Chapter IX


"So this is where you stay when you’re in Seattle?" RJ sank down on the bed, taking in her surroundings.

"This is it," Leigh confirmed as she tossed her bag onto her bed at the Piedmont Resident Suite Hotel. She had a standing reservation for the last week of every month. And this was ‘her’ suite.

It was small, but well furnished, with one bedroom barely big enough to hold a dresser, standing mirror, and queen-sized bed. The kitchen was painted a stark white and filled with new, apartment-sized appliances. It connected to the living room, which had hard wood floors covered by soft, thick rugs and filled with comfortable furniture. The bathroom was tiny and completely overtaken by its deep, sunken bathtub. The suite’s long, narrow balcony had a view of the Puget Sound, and it housed two side-by-side chaise recliners, one of which always remained empty.

The place suited her needs nicely. It was about the same price she’d pay for an apartment for the entire month; the view was costing her dearly and she knew it. But Leigh never had to do any cleaning, or pay utilities, or deal with a yard. And the management allowed her to use the laundry, pool, and gym whenever she was back in town, whether she staying at the hotel or simply going to turn around the next day and drive in the opposite direction.

The location was perfect — within walking distance of East Pine Street where a thriving gay community added color and life to an already eclectic metropolis. It all was convenient and utterly uncomplicated. Just the way Leigh tried to keep her life.

"It’s very nice," RJ allowed, shifting her position to look out the window. Her eyes went a little round at the magnificent view. What seemed to be a legion of sailboats dotted the ocean with splashes of color.

Leigh nodded, parking herself next to RJ and peering out the window along with her. An unconscious smile crossed her face at the sight of a particularly quick boat skimming the water’s sparkling surface along with the breeze. "They look free, don’t they? They’re floating," she remarked a little wistfully.

RJ frowned. "You’re free, too."

Leigh’s head jerked sideways, and she gave RJ an annoyed look. "What are you talking about? I know I’m free." She stood up abruptly and marched toward the door.

RJ followed Leigh out of the room. "You’re not tied to the road, Leigh. You can float along too if that’s what you really want."

"Sure I can," Leigh snorted sarcastically. "I can’t even swim."

"That’s not what I meant, and you know it." RJ stopped Leigh’s motion by gently placing her hands on her shoulders. She spun her around. "What’s your heart’s desire, Leigh?" Without warning RJ felt the breath rush from her body. Never before had she wanted to make someone’s dreams come true so badly and yet been completely helpless to do so. It was a slightly sickening feeling, and she laid her hand over her belly in stunned reaction.

"My heart’s desire?" Leigh blinked. She was about to make an offhand comment that that involved sex and a hammock in Jamaica when she saw the look on RJ’s face. "Was that a serious question?"

RJ didn’t answer.

Their eyes met and Leigh distantly chided herself for allowing that to happen way too often. It was too easy to lose herself in those soulful emerald depths. "I … I can see that it was," she said more to herself than RJ. Her head dropped and she paused so long that RJ thought she wasn’t going to answer at all.

The taller woman drew in a breath to change the subject when Leigh finally managed, softly, "I don’t know." She looked back up at RJ with such a painfully open expression that the pilot felt her heartbeat increase in response. In an instant the look was gone, replaced instead by a neutral smile.

"Let’s get something to eat," RJ heard herself say, sorry she’d taken the conversation down this path to begin with. She reached down and took Leigh’s hand.

"I could use a bite." Leigh’s smile became a little more relaxed as she focused on the reassuring grip of RJ’s warm hand. God, I need this time off. When did I become such a fucking mess? "I intend to keep you up way past your bedtime tonight, RJ. So we’ll need to fortify our reserves." Now a real, full grin appeared.

"Oh, I imagine we do!" RJ patted her flat stomach. "Especially me. I’m used to consuming all that grease at Fitz’s. I’m starting to shake from withdrawal. Besides, your not an easy woman to keep up with." Though I’m getting stronger each day.

