while you watch helplessly as the remaining moments of her life are spent in pure agony. Then I will end her.

Xena continued to try and break free as the king continued to reveal his plan.

Now as you know I am very aware of the pain caused by losing the one you love. Sometimes it truly feels unbearable. But you see unlike you Xena, I'm not a monster. So after I'm finished with your precious Gabrielle, you won't have to live with that pain for too long. Because once she's gone, you're next. Before I'm finished with you, I will make you beg for death. And I will grant you that mercy. Which is far more than you deserve.

After he finished talking to Xena, he nodded at his people next to Gabrielle. Giving them the go ahead to proceed with his evil plan. Then the king sat back to see Xena's reaction as she was forced to watch as they prepared Gabrielle to be tortured and executed.

No, Gabrielle...


Xena fought against her restraints as she watched Gabrielle hanging from her wrist in the center of the room. The kings people were just finishing getting everything ready and waiting for the kings go ahead to proceed. Gabrielle tried to get free, but there wasn't anything she could do. In a last stitch effort to reason with what ever shread of decency the king might still have, Xena spoke to the king.

I know you miss your wife. And I'm sorry, I know nothing I can say or do will bring her back. But I'm sure she was a good woman. That being said, do you really think you're honoring your wife's memory by doing this? Think about what she would want.

The king stared at Xena. Then he got up and went over to her. He stood in front of Xena for a moment, looking at her in disgust. Then he slapped Xena as hard as he could in the face.

How dare you even mention her. You don't know anything about the woman she was. So don't you even try and speak for her.

The king grabbed a dagger off the nearby table and held it to Xena's face.

You bring her up again and I'll have your tongue cut from that wretched mouth of yours.

The king turned and went back to his seat. Now even more angry and impatient, the king barked at his people.

Aren't you people done getting ready yet? How long does it really take to prepare to hurt someone.

One of the kings people apologized for the wait and told him that they were ready.

Good. Now let's get the festivities started.

The kings people approached Gabrielle as they got ready to carry out the kings evil demands. Gabrielle looked at Xena and smiled, keeping her focus on her.

I love you Xena.

Xena pulled at the restraints keeping her from intervening.


Then it began, Xena couldn't help but close her eyes as she heard Gabrielle cry out in pain. The king laughed as he watched Xena's reaction. Getting a sick satisfaction from seeing the anguish that he was inflicting.

What's wrong Xena? Is the sight of someone you love in so much pain too much for you to bare? Well too bad, because you're gonna watch.

The king laughed as he ordered one of his people to force Xena to watch what they were doing to Gabrielle. They walked over and grabbed Xena's hair to make her look at what was going on. As she was forced to watch the horrifying scene in front of her, Xena felt herself reach her breaking point. Everything that they had been through recently was all because of the king. All the danger. All the pain. It was all his fault. And Xena was not going to let him do anything else. Especially not to Gabrielle. Unbeknownst to the people making Xena look at Gabrielle, she had been pulling against her restraints. Trying to slip herself free. Finally Xena felt her hand finish working it's way out of the cuff that chained her to the wall. Wasting no time, Xena used her free arm to grab the one holding her. She quickly snapped his neck, instantly killing him. The king saw Xena do this, and quickly ordered his men to restrain her.

Get her!

The kings men began to attack Xena, trying to restrain her again. While still having one of her arms chained up, Xena fought against them. She used anything she could to fend them off. As they fought, Xena noticed the shackle keys that were hooked on the waist of one of the kings men. She quickly grabbed them and kicked him away. Then using the key, Xena unshackled her other hand. Now with all her limbs free Xena proceeded to unleash he full fury on everyone that dared to attack her. She blocked out any remaining physical pain that she still felt from their hellish journey days before. As she fought Xena grabbed one of the fallen guards swords and continued to take down anyone who came near her or Gabrielle. During the fight Xena took on some damage, but she still continued to fight on. Finally knowing that they were outmatched, the kings men flead from the area.

Where are you going?! It's one woman. Come back and get her!

Xena finished off the last of the kings men that didn't run. Exhausted and in alot of pain, Xena turned her rage towards the king. She began to make her way over to him. Seeing the look of absolute hatred in her eyes, the king slowly began trying to back away. He backed up until he reached a wall. Realizing that even in her current condition he stood no chance against Xena, the king began to beg Xena to show him mercy. As he pleaded with Xena to spare his life, she only got madder. The fact that after everything he had done, he had the gaul to ask for mercy. She closed in on the king.

Mercy? After all you caused. You want me to show you mercy!

