Disclaimers: See Part One

Hilton Resort SC

Adrienne (putting her cigarette out): You know both of the murders are connected somehow, don’t you.

Alex (nodding and sipping her coffee): But to who and why I can’t figure out.  Has Clara found anything yet?
Adrienne (shaking her head): No, not yet.  Something’s fishy with this whole thing and I can’t piece it together.

Alex (looking out the window): Yet.  Somehow, what’s happening to Brennan and Tessa are connected and oh shit (putting her coffee cup down and reaching for her laptop.)
Adrienne (wide eyed): You got something.
Alex (nodding): I think I do.  And, if I’m right, both of them are in a shit load of trouble.

Jasmine (walking in and stretching): Nothing new.  So what did I do this time?
Alex (putting her hand up): Nothing yet.  Amazingly.  I think I have something if I can get into the right records.  Give me some time.  If I’m right then we have to somehow warn them.

Jasmine (motioning to Adrienne to follow her): What is she going on about? 

Adrienne (shaking her head): From what I can tell, I think she has found a connection to Brennan and Tessa.

Jasmine (closing her eyes): Shit…

Adrienne (nodding): And if she’s right…

Jasmine (running her hands through her hair): Listen you two mind going to get some breakfast.  I want to talk with her about this.  About the possible implications, this could have.

Adrienne (understanding): Jasmine it’s her job.  She has to do this.

Jasmine (softly): No, the last time she got involved in something like this well, you remember.  She was almost killed. 

Adrienne (putting her hand on her shoulder): What are we going to do about Tessa and Brennan?  They’re both on the run.

Jasmine (leaning her head back against the wall): I don’t know Adrienne.  I won’t lose my wife or my friends especially not to a bunch of greedy selfish bastards.

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Tessa leaned against the wall touching her lips gently.  They still stung form the kiss her and Brennan had shared last night before going to bed.  She wanted nothing more than to hold the tough Marine and ease her fears and pain.  She didn’t understand it but she felt like she had been with Brennan forever.  She felt a comfort and compassion from Brennan no one had ever shown her.  Not her ex-husband, not her mother, no one. 

Brennan (walking down the stairs stiffly; clad in boxers and a tank top; showing off her muscles and a large tattoo across her shoulders): Morning.

Tessa (licking her lips; Brennan was tall; muscular and absolutely gorgeous): Yeah um hi.

Brennan (smiling): One kiss to make you speechless huh (teasing.)
Tessa (blushing): It’s not only the kiss but um uh the company as well.

Brennan (taunting): What do I stink or something?  Oh wait that’s right I’m covered in bruises and cuts (snapping her fingers) that has to be it.

Tessa (moving closer to her): No that’s not it and you know it.  It’s um…

Brennan (locking eyes with her): What?  What is it Tessa?  (Reaching out and gently caressing her face.)  I’d move heaven and earth for you if you asked me too (wondering where in the hell all this mushy shit was coming from but figured since Tessa liked it she might as well keep on going.)  What do you want?

Tessa (tentatively; reaching up and wrapping her arms around the tall woman’s neck careful to not cause her pain): I know what I want but I don’t know how.  I’ve never felt this way.  And it’s obvious I’ve never with a woman.  I take it you have you know been with a woman.

Brennan (pulling her closer): Yes (softly caressing her face) it’s different with you.  I’ve never been down this road before.  Cindy was my ex and we spent a couple of years together just using each other.  She hurt me terribly in the end.  I’m sure you know what happened (Tessa nodded her eyes showing pain and she gently caressed her lips.)  Nakia and I were close, we cared for each other but we used each other as well.  Her passions and mine were equal and many a times we would seek each other out to satisfy a hunger, a primal, carnal urge.  We were good friends and she was killed in front of me. 

Tessa (closing her eyes and resting her head on Brennan’s chest): Did you love her?
Brennan (sadly): There was no room in my heart for love, pygmy.  I don’t know what that is.  I don’t know what love is.  I’ve never really experienced this so called unconditional love that I see on TV or what people talk about.  What I’m trying to tell you is I don’t know if I can give you what you want, what you need, what you deserve.  I’ll be there for you but I don’t know if…

Tessa (looking up into her eyes): You seemed like you knew last night (wanting to kiss those soft lips so badly but resisting just barely.)

Brennan (closing her eyes and nuzzling her face against Tessa’s hair): Tessa you deserve so much in life.  The best someone has to offer and I‘m not sure…

Tessa (fighting tears): I am.  You’ve shown me more compassion and tenderness than anyone I’ve known.  I know you won’t hurt me because I trust you even if you don’t trust yourself (watching grey flash with emotion.)

