So Far From Home

by Psyche_B

Year three in the Voyage of Andromeda.  The adventure that started in  Among the Stars, and Beyond the Farthest Planet continues in Far From Home.

Go To Part 1


Kate sat next to Natalia while they watched over Kacey. Neither woman spoke. Each lost in their own thoughts. Medical staff came in periodically to take readings from the various machine around the bed or to change I.V. bags. Each time they silently went about their duties and left with a smile of encouragement..

Two hours passed before a knock came at the door. They both turned.

"Kate we went through every frame of the video and found what happened." Rhea said softly.

Kate went into the main room, pulling the door closed behind her. Mike set the computer up on an empty exam table.

"I am sorry it too so long Captain."

"Mike as I said before, please call me Kate." She told him. "What did you find?"

Mike cued up the video. "We started from the point you mentioned." He started to slowly advance the video. "At this point, Kacey is fifteen thousand kilometers from Andromeda. Her sonar picked up vessels in this gas cloud. From here we played her personal video lock alongside the regular video so we could see exactly what happened." The two videos played side by side. "She was about to inform you of the ambush when the ships in her group came under attack. The pirates seemed to concentrate their fire on her shuttle. She took several direct hits that steadily eroded her shields. Here she turned on her cloak, but it was too late. Her shields were almost gone" Kate watched the shuttle shimmer from view. They heard, "Shields down to ten percent, engines off line."

"How did she end up on that rock?"

"While her attention was on the fighters firing at her, another ship was aiming for her from underneath. Once her cloak was activated, they lost her position. But they aimed at her last location. Then the pirate ship exploded and knocked her shuttle side wards. Which from what we can see is a good thing. That pirate ship only grazed her instead of a direct hit. You can hear the impact." Mike backed up the video and they listened to the sound of the impact right after the explosion.

"What caused her injuries?"

"The impact caused her to slam against the side counter. It also caused several items to break loose and become projectiles inside the shuttle. As far as I can tell she impacted the side counter with enough force to cause the breaks in her arm, ribs and leg. However it was the thermos that she carries with her that cause the final damage. As it flew out of it's holder it hit first her head then her arm which was already broken. The force cause the bone to come through the skin. That thermos finished what the original impact started."

"Is her shuttle destroyed?"

"No but it will take some major work to get it space worthy again. Fortunately her luck held and there were no hull ruptures. With everything that went on, she was somehow able to bring her shuttle down on that rock."

"She had a lot of luck or angels or little people helping her today." Rhea stated.

"How so?"

"First the explosion that knocked her out of the direct path on that other ship. If the explosion had not happened, she would have been rammed head on instead of side swiped. A head on collision with the much larger ship would have destroyed her shuttle."

Kate watched the battle play out and marveled that Kacey was still alive. "What caused her shields to fail?"

"It could have been the constant barrage from the pirates. They all seemed to target the shuttle and ignored the stingers." Mike informed her.

"Do you have a theory why?"

"They might have thought the shuttle was a better prize." Bella offered.

"I don't know about threat. They seemed Hell bent on destroying it." Mike argued.

"They could be working with the Limari who could have offered a reward for her capture or destruction. She did tell them she was the leader on Terra." Rhea stated.

"That is a possibility I had not considered." Kate stated. "We have defeated them each time and she was always in the lead." Kate thought for a minute. "Can you make out any markings on those ships?"

"No definite markings at all. There seemed to be several styles. What bothers me is why was she so far out?" Bella asked. "Do you think she expected the attacked and tried to draw them away from Andromeda?"

"She was or probably still is mad at me so she rebelled. As for what she expected only she can answer that. She may have expected an attack because she had that tracker turned on."

"How is she doing Cap...Kate?" Mike asked.

"She was in a great deal of pain earlier, but the Doctor knocked her out. She will need physical therapy once everything is healed and will be out of action for a time. Mike you will be in charge. We don't know if there will be any impairment. As I said before, no one else can know this. She has not been told yet."

"She could be grounded." Mike stated. "That would slowly kill her."

"Combine that with not being able to play her violin." Bella added. "Kate if you need anyone to watch the rug rats so you can rest or be here, we will all help out."

