Part 8

Carissa fed the chicken broth to Tobias, spoonful by spoonful after Bellona added an herb to help him fight the fever that seemed to inhabit his body. Bellona assured Carissa that everything and everyone would be taken care of while she completed her shopping. Carissa left to complete her shopping, while Bellona planned the move back to Andromeda. It was time; it was time to go home. The preparations did not need to be completed immediately, as the sovereign was worried that all the preparations they had taken to celebrate this holiday would be in vain if they were to leave now. The boys were sick as well, and Bellona was confident that once on Andromeda Tobias’ condition would improve, but it would not be good to move them now. There was Carissa to consider as well. The results of the exam would not be ready until after the holiday season. It would be after that time that Bellona had moved her family back to Andromeda. The move would be happy for some, and traumatic for the rest, though our sovereign knew whom the move would be most traumatic to.

In Town Square once again, the people that are left on her Christmas list are easier to find gifts for, as there is only one left. For Sergasa, a gift basket of wine would be nice. She could not go in there herself and purchase the basket, no, but the guard would be able to. The guard, who is twenty-five years old, after all, is much older than Carissa. The guard promises mum’s the word, so feeling that her secret would be kept safe, they leave for home.

Finding the sovereign in the sleeping chamber, Carissa announces, “Hi, I’m back, is there any change?”

“No, there is no change. Tobias sleeps more soundly now though, which is a good thing. I received the herb today, and I believe it is the herb that is helping him to fight this flu. The congestion is present in his chest, though not as much as before. Have you finished your shopping already?”

“Yeah I did. I only had one left to shop for, and that’s it. Now I’m done. I can’t believe Christmas is just right around the corner, next week. Bellona . . . um . . . I was just wondering . . . when are you leaving for Andromeda?”

“We will be leaving for home after the holidays. It would be a shame to leave now. The transition would be more difficult now because the boys are ill. We would need to wait in any case for them to heal. The test results would not be available until after the holidays.”

“What test results? Are you pregnant?”

“No, I am not pregnant. It is not the duty of the sovereign to bear the child; it is the queen’s duty. I am speaking of the test you had taken to receive your GED.”

“Oh, that, well, I took the test. I don’t need to know the results. I flunked anyway.”

“You do not know for certain, Carissa. You studied very hard for that exam. You knew all the answers, as well as knowing how to answer any question they could possibly ask you. The only thing that would stop you is you, only you.”

“We’ll see. Anyway, I’m gonna miss this, us. I don’t know . . .”

“Carissa, have you been listening to me.”

“Of course I have. I always do.”

“We both know the truth to that statement, and if you were paying attention, then you would have heard what I told you.”

“Of course I heard what you told me. You said you were leaving after the holidays.”

‘Carissa, one of the things that you must remember, no matter the situation, is to listen closely to the other person’s words.”

“But I always listen.”

“All right, then, reiterate for me what I had told you.”

“You said you were leaving after the holidays.”

“It seems as though we are having a communication break down, as it were. Perhaps it is my fault, as I should have been more specific. I said we, as in my queen, my advisor, the guards, household staff, Tristan, Tobias, you, and me will be leaving for Andromeda after the holidays. I believe it would be safe to move now rather than later.”

“All of us are leaving?”

“Yes, Carissa, all of us will be leaving.”

Here it comes, the moment everyone has been waiting for. Volcano Carissa, whom everyone thought has been dormant, may just erupt again.

“I can’t believe all of us are leaving. I was so sure that after you provided everything for me, gave me an education, found me something to do, after all, why all the visits to Avalon’s manor, and gave me a home, why would you need me. I thought it was only a temporary position.”