Brennan (softly): I won’t hurt you Tessa.  I’m not the same person I was.  Think about this.  I’m not always gentle or understanding.  I’ve taken and never given.  I don’t know what to do and I won’t hurt you.

Tessa (convincingly): I know you won’t.  Can’t you feel this between us?  Can’t you feel there’s something there?  I know you can and you can’t deny that.

Brennan (nodding and looking out the window): I feel a lot of things with you.  Things I’ve never known.  Things I swore that I would never again.  (Pausing and taking a deep breath) just think about this before you make any choices.

Tessa (gabbing her arm gently before she left): What do you feel for me?
Brennan (softly): I don’t know just more. 

Tessa (facing her): Do you want me?
Brennan (backing up slowly): More than you know.

Tessa (pressing her body against her): I won’t push.  I won’t ask for you can’t offer but I know what I want.  I know what I feel.  I’m here when you’re ready.

Brennan nodded and slowly made her way out of the cabin.  The truth was she was scared and confused.  These feelings were something new but familiar.  Sighing she tilted her head back and looked up at the sky.

Brennan (pleading): I don’t know what to do.  I wish you were here Nakia.  Maybe you could have made sense of all this.  You would like her (sitting on a fallen log and contemplating her and Tessa’s conversation and her feelings for her.)

Boston MA

David (packing a few things in his laptop case): So as you can see I must see to this matter personally.

Linda (waving her hands): Fine whatever.  Just get the little brat back here.  I’ve set up the dinner engagement for the end of the week.  Brad is an extremely intelligent handsome man.  I like him already.  He’s almost like you.

David (rolling his eyes): Well do try keep your hands to yourself dear. 

Linda (sneering): And you keep your fly closed while you’re down there.  I’ll see you in a few days (blowing kisses as she walked out of his office.)

David (picking up the phone): Yes, my wife is going out tonight.  Perfect I’ll leave the arrangements to you then.  I’ll be in South Carolina and I’ll have my cell phone (putting the phone on the receiver and grabbing his luggage.  Either way by the end of tomorrow he would be rid of both problems in his life laughing evilly as he locked his office.)

Hilton Resort  SC

Alex (slamming her hand on the table): Dammit.  Son of a bitch.

Jasmine (walking in fresh from a shower): You bellowed.

Alex (looking up): Not you.  But um honey why are you…

Jasmine (leaning over her wife): You’re working too hard.  Come on I want to give you a nice massage get you to relax until our two crazy cousins come back.

Alex (moaning as soft kisses were trailed up and down her neck): Baby…
Jasmine (looking at the computer screen and hitting the save button then pulling her wife along gently): Nice big soft bed.  No nosy neighbors, just you and me (pushing her onto the bed.)
Alex (groaning as she wife settled on top of her): I love you.  I’m sorry I haven’t been that attentive oh, God baby (as sensitive skin was teased and caressed.)
Jasmine (smiling between kisses and nips): That’s it just relax love.

Alex locked eyes with her wife and surrendered willingly in love and passion.  It never ceased to amaze her that even after all this time her wife wanted her just like she did when the first got together.  And when it was, her turn to return the favor all thought stopped as her wife made her intentions known.  The last words either of them would whisper for a long while were I love you.

Food Lion, Rural Road SC

Adrienne (reaching over, brushing the hair out of her partner’s face, and trying to calm her temper): Easy love.  It’s just construction.

Clara (angrily): We had to take the road near the dam airport.  Dammit, where did these people learn to drive?  Off the box of fruit loops.

Adrienne (chuckling): Pull off here.  Just relax.  I’m sure Alex and Jas don’t mind. 

Clara (clutching the steering wheel harder as she made her turn): It’s just I’m out of sorts with all this and I keep running into brick walls (cursing as someone cut her off.)  I swear if I had a gun, I would start shooting.
Adrienne (leaning over toward her): Calm down (teasing her with gentle touches): I could always find a way to ease your tension love (reaching for the button on her cargo shorts.)
Clara (moaning as strong fingers caressed her intimately): Adrienne dammit baby as much as I like to oh shit not in traffic.
Adrienne (smirking): Find us a spot. 

Clara (shaking her head): What about breakfast?
Adrienne (looking around): To hell with it.  I’m sure their minds aren’t on food at this point either (licking her lips as she undid her partner’s shirt and smirking as she pulled into a secluded rest stop.)

Clara (groaning): Behave (moaning) please.