"Seems to me that you’re managing just fine." There was only a second’s hesitation before Leigh blurted out, "I love it when you hold my hand," startling herself in the process.

RJ bent down and brushed her lips across Leigh’s. "So do I, lass. So do I."



"Well?" There was a note of uncertainty in RJ’s voice.

"Oh, my God."

RJ fidgeted a little with her collar. "Is that good blasphemy or bad blasphemy?"

"Oh, my God!" Leigh mumbled again, her eyes going comically round.


As though in a trance Leigh stepped forward, her arms outstretched in a fair imitation of Frankenstein’s monster as she approached RJ. She let her hands land first on the slightly rough linen shirt, then headed downward, skimming them over the smooth, supple leather that was stretched tightly over RJ’s muscular thighs. She licked dry lips. "Have I said, ‘Oh, my God’?"

RJ laughed, finally confident that Leigh’s reaction was a good thing. "So the prissy sales clerk was right then?" He said this would drive you wild.

Leigh nodded furiously. "You look …" She bit her lower lip. Alan, the clerk, had taken RJ back into the dressing rooms with a few items that he insisted would be perfect. He’d insisted that the outfit would ‘work’ better as a surprise to Leigh. He was right. "You … um … you look…" Oh. My. God. I want her right this second! "Let’s stay here tonight," she said quickly, already in love with the idea.

"No." RJ crossed her arms over her chest defiantly, but the very corner of her mouth was already beginning to curl upward.



"Please," Leigh begged a little breathlessly.

RJ’s stance instantly softened. "Well, maybe."

Leigh smiled.

Green eyes narrowed. "Oh, no. That’s not going to work." RJ firmed her resolve, though the hands on her thighs were doing their best to undermine her intentions. "You bought me these lovely black leather pants and this nice shirt," RJ squared her shoulders in the pristine white, linen shirt that was cut in the style of a loose-fitting man’s dress shirt. "We should at least take them out for a test drive."

"We could stay in and I could take you for a test drive," Leigh growled, allowing her hands to drift back up RJ’s torso.

The darker woman grabbed Leigh’s hands, catching a subtle whiff of perfume. "Your perfume," RJ inhaled again, "is lovely."

"What perfume?" Leigh asked with devastating innocence. I’m so busted.

"The perfume that you put here," RJ swooped down and kissed behind Leigh’s ear, laughing as the smaller woman began to squeal with laughter. Ticklish? Oh, you’re mine, now. "And here." RJ’s head shot lower and she happily buried her face in Leigh’s cleavage, licking as well as nipping, as the blonde squirmed, only half-heartedly trying to push RJ away.

Satisfied she’d made her point, RJ eventually relented. But only because she was getting so horny she started to seriously consider Leigh’s idea of staying home. "Don’t be thinking I don’t notice that delicious scent, Ms. Macho Truck Driver. I’m quite aware that it’s calculated to drive me mad. Your wicked, feminine wiles are working quite nicely, thank you very much."

Leigh looked up at RJ from behind fair lashes. "Is it really driving you mad?"

"Very." Taking Leigh’s hand, she placed it over her heart. "Feel."

A charmed smile eased its way across Leigh’s face as she pressed her hand to RJ’s chest. The tall woman’s intense body heat seeped through thin linen directly into Leigh’s hand. She long to repeat the process with her other hand, absorbing more of RJ’s sensual warmth. So she did.

RJ’s felt her heart skip a beat and she knew that Leigh felt it too.

"It’s beating awfully fast," Leigh said, a touch of wonder coloring her voice.

"It always does when you’re near."

Leigh sighed. "Keep up that sweet talk, RJ, and I won’t be letting you go when this week is over." Her face scrunched up into a happy grin. "I’ll be right back." She headed for the bedroom to pick up a light jacket. A faint drizzle had begun, and it looked like tonight was going to be a little chilly.

RJ watched her companion retreat to the bedroom and whispered quietly, "I wish it were that easy, Leigh Matthews. I wouldn’t go."