Xena stopped right in front of the king and glared at him.

I beg you, please. My need for revenge is satisfied. You're free. Take your friend and go. just leave me in peace. I beg you.

Xena was quiet for a moment.

Fine, I'll give you mercy.

With those words the king let down his guard, as he breathe a sigh of relief. That relief however was very shortly lived as he felt the sharp pain of Xena's sword in his stomach. The king staggered back as he gripped his stomach.

I thought...you said...you'd show me mercy?

Compared to what I wanted to do to you, I did.

The king slowly stumbled over to a wall. Leaning against it, he slowly slid down and sat there motionless. Xena's attention quickly shifted to Gabrielle. She threw down the sword and raced to unhook Gabrielle from her chains.

(weakly) Xena.

It's alright now. It's over.

Xena gently got Gabrielle down and began undoing her restraints. As she did Gabrielle tried to say something.

Shh, we'll be out of here soon. Everything's gonna be alright. GAH!

Suddenly Xena felt a pain in the same spot in her back that she had been impaled before. She crumbled to her knees as she looked behind her seeing the king that she thought was dead had crawled over and drove a dagger into her back. Kneeling there, he laughed as he pulled the dagger out. Xena let out an angry yell as she snatched the dagger from the kings hand and in one swift motion slit open his throat. He made a horrible gurgling sound as he fell over and within seconds the king was dead. Xena looked at Gabrielle, giving her a small smile. Xena began to resume unlocking Gabrielle from the rest of her restraints. But as she was finishing, Gabrielle saw Xena become very pale.


Before Gabrielle could finish asking if she was okay, Xena's smile faded as her eyes slowly closed. She hung her head as she slumped over and just stayed that way. Gabrielle called her name a couple times, but got no response. Though very weak, she lightly shook Xena trying to get some sort of reaction. But still she got nothing. Xena just knelt there.



Gabrielle sat weakened and beaten on the floor of the now slain kings torture dungeon. As she tried to wake Xena, who knelt motionless in front of her.

Xena, Xena come on wake up. Say something.

Gabrielle grabbed Xena's shoulders, trying to wake her. But again Xena was unresponsive. As Gabrielle shook her again, Xena fell forward leaning against her. Gabrielle brought her arms around Xena and held her.

Please Xena don't leave me. Not after everything we've been through. Not like this.

She gently layed Xena down.

(Thinking to herself) I have to stop the bleeding.

Gabrielle tried to stand, but she was just to weak and hurt from what the king had done to her. Just speaking at this point was a chore. She struggled as she crawled to try and find anything that she could use to cover Xena's wound. Gabrielle grabbed some cloth she found and got back to Xena. She applied pressure to Xena's wound, trying to stop her from bleeding out. Gabrielle held the unconscious Xena, talking to her as she tried to keep herself awake.

You have to hold on Xena. Like you said, it's over. Everything's gonna be okay. Please don't die Xena. Just don't die.

Tears began to fall from Gabrielle as she held Xena. She knew that they couldn't stay there. But she was far too hurt to just get herself out. Let alone her and Xena. She didn't even know how much longer she'd be able to keep herself awake. She sat with Xena's head resting on her lap as she gently stroked her hair.

If this is the end. At least it's with you. I love you....Xena.

She leaned down and gently kissed Xena. Almost as if to say goodbye. Unable to fight it any longer, Gabrielle closed her eyes and then everything went dark. An unknown amount of time passed by, as Gabrielle and Xena's bodies were left all alone in that horrific place.

? 1

? 2
By the gods,, what happened here?

? 1
That bastard kings what happened.

? 2
Is this?

? 1
I think so.

? 2
Are they?

? 1
I don't see how they could not be. Look at this place. Look at them. No one could survive what they must've been put through.

? 2
So what do we do?

? 1
We were told to find and help them.

? 2
I think it's too late for that.

? 1
Well I guess we take them back and see what happens.

? 2
Let's go then. I'd rather not stay here longer than we need to.

? 1


? 3
Hello? Hey there, you still with us?

....What, whats...going...on?

Gabrielle slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the light, she saw a blurry figure standing over her. After a few moments her vision came into focus. As it did Gabrielle recognized a familiar face looking down at her.

Well look who finally decided to wake up?

Gabrielle gave him a curious look. He could tell that she was obviously confused about what was going on.

Don't worry you're safe now.

Gabrielle was still very groggy. Then it hit her.

Xena?! Where's Xena?

Gabrielle franticly tried to sit up. The thief leader gently placed his hands on Gabrielle's shoulders and layed her back down.

