Patricia and I would like to dedicate The Persian Encounter to the memory of LJ Maas. Had it not been for LJ, we would never have met three yrs ago on the Bard Village. LJ began an online writing class in the BV - Patricia and I became instant students as well as friends. As the class students dwindled, Patricia and I stayed with it - writing to LJ, asking for more lessons.
After a while, she said there was too much going on in her life and she couldnt do the class any longer. Yet, she encouraged us both via eml to keep writing. One day, she said "go for it - write a story". That day, the Xena episode Blind Faith was on Oxygen. We both watched the story and decided to keep Xena blind and venture forth from there.
Powers of the Queen was born and then Persian Encounter. And we owe all this to LJ. We'd never have had the courage or interest to write, had she not kindled the flame. We owe her alot - more than most people will ever realize.
THE PERSIAN ENCOUNTER – by Patricia and Xanjaa
Feedback please to: and
Disclaimers in Prologue
Xena gathered up the supplies they would need for the trip across the desert to the oasis. She knew this was important to Gabrielle. After seeing the Red Scorpion army camp, she knew they would need whatever this goddess had to offer.
Because the harsh, inhospitable desert could quickly take the life of the unwary, Xena was not looking forward to trekking further out onto the blazing sand with Gabrielle. She stowed their gear in the packs holding out the map from Artemis. Studying it once more, Xena committed the routes and markings to memory before folding it and putting it in the top of the pack.
Getting to the oasis didn't seem to be a problem. It was after they arrived that worried her. She thought back to Artemis's words "Anahita lives in a cave near the desert oasis. I'll tell you how to get there. But the way will be treacherous before you come face to face with her. The cave is underwater and you will have many obstacles to overcome to reach her." She didn't like the sound of this at all. Maybe, she thought, I could tell Anahita I am the Queen's champion and Gabrielle wouldn't have to go into the cave.
Xena's thoughts were interrupted when the bard placed a hand on her arm. "Are we ready to go?" she asked worry already evident on her face.
"Ready as we'll ever be."
"Do you have the map?"
"Right here," the warrior pointed to her head. Knowing her bard however, she also tapped the pack. "It's right here." Then she added, "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"We have no choice, Xena."
"We always have a choice. I can go and..."
Gabrielle interrupted her. "You know I have to go. Artemis said I had to personally appeal to Anahita to help us. She'll recognize me as Queen and, Xena I'll do whatever I have to do to save the Amazons. You know that."
The warrior didn't like the answer but knew the younger woman planned on fulfilling this mission. "Let's go," she said in response.
Both women leaped onto the backs of their horses and left their encampment. It was early morning and they needed to cross as much desert as possible before the sun began its relentless assault. They made their way carefully, not wanting to tire their mounts too soon. Xena knew the general direction in which they were riding, but checked the map just to be certain.
Around late morning, they stopped to rest the horses and drink water. As the warrior wiped her brow she noticed a shimmering lake of water in the distance. She questioned if it was a mirage or the actual oasis. The shimmering lake image seemed real. Well, only one way to find out, she thought to her self.
"I think we're close. Look over there." She pointed towards the oasis.
"Do you think Anahita will be there?"
"Who knows? The Greek gods show up when they please or when they want something. I guess we'll find out if these Persian gods behave the same way." She jumped into the saddle pulling at the reins in the direction of the oasis with Gabrielle following close behind.
* * * *
There was an unusual rocky outcropping to the side of the green water as they approached, which had not been visible from afar. The outcropping had the appearance of a shallow cave and it provided some relief from the scorching sun. The sound of moving water was unmistakable and it seemed to be coming from inside the cave.
There was no one else around the oasis but her and Gabrielle. Xena dismounted and cautiously examined their surroundings, all her senses on alert, as she noticed the stillness of the green pool of water with no visible signs of moving water even though the sound was clear and distinct. She decided she needed to enter the cave and see what was in there.
"This must be the place. Artemis said there was a cave." The bard's voice broke through her rumination.
"I'll go in the cave and look around. It doesn't look like much but you wait here."
"Xena, I'm going with you. You know what Artemis said." Her tone of voice was adamant.
Xena watched her dismount still not convinced this was a good idea. But she held her tongue as she watched Gabrielle march decisively towards the cave ahead of her. She caught up with her in two strides and they entered together.
"It's cool in here isn't it?" The younger woman asked, not really expecting a reply.
"This doesn't look like a goddess' kind of place" she remarked. "There's nothing in here. There's no altar, no offerings. It's just bare shale walls."
With her words, the air suddenly grew cooler and the more distinct sound of rushing water caught their attention.
Gabrielle looked at Xena and said, "There's something here. I think this is her place. I'm going to call her."
The warrior shrugged and said, "Go ahead."
"Anahita, goddess of water and goddess war, my name is Gabrielle and I am Queen of the Thracian Amazons. I ask you to appear." The sound of rushing water increased and a feeling of dampness permeated the air, but there was no sign of the goddess.
Gabrielle continued her petition in a louder voice, "Anahita, goddess of water and of war, I implore you to appear at the request of your Greek sister, Artemis."
The roar of water became deafening as it echoed off the clamshell shaped cave. A damp foggy mist appeared against the back wall of the cave as the walls themselves seemed to ooze liquid rainbows of colors. Suddenly the Goddess was visible. She seemed to float in the mist, blending with it and yet separate from it. Seeming to emerge from a great depth, she grew larger and more distinct as she approached the two women. The blue green drapes of her gown rippled like flowing water, and her face and arms appeared wet. Her eyes were both fierce and yet compassionate. Looking into the eyes of the goddess, the young Amazon queen felt she could sink and melt into the blue ocean that was her eyes.
"Who summons me?" Cascading like the sound of three enormous waves rolling onto a beach, her voice echoed and reverberated in the cave.
The bard was still enraptured by the depths of the goddess's eyes so missed the question.
"Gabrielle, Queen of the Thracian Amazons calls you." Xena answered for her.
Anahita looked at the warrior, then turned her attention back to the young blond woman and repeated her question, "Who summons me?" Again the words were distinctly heard within the loud sound of three waves rolling onto a beach.
As the goddess broke eye contact, Gabrielle was brought back to the present sputtering as though coming up for air, "Me... I mean I... I mean, Gabrielle. I'm the Queen of the Amazons. Uhmmm, this is Xena. Artemis sent us to find you. She said you'd help us." The words tumbled out as though she'd been released from a giant tidal wave of emotion.
The goddess raised her hand and again the sound of rushing water could be heard in the cave as though it was moving through the very air they breathed. "I know why you've come. I need to know your intentions. What you ask of me will require a token sacrifice to show me your intentions are pure."
"Anything," the Bard replied. "We brought incense and sweet smelling oils and fragrances from Greece, and one of our best carvers has created a staff for you. I'm sure we have any sacrifice you want."
The goddess laughed and the sound was like a distant peeling deep tone rippling across the air in the cave. "I have no need of those kinds of tokens, my daughter. The goddess of water demands a different kind of sacrifice."
Xena stepped forward beside Gabrielle, not sure she was going to like the sacrifice this goddess was proposing. Anahita looked at her again and put her palm up as though stopping her and the sound of water seemed to cascade across the cave again with the motion of her hand.
"What sort of sacrifice are you looking for?" the warrior asked.
Anahita glanced at her for a moment, ignored her question, and then looked directly into Gabrielle's eyes recapturing them as she spoke.
"Water is the source of all life. It can also be the source of death. But remember this, ata lara mana vata."
As she enunciated the last words in the dialect of ancient Sanskrit the roar of the ocean was unmistakable and the power of an emotional rip tide seemed to sweep through the shallow cave buffeting them.
"More riddles!" the warrior pronounced with disdain even as she staggered a bit, and was aware of the profound waves of feelings rushing through the misty air of the cave.
The words were barely out of her mouth when an emotionally fierce, raging, look from the goddess propelled the warrior backwards a step or two and the bellowing sound of turbulent waves seemed to swamp the cave. Before Xena could instinctively draw her sword, a soft voice said, "Xena, let me talk to her."
The warrior struggled to regain her footing and break the intense emotional glare and the feeling of being submerged under water. Gabrielle began addressing the goddess. The younger woman was afraid to look into her eyes again feeling as though she'd be swept into another tidal pool. And this time she was – a pool of immense compassion which released her from her fears.
The young woman began, "Anahita, my sister Amazons have been annihilated by a rampaging army. Only a few survived but they were taken captive. Three escaped, a woman and her children, and came to our camp in Greece and told us what happened. We went to see Artemis and she told us to come to Persia with only seven warriors and that Xena and I were to find you and ask you to help us. I'm fearful we're all doomed if we don't stop this evil menace. You asked us for a sacrifice. I'm willing to sacrifice whatever you want of me to save my sisters."
The goddess stared at the young woman, recognizing the emotional sincerity of her plea and the gentle sweet goodness and love emanating from her heart.
"Ata lara mana vata, Gabrielle." She repeated the Sanskrit phrase and when she said the words, the swells of the ocean could again be heard and felt in the cave. "Unconditional love is the purest essence of water's many faces and you've shown that in your request."
"What does ata lara... uhmmm.. mean?" Gabrielle asked. She stumbled with the unfamiliarity of the phrase so left out two of the words.
"Ata lara mana vata is an ancient chant and it has mystical qualities when properly chanted." This time when the goddess said the words, the sound was of a wave gently rolling in and while it lacked the power of the chant when she said the words previously the feelings were no less distinct.
She continued explaining, "It means that without water there is no life. Water is not an easy element to hold or to control. It has a life of its own and can spill out and flow gently or all by itself it can rage like a storm. It's the source of all physical life on earth and the source of all emotions of the heart and of the spirit. It can also inundate and drown you. Water requires a holder or it may flow out of control. The earth herself holds water in check. When you love someone deeply from your heart, water flows like a raging river from heart to heart and each heart holds the other in safekeeping. When two souls connect as one in unconditional love, the water flows not just between each soul, but from their joining union to all of life and the rippling effect creates joyous bounty in the universe."
The two women looked at each other as the goddess's words surrounded them in the magic of the feelings.
As she spoke these words a single humming tone beat in a four part rhythm and blended with the sound of moving water. It grew in intensity and surrounded them in an atmosphere of mystical enchantment. The goddess herself had become fluid as she spoke.
The warrior broke the reverie asking, "This chant is supposed to stop the red scorpion army?" She was clearly not impressed.
"My sister told me you were ever the practical warrior, Xena." The goddess stared at the woman who challenged gods. She knew from her vast knowledge that when emotional love flowed between two hearts nothing else mattered so she knew better than to question how this young woman of such purity and goodness could love this obstinate warrior.
She waved her arms over the damp mists of the cave and the fog cleared. She became more solid and approachable and less threatening to the two women and her voice sounded more normal.
"You will need special water to stop the fire bombs of the red army, Xena. This water is sacred and unstoppable and it will liquefy the fire bombs. The sacred waters will extinguish the bombs and render them useless. But more importantly, the water you seek reveals truth beyond illusion."
"Now we're talking. Tell me where the water is and I'll go get it." She began to pace and look around the empty cave, anxious to do something besides talk endlessly.
The goddess of war admired the warrior's fervor and zeal. "Xena, this is not an easy quest. You will be sorely tested on the way with many dangers to face. You will have to dive into deep waters and it will be arduous. You remember I said water is not only the source of life but it can also be death? This dive could portend a watery grave if you fail. The biggest test is one of trust and love. You must trust your abilities in what you see along the way. You already do this well on land but you're untested under water. And you also must trust and believe in the feelings in your heart – and that's something you've always had trouble with." The goddess fixed her with a gaze both tender and fierce.