Adrienne (shutting the car off): Behave. Me.  Never (smiling as she reached over and pulled the seat back) now where was I (straddling her partner’s lap.)
Clara (moaning): This is just an excuse (grunting) to get my mind off the situation.

Adrienne (growling playfully as she nipped her earlobe): Yep.  I need time with you and they need time together alone too.  So hush and let me have you.  (Proceeding to do just that and remind her partner of how much she loved her.)

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Tessa walked out into the cool morning air admiring the sunshine and the serenity.  She looked around and found Brennan leaning against a tree stump lost in thought.
Tessa (softly so as not to startle her): Here I made some coffee. 

Brennan (taking the cup; her fingers brushing against Tessa’s): Thanks.  Listen I didn’t mean to sound so harsh earlier.  I just want you to know who you’re getting involved with.

Tessa (sitting next to her): I know.  I’m not afraid.  I want this.

Brennan (taking a deep breath): Then we’ll go slow.  There’s something about you (closing her eyes) that makes me feel so many things.  Things I’ve locked up and I need to get used to them and you being here.  (Seeing Tessa’s confused look) I do want you more than you know pygmy (putting the cup down and gently caressing her face) can I.
Tessa (smiling): You asked me that last night.  I’m yours (bringing her lips closer to Brennan’s.)
Brennan (brushing Tessa’s lips with her thumb): Slow baby nice and slow (Tessa nodded and she leaned forward gently almost hesitantly kissing her softly trying to convey what she was feeling in that kiss.  And as Tessa responded, she realized that she had never been truly kissed at all.  Not by anyone.  Desire hit her like a tidal wave as she pulled the smaller body closer to her.  She had never felt this way with anyone.  Breaking apart to breath, they looked at each other smiling and panting for breath.)  Dam…

Tessa (nodding and rubbing Brennan’s back gently): Yeah wow.

Brennan (taking a deep breath): I want you…
Tessa (fanning herself): Slow.  Come on let’s get some breakfast.  Then maybe we can take a walk or something.

Brennan (grabbing her cup): Sounds good.  I hope you can cook because I can’t.

Tessa (smirking and taking Brennan’s hand in her own): I’m a chef.  One class shy of my degree.  So you’re in for a treat.

Brennan (teasing): Didn’t I just get that pygmy?
Tessa (backhanding her stomach playfully): Keep it up and you can starve Amazon (reaching around to push the tall woman back and found herself locked in a bear hug.)  Hi.

Brennan (her eyes winkling with mischief): Hi.  You’re lucky I’m still recovering (trying to calm her racing heart.)
Tessa (reaching up and wrapping her arms around her neck): Why?
Brennan (smirking): Cause you’d be in some serious hot water (caressing her back then moving her hands lower to massage her bum.)
Tessa (closing her eyes as strong hands caressed her; enticing her): I think I already am (pressing closer.)
Brennan (hesitantly): Is this ok?
Tessa (nodding): More than ok (groaning as Brennan’s lips captured hers.)
Brennan (softly pressing their foreheads together): You feel so good.  I lose all control around you and what are you doing (feeling small hands between her thighs.)
Tessa (smirking): Just wanting to make you feel as hot as I am (taking off and leaving a very frustrated Marine standing there.)
Brennan (growling): You better run.  Dam pygmy teasing me.  You better make a very large breakfast too or you’ll be breakfast.

Tessa nearly tripped at that statement and kept on moving with Brennan hot on her tail. If this is how she felt when they were kissing imagine (ooh best not go there.)

Undisclosed Location SC

Danni (reading the reports and the transfers): Tell me again how this happened?  How could we let this piece of shit get into our system and extract the information (kicking the chair in front of her into the wall.)

Jones (holding his hands up): I don’t know.  We’re investigating things right now.  And we have agents at some of the more potential hotspots. 

Dennen (shaking his head): And put everyone on a priority alert until the perpetrator is caught and taken into custody.
Danni (yelling): You do that.  Then get that sorry bastard of Security Operations in here.  A safety procedure was supposed to be put into place.  I want to know what went wrong and now. 

Briers (jumping): I’m on it.

Danni (throwing the papers on the desk): You get a hold of the head of each military branch and alert them.  Tell them until this person is caught and brought into custody not to disclose any information that can be used maliciously.

Jones (moving away quickly so as to not infuriate her further): I’ll get right on it.

Danni (slamming her hand down): And find the dam leak.  I want him or her brought into custody by the end of the week.