“Carissa, I believe you are confused.” Before Carissa starts arguing again, Bellona kisses Carissa on the lips, briefly, to calm Carissa, knowing that if she were to do anything else, Carissa will not respond. “Being my consors is a position that is held for an entire life span. Only you have the ability to leave the position by coming to me to say you no longer wish to hold the position. The only other way that your position would be taken from you is by treason and/or betrayal. I educated you here to the best of my ability. You have so much more to learn, Carissa. I feel that Andromeda would be better suited for you to further your education. The reason I visited Avalon’s manor is for business, that is all, nothing else. The Prime Minister and I have nothing in common. Now, do you understand?”

“You kissed me. No one has ever done that before. You kissed me.”

“Yes, Carissa, I did. Are you confused?”

“What? No, I . . . I don’t think so. What about the boys though? You said Andromeda is a matriarchal society. They’re not girls, Bell.”

“I am very well aware of the boys, Carissa, so calm down. I have been planning to further their education as well. While Avalon is a strictly matriarchal society, we are not. Andromeda does have a very small male population. The boys would not be able to have a position of high status, such as an advisor, no, but they would still be welcome on Andromeda.”

“You planned this all along, didn’t you? You knew exactly what to do and when to do it. You knew all along that you were going to take the boys from me. Well, that’s just . . .”

“Hold it right there, Carissa! I have never planned to take the boys away from you nor will I ever take the boys from you. ALL of us are leaving, together. When the boys reach the age of maturity, which on Andromeda is sixteen years, they will be given a choice, to leave Andromeda or to stay. If they choose to leave Andromeda, they will be looked after to be sure they are well and safe. Their destination will be either Phallustine Island or America.”

“What the fuck is Phallustine Island?”

“Phallustine Island is located off the shores of Avalon, that we use to procreate ourselves, and no, that is not all that they will do while on Phallustine. They will be taught necessary life skills, skills that they will need to learn to survive.”

Carissa stands there looking into the sovereign’s eyes, looking for what though, only Carissa knows for certain. Finally, Carissa bows her head and starts crying. Consors Carissa is crying for the first since she came to Andromeda House, what seems so long ago. All of the pain and sorrow seem to leave her, as she cries with such sorrow. The sovereign, against her own beliefs, wraps her arms around her consors and holds her as she cries. They seem to meld together as they stand there, each finding a place to fit within the other. Some would say this would be a sign of two true souls binding as one.

The crying stops, but Carissa still holds on. “Bell, I have some leftover change from my shopping. Do you want it back or can I keep it? And thank you.”

“I would appreciate the money back, Carissa, you know that. However, in this case, you may keep it. It is in celebration of this Christmas holiday, after all. What are you thanking me for?”

“I don’t know . . . it just seems to fit.”

The sovereign laughs a little before continuing. “In that case, you’re welcome. Were you crying because you thought I was leaving you?”

“No.” Carissa removes herself from Bellona’s arms to continue. “I was propositioned today. It was a client that I had before. He’s the CEO of a big company. He offered me fifty grand to come along with him. Also, to show some of his friends what a good time really means. I told him no, but I don’t think he listened. He told me to visit him in his office at eight o’clock tonight. I have to go tell him to leave me alone.”

“Carissa, you will do what you have to do. I cannot stop you, and I appreciate you coming to me with this rather than me finding this out some other way. I trust your judgment. My only question though is . . . would you like me to come along with you, or perhaps Sergasa?”

“I was crying because it doesn’t matter how hard I try, my past just seems to follow me. That bitch of a mother that I had just seems to haunt me, reminding me that I am her daughter, the daughter of a ‘ho’.” Carissa cannot look at her sovereign after saying that. There seems to be a lot of mysterious spots on the floor, no matter which room. Bellona gently brings up Carissa’s head again to place a kiss on the forehead. “Thank you, you always seem to know what I want. No offense but . . . could I take Sergasa instead? I mean, with you being king and all, it wouldn’t be good if something happened to you, right?”

“No offense taken, though we both know I am capable of defending myself. Make sure you explain to Sergasa the situation, Carissa. Remember, knowledge is power, the more you know, the better able you will be to defend yourself.”