The warrior heard the Goddess's words but was much more interested in getting the sacred water. "Fine. Just tell me where to find the water and what I need to do. Gabrielle can wait here till I get back."
"Gabrielle has a role to play that is even bigger than yours. Gabrielle must stop the source behind the power. You are only stopping the power. You'll stop the fire bombs and slow down the advancing army but only Gabrielle can stop the power behind the illusions," the goddess responded.
The warrior gave her a quizzical look thinking Hades balls, all these gods know are useless riddles. "What do you mean? What's Gabrielle got to do?" she asked.
"Uhmmmm, in case anyone noticed, I'm still here," the young woman exclaimed.
The goddess laughed and again the distant peeling tone cascaded off the walls.
"Gabrielle you will go with Xena in the journey of trust and love, but only Xena will go to find the sacred water. Then you have another task to accomplish by yourself."
"Just tell me what the task is, I'll do it," the warrior offered.
The goddess smiled and shook her head no. "You'll find out at the right time," she said.
"Where's the sacred water?" the warrior asked, anxious to get into action.
"In the oasis" the goddess responded, pointing to the green pool outside the cave entrance. "You both must dive deep into the oasis then look for an opening into a cave.
You'll be pulled and buffeted but if you stay the course and trust your heart and your instincts you'll reach the cave opening."
"That's all?" Gabrielle laughed at her own joke knowing there would be hidden perils for which neither of themwas prepared.
"I will be with you. I am of the water and in the water and I am the water. You'll feel me and hear me along your journey if you listen to your hearts and trust what flows between you. At the edge of the oasis facing west where the winds come from, look for a small grouping of three rocks. Look within those rocks and you will see a small golden disc. In the center of the disc is a symbol." She drew a one lined symbol of a wave in motion in the air ~ as she continued. "Gabrielle, only you should touch the disc in the center of this symbol. Then you should both enter the waters. Do you understand?"
The two women nodded.
"Go now." the Goddess said ending the conversation. The air in the cave grew damper than it had been and the sound of rushing waters coursed through the atmosphere. Anahita's gown which had rippled like blue green water in a stream now resembled a deep indigo ocean and the goddess blended with the sounds of water and disappeared.
The two women walked out of the cave remarking on the torrid dry heat and blinding sun which was in direct contrast to the cool wet interior of the cave. They moved towards the edge of the green pool and paused looking westward for the rocks.
"There they are!" Gabrielle exclaimed.
They walked to the rocks carefully looking for the gold disc. She blew sand away and within the base of the crags of the three rocks, just as the goddess had told them, she saw the golden disc. She saw the symbol ~ in the disc and looked at Xena for confirmation.
"Ya ready?" Xena asked.
The younger woman shrugged.
"Then do it. Let's get going. We don't know how deep this thing is or how far we have to go. So we need to take several deep breaths. Fill your lungs till they're about to burst, okay?"
"Help us now Anahita and Artemis" Gabrielle prayed as she touched the center of the golden disc.
They stood on the edge of the pool, Gabrielle mimicking Xena's deep exhalations and inhalations of breaths. "On my signal, we dive in, okay?"
The warrior gave a sign and cleanly dove into the water followed quickly by the bard.
The upper levels of the water were hot from the sun, but the deeper they dove into the darker green the colder it became. The warrior's powerful kicks took her deeper and deeper and she realized she might lose Gabrielle so she slowed her pace mindful of the limited air in her lungs. Soon the water was black and they couldn't see each other.
Xena knew she had to hold on to Gabrielle or she would lose her in the inky liquid. She swam with one arm around the younger woman and began to feel her twitching. She knew she was perilously close to being out of air and yet there was still no cave to be seen.
Trust your instincts. She heard Anahita's voice like a fluid melody in the water around her. Gabrielle struggled under her arm, kicking frantically. Xena slowed her pace and pulled the woman quickly to her trying to calm her. She cupped her face as she pressed her mouth over the bard's and expelled some air into her lungs. She felt Gabrielle relax and then gratefully pat her hands. It was then that she realized that her own supply of air was now dangerously low.
A heart that loves will do anything; even die for the beloved. The voice was Anahita's again. We're not dying down here Xena thought as the sentiment propelled her into a series of powerful kicks. Xena's oxygen was nearly depleted. Just as she was about to inhale water her head broke the surface into a small area that had an air pocket. The bard surfaced moments behind her.
They greedily sucked air into their lungs, the effort exhausting them as they coughed and sputtered. There was a dim light and they could make out a low ceiling above their heads.
"Oh by the gods Xena, I thought I was going to drown. Thank you for breathing air into me." She held tightly to the warrior, fearing to let her go.
Xena returned the heartfelt embrace knowing they'd almost lost their lives in the watery grave. She studied the light looking for the source and thought there might be a way out.
"Gabrielle, see that turn under the surface of the water? I think the light is coming from that direction. If we go back into the water I think we can find a way out."
"No Xena, I'm afraid. I can't go back into the water," the bard said.
The pure of heart always conquer their fears. The voice of Anahita could be heard like a distant rumbling waterfall.
"We can't stay here. We have to move on. We'll do the same thing we did before. Take deep breaths. Trust me I'll get us out of here, okay?" The warrior knew the bard was terrified.
Gabrielle weighed her options. She couldn't go back, she couldn't stay there. The only way out was back into the water. I can do this, I can do this, she chanted silently to herself but the chant belied her feelings and she looked at Xena and shook her head no.
The warrior kissed her, ignoring the no, and then said, "Take deep breaths just like before, okay? I'll be right beside you just like last time." She saw the look of near panic in her lover's eyes. "Gabrielle, this is the only way to save the Amazons."
The words exploded in Gabrielle's head overriding her fears and she began taking the deep breaths. Xena squeezed her hand and pulled them under the water.
Xena guided them towards the dim light. Again she heard Anahita's words, trust your instincts and she kicked them forward. They were suddenly caught in a cold magnetic current pulling them forward at a dizzying speed. She tried to hold Gabrielle tightly and lost her a few times in the turbulent rush of water. She saw the light growing brighter and continued to kick powerfully towards it not knowing how far away they were from air.
Hold the water like you hold your love – feel it - contain it - become one with it. They both felt the words surround them and they felt all aspects of the physical and emotional part of their love. As they relaxed into the feelings, the rip tide began to still and the water became brighter. The strong current was replaced with ribbons of light in the water, each a different color of the rainbow pulling them forward. As their lungs were about to explode they surfaced into a glittering rainbow colored cave of light. They coughed and sputtered and breathed in ribbons of color which gently swayed and rippled in the air.
"What is this place?" Gabrielle asked marveling at the plays of light along the cave's walls.
"Welcome to my altar of water and light" answered the Goddess in the unmistakable voice of deep ocean waves. The goddess stood against a backdrop of golden light, rainbow colors emanating like ripples all around her and down the walls of the cave.
"Your journey was successful I see."
"You damned near drowned us." the warrior responded still spent from their ordeal.
"You would have drowned yourself warrior, but you trusted with your heart and you sacrificed with your heart." the goddess responded.
"And you Gabrielle, you continue to show the purity and unconditional love in your own heart. You overcame your fears to save your Amazon sisters. You see, the sacrifice is the journey through the water that you both took."
"You mean it's over?" the bard asked the goddess.
"Not entirely. Xena will continue on the last leg of the journey to find the sacred water. That won't be nearly as difficult as what you've just encountered. But you, Gabrielle, will remain here with me."
"Why can't she go with me if the next part is so easy?"
"Because," The goddess explained patiently, "Only she can stop the source of this evil power that lays waste to the land. It requires a blood innocent that is pure of heart and soul." She continued, "Gabrielle, have you ever killed another?" asked the goddess.
"No. I could never kill another person" she replied. "I don't even hunt very much. It pains me if I have to do that and I bless the soul of the animal for its sacrifice. I prefer to cook roots and tubers and food from the fields."
"That's why I need you to remain with me. You are a blood innocent, fair and pure of heart. Only a blood innocent can go up against the evil darkness of this god. You will have to enter his lair in the underworld and meet him in his own territory."
"Stop! No way is she going to do that!" Xena exclaimed. "Gabrielle is not fighting any lords of the underworld. Send me."
"Only light and purity can face off with darkness and survive. And she is your light and your hope."
"She's not going," Xena said again. "I'll go."
"You are not a blood innocent Xena. Only one who is pure can do this. Besides, you have to lead the battle on the land while Gabrielle goes to the underworld."
"She has no protection. If whole encampments of Amazon warriors can't fight these soldiers, how is one small Amazon Queen going to fight their leader, a god of the underworld no less?" She was agitated and pacing in the still beautifully glowing cave.
"I will teach her a holy and sacred chant of protection." The goddess replied. "The chant is very powerful, but if it is not said correctly, and directed only towards the dark one, it will reflect back to the one saying the chant and strike them dead. The chant must be learned in partial words. To say the words before you are ready or trained in the sound means certain death. I, Anahita, goddess of water and of war, will gift this Amazon Queen the power of the chant and protect her."
"I still don't like the whole idea," Xena muttered.
"Please Xena, Anahita is trying to help us all. I need to do this for all of us. Please?"
The warrior still didn't like the idea but knew time was of the essence. She had to get the sacred water. What harm will come to Gabrielle learning the chant, she thought. Anahita will protect her while I'm gone.
"Fine" she replied. "Now tell me how to get the sacred water."
The goddess explained it to her. "Go through that opening in the cave and follow the blue river of light in the water. When you reach the end you'll see a purple river of light. Follow that light underwater and you'll emerge inside another cave. Remember, follow your instincts. At the apex of that cave you'll see a golden vessel. The vessel holds the sacred water. Next to the golden chalice, you'll find a small crystal vial with an emerald stopper. Fill it with the water of life and wait. I will bring Gabrielle to you there."
"Okay. I'm going" she said. She moved towards the cave opening and went through the portal. But she stopped and waited, listening to the sounds of Anahita's voice speaking with Gabrielle.
"Gabrielle," she heard her say, the goddess's voice taking on the sounds again of moving water, "I will teach you the most sacred chant of all time. It is to be said when you face the dark evil force of the underworld. Your purity and your blood innocence and this chant are the only things that stand between darkness and light."
Xena strained to hear the words clearly.
"La – ela – ha – ela – la" the goddess chanted several times in a sing song voice that sounded like tones on a musical scale.
"You will need to chant this truth three times, each time in the next higher octave, followed by this; ata lara mana vata intoned deeply once with power from here." The goddess said as she patted the queen's abdomen just below the ribs.
"It's not enough to know the words, you must learn the tones." Then she demonstrated the entire chant all the way through. The power of it washed over Gabrielle nearly knocking her down.
"So, Queen Gabrielle, shall we commence your practice?" the goddess said.
Xena listened carefully, mimicking the sound and the words in her head, memorizing each part and each tone. I got it, she said to herself as she moved towards the sacred water and the rest of her quest.
* * * *
Chapter 19 – Water Water Everywhere
I better get moving. I want to be ready when Gabrielle arrives in the other chamber. This should be a snap; two rivers of light and a cave; no problem, were Xena's last thoughts as she quietly stepped into the cool underground stream. Mindful of not creating a disturbance that would alert Anahita and Gabrielle that she'd lingered secretly, Xena moved smoothly into the water. Silently sucking in a deep breath, she submerged beneath the calm surface.
Opening her eyes, the warrior surveyed her surroundings looking for the blue light that the goddess had described as the trail she was to follow. An underground tunnel loomed just ahead, an eerie, bluish light emanating from the opening.