Hilton Resort SC

Alex (rolling over and grabbing her phone so as not to wake Jasmine): Hello (hoarsely.)  What (sitting up and grabbing her robe.)  You’ve got to be shitting me.  How do these things happen?
Jasmine (rubbing her eyes): Who is it baby?
Alex (putting her hand up): Oh God.  Shit, all right keep me posted.  I’ll give Brennan and Tessa a call in a bit.  Ok.  Yes of course.  No we’re fine (shutting her phone.)  Shit (running her hands through her hair.)
Jasmine (sitting up): What’s wrong?
Alex (looking at her wife and crawling back in bed): That was my aunt.  Seems as though the government has a major leak and some important classified stuff got out.
Jasmine (wide eyed): Dam.  That’s fucked up.

Alex (nodding): You can say that again.  They don’t know who got a hold of what.  But they’re placing everyone who might be involved on high alert.  They don’t know anything as of yet but they’re working on it.

Jasmine (closing her eyes): That’s it we’re moving to New Zealand or better yet Australia.

Alex (wondering): Why?  What?
Jasmine (pulling her wife against her): Because I don’t want you to get hurt.  This is the third time in your career that something that you’re involved in has gone crazy. 

Alex (understanding): I know baby.  I promise not to take any unnecessary risks (seeing her wife about to protest she kissed her to silence her.) 
Jasmine (shaking her head): Why do you do that?  I have a perfectly good argument all planned and then you um uh (moaning as her wife’s hands began caressing rather sensitive flesh.)
Alex (smirking mischievously): Because it’s what I do now…
Adrienne (walking in carrying several plastic bags): Hey where are you two (yelling.)
Alex (laughing): Later I promise.  I wonder why they’re late.
Jasmine (taunting): Well I could think of several good reasons.

Alex (smacking her playfully): Behave.

Clara (slamming the door): Hey, get out here.  We got foodstuffs.

Alex (grabbing her clothes): In here.  We’ll be out in a minute.

Adrienne (loudly): Ok hurry up.  We’re starving.
Jasmine (throwing her shirt and shorts on): And we’re not.  It’s about time they got back here.

Alex (shaking her head as she watched her wife’s hips swaying seductively as she walked out of the room): And let the games begin. 

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Brennan (clearing the dishes off the table): That was fantastic.  You outdid yourself.

Tessa (sipping her coffee): Thank you.  I um well I never cooked for anyone before you.  We always had servants and my ex just didn’t think I need to waste my time cooking (looking up to see soft grey eyes looking at her with compassion.)

Brennan (cupping her face gently and tilting it to look at her): It’s their loss.  You are an excellent cook.  And if you want I would like you to cook more often (softly.)

Tessa (smiling): I’d like that.  (Leaning up as Brennan leaned down and kissed her softly.)

Brennan (brushing back her hair): Want to take that walk now or is there something else you want to do (blushing at the double entendre of her words.)

Tessa (smirking): Since we’re taking this slow, I think the walk would be in order. 

Brennan (standing and stretching): Yeah good idea (wincing as her ribs pulled.)  Shit…
Tessa (moving behind her): Dam you are one tall drink of water.  Here relax (rubbing Brennan’s sides gently.)
Brennan (closing her eyes at the sensations of sparks shooting through her; the feel of Tessa’s hands through her t-shirt made her wonder how else those hands would feel elsewhere): God that feels good.

Tessa (blushing at the entendre of words): It does so if I moved my hand here oh (feel a strong hand grab hers.)
Brennan (turning around): You’re a tease pygmy (her voice low.)
Tessa (gulping at the look on Brennan’s face): Um uh I that is well (moaning as Brennan put her hand under her shirt; she felt the rough bandages then soft smooth skin and oh good God, moaning)
Brennan (winking): Don’t start what you can’t finish pygmy (removing her hand gently and turning around.) 

Tessa smiled evilly and then took off after her as she went out the door.  Paybacks she vowed.

Undisclosed Location SC

Several officers sat and listened as their unit leader made plans.  They were to go to several strategic points throughout the state and stand by, waiting for orders. 

Jones (standing up): So this is a search and retrieve.  Not arrest.

Danni (nodding): Unless you get the actual perpetrator.  There are several of them.  One of them is David Karns from Boston.  He was seen landing at the airport earlier in the day.  The other is by a man named Tony Depree.   He’s been hanging around here a lot lately.  There are several of their cronies working around down here.  They blend in real well; they’re to be considered armed and dangerous.  In the packets we handed out you have a list of people involved and the charges they are suspected of.  Of that lot, the two top ranking military officials are the most dangerous.  They have everyone fooled.  Your assignments are posted.  We need to get going people.  Good luck.  (She packed her things in her briefcase and watched almost everyone leave the room.  Smiling as a short brunette approached her.)  Mychele long time no see.  Where’s (looking around) your partner.  I thought she would be here.