"Thank you Bella."

Mike picked up the computers and the three left Sick Bay. Kate returned to Kacey's room. Natalia had not moved from the side of the bed. She held Kacey's hand and rubbed the back of it. She stared at their joined hands. Kate placed her hand on Natalia's arm in silent support. They kept their vigil until Anya walked in.

"Time to switch places." She stated softly. "Patricia is with the children. She sent Liam to get some rest. The girls are asleep in your spare room, Natalia. Kate you will stay there also."

"That is what I planned to do."

"We will give you a minute alone, Natalia." Anya stated and escorted Kate from the room.


Liam sat by the bed as he watched Kacey, her face relaxed in sleep. He could see the young child that trusted him completely. The child who thought he could do no wrong. The same child who grew in the beautiful woman she was. A brave woman who put the safety of others far above her own.

"Lass" he thought, "I am wishing you were a little less courageous. Proud yes, ye have always made me proud to be your da. But wishing ye would be as brave with ye own safety is me right as your da." Tears filled his eyes.

"Dad?" Kacey said softly.

"How are ye feeling lass?"

"Thirsty." She licked her lips. Liam filled a glass with water and place a straw in the glass. He held the straw to her mouth. She sucked greedily until her thirst was quenched. "Thanks." She laid her head back against the pillow. "Dad, I need to know the truth."

"What do ye want to know?"

"My arm, how bad is it really?"

"What did the doctor tell ye?"

"I need the whole truth dad, not what she wanted me to hear. Please dad. Why is my hand numb?" She rubbed the hand that was not covered by bandages. "I know I am rubbing it. I can see that, but I can not feel anything."

"There was a lot of damage that needed to be fixed. It will be taking time for everything to be back to normal."


"That is really all I know lass." Liam stated. "That is all the doctor really knows."

"So there is the possibility that..."

"No lass. Do not be thinking that way." He scolded her. "Lass it was only yesterday that ye were injured. Ye had major surgery. All those bits inside have to heal."

"Dad you have never lied to me. If you told me something would work out, I knew it would. You could do anything." Kacey stated. "I need to ask you something."

"Ye can be asking me anything."

Kacey paused for a minute before she spoke. "Do you believe in all blessings coming with a price tag?"

"I am not really sure what ye are asking me."

"It is just that my life has been one long line of successes. I have a loving supportive family, a beautiful wife, two fantastic children. I got good grades in school without really trying and music came easily. Do you think that now payment has come due for all the blessings I have received?"

Liam looked into her eyes. He leaned forward and took her good hand in his before he answered. "So ye are wanting to know if there is some sort of cosmic tally book?" She nodded. "And that everything ye have achieved in your life has price?" She nodded again. "I seem to recall a girl who worked very hard for each and every success. One who spent hours and hours in her room studying or practicing your violin. When you did take time out, ye could be found working with your horse. Even when we were able to get you out of your room for family outings, ye never went without a pile of books. No lass, there is no payment due. If by some chance there was a tally book, I am certain your account would read paid in full with a hefty surplus that ye can draw on."

Patricia and Natalia stood outside the room and listened to their conversation.

"Ye have never been afraid of working towards a goal. Just like that babe all those years ago who tackled that staircase. Ye never gave up. Not even when I put that gate up. We could see you working out how to get past it. Ye never gave up. Do not be giving up now. Yes it was a minor setback. Use that same grit and determination of the small babe and it will all work out. Maybe not today or tomorrow or even next month, but I am believing all will work out. Ye believe it also."

"I will try, dad." Kacey responded.

"No lass there is no trying. Either believe it completely or not. There is no half way. Tis all or nothing. Ye think about that."

"I will, dad."

"Good girl. Now I am thinking tis just about time to be getting ready for breakfast. Tis almost time for Patsy to show up with it." He stood up.


"Yes lass."

"Thank you."

"Kacey tis me pleasure. Now let me be finding someone to help ye get ready for breakfast." He leaned over and kissed the top of her head.


Kate sat in her command chair on the Bridge as she watched the stars zoom by in the view screen. Anya sat in front of her star charts as they headed for their next stop over point. The smaller flyers were out in force as they put as much distance between them and the pirates as possible.