Guess that's it, she thought. Strange how the colors seem to flow within the water, but not merge, she mused to herself as she dove down into the current that appeared as a dark blue stream of light. As soon as her body was fully enveloped by the color, the river felt lighter and took on every hue of blue from aquamarine to deepest cobalt. What was more amazing, she felt as if she could breathe under here.
What is going on?This can't be right; can I actually breathe in this water? she asked herself.
Get a grip, warrior, there is no possible way you can breathe under water. Do that and you'll drown. You are truly losing it! she admonished herself.
Using strong sure strokes Xena pressed forward, searching the confining walls, seeking the next place to draw breath. With each passing moment, the need for air grew more urgent, even while the various shades of blue enticed and mesmerized her. Her need for breath was fast becoming desperate.
From out of her deepest consciousness, Anahita's melodious liquid voice seemed to taunt her, "Trust your instincts."
Shaking her head, Xena peered ahead; hoping against hope to see how much farther she needed to go before the physical imperative to breathe was mandatory. My instincts? she reasoned. My instincts say I'll drown if I breathe underwater.
As soon as she thought it though, the goddess seemed to dispute this "No, your fear says you'll drown. What do your instincts say?"
Instantly, Xena realized that her gut told her she could breathe in this strange blue world she now inhabited. With no more hesitation, she took in a huge breathe. Waiting to die, Xena was totally taken aback by the feelings of protection and comfort flowing over, around and even through her. As she watched the various hues, aqua, azure and turquoise, swirling together but not mixing, the light flowed into her nostrils. She felt as if she was cradled in her mother's arms. Feeling safe and at peace for the first time since her childhood, the warrior was tempted to just rest here in this loving embrace forever.
Floating in the intense emotional stream, she drifted and twirled about. Her long hair splayed out like a halo around her head in the current, and she lost track of time.
Smiling to herself, and unsure whether it was minutes or hours later, Xena could only feel joy and in that joy, she felt an intense depth of need, a need to share what she was experiencing with the other half of her soul, Gabrielle.
"Gabrielle, you should see this place. I want you to float away with me.
We can drift here forever; no worries, no fears, just love, just us." She
spoke dreamily into the wavering blue current, her mind and heart imagining the
vision of them together in this beautiful blue stream of contented bliss.
And with those words came this realization, Gabrielle isn't here.
And then the worrisome thought, I'm supposed to be doing something, something important for Gabrielle, niggled at her consciousness.
Struggling to understand what she needed to be doing, she desperately snatched at ideas, themes and thoughts that floated like bubbles in her liquid world. Army, death, Gabrielle, love, Amazons, help, water... Each of these bobbed through her mind like a cork on her fishing line.
Her mind latched onto the last word. Water, something about water, she mused. I need to find water. But that's funny, I'm in water. And she laughed uproariously at her own joke.
Soberly, she grabbed hold of that one theme, water, turning it over in her mind, looking at it from every angle as if she'd had too much port and was suddenly terribly interested in the bottom of her cup. Why do I need to find water?
Shhhsh, It's special water. She whispered to herself and clamped her hand over her mouth as if she were a drunk trying to keep a secret. It's special water for Gabrielle's friends.
Ever so slowly she grasped the truth and the impact of it thundered into her conscious mind. I can't stay here, I've been sent to find secret water. That's it!
She was being diverted from her task. She was being lulled into a false place, a place that wasn't here and now, but in a dream world. Just as the sirens had lulled the old heroes to their deaths in her childhood stories, so she was pulled like a magnet into a world where nothing mattered. In panic, she began to shake herself free of the lethargy, struggling to come back into her own sense of knowing.
It was as if recognizing the truth of her situation brought complete clarity and she saw before her, the purple stream that she was to follow next. Using her powerful legs, Xena kicked hard, propelling her body forward into the violet colored river. She took no more breaths of the deceptive blue water; further delay of her mission was no longer an option.
The purple river also seemed lighter than the water surrounding her, but there was a difference. The purple was very hazy, details were impossible to discern. She could barely see her hand in front of her face.
Hades balls! These Gods and their damn games! she thought, as she struggled toward her destination. Whatever way that might lie, she complained to herself.
Air and the need to breathe again became a consideration. She had been able to breathe in the blue light, but the cost was a delay in pursuing her goal and losing valuable time.
As she struggled to see into the distance, it seemed to lighten a bit and she could make out a cavern just ahead maybe 50 meters, maybe more. Being underwater distorted the distance. Swimming hard, she struck out toward what she believed had to be the cave.
It felt as if she was swimming upstream against the current as the harder she pulled toward her goal the more energy she consumed. Her need for air pounded against her already weary lungs.
Finally, she gave in and took a breath. Immediately, the colorful water coalesced into a completely opaque solution of various hues of purple and violet. She could no longer see her destination. Frustrated, she punched at the impenetrable wall of purples, doing nothing to clear it. Her actions only caused the cloudy realm to swirl and waver more intensely.
Okay, got to think here. When I breathed the blue, I was trapped in a dream land and lost my way. When I breathe in the purple, my path becomes unclear. So what does that tell me? That I can't breathe in this damn strange light. Xena silently answered her own question.
Again, unbidden came the goddess's words, "Trust your instincts."
I have been and look where's it's gotten me? she argued with the voices in her head.
Well, in truth, I'm still alive. Breathing in the blue light saved me, even as it delayed me. And breathing in the purple also is keeping me alive, but it's also keeping me from my goal. What am I missing? Xena probed her own mind for answers.
As she pondered these questions and the hidden meaning of Anahita's words, Xena noted that her environment had begun to clear, just as her need for more air was making itself known.
Oh great, she said to herself sarcastically as the irony of it hit her, just great.
Swimming hard for the cave up ahead, she noted that it seemed to recede with each stroke she took toward it. Soon she was out of breath and forced to greedily suck in the purple light. At once the opacity returned and Xena found herself encased in a solid field of purple color with no idea of the direction she wanted to go.
Treading water, she continued to decipher the clues floating around her consciousness. She considered the futility of swimming against the current to a goal that just kept moving further out of her grasp. The more she struggled to get there, the more energy she used forcing another breath, causing her to once again lose sight of her goal.
What's the key that I'm missing, Anahita? No sooner had she asked the question than she recalled what the goddess had said when she and Gabrielle had reached the "altar of water and light" trusted with your heart and you sacrificed with your heart" reverberated through her mind as she recalled the goddess's words.
Puzzling it through, Xena examined what she knew about this colorful, watery world with no equivalent for reference in her reality. Everything worked differently here. When she swam toward the cave entrance, she lost ground. It felt as though she was swimming against the current.
It started to make sense. Anahita said she'd help us. And unlike other gods, she seems to keep her word. Of course being a god she has to speak in riddles and innuendo, but that's just the nature of gods.
Again, the words of the goddess came to her. A heart that loves will do anything; even die for the beloved. The pure of heart always conquer their fears.
But I don't have a pure heart, she cried out mentally.
Gently, the voice of the water goddess came to her, "Your love for Gabrielle is pure. Use that purity to conquer your fears, my daughter."
My fears, what fear is that? she pondered.
Her legs kicking in a rhythmic pattern holding her steady in the purple liquid, the warrior admitted her deepest fears to herself. I fear that if Gabrielle ever saw the monster that I am, she'd run like a mad woman into the night. I fear trusting that she loves me unconditionally as she claims, no matter what I've done. I love her so much nothing could ever change that, but I don't trust that she could love me the same. I can't seem to trust.
And that was the basic issue for her, Xena realized. It was almost impossible for her to give up control and to just trust.
With that admission, a brilliant flash of violet light exploded in her swirling purple chromatic world. She realized that was her answer. I need to trust; to just let go and trust.
As the truth hit her, she drew in a final breath of the violet light, allowing the world of purple to encase her fully and lay back in the current. Swiftly, the stream picked up speed and she was propelled into the cavern that she had struggled to reach on her own.
When her head broke the surface, she found herself in a beautiful cave of greens and golds. Emeralds the size of her fist were embedded in the walls. Golden veins ran through the rock face glittering in a surreal light. Above her, a silver waterfall dropped straight down one hundred feet into the pool she swam in.
While spinning slowly in a circle, she searched the smooth walls from her vantage point in the water and failed to see any golden vessel, which contained the sacred water.
Nothing, she thought. But it's here. All the other directions were right, so it's here.
Inexorably, her eyes were drawn to the waterfall following it up to its source. There high above the floor of the cavern was the ledge, just to the right of the falls. The golden chalice, completely out of her reach, sat glittering on the ledge, mocking her in the water a hundred feet below.
Damn, damn, damn! she cursed silently.
Resigned she swam over to the sheer rock face under the falls. It was covered in slick green moss. As smooth as ice on a frozen lake, it showed no evidence of any footholds. She paddled back out a few feet and looked up again.
Okay, think warrior. Xena was tired of the games and decided to decipher the riddle before jumping into action. Now there's a novel idea, she chided herself.
She had no idea how long she'd been on this quest, but in the other two environments, it had something to do with the water. Maybe she needed to breathe in this water too. Oh well, nothing ventured, she thought.
Scooping up a big handful of water, she held it under her nose, snorting in the silvery liquid. Immediately, she was coughing, spluttering and gasping as she tried to regain her composure. Well, so much for that idea, she conceded, while sucking in huge gulps of cleansing air.
Still treading water, she examined the pool she floated in. It looked almost normal. She considered this as she stared at the shimmering surface. But maybe not, she decided. This is way more silvery than any water I've ever swum in before. Studying it closer, she scooped another handful. Peering at her palm, she noticed she couldn't really see the lines in her hand. Hmmmm, I wonder.
Facing the falls, she swam toward it. In two strokes she was at the sheer rock face again, looking up. There was nothing up there and really no way to climb. Slowly, she backed away from the sheer cliff and moved into the falls themselves. She felt it before she saw it. It was a long silver cord all but hidden in the camouflaging water.
Smiling to herself, she grabbed onto the rope with both hands. Using the wall as a floor, she literally started walking up the cliff face to the top of the falls. The force of the water against her chest was formidable and several times she felt her grip slipping. Redoubling her efforts, she grabbed on tighter continuing the struggle upward.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Xena arrived at the top and heaved herself over the edge with what remained of her strength. Her breathing coming in gasps, she lay on her back staring at the crystal ceiling another hundred feet above her head. While she rested a moment, she enjoyed the way the crystal reflected a rainbow of colors against the walls. It seemed to be the source of illumination for this cavern.
Well, this isn't getting the job done, she thought as she sat up.
Carefully, she coiled the end of the silver cord and set it in a neat loop near the falls for her descent later. Turning slightly, she beheld the golden vessel just as Anahita had described. Next to it was a small crystal vial with an emerald stopper.
Mindful of her previous pitfalls, Xena carefully reached for the vial, cradling it in her hand. When nothing out of the ordinary happened, she removed the stopper and set it aside.
Before dipping the vial into Anahita's sacred water, Xena peered into the chalice. The water shimmered with colors too numerous to identify. This has got to be it, she thought as she lowered the vial into the bowl. She watched the air bubbles escape from the small ampoule in a steady stream until it was completely filled. Pulling the small container free, she carefully fitted the emerald stopper into the opening.
Holding up the precious treasure before her eyes, Xena wondered at the power in the tiny bottle that only this small amount would stop the supernatural powers of the evil army they were to face. A sly smile gracing her face, she stowed the vial safely away down the front of her leather bodice. Okay, time to go. Gabrielle should be here soon.
Reaching for the end of the silver cord beside her, her fingers found only the rough surface of the narrow ledge on which she perched.
What in Hades? But of course, it was just going too smoothly, she reflected. Evidently, the rope had slipped back into the falls while she was filling the vial.
