Still No Snow
Still no snow -
none in the air,
none on the ground.
I can picture it, though,
in my minds eye
falling slowly,
just flurries at first,
and then faster,
big, fat flakes;
snowflakes with body
and texture,
the kind that land
on your outstretched tongue
and linger before melting.
The flakes swirl down
out of the cottony sky,
and pile up,
covering every surface
swathing ordinary objects
and fashioning them into
interesting, imprecise shapes.
The snow continues to fall,
in that strange
and utterly silent way it always does.
Sometimes, I sit near the window
and strain my ears
to hear it as it falls.
In this Winter of No Snow,
at least I have my memories.
I want some snow.
© Ellie Maziekien