“You’re always looking out for me.”

“I always will look out for you. You are far more than just my consors. You are my soul, Carissa, and I fight to keep it safe. Go on now and speak with Sergasa. Be careful, Carissa, be careful.”

“I will . . . Bell . . . Bellona . . . I love you.”

“I know you love me, Carissa, and it is nice to hear. I love you as well. I will stay here with the boys, do not worry.”

“I won’t and now if you’ll excuse me. I have to get ready.” Carissa left for the bathing room to be sure she was at least clean enough to approach the all important client. The clothes needed to be different though. Carissa had gotten used to wearing the dresses that the sovereign dressed her in, but this was a different situation, different environment entirely. After bathing, she entered her wardrobe to open the chest. Inside the chest were clothes that she used to wear, before changing her life, before Bellona. These were the clothes of the night. These were the clothes that defined her body to her clients.

Carissa chose a two-piece bikini style outfit. The top, what there was of it, was a bright cherry red just large enough to cover, and the bikini bottom wrapped around the hips with two snow-white ruffle layers, making the bottom appear as a mini skirt. One of the few jewel pieces she did own was an eighteen-carat diamond heart belly chain. Carefully pulling on the opera length white lace gloves completed the attire. This particular client enjoyed women in high heels. She knew this client enjoyed a special pair of high heel shoes, ballet boots with seven-inch long heels to be exact, the same color as the top. She would not be able to walk to the building with the heels, so she chose her old pair of slip-on sneakers to wear just until she entered the office. She placed the boots in a duffle bag to lace up in the client’s office as part of the show.

Just as she brought all of her belongings together, including the trench coat, Bellona entered the wardrobe. With a worried look on her face, she wondered what exactly Carissa had in mind. “Carissa, I thought you were not going to do this any longer. What exactly is your plan?”

“Me, go through it with him? Please, no way no how, the man is dirt-cheap. He promises one thing and does another instead. My plan is to play with him a little. A little play, a little fun, and just when he thinks he’s going to get what he wants, he won’t know what hit him, I mean that both literally and figuratively. The man deserves it, so don’t worry.”

“I will stop worrying when you come back home. Those shoes do not fit the outfit however, is that another part of your plan?”

“These shoes are for walking over to the office. The duffle on the center isle has the shoes that I will be wearing in his office to add to the . . . well . . . fun. Oh, come on, it’s just a little fun. I know what I’m doing. Besides, Sergasa will be there with me in case anything happens. Everything is under control. Did you toss my fake lashes?”

“The extra lashes I had thrown in the rubbish, yes. I did not believe you needed them any longer.” Bellona opens the duffle bag out of curiosity to see what sort of shoes her consors will be wearing. “Carissa, what sort of shoes are these?”

“Those are called ballet boots. He likes his women in high heel shoes, those particular high heel shoes, to be exact. It’s takes a lot of practice to be able to walk in those. I can walk in those for a short distance not long distance, which is why I’m wearing my old sneakers.”

“I see, and the belly chain?”

“It just adds to the outfit, makes it a little more fun. So . . . what do you think?”

“I am not quite sure I know how to answer that question.”

“Good, for a minute there I thought I forgot how to do this. Don’t worry. All of this that you see on me will be thrown away. That will be my New Year’s resolution, out with the old in with the new. I’ll probably hawk my belly chain though. I might be able to get something for it.”

“How long will you be?”

“You can expect me back in two hours. If I am not back in two hours, then you call out the National Guard. Not before two hours though, that would be pushing it just a little. I’ll go get Sergasa and then we’ll be off. Tobie doesn’t seem to be breathing so hard any more. I guess that herb works after all.”

“It is a powerful herb that is used in extreme situations. I thought the situation called for such a remedy. I will expect you back in exactly two hours.”

“I know and I love you too, bye-bye.” Carissa kisses Bellona’s chest before leaving to find Sergasa.