Sitting back, she pondered this latest development, one recrimination after another assailing her mind. Real swift, warrior; a hundred feet is a long drop. Ya should've checked the depth of that pool. It looks to be a good way to die if it's shallow.
You're getting careless, and old. Pony's taunts from the sparring grounds replayed in her mind. But what choice do I have really? she thought.
Resigned, Xena stood on the very edge and spoke loudly into the empty cavern. "Okay, Anahita, you want trust; here's trust."
Without waiting for the echo to stop bouncing off the walls, she dove into the shiny placid pool below. With a mighty splash, her finger tips split the cool wet surface and she plunged down, down, down. Water pouring past her ears, she sensed the bottom rushing up to meet her. Just as her fingers scraped the sandy bottom, she slowed and stopped. Feeling the exhilaration of thwarting death, she bent her knees and pushed off the bottom with great force, streaking toward the surface.
Hair slicked back like an otter, the water cascaded off her head. Rolling onto her back, she spit a stream of silvery water over her head, elated. Her mission completed, Xena swam for the shore with smooth steady strokes.
Looking around, she saw nothing but sheer crystal walls and no entrance or exit. Please tell me, I don't have to swim back to that other cave, she thought to herself.
A brilliant white light was her answer, as both Anahita and Gabrielle materialized before her tired eyes.
Laughing before she spoke, it sounded like rain merrily pattering down like a refreshing spring shower. "I would never tell you that, Xena," the goddess answered Xena's unspoken thought.
Gabrielle ran to her lover, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I was so worried about you." Pulling back she looked into Xena's blue eyes. "Was it as easy as Anahita said it would be?" she asked.
Dragging her gaze from the love of her life, Xena looked knowingly at the goddess in question. "Yeah, not difficult at all."
Anahita merely smiled the enigmatic smile favored by the gods.
"It took me forever to learn the chant. I don't seem to have perfect pitch like some people I know," she said as she bumped Xena with her hip.
Xena chuckled at the joke, but sobered quickly. "We need to get back to the others."
Gabrielle turned to the Water Goddess. "Anahita, is there anything more we need to do here?"
"No. I've helped you all I can. You know the chant and I've told you how to find the entrance to the dark god's lair. The rest is up to the two of you and your Amazons."
"Then I thank you, Anahita. We are forever in your debt." The queen bowed before the Persian goddess.
"It is I who thank both of you. You are brave women and you do the world a great service. You'll always have my blessings and protection whenever you are in my domain." Her words bathed them in a warm bath of love and protection.
Xena was getting antsy. "How do we get out of here?" she asked without preamble.
"Some things never change, do they, warrior? I hope you remember the lessons you've learned here." Pointing behind them, she continued, "Go right through there."
Both women turned at the same time to see a huge opening in the wall. Before they could thank the goddess, they heard a loud roaring like huge waves during a winter storm on the Aegean crashing against the shore. When they turned back to her, they found they were alone in the original ordinary cave they'd first entered.
It was late afternoon when they emerged to find both horses standing placidly near the oasis pool waiting for their riders.
"We need to get moving" Xena said. "We have to get back to the prisoners by dark." Mounting up quickly, they hurried back in the direction of their camp.
* * * *
It was early evening when Xena and Gabrielle finally approached the small Amazon encampment on foot, walking the horses silently. Even under cover of darkness, they had no intention of giving away their precarious position by galloping the horses and stirring up the sands. Though daylight had passed, the sands were still hot under their feet from the relentless onslaught of the blazing desert sun. The day been long and they were both weary from the trek, but the trip had been successful and Anahita had delivered as Artemis hoped.
As they neared the rocky outcroppings where the warrior knew the Amazons waited, she softly whistled the call of the desert lark. They'd seen and heard enough of these birds on their journey from Thrace to identify the sound of the common bird. With a very slight change in inflection it became the Amazon's call to each other while on sentry duty. Xena's whistle was answered quickly.
"There, Gabrielle" the warrior said, pointing to a small sudden flash of light seen on the ridge. They'd agreed to this all clear beacon for their approach before leaving earlier in the morning. "Let's move."
As they reached the encampment the Amazons eagerly questioned Xena and Gabrielle for news of their trip and on their meeting with Anahita. Ready hands took the horses' reins while others removed the supply packs.
"What happened?" Pony asked. "What did you find out from Anahita?" She'd been on watch when they approached the camp and had sent out the responding lark's call alert to the others.
"Where's Solari?" Xena replied, ignoring the question. She mentally raced through the names of the six women and found one missing.
"On sentry watch." Pony replied. Then she asked again, "What happened at Anahita's cave?"
"It went well. We'll tell you all about it later." Xena said. "First, I want to find out what's been going on since we left. What about the weapons and the prisoners?" She easily resumed the leadership role.
"There's some food left" Noalani said, fairly sure they'd not eaten. The Amazon was always attentive to nurturing comforts, no matter where she was. "I suppose you're hungry?" She said pointedly while winking at the young blond woman.
"Oh, very hungry! We haven't eaten since we left here." Gabrielle said.
The reply brought relieving laughter from the women. Some things were predictable and one of them was Gabrielle's empty stomach.
"When aren't you hungry?" Xena asked with a good natured jab to the blond. "All right, let's eat something and we can talk. I want to hear everything, Ephiny." She directed the question to the Regent having left her in charge to ferret out as much information on the camp, the sentries, and the army as they could.
As Noalani brought them some cold leftover food the other Amazons gathered round to listen to the tale of Anahita and to give Xena the information she wanted.
"What did you find out?" The warrior addressed the Regent.
"We've been checking the perimeter and the hollows. It's a large army, Xena. There are about four hundred soldiers." Ephiny began to expound on the great number of soldiers when Xena interrupted her.
"I like the odds." The warrior said with a grin.
"Xena, these soldiers are large. Larger than any you've ever seen." Noalani couldn't keep the fear from her voice.
"Don't worry. We have our own surprises for them. All right, what else?"
"Solari spotted an area that will provide good cover for the attack tomorrow night. We can set up kindling and be ready to light the flaming arrows as soon as the fight starts. They'll easily find their mark into the camp."
"Good." She replied. "Did you start moving and storing the torch arrows there yet?"
"Yes. It's good cover, with lots of nooks to hide our weapons and they never spotted us."
"What else" asked the warrior princess?
"I even found your damn hot springs, Xena. When this thing is over we're all going to want a long hot soak." She spoke with bravado knowing none of them would be left alive to soak in the springs.
"I like this even more." Xena replied throwing a friendly arm over the Regent's shoulder. Ephiny bit her tongue to keep from replying.
"What about the prisoners and the weapons?" Xena asked.
Tonight was the night the plan would start to come together. She'd left them with instructions to scout out the Red Army camp and to gather together the weapons they'd brought from Thrace in addition to the arms they'd found in Adara's camp. The captives needed to be well equipped.
She'd also told them to make arrows and firebombs. Tonight all was in place. Three of them would sneak the weapons and supplies to the prisoners so they could join in when the battle started the following night.
Ephiny succinctly laid out the situation.
"I think we have enough weapons to arm every woman down there. I know we have enough firebombs that they'll see the glow in Thrace. We're ready. The prisoners kept to them selves today, pretty much ignored the activity of the camp. The soldiers on the other hand looked a bit agitated. You can tell they're expecting big fun tomorrow night."
"We should get some rest then. When all is quiet down below, we'll go down to the prisoners. Ephiny, Noalani, you'll be with me. I want to see where you'll be firing from." Xena said.
"I'm going too!" the Queen announced.
"You can go as far as the rock ledge over the camp. You'll be able to see down into the camp and you can mark your route to the underworld God from up there."
Gabrielle considered arguing with her but knew Xena didn't want her in harm's way tonight. Her mission the following day would be treacherous and yet vital to the battle. So she simply nodded her agreement. She'd scout the routes to the underworld from the top of the ridge and keep watch on the women below her.
"I'd like to go too Xena," Pony spoke hesitantly at first and then more positively. "I can make up any short fall in arms from their supply tent. I was in there, remember."
Xena pondered this for a moment before nodding in agreement. She didn't want to take a chance that any woman was without some kind of weapon, a knife or club.
"All right, let's get some rest. We move at midnight." The warrior said.
The women dispersed knowing sleep would be fitful or non-existent this night.
+ + +
The five women crouched low in the darkness, moving with practiced stealth and using hand signals to communicate. They moved from shadow to shadow barely visible as they made their way to the ridge. Quietly, they gathered their personal weapons to avoid them clanging and alerting the guards below. After signaling Gabrielle to remain on the ledge, Xena moved into the opening first and dropped from view. She was quickly followed by Ephiny, Pony and Noalani.
Using the large boulders and keeping well into the shadows as cover, they made their way silently, moving towards the slave pen. The camp appeared to be asleep but they were taking no chances. Xena was just about to signal the women to move out when she saw something from the corner of her eye. A big tall man in a Persian army uniform swaggered over to the slave enclosure. She saw an insignia gleaming on his shoulder and realized it was the Persian General. Hades be damned she thought, realizing they had to stay in position until he passed. She gave the all quiet signal and the Amazons blended into the darkness.
The General fingered the dagger at his waist as he approached the slave pen. His army was sleeping and he thought most likely so were the slaves except for the Amazon warrior. Beaten and battered, he knew she'd be there, wide awake.
Facing the prisoner compound, he called out in a surprisingly soft voice into the darkness knowing she was well aware of his presence. "Amazon, are you contemplating your last night on earth?" He laughed in his maniacal manner. "Are you making peace with your goddess?" He asked.
From the rocks, the Amazons had clearly heard his words and knew Tynet had heard his taunts also. At first it appeared she would ignore him. Turning her head in his direction, she appeared mystified by the man, but then as if she'd made her choice, determination replaced the perplexed look.
She slowly rose from where she'd been sitting and walked toward the bars, stopping several feet away.
The General watched her approach. The _expression on his face gave mute testimony that he respected her fighting skills and her bravery. She'd faced his best soldiers and beaten each one of them. The look of admiration quickly passed to be replaced by one of disgust for the Amazon woman. He moved closer to the bars and stood in front of the woman. Now that they were closer their voices were less audible.
"You die tomorrow, Amazon!"
"You've seen to that. I'm ready to die." She said. "Are you?"
From their hiding place, Xena watched the interaction intently. Even with her acute hearing, she could barely make out what was being said, but she was ready to move in an instant. She calculated how many steps it would take to bring the General down but she remained still.
"You still fight to the very end, don't you? You never give up. I've actually enjoyed watching you." He said.
"I'm an Amazon warrior. I will fight to defend my sisters till I'm dead."
He spat on the ground at her feet when he heard her words. She merely squinted at him in the darkness. Looking at him quizzically, she seemed to come to a decision. Slowly she approached the bars until she was so close they shared the same air.
From their hiding place, they could see Tynet's lips move in the pale moonlight, but even Xena was beyond hearing what was said.
It was clear the general was considering his response. Hesitating he seemed to assess her worth to own his reply. Finally after looking over her bruised and battered body and face, he began to speak quietly and at length.
A procession of emotions sped across the large woman's face. Disbelief, followed by eyes widening in something like recognition and then finally compassion settled on her countenance. She shook her head and stepped back a moment as the power of what she'd heard washed over her. Recovering, she moved back towards him, reaching through the bars and touching his arm, in what appeared to be an attitude of comfort.
Her words were interrupted by his screaming curse as he hurled her hand from his arm. "Don't touch me you filthy excuse for a woman. I don't need the pity of an Amazon whore." He raged at her. "Tomorrow night I'll enjoy every moment you have to spend with my men. Then, I'll watch you die. I will curse you to the bottom of Tartarus; you and every vile perverted Amazon!" As he turned and stalked off towards his tent, Tynet sunk to her knees staring helplessly after him through the bars.