"Anything on the boards?" Kate asked.

"The closest to us is a nebula one million kilometers from our current position. We passed up this particular nebula last year because of high levels of theta radiation."

"Then we will avoid it again."

"At our current trajectory, we will pass within a thousand kilometers of it. I suggest we change our heading to two two nine four point five three." Any suggested.

"Send the coordinates to the helm. Rich change our course and notify the flyers of the course change."

"Flyers notified, Captain." The communications officer stated.

"Course locked in."

"Engage." Kate ordered. "Is there anything pressing on the boards?"

"We are clear, Captain."

"Then I will be in Sick Bay. Commander Torino you have the Bridge."

"Tell Kacey we are all pulling for her."

Kate nodded and entered the lift.


Natalia helped Kacey wash up after breakfast and helped her don clean pajamas. She now sat on the edge of the bed as the doctor adjusted her arm in the sling.

"Any dizziness?"

"None Doc. Is the sling necessary?"

"Very necessary. This will give support to the repaired muscles. Less stress, less chance of undoing the stitches inside. This sling will be your constant companion for several weeks." Kacey sighed. "Unless of course you do not mind the pain from having your arm below heart level."

"I get your point Doc."

"There is more. The sling remains on even when you are in bed." The doctor adjusted the straps pulling her arm up so that her left hand rested on her right shoulder. "This will also help keep your fingers straight and avoid having the muscles atrophy so that you will regain the use of your hand."

"Okay Doc, okay."

With the Doctor on one side and Natalia on the other, Kacey stood and walked to the padded chair.

"When you start to feel tired we will get you back into bed. What is your pain level?"

"Three or four."

"Do not hesitate to call if it gets higher, especially if it gets to seven."

"Will do, doc."

The doctor left. Natalia pulled a chair closer to Kacey's. She handed her a coffee."

"Talia would you bring the babies by later?"

"Of course I will. Have you talked to Kate yet?"

"No and I would rather not talk about her either."

"I understand you are still angry with her. However she did not have to own up to her lapse in judgment."

"Lapse in Judgment? That was one Hell of a lapse Talia."

"Is that why you were so far out because you were mad at her?" She asked. "You can hold a mad longer than anyone I have ever met. You have every right to be angry with her. That was a dirty trick to pull. Thankfully your luck held that night. we were not attacked. Plus her trick backfired. Instead of relaxing, you became more vigilant."

"It did backfire didn't it." Kacey laughed.

"You have to talk to her. If only to give her your official report. You still need to discuss it before it becomes part of the official ship's logs." Natalia stated. Kacey was silent while she sipped her coffee. "Are you angry with me?"

"No why?"

"You were not saying anything."

"I was just thinking sweetheart." Kacey stated and looked up as a shadow fell across the door. "I will tell you about it later. We have company."

Natalia looked at the door as Kate walked in sight.

"May I come in?"

"It is your ship Captain."

Kate winced at the use of her rank. Natalia leaned over and kissed Kacey's cheek. She took the opportunity to whisper. "Try to be nice." She stood up. "I will leave you two alone." Natalia closed the door behind her.

"I brought you a coffee." Kate stated and handed the cup to Kacey. She hesitated before she reached up to take the cup. She sniffed it before she took a tentative sip. "I deserve that."

"Thanks for the coffee. Have a seat."

Kate sat next to her and place the small hand computer on the table. "How are you feeling?"

"I have felt better, but then again I have felt a lot worse."

"How long do you have to wear the sling?"

"For a few weeks until everything inside has healed. It is too bad those dermal regenerators only work on the outside and not internally."

"We will be on Verna in another month."


"I know you will probably not be back on duty officially, but will you be my unofficial protection?" Kacey looked at her without answering. "Look I also know you are still very angry with me. I want to guarantee that, that sort of stunt will never happen again. You have my word for what it is worth."

"I believe you."

"Kacey I realize my action knocked me off that pedestal, you put me on. Plus I have lost the trust you once had in me..."

"Kate stop." Kacey ordered. "I do not want to hear your apologies or self recriminations. It is done and there is no way to go back to undo your actions that night."