Mychele (taking a deep breath): In the hospital.  She got hit with a couple of rounds.  Dumb ass proceeded to stay and finish the fireworks.

Danni (laughing): She’s all right I take it.

Mychele (nodding): But so help me I’m going to kick her ass for pulling a stunt like that.  Last week it was the dam shark this week a bullet wound.  She infuriates me.

Danni (smiling and guiding her to her office): So you’re taking this assignment on while she lies in bed recuperating.
Mychele (grinning): Something like that.  These bastards are traitors and should be put away for a long time.

Danni (closing her eyes): They might not serve time.  They’re considered armed and extremely dangerous.

Mychele (patting her sidearm): Won’t be the first time.  Why do you want me poking up in through the mountains with Wilkins and Jones.

Danni (pouring them both a cup of coffee): Because you’re trained for that type of search.  I don’t want any more injuries. 

Mychele (wondering): I presume you’re referring to Sergeant Ramus.  She was a mess when we picked her up.  They beat her pretty bad.

Danni (nodding): I know but I can’t prove it and I can’t even begin to figure out who was behind it.  When are you leaving?
Mychele (sitting down): We’ll get our gear together.  Take a look at the hot spots then pull out.  Keep an eye on things up there.  Hopefully there’s no problems.  We’ll get them home safely Danni.  We’ll solve this mess and put everyone behind bars who was involved.

Danni (raising her mug to her): I hope so Mychele.  I hope so.

Bank of America SC

David (puling out several photos): This is what she looks like.  I want her found.  

Lionel (taking a photo): Rumor has it she went up north in the mountains.  You want us to look up there.

David (lighting a cigar): Yes.  I want you to look everywhere you have a lead but use discretion.  Don’t go on a wild goose chase.

Pritcher (taking a drag of his cigarette): Do you want us to call you or just bring the brat home?
David (smiling): Call me.  I want to have a father, daughter reunion, just the two of us (an evil smile covering his features, which sent chills down the other two men’s spines.)

Tony (shivering): Any idea where she might be.  That’s a mighty big stretch of land to be looking in.

David (thinking): There’s several cabins that belong to several people.  Then there’s the campsites and trails. Those should be good starting places but like I said keep an eye out.  Let’s get going.  The days a wasting.

Hilton Resort SC

Alex (pouring over her email and the report transfers she had received): I’m on to something.  Some of the pieces are coming together.  But it’s going to take a while to finish going through this.
Clara (reading some other reports and notes): You can say that again.  What we’re looking at are basic acts of terrorism and traitors.  Someone funded illegal operations through several laundry operations.  I hope these people rot in hell.

Alex (sitting up): Oh, shit.  God no. 

Clara (leaning over): What?  What is it?
Alex (handing her one of the reports): Here read that.  I need to get some coffee (shakily.)

Clara (softly): Alex you look terrible.  What’s wrong?
Alex (pointing to the report): Read that.

Clara (standing): Alex here why don’t you sit down.  You’re not looking so good.

Alex (swallowing hard): It’s ok.  Just let me get my bearings.  You better read that report.

Clara (looking at the paper her eyes widening in shock): Oh good God.  We have to warn them.

Alex (nodding): And if there’s a leak…
Clara (putting the report down): Shit.
Jasmine (walking in): Hey, does anybody…What’s going on?
Alex (wrapping her arms around her wife): We just found out something and it isn’t good.

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Tessa (leaning against Brennan’s chest): Are you sure this doesn’t hurt you?
Brennan (nodding): You’re fine.  You’re kind of small so you fit perfectly (referring to the way Tessa was leaning against her chest and sitting between her legs.)
Tessa (smiling): Thank you.  I think.  You’ve been to some amazing places haven’t you (Brennan nodded and continued nuzzling her hair and rubbing her arms.)  And you’re not much for conversation are you (teasing?)
Brennan (chuckling): Watch it pygmy.  I can converse if I want.  The subject just has to interest me enough.

Tessa (smirking and playfully smacking the arm holding her): Brat.

Brennan (leaning her head down): Although I could think of something much more interesting to do with my mouth than talk.

Tessa (closing her eyes at the image of being held and loved by the taller woman): Mmm and what’s that.

