These words are mine and mine alone. They belong solely to me. I'd love to hear what you think, tell me they're wonderful, they suck, they touched you, they made you cry. Just tell me
In this single episode of this single life
We can do nothing more than play the cards we're dealt
In the end it doesn't matter what we think, saw or felt
Is it all planned out? I do not believe so
But when the time is right, surely we'll know.
Our soul passes on from one life to the next
We have no control what those lives may hold
Some souls travel together I'm told
Some can remember and even see
While others just fee it and know it to be.
Travelling souls from then to there and to now
When I speak to Annabelle she opens my eyes
I go to her, she helps me find the ties
Only once has it occurred that she came to me
She took me to a market, something I must see.
Beyond the market she showed when I was unsure
But true enough she had many times to show
Okay, Nice, but what now? What does this mean I know?
Have our souls really travelled together for so long
Annabelle says yes, and it will continue to go on.
Letting this sink in, questions begin to rise
Why now? Not before? Was so much pain needed first?
Yet oddly enough driven together to quench a thirst
So many years into this life we finally met
What now? Is there a choice? Or destiny is set?
HDum 7/12/11