The four women heard the screaming curse and looked to Xena for direction on how to react. She saw the General leave the fenced area so signaled that they remain quiet. They all wondered what the warrior had said to the General to warrant such an outburst.
They waited in silence for a full candlemark before moving. After the guard's regular pass by the pen, Xena signaled to the women to begin the transfer of weapons. They gathered the knives and shivs and swords that had earlier been hidden in the crevices of stone waiting for tonight's delivery. Noalani was left hidden in the rocks to keep watch for the night sentry's return.
While Xena and Ephiny moved toward the compound, Pony made a dash for the supply tent. She was in and out with an arm full of daggers in a matter of minutes. Quickly rejoining the others at the stockade, she gave Xena a triumphant smile. Xena nodded her appreciation in return.
Kunjana had been ever vigilant inside the slave pen. She had seen Tynet and the General talking and had been ready to move against him if he'd threatened the big warrior. She wanted to kill him and any excuse would do. She saw the Amazons approaching with the weapons. None of the slaves had been asleep, contrary to the General's thoughts. She motioned to them to get the weapons from the Amazons. Penda reached the bars first and began taking the knives and passing them to the others.
As Xena appeared Kunjana approached her. "We don't have much time till the sentry comes again. What's the plan?"
While looking at Tynet sitting on the sand, lost in thought and unresponsive, Xena explained the plans to Kunjana who knelt touching Tynet's shoulder hoping to break through to the warrior.
"As soon as the first fighter makes his move towards Tynet, Noalani and Ephiny will send flaming arrows into two of the other soldiers." She said to Kunjana "Tynet will kill the one closest to her and then the gates of Tartarus will open."
"What else can we do? There must be something else?" Kunjana said as Penda came and stood beside her.
"Get the women and form a phalanx and kill as many of the soldiers as you can. I'd like to release the horses but I don't think we have enough warriors for that."
"I'll do it." Penda said.
"No, Penda. It's too dangerous. I don't want you to do it." Kunjana said as fear of losing her lover overtook her.
"My Kunja, I'm not a fighter. You know that. I'm small. I can slip through the horde fighting and cut the horses loose. No one will ever see me."
"No. I want you beside me, Penda. I can't protect you if you're off by yourself. I need to see you beside me in this fight."
"My beloved, my heart, you can't fight while worrying about me. If I stay beside you, you'll worry about protecting me and you won't fight well. If I go and I release the horses you'll worry about that too. It's better if I can do something for all of us." She explained.
"If we all die tomorrow, Penda, I want to die with you at my side."
"If we die tomorrow, my Kunja, we'll both be in the Spirit-Lands tomorrow night. Either way, we'll be together." She touched the tall Indus woman's face gently and kissed her. "I need to do this for these women. I need to do my part. We've all been held captive too long. I want to be free or die fighting for it." She said it in a way that all those who witnessed the conversation knew she'd made a decision to release the horses or die trying.
The helplessness on Kunjana's face was clear, but she said nothing.
Xena turned her attention to Tynet. She took her breast dagger and handed it to the big woman. "Tynet, I know you feel it's hopeless. But take this dagger and use it."
The fallen warrior showed no interest in the coming battle, clearly her conversation with the general had left her broken, without hope.
Xena shook her head, perplexed at how to reach the despondent warrior. Feeling a hand on her arm she turned to see Pony mouthing the words let me try. She nodded her acquiescence handing the dagger to the weapons' mistress.
Pony stepped forward and knelt outside the bars within touching distance of Tynet. She didn't know exactly what she'd be able to say to give Tynet hope, to convince her that life was worth living. She only knew that she owed it to the woman who'd captured her heart to try.
To Pony's way of thinking, this was the gift of love she could give the beautiful eastern woman, the one gift Adara would want. Even as she sought the words to make a difference, Pony's gut twisted inside with the realization of what she was about to do. Among her sister Amazons, Pony was known as an honorable woman, and so, as she'd always done, Pony chose the higher path.
"Tynet" Pony whispered, watching for any sign the imprisoned warrior had heard her. Hoping that she'd be able to reach the despondent woman, Pony forged on. "I have seen your mate grieve for you these past many weeks. She would lay down her life for you without hesitation. The night before this, I watched as she rode alone in to the desert, without thought for her self. Tomorrow she will be here with the desert tribes. My question for you is this; will you be here for her?"
As Pony's words washed over her, a glimmer of recognition broke through the dark cloud hovering over the tired, beaten warrior and she made eye contact with the weapons' mistress. Seeing she'd finally reached Tynet, Pony continued her plea.
"You are blessed my friend, to have such a woman love you. Will you have her efforts, be in vain? Will you love her as much as she loves you? Will you fight for her? Will you do it for Adara?"
Slowly, as if watching another person's hand, Tynet reached up and took the dagger. Then she simply said, "For her, I will fight."
Pony smiled grimly as she squeezed Tynet's shoulder. "Please live for her too." She spoke so softly only Tynet could hear.
Tynet knew a friend's plea when she heard it. She heard the sincerity in the woman's voice. Though they'd not met before tonight, she realized the Thracian woman cared what happened to her and Adara; cared beyond the Amazon's code.
Tynet covered Pony's hand with her own and looked deeply into Pony's earnest brown eyes. Detecting no guile, she replied, "What's your name, my friend?"
"Eponin, but my friends call me Pony."
"Thank you, Pony. I will do my best to live for her too."
Xena interrupted the two women. "All right, we're almost out of time. The sentry will be heading this way shortly. Does everyone understand what has to be done?"
The women nodded as one.
Ever the planner, she asked Kunjana one more time, "Are you sure about when Tynet will fight?"
"Yes. As soon as the sun drops and the goddess of the moon rises, they will fight. They will all gather, expecting it will be Tynet's last fight."
Xena nodded, clapped the Indus warrior on the back and signaled her Amazons to move out.
* * * * * *
The mid-afternoon sun glinted off her long black hair as Xena paced back and forth across the ridge. Each of her steps was measured and exact. Like every previous battle she'd fought in, the warrior slowly and methodically went over the battle preparation in her head, ticking them off with each step she took. The weapons had been made and stockpiled. They'd marked off the cadence and timing of each sentry's watch. The prisoners had been armed and knew when to attack. She looked for pitfalls in each step of the battle plan, knowing this one had to be precise and flawless. As she paced, the other women idly watched her, each one lost in her own thoughts and aware of their dire circumstances.
"Everybody understand what we have to do?" She asked forcefully, her exacting personality evident.
"We've gone over it twenty times, Xena," Pony looked up from sharpening her sword.
"We'll go over it twenty more times till we have it down." She responded with a glare.
"We have enough of the Greek fire bombs, right, Solari?"
"All we've done is make fire bombs and watch that gods be damned camp." She replied. "We have enough."
"What about your arsenal?" she asked Ephiny.
"We have enough to light up Thrace. We're ready." Ephiny replied.
"Everyone is ready and knows what has to be done, Xena." It was Noalani's attempt to ease the unfolding tension between the warriors.
"All right then! I want everybody to keep a sharp eye. If you see any movement below, let me know. Meanwhile, try to get some rest. Any questions?"
The women shook their heads no. But Gabrielle rose from where she was sitting and approached the warrior.
"Xena, we need to talk."
"What is it Gabrielle?"
"Please can we go somewhere?"
The warrior studied the bard noticing the intensity in the green eyes looking back at her. She'd come to know this woman well and knew something was wrong. Besides, she thought to herself, if Adara doesn't get back in time with the tribes, I don't know how successful we're going to be. This could be our last time to talk.
"Let me get some blankets, ok?" she said. "We can go up on that ridge over there. It's out of the way."
She looked at the bard for confirmation, and got a nod in response.
* * * * * In The Desert --
"You're sure we should ride now?" Abbas asked his brother. He removed his headgear which was filled with fine sand while shaking his long black hair loose. His once shiny hair had been dulled by the piercing sands they'd encountered in the fierce desert storm.
The tribes under the command of Kadar, had stopped at the oasis to rest the men and horses. The howling winds and blinding sands had taken a toll on both men and horses. Abbas knew however, that whatever the Imam told him, he would carry it out knowing his men would ride wherever and whenever he led them.
"I'm sure." Kadar replied. "As soon as the horses are rested we move. The men can eat in the saddle while we ride on." He knew that decision would not be welcomed news to the men.
"No real food?" Abbas bellowed, laughing and clapping him on the back.
"Abbas, I have a bad feeling about this. We have to get there this night," he confided, as though not wanting to say the words out loud and give them power.
"You've been hanging around the maharama too long, brother" the affable handsome man replied. "You know what we're supposed to do with the maharama women, eh? Or do I need to remind you?" He raised his eyebrows then winked at his brother with a brilliant white grin on his face.
The younger man's good natured jibing eased the tension in the older one a bit. "You have a one track mind little brother. The gods help the woman who catches you." He grinned.
"Or did that one over there finally get to you?" Abbas gestured towards Adara who was alone on the far side of the oasis with her horse.
Abbas continued more seriously. "That woman is different, my brother. I spoke with her as I passed and she never acknowledged me. She looked like she was talking with a spirit. Even her horse was jumpy."
Kadar was thoughtful before he replied. "Women do that, Abbas. They see things we men never see. If she's seen a spirit it's all the more reason that we move quickly. Allah help us." He fixed his brother with an intense stare then said, "Get the men ready now. We're heading out."
The Imam had given the order and Abbas moved to fill it.
* *
From her position near the oasis Adara was sure she'd heard the voice of Tynet say the words "Adara, you are my light and my strength and in my heart. I will love you always!" She'd looked around but, seeing nothing, sadness gripped her heart again. The reality of her situation, the reality of the sure death awaiting her Amazon sisters and these tribal warriors, bore down on her. Tonight we'll fight to our deaths she thought. Her heart was broken as she responded into the evening air to the voice she'd heard inside her. I will love you always, Tynet, my heart. We never had our second joining ceremony my love, but tonight I'll join you in spirit. Our joining in spirit will be as one - forever and always. Then she added, Anahita, protect the daughters of Tynet and Adara.
A loud piercing command shattered her reverie. "Mount up! We ride; tribesmen!"
Broken from her thoughts by the loud command, she quickly moved to Mahtab in a flowing stride, grabbed the bridle and swung herself over the mare's back.
The men who'd been milling about and talking began to jostle each other as they gathered their belongings and their mounts.
"We're going now?" one asked.
"We haven't eaten yet," another commented.
"Yes, we're riding now," Abbas answered the first. To the second, he patted the man's belly and said "You don't look like you've missed too many meals, eh?" The comment was greeted with laughter from the others.
"Ready the horses and your weapons. We eat in the saddle from now on." he said.
He was not deaf to the grumbling of the men, however. He heard the broken sentences and grousing as the men readied their supplies and prepared to move out.
"It's the nisaa (woman)," one said accusing Adara.
Adara caught the word and accusation as she brought Mahtab towards the gathering crowd of warriors and horses.
"We never travel in a sandstorm," another said.
"Bis-millah (in the name of Allah) the horses are tired," a third added.
"Shall I set up the maharama for you?" The voice of Abbas asked the complainers. His words pointedly insulted all of them.
He watched as the men took the bait, hurriedly gathering their weapons and saddling their horses for the next leg of the journey. He knew they had doubts but it was his job to raise their spirits and lead them into battle with the doubts put aside.
"Akhee (brothers)," he addressed the warriors in a loud commanding voice. They heard the rising tone in his voice and as one, turned to the tall dark warrior. Then he looked across the tribesmen to the Amazon woman who was approaching on horseback. He added, "Ukhtee," (my sister) and nodded to her.