Brennan (pressing her lips to Tessa’s gently): This (as her senses spun out of control as the smaller woman in her arms took control of the kiss giving as well as taking.  Tessa turned in her arms to try and get closer and Brennan groaned at the sparks shooting through her body.)

Tessa moaned into the taller woman’s mouth wanting more but unsure if she was ready yet.  But as soon as those strong hands grabbed her by the hips, she was done for.  She knew what she wanted and she wanted it now and Brennan thankfully wanted what she wanted.)

They held each other tightly; each woman losing themselves more and more in each other and each finding the part of them that had been missing so long.  To both Tessa and Brennan it felt like coming home.

Hilton Resort SC

Jasmine (rubbing Alex’s back): I can’t believe this shit.  Here own father’s involved in all this crap. 

Adrienne (shaking her head): That’s fucked up.  (Watching as her lover read the reports) what else did you find?  Or do I not want to know.

Alex (rubbing her temples): That he is one of the major backers to several campaign funds among other things.  There are a few lesser individuals involved but he’s the ace in the whole. 

Clara (not looking up): Along with several top military officials.  Including the late Lieutenant Marcs.  There’s several Generals; Admirals and so forth on down the line. 

Jasmine (looking at the information): Everybody and anybody that was involved sold out their own government.  They had links to several anti terrorist strikes; military bombings; campaigns; elections drug fronts and the list goes on and on.  (Thinking) I’m not supposed to know that am I (trying to lighten the mood.)

Alex (shaking her head): Give me that.  And no you’re not but you’ve always been a big help whenever I have a monumental case. 

Jasmine (proudly): See that.  She’s says I help.

Adrienne (rolling her eyes): Yeah you help all right?  You help get into trouble is more like it (sticking her tongue out.)
Clara (smacking her playfully): Put that away.  And behave.  Ok here’s what we have and I think they found out the source of the leak.  Oh, shit.

Alex (looking at the screen): Fuck.  Jasmine get me the phone.  I have to call this in.

Adrienne (wondering): What was assholes name?  (Everyone looked at her puzzled) Tessa’s ex.

Jasmine (thinking): I think it was Richard why?
Adrienne (gulping): Because he’s dead and he‘s the fucking link to all this shit.

Rural Road SC

Richard (pulling over after seeing blue lights flashing in the rearview): Dam.  No matter (reaching under the seat to grab his handgun.)  I’m too close to stop now.

Officer (tapping on his window): Afternoon.  Can I see your license and registration.

Richard (reaching for his wallet): Certainly.  But can I ask what this is about?

Officer (taking the documents): I’ll be right back.

Richard watched as the North Carolina State Police Officer walked back to his car.  He looked at the handgun then at the cop and smiled evilly.

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Tessa (moaning as teeth grazed her throat): God what you’re doing to me.

Brennan (shifting her position to ease up on her ribs): You feel so good.  (Pausing as lightning and thunder echoed off in the distance.)  I’m just glad we moved this indoors.  You would have been slightly uncomfortable (kissing exposed skin, moaning at the sweet taste.)
Tessa (clutching her back tighter as lightning course through her body): Not with you making me feel like this (groaning as soft lips teased her skin.)

Brennan (trying to keep control and not just take what she wanted as she had done in the past): I want you.

Tessa (pushing her hips up): Yes, take me.

Brennan (biting her lip; her breathing shallow and labored a part of her wanted so much to ravish Tessa over and over until she was exhausted but the other part of her wanted to go slow): Easy baby (bringing her mouth up for another breath stealing kiss.)

They continued caressing and kissing learning new territory until the ringing of one of their cell phones interrupted them.

Tessa (groaning): Shit maybe whoever it is will go away (the other  phone rang) dam. 

Brennan (cursing): Son of a bitch.  (Reaching for her phone on the table) yeah.

Alex (loudly): Where the hell have you been.

Brennan (trying not to laugh at Tessa cringing from the loud conversation): We were out for a walk.  Why?
Alex (still yelling): A walk.  You two are supposed to be in hiding.  What were you thinking?

Brennan (fumbling for words): Well we um that is I…
Tessa (taking the phone form her lover and admiring her body as she stretched gingerly): Alex what’s wrong?
Alex (calmly): There’s been a leak in certain government operations.  There’s a bunch of tactical units patrolling possible locations that could have been found out, including where you two are.

Tessa (paling): Are you sure?
Alex (softly): Tessa listen to me please be careful.  Stay close to Brennan.  She’s  survivor.  If anything goes wrong, she’ll get you out of there.