The women sat in one of Leigh’s favorite Seattle haunts, The Doll House, a women’s club and definitely a local hotspot. Despite the predominantly lesbian clientele, nearly a quarter of the Doll House’s patrons were straight couples, who came to enjoy the wonderful dance floor, or ‘girl’s night out’ groups, who used the club as a refuge from the intoxicated men who tended to intrude on their private gatherings.

RJ looked at another couple, openly kissing on the dance floor. Good Lord! "Interesting place you chose for us tonight." RJ held Leigh’s hand just a little tighter. The last thing she wanted to do was lose her friend in the crowd. That would be bad, she decided the moment she saw the woman dressed all in black with purple hair and things sticking out of her face that looked very painful. "You don’t intend to try to talk me into anything like that, do you?"

"Not hardly," Leigh laughed. "Dance with me?"

"But –"

"I’ll take that as a yes."

It was a relatively slow song, much to RJ’s relief. But she soon realized she didn’t need to worry about all this new music or how to dance to it. Leigh had wrapped her arms around her neck and was pressed tightly against her as they swayed to the beat of whatever played. The silk of Leigh’s rust-colored blouse felt cool against RJ’s hands.

"Not so bad, right?" Leigh whispered a few moments later, lacing her hands behind RJ’s head. She had no intention of letting RJ flounder around on the dance floor, feeling uncomfortable. "Let me guess, they don’t have clubs like these in Glory?"

RJ chuckled at the gentle tease. "No, they don’t. But after being in this place, I think that’s something we need to change."

"Good." Leigh leaned forward and kissed RJ’s cheek and growing slightly bolder, moved a bit away from RJ for the next, only slightly faster dance. She placed RJ’s hands on her swaying hips, smiling when RJ’s movements easily began to mirror her own.

It was nearly an hour later that they strolled off the dance floor, lightly perspiring and both in desperate need of drinks.

"I’m really starting to feel the need to march across the room and poke her eyes out!" Leigh fumed as she all but snarled at the tall, stacked blonde who seemed to be fixated on her dance partner. The woman had been staring at and drooling over RJ all night. Leigh had seen her in the Doll House before, and even those brief visual encounters from afar were enough to set off the warning bells in Leigh’s head tonight. The woman was a predator. Not that Leigh or RJ were shy. But this woman was different.

RJ looked up from her companion for the first time that evening, trying to see who Leigh was glaring at. "Has she done something to you?"

"No." Leigh’s jaw worked. "But she’d like to do something to you."

RJ’s eyebrows popped up. "Who would like to do what to me?"

Leigh smiled as the woman headed toward the door. "Never mind, RJ." She patted the pilot’s arm. "Thirsty?"

"In the worst way."

"Whew." She fanned herself. "Same here." Leigh pushed herself up on tiptoes and softly bussed RJ’s chin. As the evening progressed, the club had grown more and more crowded. The temperature began to rise, and Leigh felt a trickle of perspiration disappear down the center of her back. Mercifully, a slow song began and she leaned close to RJ, feeling the heat of her skin through her clothes. "I’m going for more drinks." She pointed to the throng of women, interspersed with a few men, around the bar. "Beer?" she asked, already planning her strategic route through the crowd.

"Absolutely. Never turn down beer," RJ paused and winked, "or the beautiful woman you’re with." She wiggled her brows and allowed a roguish grin to appear.


"God," Leigh laughed, rolling her eyes as she headed toward the bar. "There is no way I should find someone so obnoxious so completely attractive in every way." But I don’t think I have a choice.

The woman near the door waited until Leigh disappeared from sight before making her way over to RJ, who was watching the writhing bodies on the dance floor with interest. "Hello."

RJ looked up at the woman and quirked a brow. "Good evening to you." She tilted her head and gave her a friendly smile before going back to watching the dancing couples. In my day that would have gotten them arrested!


"I’m Ali." She had to raise her voice above the pulsing music. "I haven’t seen you here before."

"Never been here before." RJ tore her eyes from the dance floor and refocused on the tall, curly haired blonde, taking note for the first time of her considerable attributes. How in the hell does a skinny woman like this get those? "I’m RJ Fitzgerald. Nice to meet you."