"Will you be agreeable to moving forward?"

She looked at Kate before answering. "Sure. Do you have any safe topics you would like to talk about?" She moved and winced as the pain level increased.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah the pain meds are wearing off."

"I will get the Doctor in here." Kate pushed the button on the bed. The doctor walked in.

"Are you ready for your next pain meds, Colonel?"

"That depends. Will they knock me out?"

"No. we will save the heavy duty drugs for later." She handed Kacey a pill and glass of water. "I think you have been up long enough for the first time. Captain would you take this side so we can get her back into bed?"

Once Kacey was settled, Kate pulled the chair to the side of the bed after the doctor left.

"I take it from the fact you brought a computer, you want a report."

"Only if you are feeling up to it."

"May as well do it now. Where do you want to start?"

"How about right after your little bout of insubordination."

"Okay. Give me a minute to get my thoughts in order." She paused. then nodded. Kate started the recorder. "I had sonar transmitting, but it was quiet. Until we were a hundred kilometer from a gas cloud then the first blip returned. Within seconds, even before I was able to report in, we came under fire. There were several ships, maybe seven or eight. They were not Limari. All the ships had different markings and they were not in the best shape." She stopped and finished her coffee. "They seemed to concentrate their fire power on my shuttle."

"That corresponds with what your pilots reported."

"I am not sure how many hits I took, before my shields failed. I think I told the other pilots I was turning on the cloak, but that part is a little fuzzy. My engines were offline, radio was down." She paused again. I know turning on the cloak was not fair to the ships with me. Then one of the raider's ships exploded and I was knocked sideways. I hit the shelf hard and I knew there was some damage done. The pain was tremendous. I knew at least my arm was broken. Then I think I was rammed. Objects were flying around inside the shuttle. Something hit my head and arm. I turned on the distress beacon and aimed my shuttle towards a planetoid. I was able to glide in. Then I passed out, I think." She stopped again and reached for the glass of water. Kate handed her the glass. She took several sips before continuing. "I heard another shuttle land. The pain was unbelievable. It hurt to even breathe. Umm, then I saw someone outside throwing something. I could hear some of the pings against the shuttle and wondered why? Then I remember the cloak was still on. I was able to shut it off. That is all I remember until I woke up in recovery."


"Your version is not that much different from what the videos show. I had Mike, Rhea and Bella go through every frame of the video, both inside and outside to show the true picture of what happened."

"I want to see it."

"Are you sure? It can wait for a few days."

"No Kate, I need to see it now."

"All right." Kate stopped the recording and pulled up the video. She explained. "They have put together a split screen video so you can see what was going on from both cameras." She hit play and sat back down. She watched Kacey watch the video. Neither spoke until the video ended.

"So the thermos caused the damage. Maybe I should see about installing one of those extra replicators in my shuttle."

"Or find a better, more secure place for your coffee supply." Kate answered. "You did not have that protective vest on. Why?"

Kacey hesitated before answering. "I felt I did not need it any longer."

"Do you still feel the same way now?"

"I may not have a choice in that matter."

"How do you figure?"

"There are only so many internal organs we can live without."

"That is the best decision, Kacey."

"How is my shuttle?"

"Your people are repairing the damage."

"Was anyone else hurt?"

"Minor injuries that were treated then released. One of the Stingers may be out of commission."

"So how many days in the Brig am I looking at?"

"It would be my right to toss your ass in the Brig for insubordination. Especially when the entire Bridge heard you."

"Yeah and?"

"And I have not decided yet." Kate stated. "As soon as I decided I will let you know."

"I will not be hard to find as I am grounded for now."

"Do you know how long you will be here?"

"No one has said anything. Kate when you come back, or when Natalia comes back would you bring me my music player and an assortment of discs?"

"Any special discs?"

"The ones right next to the player will be fine. Also I want a computer."

"No not yet. I think you are rushing that."

"I hate laying her with nothing to do to occupy my mind or hands, or rather hand."

"I will make sure you get the player and discs but absolutely no computer. The minute you get your hands on a computer you will start working."