The tribesmen turned and watched the woman on horseback. By addressing her directly, Abbas had dignified her presence and had declared that she was now one of them and was to be treated as a sister of the tribe.
Adara heard his address as she rode towards the men. She raised her thumb and index finger to her heart, her lips and her forehead bowing to the long haired warrior ahead of her. With this respectful gesture, the men had a sudden change of heart and bowed or nodded to the woman as she rode past, allowing her to take her place among them.
Abbas noticed the change in their behavior and addressed the tribe.
"Only fools ride in the noon-day sun. But this day is different. You've heard the stories of this barbarian army and what they've done to our fellow tribesmen. Today, our lives and our families depend on us. From now on, we ride like the wind. We will meet the ulooj (foreign infidels) and take the battle to their doorsteps."
The men heard his voice and moved towards him, excitement mounting with each sentence from the powerful leader. They pushed their mounts closer around him so they could get a better view.
Seeing the momentum swing in his favor, he continued warming to the task. "Tonight, akhee, ukhtee, again nodding to Adara, you will plant your tribal colors into the skulls of these barbarians who have taken your women and killed your tribal brothers. The day after that, you take your place of honor as all the desert tribes sing your praises. You are the tribes of the desert; you are the heart of this earth. Take your stand and take your victory."
He quieted as the men gathered round him then loudly proclaimed, "Inshallah (God willing)." Then he said it again, "inshallah" and again "inshallah" and again.
The men heard him and picked up the chant; the thundering voices of the tribesmen joined his, yelling "Inshallah, inshallah, inshallah."
Kadar, mounted beside his long time friend Alim, watched the display. He knew he'd chosen well when he named Abbas leader of the army. No one could rally troops like this Lion of the Desert. My brother could make a crusade out of death he thought. And this day there will be many deaths. He made eye contact with his brother and nodded, giving him the signal to move out.
Abbas grabbed his lance, and, with his colors held aloft, pointed to the north. He dug his knee into his horse's ribs and yelled over the din, "On Rakasa!" addressing his stallion. At a canter, the desert tribesmen, followed Abbas, and began their ride.
* * * * *
Gabrielle and Xena climbed up the ridge and headed for a series of rocks out of sight of the other women. They moved carefully up the shale face so as not to dislodge any stones that might give their position away. When they reached the very top of the ridge, there was a small flat secluded area where Xena spread the blankets for them to sit. The ridge gave a sweeping view over the western desert and the late afternoon sun promised a spectacular sunset.
"This looks like a good place" she said. "We can be alone here and talk. I brought some dried fruit and some bread in case you were hungry." She removed her sword and chakram placing them near a large rock. Then she removed her bracers from her legs and forearms.
Grinning, she saw Gabrielle's appreciative smile as she laid out the food. I don't want to think of never seeing that smile again, thought Xena as she gazed at the woman beside her. She shook the bleak thoughts away as they made themselves comfortable side by side. She tore off a chunk of bread and handed it to the bard relishing the late afternoon sun's highlights gleaming in her hair.
"You know me so well" the bard laughed, breaking a piece of the bread.
"Gabrielle, everyone knows you like to eat. That's not news." Let's get this over with, she thought. "So, tell me, what did you want to talk about alone? Or did you have something else in mind?" She grinned wickedly at the younger woman.
"You're incorrigible, Xena. You have a one track mind." She nudged the warrior in the ribs.
"It's what happens whenever I'm around you. Besides, we have a secluded area, may as well put it to good use." the warrior smirked.
"Not now. We need to talk." Gabrielle replied.
"You always want to talk, Gabrielle." Xena quipped, but then sobered when she noted Gabrielle's solemn expression. "Okay, so what did you want to talk about?" Xena asked.
The bard broke the bread into small pieces, reflecting on the thoughts she'd been having. She was frightened – frightened for herself and the dire thought of losing her warrior. That feeling more than any other brought her to the brink of despair and anguish.
"Xena, this is the first time I've ever felt like we might not make it." The bard began. "By tomorrow, one of us, or both of us might be dead." The latter was barely audible.
Xena put her arms around Gabrielle, pulling the younger woman into her strong embrace. She couldn't dispute her words as she'd had the same feelings herself. But she tried to ease her worries.
"We'll get through this. We always have." She kissed the top of the younger woman's head, her lips lingering against her hair taking in the slight lemony smell that was the bard's. Her words belied her true feelings.
"We may not make it this time." Gabrielle said simply echoing Xena's thoughts.
Both of them were stilled by the words. Xena held her tight as the bard reveled in the embrace and the feeling of security she always got when she was held by the warrior.
After several moments of quiet, Gabrielle continued. "Do you remember when we went to see Anahita what she said to us about water?"
"You mean putting out the fires with the sacred water" the warrior asked?
"No! I mean what she said about water and love. She said when you love someone deeply that it was like a raging river of water with wave upon wave flowing from heart to heart. She said each heart holds the other one in safekeeping. Do you remember that?"
The warrior nodded. She remembered when the goddess had spoken the words and how she'd felt. Both of them had looked at each other and in that moment, the power of the words, swept them into a blended flow of the most profound emotion, pure love.
"I'm so frightened of losing you, Xena. I feel like we've just found our love for each other and if something happens to you...." she choked and began to sob. "I.... uuhh.... I don't want to live without you." Her tears flowed steadily.
"Shhh, shhh" the warrior responded stroking her hair and her face and trying to stop the young woman's tears and ease her anguish. The warrior had had the same thoughts and fears but had always pushed them away. "It'll be alright." She said unconvincingly.
"I don't think so. Not this time." The bard sobbed, holding on tightly to the taller woman afraid to let her go. The depths of her fears engulfed her.
The warrior stroked the bard's hair and face, wiping the constant tears with her fingertips as they rolled down the younger woman's cheeks.
"We didn't come this far for nothing, Gabrielle. You asked me to remember Anahita's water story. Do you remember what she made us do? We had to swim through the depths of that watery lair and all we had was trust and our love. And we made it. She said, she'd help us and we're going to make it."
The bard heard the words, wanting to latch on to a shred of hope.
"Something happened to you in that cave, didn't it?" It was an innocent question yet the bard needed to know. She needed to know this day as much as she could learn about the warrior. She knew they might never have another day to discuss it.
"Yes, something happened." The warrior replied remembering her time in the cave swimming in the stream of purple light. She remembered surrendering to the flow she was in. She trusted and in the trust felt the powerful love of the bard surround her and capture her heart all over again.
"Tell me what happened, Xena."
It's now or never, she thought. I need to tell her.
She took a deep breath and said, "You always trusted me, Gabrielle. But I didn't trust you enough." She felt her throat constrict and dry up as she said the words clearly for the first time.
The bard pulled out of her embrace as the words were finally spoken. She thought back to how the warrior constantly protected her and wouldn't let her fight her own battles. She never felt like she was treated as an equal. Now, the truth was out – she didn't trust her.
"You don't trust me, Xena?" She looked at the warrior, catching the blue eyes off guard before they lowered in sadness at the admission.
"I do... I don't... I mean I didn't...Hades Balls!" she tried to explain everything in a rush of words that made no sense.
Gabrielle watched the woman go through an emotional roller coaster even as her own emotions were in turmoil. She knew she could give way to her feelings of sadness and betrayal or try to understand the woman she loved so deeply. We may never have another night together, she thought and her emotional war was over as quickly as it had begun. She decided maybe Xena didn't love her enough to trust her, but she loved the warrior enough to trust her and the outcome – whatever it was.
"Tell me what you mean, then." She said softly, linking her fingers with the warriors.
"I learned..." She started and stopped. "I learned about myself in Anahita's waters, Gabrielle. I learned about things that hurt me and that hurt the ones who loved me." She drifted off remembering the lessons in the water. "I heard Anahita telling me to trust my instincts. I knew if I didn't I would have drowned."
The warrior stared off in the direction of the afternoon sun, her thoughts outpacing her words. She knew she had to tell the bard everything now. She never wanted to hurt her but she owed it to her. She had to be told everything.
"My instincts told me I couldn't breathe under water, but I did breathe. When I breathed the water, I floated in a state of pure love that was joyous and I didn't want to come out of it. I wanted to share the purity of that love with you. But I couldn't stay there. I knew I had to get the sacred water. I had to prove myself....I, ... I always have to be in control ... to prove myself worthy." The warrior stopped talking and stared out over the horizon again.
The bard watched her intently. She knelt in front of her and looked into her eyes. She leaned in and pressed her lips to the warrior's, urging her, with her tender touch, to go on.
As lips touched lips, the pressure increased and the warrior put her arms around the younger woman, pulling her tightly again into an embrace. She held her like she never wanted to let go kissing her deeply and yet reverently trying to convey in the power of the kiss, how much she loved this woman.
Even as she wanted to hear the rest of the confession, the bard responded to the kiss, a slow familiar heat rising in her. The warrior felt the response and slowly grazed the tip of her tongue over the bard's partially opened lips as a heated sigh escaped clearly asking for more. Gabrielle knew with their passions enflamed they could easily make love, and it might be for the last time. While her body ardently responded to the warrior's kiss, her heart needed to hear what happened to Xena in the water.
"I need... aaahhh," she groaned into the kiss. If we don't stop now, she thought, we'll never finish talking about this. "Xe-na" she exhaled the sound of her lover's name slowly, pulling back from the ever deepening kiss. "I need you to tell me the rest of the story."
"Uhhm, later.... Tomorrow," the warrior barely responded. Pulling her back into an embrace, her hands moved under the younger woman's skirt as she fondled and squeezed the bard's tight buttocks.
"Now, Xena" she said in a raspy voice, her own heated emotions betraying her. "We..." she paused a moment then continued, "We may not have tomorrow."
The simple statement felt like a punch to the stomach and instantly cooled the warrior's passion. She struggled to regain her composure; the reality of the words having a sobering effect on her. She wrapped her arms around the young woman's waist and held her tightly.
"I want you to hold me, Xena and I want you to talk to me, okay? Tell me what your heart wants to say." the bard said.
The warrior rested her cheek on top of the woman's head wondering how to continue. If there is no tomorrow she thought she has to know. What do I say, she thought to herself then decided to jump in where she'd left off.
"Gabrielle," slowly, she began. "You told me you how much you loved me and you showed me in so many ways. But I didn't trust that love. I never thought I was worthy enough. How could you love someone like me?"
The bard remained silent knowing how difficult this confession was for the warrior.
"There are so many who love you, Gabrielle, so many who are better than me. You're an Amazon Queen with a tribe that adores you. You're so beautiful. I've seen how the women look at you. I've seen how Ephiny looks at you. I know she loves you. Why do you think I was so enraged when she danced with you? There are so many who could make you much happier than me. You could have any woman you wanted. They all wonder why you're with me." The words tumbled out, more words than she'd spoken in any one setting before this.
The bard decided it was finally time to say something. "Xena, I waited for you to notice me for a long time. And then I waited for you to love me. I never thought you'd love me like I love you. Whatever you were willing to give me was enough. I only know this, there's no one else I want to be with. And there's no one else I love like this."
"Yes, but all these others – Ephiny, the others, they can give you a tribe, a family, a place to call home. I can't give you any of that."
"Xena, you're my family, you're my home." She thought about those words and took the warrior's face in her hands. "Xena, you're more than that. You're my life." She enunciated each word.
The warrior looked into the green eyes still not sure about trusting the young woman's words. "But Gabrielle, I have nothing to offer you. All I have to give you is a lonely life on the road. If we get out of this."