"It’s nice to meet you too. May I sit down?" Not waiting for an answer, Ali slid into the chair next to RJ that was saved for Leigh. She scooted it so close to RJ that their arms touched. "I knew you hadn’t been here before," Ali admitted. "I would have remembered a beautiful woman like you." And you would have remembered me. I promise you that.

RJ shifted her body to put as much space as possible between them, though she couldn’t manage much. "Oh, I’m not that memorable, lass." She smiled politely, then glanced over Ali’s head, trying to find Leigh in the crowd at the bar. But her much shorter companion had simply been swallowed up by the masses.


"Let me see your hand."

RJ looked blankly at Ali. "My hand? Why do you want to see my hand?"


"Your hand," Ali repeated impatiently, holding hers out so she could take RJ’s. "I’m not going to hurt you." She made a show of assuring RJ her hand was empty.

RJ offered the woman her hand slowly, palm up. Her eyes glinted with curiosity. "Are you gonna tell my fortune?" I can see it now. ‘You’re already dead!’ And my gypsy has a heart attack on the spot.

"Not at all." Ali carefully turned over RJ’s hand, gently trailing her fingertips over RJ’s third finger. "No gold band in sight. So you really don’t need to feel guilty and can stop looking toward the bar for the short blonde." Ali’s voice was filled with confidence. "Would you like to dance?"


The pilot pulled her hand back. "I’m flattered. I really am. But you see, I’m here with someone very special and I wouldn’t want to be doing something that might upset her." RJ held her left hand in front of Ali’s face and wiggled her fingers. "Golden band or no, makes no difference."

Ali gently ran her palm over the butter-soft leather of RJ’s pants. "I don’t think that’s true." She gestured lightly with her chin toward the dance floor. "When you look out there that’s lust I see on your face. Not domestic bliss." She leaned close, catching a whiff of RJ’s perspiration and shampoo despite the cloud of thick cloud of smoke that hovered in the room like a heavy fog. "Dance with me. You won’t be sorry."


RJ felt an increase in her heart rate. She really wished Leigh would come back. She briefly considered going to look for her, but quickly dismissed that thought, knowing she’d just get lost and then they’d be separated for even longer. "Like I said, lass, I’m flattered but I’m here tonight with someone I’m very fond of."

"I heard you the first time, RJ Fitzgerald." Ali placed her other hand on RJ’s leg, alongside her first. "You’re beautiful." She looked genuinely curious. "But you don’t find me attractive?"

"Now I never said that," RJ corrected gently, again wishing that Leigh was back. "You’re very attractive. And I can see that you know it. You could have nearly any woman in here; you don’t need me." She grinned tentatively, hoping that the woman would take the hint.

"You’re right." Ali leaned forward, her long, curly blonde hair brushing across RJ’s forearm like a whisper. "It’s not a point of needing. It’s a point of wanting. I want you," she said bluntly, her blood red fingernails tracing a swirling pattern on RJ’s leg. "And I think you want me." Ever so slowly her hands inched upward, pausing when she heard RJ’s sharp intake of breath.

RJ jumped a bit, quickly grasping the wandering hands. "Now play nice. I don’t remember inviting you to touch me like that." She cleared her throat and let out a long slow breath. You’re outclassed tonight. Move on, girl. "I’m pretty sure that my friend wouldn’t find this conversation we’re having the least bit amusing. I have a feeling she’s a bit overprotective."

Ali didn’t move a muscle.

RJ was beginning to wonder if this Ali person understood what the word ‘no’ meant. The club was too crowded and with Ali’s close presence she felt like the place was closing in on her, growing louder and louder with each moment. "You’re a very attractive woman. And if I weren’t with someone I’d be more than happy to spend some time with you, but I don’t play games with the feelings of the person I’m with."

"But with games there’s always a winner." Ali shamelessly thrust her best assets forward. "Think of all you could win, RJ," she purred.

