Soft yet hard
cruel yet kind
gripping with intensity
yet anointing with sorrow.
Large and well formed
protected by bracers
or gauntlets
silver or brass
by a myriad of scars
or scarves.
Tapered and long
strong and careworn
cold harsh unforgiving
yet tender
capable of holding life
and taking it
of discharging judgment
and winning it.
Hands that have known strife
miles of grief
yards of blood.
Tools of war
bringers of peace
meting out pain
with one flick of the wrist
or pressed to lips in farewell.
Palms up in supplication
or pressed feverishly against death
fingers accusing
or entreating desire.
Dangerous deceitful
gripping life tenuously
demanding supple pained.
Skin stretched tightly
over muscle and bone
each nick stain break
a masterpiece of a life
well spent.
© ArdentTly