"I just might feel like playing games." She stated innocently. At Kate's look she continued, "I need to type up my report." Kate's eyebrow raised. "All right, I want to do some research."

"It can wait until you are released. I will make it an executive order. Kacey give yourself time to heal."

"I do not seem to have any choice in the matter."

"Afraid not. You look tired. Rest a bit before your lunch arrives." Kate lowered the head of the bed slightly. Kacey put her head back and closed her eyes. Kate watched her sleep.


The routine in Sick Bay never changed. Natalia would come in and help her get ready for breakfast which Patricia brought precisely at oh eight hundred hours. Then Natalia gave her a sponge bath. Kacey balked if anyone other than Natalia tried to help her. She earned a stern look from Patricia when she tried to help her and scolded her daughter.

"Who do you think gave you a bath when you were younger." But left that chore to Natalia.

Then the doctor would arrive to check her progress. As much as it hurt the first few days, she enjoyed the freedom from the sling, if only for a few minutes. Feelings in her thumb and index finger returned slowly. There was still no feelings or movement in the remaining fingers. She had plenty of visitors during the day and she had her music discs that Natalia changed daily. Kate had not rescinded the order to allow her access to a computer. With the headphones on, she closed her eyes and let the music take her away from the sterile walls of Sick Bay.

The medical personnel were advised not to touch her if she had the headphones on and her eyes closed, other than the top of her head or to shake the railing on the bed.


Kacey was discharged a week later. She was able to make a quiet escape without all the fanfare of previous discharges. Within minutes of leaving Sick Bay, she was happily ensconced on the couch in their quarters, with her family around her. She had a fresh cup of coffee in her hand.

"It is great to be home. No one coming in all hours of the day and night, poking and prodding me."

"You still have to see the doctor every two days." Natalia reminded her. "Then you start physical therapy."

"Don't remind me. Do you know that before we left Earth, I went to the doctor once a year for a mandatory physical."

"Seems to me that if you did not think yourself indestructible, you could go back to that once a year." Anya joked.

"I know I am not indestructible, Anya." Kacey argued. "When will we reach Verna?" She asked changing the topic.

"Three to four weeks if we do not have any trouble."

"Do not jinx us Kate." Anya ordered.

"Do you have any idea how long you will be off duty dear?" Patricia asked.

"No idea mom. The doc has not said. considering that three fingers still are not working it probably will not be right away. Although I can still do my job if I have to."

"Tis not a good idea to rush things lass." Liam stated.

"Kate have you rescinded that order?"

"As soon as I heard you were being released, I did."

"What order is that?"

"I issued an executive order that Kacey could not have a computer while she was in Sick Bay. I knew if she had a computer she would not rest or allow her body to heal."

"Katie has your number, lass." Liam stated with a twinkle in his eye.

"Did you all arrange a sitter for me or will I be trusted not to do anything I am not supposed to do?"

"For the next few days, we will all be splitting up that duty." Patricia stated.

"I was only joking. I do not need a baby sitter."

"Yes you do." Natalia, Kate and Anya answered together.

Kacey sighed.


Two weeks went slowly by for Kacey. The Doctor finally allowed her to remove the sling and start therapy. She needed to wear a brace that covered her from elbow to fingertip. Eventually that was changed to just cover her wrist and the three fingers that still had not come back. While therapy worked on the muscles in her forearm, there was nothing that could be done for the still lifeless fingers.

She was hard pressed not to give in to the depression that was never far away, lurking like a shadow. Not having the use of all her fingers kept her from playing the violin. Her port in any storm was no longer available to her. Her research on her injury and the damage added to the weight that piled on her shoulders. She spent many hours sitting in their quarters staring out at the passing stars. The only times she left their quarters were for therapy. She saw no one outside the family.

The quiet inside their quarters intensified the depression she finally succumbed to. Kacey was tired of the struggle to keep it at bay. She stood and walked to the music machine. She removed all the discs and placed them in the cases. Once the machine was disconnected, she put it in the closet along with the box of discs. She shut out the music that was a big part of her life for many years.