Licking her lips, RJ tried hard not to notice the spectacular cleavage being presented for her inspection. "Actually, I’m thinking about what I might lose and that’s far more important than what I might win. My answer once again has to be no."

"Good answer, RJ." Leigh slammed two sweating mugs of beer on the table, causing the foamy contents to slosh over the sides and onto the floor. Blue eyes flashed angrily, boring into Ali’s hands, which were once again resting comfortably, intimately, on RJ’s leg. Had she herself not heard her lover trying to ditch Ali, the woman’s current positioning so close to RJ, and her hands moving sensually over the lanky RJ’s form would have convinced her they were lovers. As it was, she was an annoyance. "Who the hell are you and how many times does someone have to say ‘no’ before you catch a clue?" Leigh reached down and unceremoniously yanked Ali’s hands off RJ’s leg.

"This is Ali," RJ said, answering for Ali who was wearing a smug grin that she could tell Leigh was about ready to wipe away. Forcefully.

Ali pushed her chair back and stood. She towered over the trucker and it was clear by the irritated, challenging look on her face that she wasn’t used to being turned down. By anyone. "Beat it, short stuff."

The nerve! "I’ll beat –"

"Now wait just a minute." RJ stood and wrapped her arms around Leigh’s waist from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder. "There’s no need for a problem." She gave Leigh a little kiss on the ear. "I’m not going anywhere, lass. Let it go," she whispered, feeling the blonde’s muscles tighten and her hands ball into fists.

RJ’s senses were on overload. Leigh’s body was pressed tightly against hers, people were squeezing by each other just to move, just to breath, and she could sense the energy in the place increasing and expanding as the alcohol flowed and the women danced. The entire club felt like a powder keg in search of a spark.

Leigh spun around in RJ’s arms, temporarily tuning out the scrawny slut behind her. Her eyes burned two holes into RJ with the precision and intensity of a laser. She’d seen the blonde coming on to RJ across the room but had to wade through the hideous crowd to make it back to their table. Why hadn’t she noticed how impossible this place was before? "I don’t recall asking –" She stopped and let out a shuddering breath. With effort, she rephrased what she was going to say. "I’m handling this, RJ."

The pilot nodded and raised her hands, acknowledging what Leigh was saying. She understood better than anyone the right to be upset and the need to deal with it in your own way. "All right, love, all right. I trust you." She winked, but her voice was serious. "I’m here if you need me."

Love? "You’d better be." The heat behind Leigh’s words, at least the ones directed at RJ, however, had gone from scalding to merely hot. Ali, however, wasn’t so lucky. Leigh turned around and did her best to look bored. "Are you still here?"

"You asked who the hell I was," Ali reminded Leigh tartly. "And since I have no intention of going anyplace … alone," she emphasized her last word and winked at RJ. "I thought I’d at least stay to tell you."

"Jesus!" Leigh threw her hands in the air. "You’re the type of woman who gives blondes a bad name!" Her eyes flicked upwards and she wrinkled her nose. "Well, tacky bleached blondes, that is."

RJ snorted and reached for her beer. It looked as though Leigh had things well in hand for the moment. She had discovered a lifetime ago that busted lips and bruises hurt a hell of a lot less when you had a few beers in you first. She had a feeling if Ali didn’t back off, and fast, they were going to be nursing a few of each later. Leigh’s voice was calm, but her flushed cheeks and slightly trembling body convinced RJ that she was about to blow like a hand grenade.

Ali looked over Leigh’s head at RJ and licked her full lips provocatively. "Given any more thought to that dance?"

"Yeah," the pilot straightened and pulled Leigh closer to her. "Actually I have. Leigh, would you like to dance with me?"

Leigh reached behind her without looking at, RJ. "In a minute, hon," she murmured distractedly. "Did you just proposition her in front of me?" Leigh asked incredulously. "In case you’re actually mentally handicapped and not just stupid, I should remind you that she’s here with me tonight and that she’s said several times that she’s not interested."