She then said the heavy words that had been hanging in the air. "Even now – this life is taking us into a battle tomorrow that we may not come back from. I never wanted to endanger you like this, but here you are in more danger than we've ever faced before."
The bard put her finger over the warrior's mouth to stop her from talking further. She'd made a choice to follow this woman losing her heart in the process. She had to make Xena understand and realize how she felt.
"Where you go, I go. Your life is my life. Your path is my path and if that path takes us into death tomorrow, then I'll die knowing I loved you more than I have ever loved another. And I'll happily go to the Elysian Fields with you because I won't want to live without you." She put her head against the warrior's chest as the power of the words overwhelmed her.
The warrior closed her eyes, the weight of the words searing her heart. This woman had told her before how much she loved her. Why had she never trusted her enough? She finally realized that it wasn't until she released her fears in Anahita's purple waters of trust that she actually felt the essence of pure love and knew it was exactly how she felt and how much she loved the bard. She had finally come to comprehend the love and devotion Gabrielle had for her and the power and the purity of the love overwhelmed her.
She faced the fact that the words Gabrielle had just spoken to her were precisely what she'd breathed in while swimming in the purple stream. When she'd let go and trusted in that pure love, she was propelled safely into the cave with the water of life. If she let go and trusted in Gabrielle's pure love there was nothing she couldn't accomplish. It was this pure love that was in the water of all life.
She remembered the Goddess's chant, Ata lara mana vata - without water there is no life. The next thought rocked her. Without Gabrielle she had no life either. Just like the earth needed water to sustain itself and water needed the earth to contain it, she needed this woman and her love to sustain her and she wanted to return that love. Without her, she was an empty shell.
Unable to stop herself, a single tear escaped and fell.
The bard felt the tear drop onto her cheek where she'd laid her head against the warrior's chest, but she remained motionless. She knew the stoic warrior never wept. She knew she had to tread softly with her.
"Tell me what you're feeling, Xena." she said without moving.
The warrior's breathing was ragged as she tried to control herself. "I can only give you my love, Gabrielle. And my heart. That's all. I have no home. I'm not settled anywhere. I'm just a warrior. I have nothing else to give you." She didn't feel like much of a warrior at this moment. She was crying and she felt vulnerable and weak in front of this woman.
"That's enough" the bard whispered. She turned and looked into the teary blue eyes.
Cupping Xena's face between her hands she said, "If we both die tomorrow, I want you to know that I lived the fullest life possible and I was blessed with your love. And if I do die it will still have been enough. I never regretted following you."
Gabrielle placed a gentle soft kiss on the warrior's lips sealing them in this sacred moment. "You've been enough, Xena." She said whispering the words.
The warrior felt the reverent kiss and returned it with equal gentleness. Her heart, always guarded if not locked, opened up to this beautiful woman in her arms. She knew Gabrielle had just offered her a most precious gift; one she'd never allowed herself to receive before nor had she wanted to. Without judgment, without struggle, without regret, the bard told the warrior that she was enough and in that flow, she'd pledged her life to her. The gift melted Xena's heart and waves of emotions poured out. I'm enough, she thought. She took the bard's hands touching each fingertip lightly with her own hand. Then she brushed each finger, one by one, with a delicate kiss in silent homage.
The sweet gesture was not lost on Gabrielle who watched this ritual unfold with growing wonder at Xena's transformation. She'd never seen this side of the warrior and she was enchanted by it. Startled, she realized she was falling in love with her all over again. Her heart raced as she felt each kiss on the tips of her fingers. She quietly whispered, "I love you."
The passion which had been kindled earlier and seemed to have diminished returned. But this time it was soft and gentle rather than torrid. She stretched out pressing her body against the warrior and pulling her down beside her on the blankets. Xena's long black hair smelling like cinnamon mixed with musk, floated over her face. The warrior softly caressed Gabrielle's cheeks with her fingertip, tracing lines along her jaw and over her mouth. Then she bent down and kissed her tenderly.
The bard, wanting more, opened her lips using her tongue to part Xena's. She tasted the slight saltiness from her lover's recent tears and her heart swelled with love. The kiss was returned and soon tongue found tongue entwining together in the velvety softness of each other's mouths. A deep inhalation of breath escaped from Xena as the bard sucked Xena's tongue into her mouth.
Lying close, Xena raised herself on one elbow and slowly traced swirling patterns over Gabrielle's chest; but the halter she was wearing was in the way. She reached a practiced hand behind the bard's back and loosened the leather binding, smiling as she heard the change in Gabrielle's breathing. She slid her hand under the garment pushing it off to the side. When her chest was bare her eyes lovingly feasted on what she saw.
"You're so beautiful, Gabrielle" She said sweetly bending to kiss a breast.
Suddenly a hand reached up and stopped her. "Xena," she said softly, "I want to love you. I want to show you why you're enough. Let me love you."
"Gab-ri-elle, uuuhhhh," the warrior drew out the name unsure about this development and clearly uncertain if she was going to let her take the lead in their lovemaking, especially right now.
"Shh" the bard replied putting her finger to still the warrior's reply. "Please, let me love you."
Eyes met eyes one pleading the other weighing the request. The bard didn't wait for an answer. She pushed the warrior onto her back and began unfastening her leathers. "I want to feel you, Xena, all of you. Please take these off." Her hands roamed over the warrior's chest.
The warrior tried to pull the bare-chested woman onto her but Gabrielle removed the strong hands from her arms and gently placed them to the warrior's side. "Please let me love you." She repeated holding Xena's arms down.
With that she removed Xena's chest plate and loosened her leather skirt shoving them to the side of the rocks. She then removed the coarser muslin shirt and undergarments. Gently, Gabrielle pushed the warrior back down onto the blankets as green eyes locked onto blue eyes, begging her to let go and trust her. "Let me," she whispered. She knew how hard this was for Xena.
Without waiting for approval, her eyes traced and memorized the hard brown muscled contours of Xena's body fearing she might be seeing it for the last time. She touched the scars of so many battles with her fingertips, as though searing each cell of her lover's body into her consciousness. She grazed many of the now healed wounds sensitively. She lingered over the knotted laceration on her torso; the now healed scar was a vivid reminder from her wild warlord years. Xena I would have loved you even then, she thought to herself as she kissed the twisted scar.
The warrior lay back uncertain of the passive role she was about to play. Gabrielle's fingers tracing over her body ignited a heat in her core. She wanted to hold the bard and make love to her, but she knew something had shifted between them and she'd lost control of their lovemaking. She was naked and in uncharted territory and she didn't know what to do. She started to rise up again and a gentle hand pushed her back down stroking the tender pulse points inside her forearms. She inhaled deeply as the smell of musk permeated the air.
The smaller woman lying down beside her pressed her body along the full length of the tall hard muscular one. She delicately touched then held each breast, one at a time feeling the tenseness in the warrior's body start to evaporate. She looked into the blue eyes willing her to be still and to be loved. Then seeing resignation mixed with smoky passion on Xena's face, she moved her tongue over each breast. As if in silent adoration, she lazily drew spirals on them, blowing cool breaths across each of the nipples. She heard the hitch in Xena's breath and felt her squirm as each breath passed closer to a now hard and erect nipple.
She leaned over the larger woman, one leg draping and settling between the taller woman's thighs. As her knee pressed against the now moist mound, she smiled when she heard a groan and felt the taller woman shift and begin an easy rocking motion against her knee.
"Not yet" she said to the warrior with a somewhat serious smile. "You have to trust me just as you trusted your instincts in Anahita's waters." She slowed her movements though continued the lazy spirals around the darker brown breasts. "When you let go in the cave waters and trusted, you fell into a state of pure love and bliss. You had to give up all control, remember?"
The warrior nodded, not sure where this was going. Her thoughts weren't on Anahita's waters at the moment. All her senses were focused on Gabrielle's leg against her groin.
The bard continued. "I want you to feel that pure love again but I want you to feel it from me. You have to let go completely and let me love you. Let go and let me," she repeated.
She looked into the warriors eyes as she bent over taking a nipple in her mouth and rolling it around on the tip of her tongue. As she rolled it she bit down softly and heard Xena's breath exhale loudly in response. She felt the warrior's arms move around her, pulling her head down and pressing it hard against her breast. She sucked the nipple again and felt a responding quiver.
She heard Xena moan; the sound fueling her passion further. She attended to one breast with her mouth while her hand gently stroked and tweaked the other, teasing the other nipple to hardness. Xena began to tense against the bard, her muscles twitching. She pulled Gabrielle's head against her other breast, guiding her head firmly as though begging her to do more.
The bard complied, continuing to stroke and squeeze and tease each breast in turn. The warrior tried to roll her over but each time she was gently held in place by Gabrielle's leg or by her hands pushing her back.
"Let me love you." She said softly.
Xena's sudden inhalation of breath was the only reply as Gabrielle's knee pressed against her very wet center.
"You don't have to do anything but let go." She whispered as her tongue licked Xena's ear and lobe. Her tongue traced below the ear sucking the pressure point pounding along her neck. She felt the warrior grow rigid as she gently bit down on it while she ground her thigh against the taller woman.
A soft "aaahhh" greeted her efforts.
She moved her fingers down the warrior's stomach, touching and feeling the rock hard muscles defined there. Lips following fingers, she stopped just above Xena's navel then slipped her tongue into the opening feeling the taut muscles of the tall body ripple in response. As the warrior reached for the bard, Gabrielle again gently removed Xena's arms and placed them at her sides, kissing the backs of the callused hands before she did so.
A large sigh escaped the warrior's lips. "I know this is hard, Xena," she said. "I need to do this for you and for me. This may be our last time together." She continued touching the hard torso, cupping her palms at the swell of each breast. "I want you to know you will always be enough. This is how I want to show you."
The warrior breathed raggedly as the bard continued her silent homage. "Stay with me," Gabrielle whispered again, "Let me love you."
She next touched Xena's face tracing a path around her lips, and then she leaned over a breast sucking it hard as she moved her hand down across the dark wet curls and placed it between the warrior's legs.
"Uuhhh" Xena responded as the bard paused over her pubic mound. Her legs parted readily, offering easy entry. Gabrielle deftly rubbed one finger over the moist folds as ragged grunts escaped from Xena. The warrior tried to keep her body still the way she'd been instructed but it was nearly impossible. She shivered with anticipation under the bard's touch feeling her wetness on her thighs.
Gabrielle felt Xena's hips begin to push against her hand as the warrior's arousal mounted feverishly and her need increased. "Gabrielle," Xena rasped. "Please." She begged.
The bard's strong fingers circled her mound and entered the heated wet folds circling Xena's center. She heard the warrior labored panting and went deeper feeling for the tight bundle of nerves then slipped two fingers deeper into the tight opening moving them in and out. The warrior bucked against her demanding release. She felt the taut tension but was determined to slow the pace of their lovemaking.
She shifted her body and slipped down between the taller woman's legs her two fingers barely moving inside the warm wet opening. She heard the dark woman groan and felt the warrior's hands on her head guiding her lower and lower as her hips rocked against the still fingers.
"Please," the warrior moaned again. All thoughts of making love to Gabrielle had been abandoned. She'd surrendered herself to the small blond woman who now controlled every sensory feeling she was having. She was back in Anahita's watery grave floating under an intense tidal wave of love. She was sinking deeper and deeper and all rational thoughts had disappeared from her mind. Flowing in a state of pure blissful love, the sensations washed over her and carried her helplessly and endlessly along.
Gabrielle's tongue entered the slick folds searching for the swollen knot. She felt the change in Xena's rhythm and sought to match it with her tongue and fingers. She increased the motion in and out of the heated opening and began sucking intensely on the rock hard nub. As she sucked, she nibbled the tip gently with her teeth. At that moment Xena's body bucked and contractions rocked her insides clamping down on Gabrielle's fingers.