Kacey disconnected the keyboard from the base and closed the lid. She carried the pieces and laid them against the door to Kate's quarters. Returning to her quarters she removed the guitar case and placed it on the table. Once the guitar was in the case she closed it and placed it and its stand in the closet. Then came the hardest part. Kacey pulled her violin case out and placed it on the table. She poured herself a brandy that she placed next to the case. Taking a shaky breath, Kacey picked up her violin and bow. She held it for several minutes, her eyes filled with tears. She lovingly caressed the smooth wood and closed her eyes when the sting of tears became too much. She held her favorite instrument for the final time. Kacey lovingly placed the violin in the red velvet lined case, followed by the bow.

She let her fingers glide softly over the strings then rested her hands on the wood and felt it warm to her touch. Before she closed the lid, Kacey picked up the brandy. She held the glass up.

"Good bye old friend." She saluted the instrument and downed the liquor. Kacey put the glass on the table, pulled the velvet cover over the instrument and closed the case. She carried to case and stand and placed them into the closet. With a shuddering breath she closed and locked the door. With the locking of the door, Kacey locked away that part of her life.


Natalia walked into the Mess Hall and went directly to the counter. Patricia came quickly to her side.

"Could you fix two of what ever you have on special please? I want to take some lunch to Kacey."

"Of course dear." Patricia told her as she prepared the order. "How is Kacey?"

"Not good Patricia. She shuts down a little more each day. She barely eats, and has trouble sleeping. Not even holding the children seems to be able to bring her out of the depression. She barely speaks and when she does her voice is flat and lifeless. She won't even play her music discs."

"I was afraid something like this would happen. Music, especially the violin has been such an integral part of her life since she was six. To have it all torn away is a shock."

"There is still a chance the rest of the feelings will return. The Doctor said nerves can take a long time to regenerate."

"Maybe Doctor DiMarco can help?"

"I mentioned that to her the other night and she just about took my head off. she said she was a cripple not crazy and went back to staring out the window. That is all she seems to do lately. She is not even bugging the Doctor to return to work."

"Oh dear." Patricia exclaimed. What if you talk to Doctor DiMarco. She might be able to advise you in how to help her."

"I did not think of that."

"Do one thing for me. Please do not give up on her."

"That will never happen Patricia."

Natalia took the covered place and left the Mess Hall. Patricia watched her leave, knowing she would have her work cut out for her. She knew how stubborn Kacey could be.


Kate sat in her command chair as they zoomed through the stars. Verna was another week away. The last several weeks have been quiet for which she was grateful. All her reports were caught up for the present. She stood and strolled around the Bridge more to stretch her legs than to check on her officers. Kate ended her circuit next to Anya who smile at her.

"Restless or bored?"

"Both actually. Mostly though I am worried about Kacey."

"She is still seeing the physical therapist right?"

"She did not show up for her appointment this morning. She will not go to her office or even come to the Bridge since she was injured." Kate said softly. "That is not like her at all."

"We can go over with the girls tonight when they have their lesson. We can talk to her then."

"I think she is shutting down."

"We will see tonight. Try not to worry. We can talk to Liam and Patricia and enlist their help also."

"If it was not against regulations I would kiss you right now." Kate whispered.

Anya squeezed her hand and smiled.

------------------------------ ---

Natalia carried their lunches down the corridor. She stopped when she noticed the keyboard outside Kate's door and hurried to their quarters.

Kacey was still standing at the window when Natalia walked in. She immediately noticed the empty corner where the instruments once stood and the empty shelf where the music player rested. Natalia placed their lunches on the table and picked up the empty glass which she sniffed.

Natalia went to Kacey's side and reached up to kiss her cheek.

"I brought lunch."

"Thanks Talia, but I am not hungry."

"Come and keep me company while I eat. Please?" Kacey shrugged and walked to the table while Natalia went into the kitchen to get utensils. She found the breakfast she left for Kacey on the counter, untouched. "You didn't eat breakfast."

"I just don't seem to have any appetite."

"Would you try to eat a couple bites of lunch then? For me?"

Kacey's lips twitched into a faint smile and sat down and took the lid off the plate. She picked up the fork and started to push the food around. She finally lifted the fork to her mouth.

"I noticed the keyboard by Kate's door."