Trench coat on and buttoned, and with duffel bag in hand, Sergasa and Carissa left the manor.


I am to wait here for two hours for my consors to return. The clothes, what there were of them, the chain, shoes, everything was just too much. I may have gotten used to seeing her in more than that outfit she left in granted, but it was still too much. I remember the picture of our warrior dressed in similar attire, but that was for a different purpose. If he even makes so much as a mark on my Carissa, he will be castrated by my hand, may the deity forgive me.


“Carissa, I have come to value you as a member of our clan, however, I do not remember ever studying such a thing as what you have described to me. I did attempt to research the matter, only to discover there was not much information on the subject.”

“It all depends on what resources you used. All that I have told you is what you need to know. He’s on the fifteenth floor. It’s easier if we just take the elevator.”

“As you wish, Carissa, just remember it will be my head if you do not come back to the manor as you have stated.”

“Yeah, and I’ll be there right along with you. Here it is.”

They exit the elevator and walk down the hall to the client’s office. The entire building is empty and the door that leads to the waiting client is open. Carissa walks right in while Sergasa stays behind, ready to act if necessary.

Carissa clears her throat to get his attention. “What is the meaning . . . oh, it’s you. Do you have something to show me?”

In a sultry voice, Carissa replies, “Oh, you mean me? Well, I might have something to show you big hulk of a man.” Continuing to play her part, she slowly unbuttons the trench coat and suddenly stops before removing the coat. “Would you like to see more, handsome?”

“I am paying you good money, so of course . . .” He suddenly stops talking as Carissa’s coat drops to the floor, revealing the outfit. Leaving the coat behind and with duffel bag in hand, she slowly strolls over to his seat to remove her old sneakers.

Placing her foot on his chair, between his legs, she ever so slowly laces up her ballet boots while he runs his fingers up her legs almost to the nether region. “Oh no, you have to wait. I have one more shoe to put on, you big hulk of a man.” Lacing up the other boot in the same fashion, he again feels his way up to her nether region, but is caught just as he is about to feel his way in. “Nononono, you big hulk of a man. Don’t you want to see my clothes? I put them on just for you, you big hulk of a man.” She gathers up her shoes and her bag, bending fully over at the waist to give him a full view, and places everything by the door to the office.

His only reaction is a nod of the head ‘yes’. She slowly walks to the middle of the room to turn around once then on the second, she lifts her butt in the air and shakes it hard enough for the ruffles to move just a little. Straitening up finally and turning around to face him, she uses the universal come here sign, watching as he now has a rather peculiar walk as he walks towards her. Sergasa’s part is to gather the coat and the shoes while Carissa has him distracted, in doing so, leaving nothing behind to use against her or to find her, as well as a quick retreat.

He gathers her up in his arms then reaches down just slightly to undo the straps of the top that Carissa is wearing. Carissa knows her client and knows just how focused he gets during these interludes, and uses that to her advantage. She urges Sergasa to quickly run in to get the bag, coat, and shoes before her client comes to his senses. The top falls to the floor as Carissa reaches up to bring him down for a kiss, the kiss that will guarantee to get his motor going full blast. She gains entrance, using her tongue to tickle his as she undoes his pants. She can feel him responding, as his breathing gets harder and harder. She reaches in to his pants to tickle him, but suddenly, he turns purple and is unable to talk, unless you count the unusual squeaks he’s making.

She runs out of the office, leaving behind a half naked CEO of a Fortune 500 company with an unusual tone to his skin, as well as the unusual noises coming from him.

Once inside the elevator, she puts the coat back on and walks with Sergasa back to the car. As she changes shoes, Sergasa is a bit puzzled as to what happened “What happened that caused him to have such a reaction?”

“Oh, come on, Sergasa, you, a seasoned warrior, can’t think of what I did? Heavens to mergatroid, oh well, I guess I have to tell you, then. I think, though, you better pull over for this.” Carissa whispers to Sergasa exactly what she did, causing Sergasa to shift herself closer to the door. “Carissa, you are a dangerous woman. I had no idea you knew how to do that.”

