2012This special is dedicated to all those who believe in love, even in the darkest of times. And for my special person who changed my life and stole my heart. For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. ~ steph
If You've Seen One Amazon... by Del Robertson Valentine Sliders by Anne Azel Unstilled Voices by Lois C. Hart The Pickup Line by Aurelia V-Day Fantasy by Kim Pritekel Academy Valentine Invitational 2012 by Mickey Minner Letters Never Sent by Geonn Cannon I Saw the Light by Insane Englishwoman Be Mine....Again by Catrina Wolfe A Walk in the Woods by Colleen Over the Top by Lariel Looking for Advice by Lazy Laziel Valentine McGinty, P.I. by Ramsey Messy Life with Grace by silverwriter01 Favors of Fortune – Part One When I Wasn’t Looking By D Favors of Fortune - Part Two Storm Warning By D A Simple Little Love Story By J. A. Zollicoffer Syncronicity by Susan X Meagher