The Royal Academy of Bards
is proud to present
The Bard Challenge #24:
Good Things Come In BIG Packages and SMALL Ones Too

1. Scrabble
2. Elmo
3. Nintendo DS System
4. Dora the Explorer doll
5. Uno
6. Skipper doll
7. Aquadoodle
8. Pictionary
9. Inchworm
10. Xena doll 11. Othello game
12. Furbee
13. Atari game controller(joystick)
14. Xylaphone
15. Monopoly
16. Alphabet blocks
17. Silly String
18. Tonka truck
19. Radio Flyer wagon
20. Elefun
21. Apples to Apples
22. Trivial Pursuit
The first letters spelled out a request to SEND US A PIX OF A XMAS TREAT.
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