“Of course you did, you taught me.”

“Carissa, I do not remember giving you that lesson.”

“Of course you do, don’t you remember? Wasn’t it you who told me that the deity gave us the best weapons anyone could ask for?”

“Perhaps I did, Carissa, but I did not teach you to do that particular lesson.”

“Oh well, maybe it was the sovereign, then.” Carissa takes off her boots, placing them into the duffle bag, to be replaced by her old sneakers.


They arrive back to the manor, and securing her coat before stepping out of the vehicle, she takes a quick look to be sure everything is there before entering the manor.

“Hi, honey, I’m home,” Carissa playfully bellows.

“You enjoy having me worry, I believe. Just as I was about to call the National Guard, as you had stated, here you are. Come in and clean up. Do you need anything?”

“Bleach and a good mouth wash.”

“The mouth wash I will provide and understand the need for, at least I believe I do, however, the need for the bleach to me is bewildering.”

“I need to wash him out of my mouth, and as for the bleach, well, that’s to sanitize my hand.”

“Then I do, indeed, understand. Proceed with your bath. I will return with the proper remedies. It will be just a moment.” Bellona returns with a tray full of cups of . . . tea? Well, she is a healer, and therefore would know what she is doing.

Carissa enters the bathing pool, moaning with pleasure as she enters the water. The sovereign sits by the pool handing her consors each cup one at a time, briefly explaining its purpose, four cups in all. Carissa finishes her bath, and as she steps out, the sovereign wraps her with a robe. “Did he make entrance?” Bellona asks as she escorts her consors into the laboratory.

“Entrance . . ?”

“Did he make entrance into your private person, Carissa?”

“Oh that, no, we didn’t go that far. If he did, I would’ve asked for a burning poker. Despite the pain, the pain will make it worth it, knowing that he’ll be burned out of me.”

“If that was the circumstance, there are other remedies available other than the hot poker.”

“Yeah, but not as satisfying,” Carissa replies with a big grin.


“Yes, mommy dearest?”

“Nothing, never mind, I know that as soon as you get to bed everything will be just fine.”

“Of course it will. I’m your favorite consors.”

“You are my only consors. Now sit up on the table so I may examine you.”

“Oh, all right, you’re wasting your time though.”

“That is for me to decide, and before you say anything, the boys are resting well. Tristan will be up and out of bed tomorrow, while Tobias still recovers from the flu, though his congestion has finally cleared.” Carissa rolls her eyes as she hops up on the table ready for the examination. Having gone through this before, Carissa knows what to expect, and feeling just a little playful, she also knows the soft spots of the sovereign and . . . “Ahhh. Carissa, remember I have a great many things at my disposal.”

“Okey dokey,” Carissa says as she laughs a little. She feels she did not quite hit her target, so in trying again, she finds her mark and . . .


“I didn’t do anything,” Carissa says while batting her eyes.

“I know better. If you want to play, we will play tomorrow. You are fine. No injuries to note.”

“I could’ve told you that much.”

“I needed to be sure you are without injury.”

“Well, I’m going to throw out my bag before going to bed. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Carissa.”


Christmas was here, with good cheer in the manor of Andromeda. Tristan fully recovered from his bout with the flu. Tobie was still in bed, however, not as sick as he was in the beginning, but still sick enough to be in bed. Carissa started showing symptoms of the flu as well. Bellona insisted on certain remedies that had recently been proven to work. Carissa shoved those aside and decided on her old standard, a brand that she trusted. The catch though was that this particular cold remedy was rumored to be eighty proof or equivalent to a shot of vodka. It worked wonders, curing what ailed her in no time at all, that is, after all, why she took it . . . right?