Ali was growing weary of the chatterbox between her and the brunette she sought. She had hoped that when RJ saw how determined she was to have her, it would tip the scales in her favor. But she was finally starting to think that RJ might have actually been sincere when she said she wouldn’t dance with her. Though the prospect seemed highly unlikely to Ali.

Ali finally glanced down at Leigh. "It’s not who she’s with now that matters. It’s who she goes home with at the end of the evening."

Leigh’s face went deadly serious. "That person would be me. Now, and for the very last time, please leave us alone." I won’t ask again.


RJ wondered as she watched the tall blonde stare at Leigh, why Ali didn’t seem to understand that she wasn’t interested in being with her. Had things changed that much? She remembered briefly their encounter with the waitress at the truck stop. Apparently it wasn’t uncommon to have more than one partner these days. It wasn’t uncommon in my day either, just a hell of a lot harder. She put a little space between her and Leigh, crossing her arms and waiting to see what Ali was going to do.

Ali didn’t say a word. Instead, she started to move ...

Leigh began to gladly step aside, breathing a sigh of relief that this little incident was over. She froze, however, when she caught Ali eyeing her RJ like she was a piece of meat and someone had just rung the dinner bell. The light bulb popped on in Leigh’s head and her voice cracked with agitation. "You’re moving past me to get to her?" I cannot believe this woman! I should have known those leather pants on RJ would send these women into a feeding frenzy.

"For all your talk, RJ is still standing here," Ali smiled, showing off two neat rows of pearly whites, "looking at me. Step aside, Tom Cat." Oh, yes, I know who you are. I know all the regulars in my playground. Even if they don’t know me. Yet.

Leigh’s eyes widened at the use of her much-despised nickname and her brain officially began to short-circuit.

Uh oh. The pilot stiffened and put her hands on Leigh’s shoulders. "Come on, lass, let’s go have that dance," she said a little urgently. "By the time we’re done she will have moved on to the next person who’s breathing."

Every muscle in Leigh’s body twitched with anticipation as adrenaline sang through her blood. RJ was right, of course. But it felt utterly wrong to leave any doubt as to who would be taking her home tonight. She’s mine, bitch! At least for now, Leigh’s mind begrudgingly admitted.

Ali had moved around the table, effectively doing an end run around Leigh without the trucker being able to stop her. This put her directly in behind RJ, who automatically turned around at Ali’s advance. She leaned forward and whispered something that made RJ blush furiously. "No answer for that I see," Ali said smugly.

Leigh grabbed hold of the table between them and violently shoved it out of her way, knocking over a chair in the process. Then she simply launched herself at Ali, taking RJ down in the process.

Ali screamed and knocked into the woman behind her, who landed on the feet of the next woman over and so on. "Fuck! Watch it!" someone in the crowd shouted.

"You watch it, cow!" was the disembodied shout heard over the loud music.

Then all hell broke loose.

RJ did her best to stop the barrage of hands that were flying around her head. With a loud grunt she managed to get herself turned around and make a grab for Leigh’s fists. This only served to piss her companion off even more, and she heard a loud growl as Leigh jerked her hands away and made another lunge for Ali, catching the screaming woman right in the nose.

Ali tried to scramble out from under RJ, digging her high heels into RJ’s legs in the process and going a long way toward making her deaf from the screams leveled right into her ear. "Wait!" RJ barked. She turned again, facing Ali and knocking away several of her flailing punches. In a quick change of tactics, Ali decided to use RJ as a human shield.

"Jesus," RJ mumbled, wide eyed, as the blows came even closer to her head. "Leigh–" She turned as she said the word, stopping Leigh’s flying fist. With her eye.

"Oh, God!" Leigh stared at RJ in horror and scrambled off her friend.

Ali used the momentary distraction to push her way out from under RJ and vanish among the fighting, yelling, and cursing women.

Sirens sounded in the distance.

Leigh’s hands moved shakily to RJ’s face. She cupped her cheeks gently and began examining RJ’s tightly shut eye. "I am so sorry." Her voice cracked a little as she spoke, all thoughts of Ali forgotten. "I didn’t mean to do that."