"Yeah the girls have progressed enough to continue on their own."

"What about the guitar and your violin?"

"I put them away. I will never play either again."

"Why Kacey?"

"Both instruments need ten working fingers. Without the use of them all there is no reason to..." She left the sentence unfinished.

"Sweetheart, the doctor said it would take time. What did the therapist say this morning."

"I did not go. I cancelled the appointment. There is no sense in continuing."

"How many drinks did you have?"

"Just the one to say good by to an old friend." Kacey pushed the plate away and returned to the window.

Natalia moved her plate and placed her head in her hands as tears filled her eyes. She took several deep breaths and stood up. Natalia went to Kacey and put her arms around her. Kacey patted the smaller hand that rested on her stomach.

"Would you like to take a walk with me before I return to duty. You have not left our quarters for days."

"Not right now Talia."

"I love you Kacey. No matter what life throws at us, I will always love you."

"I love you too."

"Would you do one thing for me?"

"If I can."

"Would you think about talking to Doctor DiMarco."

"I am not crazy, Talia."

"No you are not, but you are hurting and it hurts me knowing that there is nothing I can do to help you. We could go together. We are in this for better or worse. I am only asking you to think about it. Would you do that for me? Please?" Kacey nodded. "That's my Colonel."

They stood in that position until the clock told them it was time for Natalia to return to work. She walked around Kacey and looked up. "Please look at me." Kacey's eyes lowered. "Would you try to eat a little more this afternoon?" Kacey nodded again. Natalia pulled Kacey's head down and kissed her. "I will see you at sixteen hundred hours."

"All right, Talia."

Natalia left and returned to the Bridge.


Liam walked off the lift and sat in his chair. He leaned over and whispered. "We have problems brewing." Kate looked at him. "Your mother will explain everything when you go to lunch."

"As soon as Natalia returns we will go to lunch." Kate told him. Natalia stepped off the lift and motioned to Kate when she turned around. Kate pointed to the Ready Room and stood up. "I may find out sooner."

As soon as the door closed, Kate asked, "What is wrong?"

"Kacey is... she is shutting down."

"What happened?"

"I brought lunch for her and found she had moved the keyboard to your door. She has put her instruments and music player away."

"I was afraid this would happen."

"She did agree to think about going to talk to Doctor DiMarco."

"We may have to force the issue. Did you know she cancelled her therapy appointment?"

"Worse than that. She has cancelled them completely."

"Try not to worry. If we have to have an intervention, to get her to seek the help she needs then that is what we will do. We will get our Kacey back." Kate hugged the younger woman before they went back to the Bridge. Anya waited by the lift for Kate. Once the door closed, Kate leaned into Anya's quiet strength.

"What did Natalia say?"

"I will tell you in the Mess Hall. I would rather have to only say this once."

"Of course my Kate."

The rest of the trip was in silence. They entered the Mess Hall and went directly to their favorite table. They programmed their choices into the table top menu and waited. Kate looked around the room. Several of the Vernans they had rescued sat at the next table.

"Another week and you will be home." She said.

"It will be god to see our families and Verna again." The blue skin male stated and went back to his lunch.

Patricia brought their lunches and sat down with them. "Natalia was in earlier." She started without preamble. "She is very worried that Kacey is shutting down."

"I talked to her right before we came down, mom. She has given up music completely. Natalia said she put the keyboard by our door, locked away her guitar and violin and her music player and discs."

"I was afraid of that. She needs the use of all her fingers to play. She still has three that are not working."

"She has cancelled therapy also." Kate said.

"Can't you as Captain order her to go?" Patricia asked.

"No there is a line we can not cross. Yes I can force someone to seek medical attention if their health is affecting their performance, or the welfare of others. The only person affected is herself."

"We have to do something to help her, Kate." Patricia said.

The Vernan who spoke earlier leaned over and said, "excuse me Captain, I could not help but overhear you speaking of Colonel O'Malley's injury."

"Yes we were."

"She has nerve damage that is affecting the use of her fingers?"

"Are you a healer?"

"Not quite. I was apprenticed to the Healers and we are familiar with severed nerves and how to get them to regenerate."

To be continued...


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