“Carissa, I did some tests on this medicine you insist on taking. I have to say that I could think of several alcoholic beverages that would have the same equivalency.”

“Really, I didn’t know that. You learn something new every day.”

“Carissa, you know that I realize exactly how aware you are of your environment, as well as you pretending to be not as intelligent as you are.”

“What does that mean?”

“Carissa, do not play me for a fool. I do not play games of this kind very well.”

“I am? I didn’t know that. All I know is it works. What’s wrong with that?”

“What is wrong with that, she asks, knowing that the medicine she chooses to consume to help cure herself of this flu is the same as consuming those intoxicants that she has finally stopped consuming.”

“You said that all in one breath? Oh my, well, I have to go to the store to pick some more up. There’s one that’s open all year long. Did you need anything?”

“What I need is for you to stop taking this excuse for a medicine. Failing that, no, I do not need anything of value.”

“Okay, be back in a few, bye-bye.”


“Morning, Tobias, perhaps you will help me to understand why your sister chooses to consume something that she is very well aware of that the reason it appears to work so well, is that the person sleeps through an alcoholic daze.”

Tobie wrote: Because she doesn’t like getting sick. That stuff is the only stuff that momma wouldn’t take from her. Sometimes momma would take cold stuff when she couldn’t buy drink. Momma would say it tasted awful.

“I should have known. Thank you, Tobias, for letting me know. What I need to do is change my tact. As soon as your sister returns, we will begin the celebrations.” Ruffling his hair a little before standing up, she gives Tobie his tea before leaving the room.

Bellona returns to the laboratory to take stock of the herbs that she has available. By her estimation, she has enough to help Carissa through this awful flu that seems to have taken hold of the residents of the manor. The plan is a simple plan in its concept. The plan is to switch Carissa’s trusted remedy with those that Bellona is sure will work without the added alcohol component in such a manner so as to seem that the switch was done with care, love, and concern.


Carissa returns to the manor in seemingly worse condition than when she left. She now has a hacking cough and she looks so pale. Her rosy cheeks are gone. She is carrying a bag filled with the same medicine, but there is two now. It seems as though there is a daytime version as well. Carissa opens the daytime version of this medicine and is about take it, but the sovereign gently takes it from her, stating she would like to know more about the medicine her consors chooses to take. It is a good thing the sovereign is a well-trained healer, and takes the initiative to care for her consors.

“Carissa, this other version, the daytime remedy of this concoction you trust, is not much than the night time . . .”

“But . . .”

“Wait, Carissa,” Bellona makes a shushing sign in an attempt to calm the storm before it happens. “Carissa, I am telling you this because this is Christmas. This has been something that the boys have been looking forward to for quite some time, six months, three days, and nine weeks, to be exact. I know you have been looking forward to this holiday as well. I can give you the same tea that I have been giving Tobias. It will offer you temporary relief of your symptoms, the coughing, congestion, and feverish feelings that you have, without being in an alcoholic daze. I cannot guarantee that the tea that I am offering is any better than your medicine. What I can guarantee is that you will be able to enjoy this holiday this time with all of your senses intact. In the end though, the choice is yours, your medicine versus my tea.”

After the hacking cough finishes, Carissa replies, “Your tea puts Tobie to sleep, so what difference does it make yours or mine?”

“It makes a difference because I know exactly what is in the tea should something happen. I am not saying that something will happen, however, with the intoxicants that you have consumed in the past, there is a greater likelihood that something will happen. I do not know exactly what is in this bottle of fowl tasting smelling liquid you insist on taking. The herb itself will not put you to sleep. I place a sleeping herb in Tobias’ tea so he has an easier time sleeping through the night. I can make the tea without the sleeping herb, Carissa.”