A beer mug crashed against the wall behind RJ, sending shards of glass and droplets of brew showering down on them.

Leigh closed her eyes as the warm liquid splashed against her back.

RJ tried to shake her head a little to clear the stars. "Damn, lass! That’s a hell of a right hook you got there. You should be a boxer!" She tried to grin. But it hurt to move her face at all. And she couldn’t keep stop her eye from tearing up.

Leigh’s heart clenched painfully. She’s crying? Aww, shit. "Please don’t cry." Tears welled in Leigh’s own eyes as she peppered RJ’s face with soft kisses. "I’m so, so sorry."

"Ahh, come on, darlin’." RJ gave her friend a quick peck on the cheek. "I’m not crying; it’s just watering. I’m tougher than that." She leaned up, feeling decidedly lightheaded. The air was knocked from her lungs, when Leigh crashed into her as they both ducked a flying chair. Instinctively, her arms tightened around Leigh as she tried to protect her from flying furniture and bits of wood. "I think we need to get the hell out of here. It’s like London during the Blitz!"

"But I hit you!" Leigh continued kissing her face. "I swear, I’ll never touch you again."

RJ pushed them to their feet, looking for the exit. She kissed Leigh back soundly, right in the middle of the melee. "Don’t be saying things like that, Leigh Matthews. I intend to take you home right now and let you touch me all you want." She tugged on Leigh’s arm. "C’mon."


"Hold still."


"God, RJ, if you don’t hold still, I can’t look at it!"

RJ continued to jerk away from Leigh’s fingers. Her touch wasn’t as gentle as it had been before the fight in the bar. The taller woman could tell Leigh was angry, though she couldn’t tell if it was at her. "You don’t need to look at it. It’s just my eye!"

"I know that," Leigh ground out, trying her best to be patient. Especially since she was the one who hit RJ. That thought froze her hands mid-motion.

RJ stopped her squirming. "What’s the matter?"

Leigh shook her head quickly and bolted from the room.

RJ blinked. "Why does this keep happening?"

A loud crash sounded from the kitchen, causing RJ to jump at the sound. Then there was another and another. Oh, Lord. There won’t be a glass left in the house by morning. The lass has to be Irish! Mother has a standing order of replacement glasses every month at Bedford’s Hardware store. She stood to go to Leigh, then abruptly sat back down. Better those glasses than me.

A few moments later Leigh barreled back into the living room, holding two tumblers filled generously with ice and an amber-colored liquid. "Well … that was fast," RJ teased gently.

Leigh closed her eyes and held her bruised knuckles against the cold glass, sighing in relief as the dull throb lessened. She drained half her glass, then passed a heavy tumbler to JR. "My emergency ice pack is in my truck," she informed her bluntly. "I’ll have to go out to the store and buy another one."

"I’m fine."

"Your eye is completely swollen shut."

RJ shrugged. "I’m not surprised." She hissed a little as the whiskey slid down her throat, burning a hot trail to her belly. "You have a wicked right hook."

And though Leigh tried to stop it, RJ’s praise caused a small smile to appear. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"From an Irishman, love, that’s a tremendous compliment." RJ picked up Leigh’s hand and gave the back of it a little kiss, the wet, cool skin chilling her lips. "You should be proud of that punch."

"Well, I’m not," Leigh countered harshly. "Not at all." She roughly pulled her hand away. "And I’m mad at you!" The pent-up anger and frustration at RJ that had been banked since leaving the bar came roaring back to life.

"Me?" RJ’s eyes widened. "What did I do!"

"What do you mean, ‘what did I do?’" Leigh poked RJ’s chest just as she stood up, placing them toe to toe. "You grabbed my hands. Not once, but ... well ... more than once!"

"Yeah?" RJ still wasn’t clear on what the problem but was already getting annoyed. "So?"

Leigh nodded her head furiously. "So I’m mad!"