Tessa (smirking as she watched her lover walk into the kitchen): I’ll have no problem with that (following after her lover with an evil grin on her face.)
Alex (yelling loudly): What the hell does that mean?   What are you two doing?  

Tessa (smiling): Alex we’ll call you later.  Thanks for the warning (closing the cell phone.)

Brennan (turning to face her):What’s up?

Tessa (moving closer): Alex called to tell us that someone might know where we are.  Things could get messy.

Brennan (wrapping her arms around her tightly): I know but I won’t let anyone hurt you (leaning down for a soft kiss.)

Hilton Resort SC

Alex (looking at the phone dumbfounded): What the…

Jasmine (taking the phone from her): What’s wrong love?  You look like someone gave you some surprising news or something.

Alex (shaking her head): I think they’re together.  At least from what I can tell.

Jasmine (wide eyed): You mean.  But she’s and she’s and…

Adrienne (teasing): Cat got your tongue.  Oh, come on please.  The sparks were flying from the moment they looked at each other. 

Jasmine (rolling her  eyes): But Tessa’s never and Brennan and then there’s…
Alex (playfully swatting her wife): It’s ok.  Remember the story of soul mates my nonni used to us when we were first dating.  (Jasmine nodded) I firmly believe that.

Clara (walking in): Yeah after all she married your ass Jasmine (laughing.)
Jasmine (scratching the back of her neck): Yeah and you shut up.

Clara (sticking out her tongue): Make yow (yelping as Adrienne pinched her ass.)  What the hell did you do that for?

Adrienne (smirking): Put that away.  I need it in good working order.

Alex (laughing): Jasmine it’s ok.  I trust Brennan and I know Tessa wouldn’t give her heart away lightly.  Now I’m going to finish up some stuff then we’ll get something for dinner since someone (looking at Clara and Adrienne) and I won’t mention names was late with breakfast.

Adrienne (protesting): I didn’t want her getting all stressed.

Jasmine (taunting): No but you dam near gave her a heart attack (running as Adrienne lunged at her.)

Clara (pointing): There they go.  Like a couple of kids.

Alex (nodding as she watched her wife and Adrienne run around the small suite jumping over furniture and throwing taunts at each other): As long as they don’t get hurt what the hell.  Come on let’s get this finished up and call it a day.  We already got some major pieces in place.

Clara (following after her): Shouldn’t I be like in the FBI or something to be looking at all this stuff.

Alex (shaking her head): Nah.  I can just tell everyone you’re my assistant (smirking evilly.)
Clara (rolling her eyes): And nonni always blamed me when we were kids I can see why.

Mt Range SC

Richard (throwing a towel in the back of the trunk): Nosy ass cop.  Should have minded your own business.  I was just looking for my daughter.  And you had to go and interfere and tell me I was trespassing.  (He drove away intent on finding his daughter irregardless of who got in his way and then she too would pay just like his wife had.)

Undisclosed Location; Interstate SC

Danni (talking in the earpiece): Get me that footage dammit.  This isn’t good.  What do you mean there’s been no sign of him.  (Slamming her fist on the steering wheel) dammit, how can someone just up and disappear.  (Listening) I know she did dammit but she’s not wanted for questioning.  Then get someone down here who knows what they’re doing.  I have limited authority and resources and they’re stretched far too thin as it is. (Listening) Thad you’re a good guy and I know this is like pulling teeth but you have more authority then me and I need all the help I can get or some one is going to get hurt.  I got another call coming in (looking at her phone) call me back when you have something I can use.  (Switching the lines on her phone) yeah.  Oh, shit.  Well we can’t be sure.  Ok.  I’ll send someone up to take a look.  Yeah try to keep things quiet (shutting off her phone and pinching the bridge of her nose.)  I’m getting to old for this shit.

Hilton Resort SC

Alex (leaning back in the tub): Now this feels good. 

Jasmine (walking in with a cold beer in her hand): Here.  I told you, you were working to hard. You’re worried aren’t you.

Alex (nodding): All these pieces fit somehow but I can’t put them together.  Then I have Brennan and Tessa up in the mountains facing God knows what.  Then everything else going on and I can’t make sense of it.

Jasmine (sitting on the edge of the tub): You will.  Your good at stuff like that.  You’ll make sense of it all and put the bastards behind this in prison.

Alex (sighing): Thanks honey (tilting her head up for a kiss.)
Jasmine (returning the kiss): My pleasure (tilting her head and listening to Adrienne or Clara yell about something.)  Let me go see what all that noise is.

Alex (nodding): Then come back in here so you can scrub my back.