Some time passes, with that awful hacking cough, and Carissa’s face turns red from not being able to breath. Bellona gently lays her down on the table while she lifts Carissa’s dress. The well-trained healer that the sovereign is already has an evaporator ready for such a thing. Carissa resists. “It is all right, Carissa, this will not hurt you. The steam is from a plant that is used to reduce swelling and inflammation. This steam works with Tobias when his cough is like yours. After a few minutes, your breathing will ease. This will also give me time to prepare your tea, relax, meus amor, and let the steam work for you.” Placing the apparatus on a table, Bellona raises Carissa’s upper body to make it easier for her to reach the evaporator. Carissa leans forward over the steam, feeling a cloth placed over her head. Bellona watches Carissa as she starts to relax while she starts to prepare Carissa’s tea. “Breathe in and breathe out, breathe in and breathe out. That is it, feel it working, Carissa, feel your breathing ease.” The sovereign removes the cloth and lifts Carissa’s head gently up to receive her tea. After Carissa finishes the tea, she lays back and closes her eyes. It is a short time later that Carissa opens them. “How do you feel now, Carissa? Are you feeling any better?”

“Bell, you should market that stuff. I have to admit I had my doubts, but that stuff works great. What do you say we do some celebrating? After all it’s Christmas, ain’t it?” Carissa immediately jumps off the table and runs towards the sleeping chambers.

“Mission accomplished,” the sovereign says to herself, lightly laughing as she cleans up her laboratory.


All gathered around the Christmas tree, with music playing in the background. The queen continued with the tradition of her homeland, and created a poem for each and every one of her family. The sovereign stated her present to everyone will have to wait until they arrive back home on Andromeda. There, they will receive their gift. The boys created Christmas cards for everybody, and gave everyone a candy cane as well.

“Hohoho, Merry Christmas, everybody, let’s see what’s here for everyone! Sergasa, this wine basket is for you.”

“Well, thank you, I know my mother and I will enjoy this. Thank you so much.”

“Your royal majesty, this is for you to luxuriate yourself as you meditate in the bathing pool.”

“As I meditate in the bathing pool . .? Carissa, I have never meditated in . . .” Clarissant states as she opens her gift. Recognizing the label, a large smile breaks out on her majesty’s face. Popping the cap, she sniffs the fragrant aroma of lavender and chamomile as it wafts through the air. “Oh, Carissa, I am truly thankful to you for this fine gift.”

“And this is for the one that I had THE hardest time shopping for. Merry Christmas, Bell.”

“What is this? Oh, meus darling consors, your love is all I need.” The sovereign’s smile gave away her true feelings, however, as she opens her gift. She looks a little like a child opening their first gift, with paper flying in the air as she tears open her present. Once the present is opened, the sovereign’s eyes grow wide with amazement. She lifts the gift up from the box. It is truly a beautiful sight, a rich chocolate brown fur edged with black mink all around, the inside lining a rich black satin, a perfect gift for the sovereign.

“This feels so warm, so luxurious. Now I truly have something to wear to our northern territories. The clasp is a brass metal. It appears so solid a structure. The golden thread detail is a perfect enhancement for this garment. Carissa, I am not sure what to say. Saying thank you for this fine garment seems inadequate. You truly have given me a gift to remember you by.” The sovereign stands there with her eyes closed, feeling the cloak wrapped around her. “It fits me perfectly. I do not want to take it off, but I know I must.” The sovereign carefully lays her new cloak in the arms of a servant to be hung properly.


The Christmas feast was had at mid-afternoon. Everybody was very well satisfied, or as Tristan said “stuffed” after the meal. All of the gifts had been gathered and put away. Now, concentration must be had for the preparations on the move back to Andromeda. Two questions were easy to answer. The first question of who would move . . . it would be everyone in the manor, no exceptions. The second of where would the move be to . . . it would be back to the palace on Andromeda. That left the when and the how. One more question that was left to answer would be who would take our sovereign’s place in America and would there be a need? The only purpose for their being there was for our sovereign to find herself a consors. They were not there for any other reason, but only time would tell if our sovereign changed her mind.

Part 9

Return to the Academy