Take it easy. Everything's fine. Xena's right here. She's, well she's here.

The thief leader moved to the side, showing Gabrielle that Xena was laying in a bed beside hers. Gabrielle looked at Xena, relieved that she was there.

We did what we could. But she still hasn't regained consciousness. So we don't really know how she is. Other than she's alive. It's been the same for you too. The fact that either of you are somehow still alive, it's unexplainable. Given you're injuries both of you should be dead. You two are some pretty tough ladies.

The thief leader could see that Gabrielle had so many questions. Rightfully so. Anyone in her situation would.

Just try and get some rest. The two of you have been through quite an ordeal. I'll explain everything later. But for now rest up and let someone know if you need anything.

The thief leader gave her a kind smile as he left her and Xena to rest. As she layed there, Gabrielle looked over at Xena.

You're gonna pull through Xena. You have to.

She layed there for a bit, watching for Xena to wake up. Not long later, still feeling pretty weak, Gabrielle wound up falling back to sleep. Quite some time later Gabrielle woke up. Some of the thieves came to check on them. Gabrielle asked if while she was asleep, if Xena woke up at all. They informed her that Xena's condition hadn't changed. She looked at Xena, worried. Time passed. Hours turned to days. And days to weeks. Gabrielle slowly felt herself regaining her strength. The thief leader, along with his people showed just as much kindness and generosity as they did before. Tending to Xena and Gabrielle wanting nothing in return. The thief leader seemed to take a liking to the two of them. So he allowed them to stay for as long as necessary. As Gabrielle continued to recover, Xena however still hadn't woken up. Gabrielle stayed by her side.

Why hasn't she woken up? I don't get it. She was stabbed, it shouldn't have put her in a coma.

The thief leader heard Gabrielle talking to herself as he came in to check on them. He sat next to her.

From what my medics have told me, your friend was stabbed in the same place that she had her previous injury. Which wasn't completely healed yet. So that obviously wasn't good. And that place the king had you was..., well let's just say clearly no one ever bothered to clean it. So I'm assuming that the weapon used on her wasn't clean either. Who knows what was on it. All that paired with how long it took to get any sort of treatment. I'm afraid she caught a very bad infection.

Gabrielle looked at Xena then back at the thief leader.

Is she gonna be okay?

Honestly I don't know. It's really up to her.

He patted Gabrielle's shoulder as he stood up.

Based on what I know about Xena, she's a fighter. You just hang in there. I'm sure she'll pull through.

The thief leader reassured Gabrielle not to give up hope as he left her alone with Xena. Gabrielle sat on the bed next to Xena. With tears in her eyes Gabrielle gently brushed her cheek. Just wanting Xena to come back to her.

Come on Xena. Please, just wake up.


Quite a few months had passed by since Gabrielle and Xena were found in the kings dungeon and brought to the thieves hideout. The thief leader made sure Xena and Gabrielle were very well cared for. Every day he would come by to check on his guests. Making sure they had everything they needed and were comfortable. It was slow,, but over time Gabrielle fully recovered from her injuries she suffered at the orders from the king. As she regained her full strength, she took over caring for Xena. Who even after all this time, still hadn't regained consciousness. As the day's went by, Gabrielle stayed by Xena's side. Making sure she was okay. And just waiting, hoping for Xena to wake up. One day the thief leader came to see them. As he walked in their room he saw Gabrielle sitting in a chair next to Xena's bed. She was leaning over her head resting on one of her arms as she had fallen asleep. Her other hand holding on to Xena's as if it was the only thing tieing Xena to this world. The thief leader smiled to himself. This had become a common sight for him.. Seeing such loyalty and devotion the two clearly had for one another, truly warmed his heart. He walked over, picking up a small blanket and layed it over Gabrielle. As he adjusted it, Gabrielle slowly opened her eyes.


Gabrielle sleepily sat up straight.

No, it's just me. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.

Gabrielle sadly looked at Xena, who indeed still hadn't come to.

It's okay. Thanks.

Gabrielle stood up as she stretched out

Has there been any change?

No, still nothing. Though if there were, you would probably be the first one to know. Seeing as though you never leave her side.

Gabrielle didn't say anything, she just let out a sad sigh as she looked at Xena. Wanting nothing more then to have her back. But with every day that went by, it became harder and harder for Gabrielle to keep believing that Xena would wake up.

There's some food in the dining hall if you want it. Or I can have someone bring you something if you'd prefer to stay here.

Thanks I'll get something in a bit.

Okay. Just remember, you can't care for her, if you don't care for yourself.