Jasmine (winking): That’s not all I’ll scrub (closing the bathroom door and heading into the sitting area.)
Adrienne (shaking her head): Are you sure?  I mean…
Clara (zooming in on something from the computer): It fits.  He disappeared three days ago and she was found dead. 

Jasmine (walking in): What’s up?
Clara (tilting the computer towards her): Look at what Adrienne found.

Adrienne (shaking her head): It fits.  All of the pieces fit.
Jasmine (reading out loud): Millionaires wife found dead and husband nowhere to be found.  Massachusetts police received a call yesterday about (trailing off) that’s Tessa’s mom.  I met her couple of times.  Shit.

Clara (thinking): We can’t be sure if they’re connected or not but…
Adrienne (squeezing her shoulders): It’s likely.
Jasmine (shaking her head): This just keeps getting worse.

Alex (walking out of the bathroom): What’s going on?
Jasmine (looking at her wife wrapped only in a towel): Um…

Adrienne (smacking her playfully): Stop drooling on the carpet.  (Looking at Alex) Tessa’s mom was found yesterday morning by State Police.  She’s dead Alex.

Alex (closing her eyes): Fuck.  Whoever is involved has got to be behind this.

Clara (typing something in): Definitely but we don’t know for sure.  And to make matters worse Tessa’s father hasn’t been seen…

Alex (finishing): And her ex-husband is dead.  Coincidence I don’t think so.  Let me get changed and I’m going to go through those reports again.  I must have missed a piece of information somewhere (walking into the bedroom.)
Clara (wondering): Is she..
Jasmine (nodding): She’s taking this personal.  Tessa and Alex have always been very close.  It’s why she’s working so hard on this case.

Adrienne (pouring a cup of coffee): I just hope we get things solved soon.  Whoever is behind this isn’t playing games.

Jasmine (nodding): I know.

Mt. Range SC

Richard (rolling the dead body down the stairs): Ok there ya go.  Now I’ve got the place to myself and I can start looking for that ungrateful daughter of mine.  (rubbing his hands together) a few looses strings here; a few cuts there and I’m home free (laughing evilly.)

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Brennan (shifting to pull Tessa closer): You feel good right here.

Tessa (kissing her softly): So do you (admiring the lank body beneath her.)
They were cuddled up on together on the porch swing just enjoying the closeness of their relationship.

Brennan (kissing the top of her head): I enjoyed spending the day with you…

Tessa (looking up into light grey eyes): Even though all we did was talk and…

Brennan (shifting to ease up on the pressure on her ribs): Yes.  Before you, I would have had someone like you without thought of stopping or slowing down.  With you, you bring out the best in me. 

Tessa (moving slowly careful of her lover’s injuries): Mmm.   I bet I can bring out a lot of other things in you too.

Brennan (smirking): No, you don’t pygmy.  I said slow and I meant it. 

Tessa (shifting so she could straddle Brennan’s hip): You weren’t going slow earlier and if the phone hadn’t interrupted us, (Brennan’s lips captured hers in a soul-stealing kiss and she felt strong hands move up her back.)

Brennan (panting): I just want…

Tessa (pressing two fingers to her lips): I know.  I know.  By body is telling me go and my mind is saying take it slow.  And I never felt like this.  I never liked sex before you well just to well you know (trying not to blush.)

Brennan (cupping her face gently): I’m glad I can bring that out in you.  There is nothing wrong with loving someone and expressing it physically in any way.  It’s about trust and emotions. 

Tessa (turning her head at what sounded like gunfire off in the distance): Did you…

Brennan (nodding and sitting up stiffly): No one’s supposed to be up here.  This is private property and if they are hunting season isn’t for another month or so.

Tessa (looking out in the distance): I’m sure it’s just some kids goofing off (leaning back into Brennan’s body as she wrapped her arms around her.)

Brennan (probably): But just in case we stay close to the cabin (her instincts were telling her it was more than just a couple of kids goofing off.) 

Tessa (turning and wrapping her arms around Brennan’s neck): Or stay close to you (nipping her bottom lip.)

Brennan (smirking): Behave pygmy.

Tessa (laughing): Ok, for now.  Come on I did promise you my famous chicken.

Brennan (following her): That you did.  Do you need help (tensing as she heard what sounded like a scream.)

Tessa (wide eyed): What was that?
Brennan (not wanting to scare her): Probably just some kids (but her gut instinct was telling her different.  And she would be dammed if anyone or anything hurt Tessa what ever or whoever it was.)

...To Be Continued in Part 4...

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