These words are my own. Feel free to send me comments, thoughts or feelings that are evoked. I would love to hear your experience after reading my poem.
Send comments positive or negative to me at
You are my girl because you are my friend
You are my girl because I love you now and always
You are my girl regardless of the nature of our relationship
You will always be my girl for you have chosen to love me
And I have chosen to love you
You are my girl because you are beautiful
You are my girl because you are intelligent
You are my girl because you are kind
You are my girl because you are caring
You are my girl because you are precious
You are my girl because you are wonderful
Because of all these things you are my girl
As my girl you are loved just the way you are
As my girl you are spoiled because I choose to do so
As my girl we share a special bond that cannot be broken
As my girl you are my own personal wonder
Being my girl does not make you my lover
Being my girl does not make you my spouse
Being my girl does not make you tied to me
Being my girl does not make you my girlfriend
Being my girl does not make you my partner
Being my girl simply makes you my girl
Being my girl makes you my treasure
Being my girl makes you my sweets
Being my girl makes you my friend
Being my girl makes you special in ways no words can explain
Being my girl brings us together
Being my girl means that bond cannot be broken
Being my girl means I care about you
Being my girl means you care about me
Being my girl means we love each other
Being my girl means we are incapable of inflicting pain on each other
Being my girl means we are there for each other in our time of need
Being my girl means I need you, and you need me
Being my girl makes you special beyond words
Being my girl makes you feel loved
Being my girl means you are loved
Being my girl means the world to me
Being my girl means I don't want to imagine life without you
Being my girl means I take you as you are
Being my girl means you take me as I am
Being my girl means we work together
Being my girl means we are there till the end!
HDum October 26, 2009