RJ wanted to stick her hands into her pockets, but the leather fit too snugly to make it comfortable. She frowned irritably. "And what was so bad about that, lass? I only wanted to get us out of there without either of us getting hurt."

"Arghh! Are you being all calm and reasonable just to piss me off?"

RJ straightened and rested her fists on her hips. "No! I’m staying calm and reasonable because it’s my nature." The angry undertone of her voice contradicted her words and she knew it, which made her even more agitated. "But if you want me to get mad I can."

Leigh threw back the last of her drink and snorted, "That I’d like to see."

"All right, fine!" RJ’s voice was hard and loud as she nearly let the frustration of the moment begin to overtake her. She tried to step back, grinding her teeth together for what had to be a full minute before she shook an angry finger at Leigh. "Now you’re trying to piss me off! What is it that you want, Leigh Matthews? Do you want me to get mad enough so that I’ll hit you back? Is that what you’re after?" RJ challenged, her words somewhere between a yell and a dull roar. "Because if it is, you’re not gonna get it." She downed nearly the rest of her drink in one quick swallow and threw the glass hard against the wall, shattering it and denting the wallpapered plaster. "There! Are you happy?"

Leigh looked at the large stain on the wall and wordlessly handed RJ her own glass, lifting a pale eyebrow in challenge.

Without thinking, the pilot slammed Leigh’s glass against the wall, throwing it even harder than she’d thrown hers and placing another small dent in the wall. RJ exhaled shakily and sank to the couch, running a hand through her hair. "Are you happy now? Now that I’ve made a mess and an ass of myself?"

"Actually," Leigh dropped down onto the sofa next to RJ, "I do feel a little better, mainly for the ‘ass’ part."

"Well, good," RJ said sighed sarcastically, glancing sideways at her friend. "Are you still mad at me?"

Leigh mulled that over.

"I wouldn’t have done it except I didn’t want to see you hurt. I swear. Oops … and I’m sorry."

Apparently, those were the magic words because Leigh’s face seemed to lighten. "Thanks for looking out for me. It wasn’t necessary. But I guess it was sort of nice … in a weird, annoying, if-you-ever-do-it-again-I’ll-murder-you sort of way."

The one of RJ’s eyes that could narrow did. "Are you sure there’s no Irish in your system?"

Leigh exhaled slowly. "Nope. None that I’m aware of." She nudged RJ’s shoulder with her own. "C’mon, admit it. It felt good to blow off a little steam. I mean, I’m sure the quilting bees in Glory are great venting spots, but this was the best we had available at the moment."

"I don’t attend those particular social events, thank you very much. I prefer to get drunk with my brother and talk about women, if you must know." RJ gave Leigh a little smirk.

"Thank God. If you’d said you were a member of a quilting bee I don’t know what I would have done." Leigh turned sideways and crossed her legs under herself. "I’m sorry about your eye," she whispered. "I would never hurt you on purpose."

RJ sighed. "Don’t take it so hard, Leigh. I’m truly fine and I know it was an accident."

Leigh fiddled with the throw pillow, using any excuse not to look up at RJ’s bruised face. "That’s easy for you to say. How would you feel if you’d punched me, hurt me?"

RJ dropped her head and nodded. "I see what you mean. I’d feel awful if I hurt you. I’d never want to see you hurt either." RJ shuddered inwardly, thankful that the situation wasn’t reversed. That would truly suck. She smiled a little, trying to lighten her friend’s mood. "But, umm, according to the women in the bar tonight — I talked to a couple in the bathroom — I think I’m supposed to be the ‘butch’ one in this relationship, right? So it’s okay for me to get a shiner." RJ tugged on Leigh’s hand, trying to play with her a little, but it wasn’t working.

Leigh’s face remained impassive so RJ tried again. "It could be worse." She made a show of opening her mouth as wide as humanly possible, making it nearly impossible to speak. "You could have knocked out one of my good chewing teeth."

Leigh chuckled and grabbed for RJ’s tongue. "There’s always tomorrow, RJ."

Chapter 10

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