I know.

The thief leader gave her a reassuring smile as he left. Gabrielle stayed with Xena for a while, before leaving for a bit to go eat. Later that night Gabrielle sat beside Xena's bed talking to her as she always did these days. Hoping Xena could hear her.

I know you're still in there Xena. I don't care how long it takes for you to wake up. I'm gonna stay right here. No matter what happens, I'll be here, waiting for you.

Gabrielle wiped away the couple tears she began to shed as leaned over and gently kissed Xena.

Good night Xena. I love you.

Gabrielle layed her head on her arms as she leaned on the side of the bed. She just watched Xena until she eventually drifted off to sleep. And so another day of Gabrielle's new life came and went. Just as so many of her recent days had gone by. Soon yet another morning came. Gabrielle hadn't moved from her spot. She sat in her chair, laying her head next to Xena on the bed. Gabrielle mumbled, still mostly asleep as she felt something touch her. She moved her head a little, as she got move comfortable. Then she felt it again. She slowly began to stir, feeling a hand softly brushing through her hair. As a sleepy Gabrielle opened her eyes, she saw someone looking down at her. She began to cry as she saw the all too familiar face smiling at her. Gabrielle could only seem to muster up one thing to say as she sprung up.


Gabrielle felt herself get pulled in and held tight.

I'm so happy you're safe.

Gabrielle in turn held Xena.

You're finally awake. I was so scared I was going to lose you.

(Joking) The day someone like that king can take me out, will be when I quit fighting. Because I would have clearly lost my touch.

That's not funny Xena. You almost died.

Xena didn't know what to say.

She's right. You're very lucky to still be here.

Xena and Gabrielle looked and saw that the thief leader had walked in. He told Xena that Gabrielle had been taking care of her for months while she was in her coma. Gabrielle explained to Xena that the thief leader had been letting them stay there while they recovered and while she waited for Xena to wake up.

I don't know how to thank you for everything you've done for us.

No need. I'm happy I could help.

Xena asked Gabrielle how they got back to the thieves hideout. Then it dawned on Gabrielle, that in all her worry for Xena. She hadn't even asked how that happened.

I can answer that. You see, I never trusted that king. I always knew he was trouble. So I figured he might have something else up his sleeve once he saw that his original plan to kill Xena failed. That.beeing said, shortly after you left from here I sent a couple of my people to follow you. Just incase you needed backup.

Well it's a good thing you did. We never would've made it out of there if it weren't for you and your people.

And if it weren't for the two of you, this whole area would still be ruled by a tyrant.

A tyrant? I know he did all that stuff to us. But I thought that was just because of his hatred for Xena?

No. He was a horrible ruler. He was truly an evil man. I'm sorry I should've said something before.I always tried not to get involved with his messes. I didn't want to bring his wrath on myself or my people. We're just thieves, if he chose to attack us, we couldn't fight a whole army.

It's okay. We understand. You've helped us more than enough.

Now the people around here are finally free from him. On behalf of everyone he's hurt in some way. Thank you

Xena got a sad look in her eyes.

If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have been that way.

Xena you're not responsible for every bad thing that everyone you came in contact with back then dose now. You changed, so can they. Their choices are their own.

Still. I guess this was one more thing that I had to pay for. I'm just sorry that so many people had to suffer.

Well if that's how you see things. Then I'd say getting rid of the tyrant you say you created let's you off the hook for this one. Although I'm inclined to agree with Gabrielle here. We are all responsible for our own actions. No one else. You didn't force him to do anything. And if you ask me, I think he just used what happened to try and justify the evil that was already there long before you even came along.

With those words the thief leader took his leave. Gabrielle smiled at Xena. Hoping what the thief leader said had sunk in. After a few more days of rest, Xena and Gabrielle decided it was about time to leave. The two of them, along with the thief leader stood outside the hideout.

Thanks again for everything.

It truly has been a pleasure to meet the two of you. I'm happy I could help you both. I hope to see you again.

If we come back around here, we'll make sure we stop by and say hi.

The thief leader shook both their hands.

Be sure that you do.

And so Xena and Gabrielle left. Catching a ship, taking them back around the mountains. They stood together as they watched it passed by.

If I ever see these mountains again, it'll be too soon.

(Sarcasm) How about when hell freezes over.

Gabrielle smirked as she looked at Xena, shaking her head at the bad joke. The two of them watched as the sun set on another day. And another adventure. As they went off into the distance together. Onward to whatever their journey ahead had waiting for them.


Email- tgirl159tgirl159@gmail.com 

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