She released herself into Gabrielle's mouth groaning as the intensity of her orgasm reached her core and rocked her. She shuddered gasping as she floated free into a heart racing freefall of brilliant light. In that moment she believed Gabrielle's words I am enough.
Strong arms wrapped around Xena and held her as she spiraled down from the peak. She heard the bard's voice as though from a distance telling her how much she loved her. Xena opened her eyes seeing the powerful love reflected and flowing from the depths of the green ones so close to her own. As her heart continued to beat erratically to its own rhythm she touched Gabrielle's face and kissed her, tasting herself on the bard's lips.
"You love me enough." she said softly, tears in her eyes.
"You let go and trusted me enough." The bard said in reply as she put her face against the warrior's heaving chest cradling her lover.
They spent this last time in devoted homage to one another, touching, exploring and making love with each other. They honored the revelations unburdened from their souls even as they knew this late afternoon had become their benediction. It was their final sacred blessing to each other before the battle was engaged.
Lying spent in each other's arms; they watched the sun begin its descent towards the horizon. Soon the sun would paint the sky in streaks of gold and pink. It was time to go.
* * * * *
The late afternoon sun glinted off her long black hair as she paced nervously back and forth across the ridge. Like every previous battle she'd fought in, the warrior slowly and methodically went over the battle plans in her head. The weapons had been made and stockpiled. They'd marked off the cadence and timing of each sentry's watch. The prisoners had been contacted and knew when to attack. She looked for pitfalls in each step of the battle plan, knowing this one had to be precise and flawless. As she paced the other women idly watched her, each one lost in her own thoughts and aware of their dire circumstances.
"Everybody understand what we have to do?" She asked suddenly, nervousness evident in the question.
"We've gone over it twenty times, Xena" Ephiny looked up from sharpening her sword.
"We'll go over it twenty more times till we have it down." She responded with a glare.
"We have enough of the Greek fire bombs, right, Solari?"
"All we've done is make fire bombs and watch that gods be damned camp." She replied. "We have enough."
"What about your arsenal?" she asked Pony.
"We have enough to light up Thrace. We're ready." Pony replied.
"Everyone is ready and knows what has to be done, Xena." It was Noalani's attempt to ease the unfolding tension between the warriors.
"All right then! I want everybody to keep a sharp eye. If you see any movement below, let me know. Meanwhile, try to get some rest. Any questions?"
The women shook their heads no. But Gabrielle rose from where she was sitting and approached the warrior.
"Xena, we need to talk."
"What is it Gabrielle?"
"Please can we go somewhere?"
The warrior studied the bard noticing the intensity in the green eyes looking back at her. She'd come to know this woman well and knew something was wrong. Besides, she thought to herself, if Adara doesn't get back in time with the tribes, I don't know how successful we're going to be. This could be our last time to talk.
"Let me get some blankets, ok?" she said. "We can go up on that ridge over there. It's out of the way."
She looked at the bard for confirmation, and got a nod in response.
They climbed up the ridge and headed for a series of rocks out of sight of the other women. They moved carefully up the shale face so as not to dislodge any stones that might give their position away. When they reached the very top of the ridge, there was a small flat secluded area where Xena spread the blankets for them to sit. The ridge gave a sweeping view over the western desert and the late afternoon sun promised a spectacular sunset.
"This looks like a good place" she said. "We can be alone here and talk. I brought some dried fruit and some bread in case you were hungry." She removed her sword and chakram placing them near a large rock. Then removed her bracers from her legs and forearms.
Grinning, she saw Gabrielle's appreciative smile as she laid out the food. I don't want to think of never seeing that smile again, thought Xena as she gazed at the woman beside her. She shook the bleak thoughts away as they made themselves comfortable side by side. She tore off a chunk of bread and handed it to the bard relishing the late afternoon sun's highlights gleaming in her hair.
"You know me so well" the bard laughed, breaking a piece of the bread.
"Gabrielle, everyone knows you like to eat. That's not news." Let's get this over with, she thought. "So, tell me, what did you want to talk about alone? Or did you have something else in mind?" She grinned wickedly at the younger woman.
"You're incorrigible, Xena. You have a one track mind." She nudged the warrior in the ribs.
"It's what happens whenever I'm around you. Besides, we have a secluded area, may as well put it to good use." the warrior smirked.
"Not now. We need to talk." Gabrielle replied.
"You always want to talk, Gabrielle." Xena quipped, but then sobered when she noted Gabrielle's solemn expression. "Okay, so what did you want to talk about?" Xena asked.
The bard broke the bread into small pieces, reflecting on the thoughts she'd been having. She was frightened – frightened for herself and the dire thought of losing her warrior. That feeling more than any other brought her to the brink of despair and anguish.
"Xena, this is the first time I've ever felt like we might not make it." The bard began. "By tomorrow, one of us, or both of us might be dead." The latter was barely audible.
Xena put her arms around Gabrielle, pulling the younger woman into her strong embrace. She couldn't dispute her words as she'd had the same feelings herself. But she tried to ease her worries.
"We'll get through this. We always have." She kissed the top of the younger woman's head, her lips lingering against her hair taking in the slight lemony smell that was the bard's. Her words belied her true feelings.
"We may not make it this time." Gabrielle said simply echoing Xena's thoughts.
Both of them were stilled by the words. Xena held her tight as the bard reveled in the embrace and the feeling of security she always got when she was held by the warrior.
After several moments of quiet, Gabrielle continued. "Do you remember when we went to see Anahita what she said to us about water?"
"You mean putting out the fires with the sacred water" the warrior asked?
"No! I mean what she said about water and love. She said when you love someone deeply that it was like a raging river of water with wave upon wave flowing from heart to heart. She said each heart holds the other one in safekeeping. Do you remember that?"
The warrior nodded. She remembered when the goddess had spoken the words and how she'd felt. Both of them had looked at each other and in that moment, the power of the words, swept them into a blended flow of the most profound emotion, pure love.
"I'm so frightened of losing you, Xena. I feel like we've just found our love for each other and if something happens to you...." she choked and began to sob. "I.... uuhh.... I don't want to live without you." Her tears flowed steadily.
"Shhh, shhh" the warrior responded stroking her hair and her face and trying to stop the young woman's tears and ease her anguish. The warrior had had the same thoughts and fears but had always pushed them away. "It'll be alright." She said unconvincingly.
"I don't think so. Not this time." The bard sobbed, holding on tightly to the taller woman afraid to let her go. The depths of her fears engulfed her.
The warrior stroked the bard's hair and face, wiping the constant tears with her fingertips as they rolled down the younger woman's cheeks.
"We didn't come this far for nothing, Gabrielle. You asked me to remember Anahita's water story. Do you remember what she made us do? We had to swim through the depths of that watery lair and all we had was trust and our love. And we made it. She said, she'd help us and we're going to make it."
The bard heard the words, wanting to latch on to a shred of hope.
"Something happened to you in that cave, didn't it?" It was an innocent question yet the bard needed to know. She needed to know this day as much as she could learn about the warrior. She knew they might never have another day to discuss it.
"Yes, something happened." The warrior replied remembering her time in the cave swimming in the stream of purple light. She remembered surrendering to the flow she was in. She trusted and in the trust felt the powerful love of the bard surround her and capture her heart all over again.
"Tell me what happened, Xena."
It's now or never, she thought. I need to tell her.
She took a deep breath and said, "You always trusted me, Gabrielle. But I didn't trust you enough." She felt her throat constrict and dry up as she said the words clearly for the first time.
The bard pulled out of her embrace as the words were finally spoken. She thought back to how the warrior constantly protected her and wouldn't let her fight her own battles. She never felt like she was treated as an equal. Now, the truth was out – she didn't trust her.
"You don't trust me, Xena?" She looked at the warrior, catching the blue eyes off guard before they lowered in sadness at the admission.
"I do... I don't... I mean I didn't...Hades Balls!" she tried to explain everything in a rush of words that made no sense.
Gabrielle watched the woman go through an emotional roller coaster even as her own emotions were in turmoil. She knew she could give way to her feelings of sadness and betrayal or try to understand the woman she loved so deeply. We may never have another night together, she thought and her emotional war was over as quickly as it had begun. She decided maybe Xena didn't love her enough to trust her, but she loved the warrior enough to trust her and the outcome – whatever it was.
"Tell me what you mean, then." She said softly, linking her fingers with the warriors.
"I learned..." She started and stopped. "I learned about myself in Anahita's waters, Gabrielle. I learned about things that hurt me and that hurt the ones who loved me." She drifted off remembering the lessons in the water. "I heard Anahita telling me to trust my instincts. I knew if I didn't I would have drowned."
The warrior stared off in the direction of the setting sun, her thoughts outpacing her words. She knew she had to tell the bard everything now. She never wanted to hurt her but she owed it to her. She had to be told everything.
"My instincts told me I couldn't breathe under water, but I did breathe. When I breathed the water, I floated in a state of pure love that was joyous and I didn't want to come out of it. I wanted to share the purity of that love with you. But I couldn't stay there. I knew I had to get the sacred water. I had to prove myself....I, ... I always have to be in control ... to prove myself worthy." The warrior stopped talking and stared out over the horizon again.
The bard watched her intently. She knelt in front of her and looked into her eyes. She leaned in and pressed her lips to the warrior's, urging her, with her tender touch, to go on.
As lips touched lips, the pressure increased and the warrior put her arms around the younger woman, pulling her tightly again into an embrace. She held her like she never wanted to let go kissing her deeply and yet reverently trying to convey in the power of the kiss, how much she loved this woman.
Even as she wanted to hear the rest of the confession, the bard responded to the kiss, a slow familiar heat rising in her. The warrior felt the response and slowly grazed the tip of her tongue over the bard's partially opened lips as a heated sigh escaped clearly asking for more. Gabrielle knew with their passions enflamed they could easily make love, and it might be for the last time. While her body ardently responded to the warrior's kiss, her heart needed to hear what happened to Xena in the water.
"I need... aaahhh" she groaned into the kiss. If we don't stop now, she thought, we'll never finish talking about this. "Xe-na" she exhaled the sound of her lover's name slowly, pulling back from the ever deepening kiss. "I need you to tell me the rest of the story."
"Uhhm, later.... Tomorrow" the warrior barely responded. Pulling her back into an embrace, her hands moved under the younger woman's skirt as she fondled and squeezed the bard's tight buttocks.
"Now, Xena" she said in a raspy voice, her own heated emotions betraying her. "We..." she paused a moment then continued, "We may not have tomorrow."
The simple statement felt like a punch to the stomach and instantly cooled the warrior's passion. She struggled to regain her composure; the reality of the words having a sobering effect on her. She wrapped her arms around the young woman's waist and held her tightly.
"I want you to hold me, Xena and I want you to talk to me, okay? Tell me what your heart wants to say." the bard said.
The warrior rested her cheek on top of the woman's head wondering how to continue. If there is no tomorrow she thought she has to know. What do I say, she thought to herself then decided to jump in where she'd left off.
"Gabrielle," slowly, she began. "You told me you how much you loved me and you showed me in so many ways. But I didn't trust that love. I never thought I was worthy enough. How could you love someone like me?"
The bard remained silent knowing how difficult this confession was for the warrior.
"There are so many who love you, Gabrielle, so many who are better than me. You're an Amazon Queen with a tribe that adores you. You're so beautiful. I've seen how the women look at you. I've seen how Ephiny looks at you. I know she loves you. Why do you think I was so enraged when she danced with you? There are so many who could make you much happier than me. You could have any woman you wanted. They all wonder why you're with me." The words tumbled out, more words than she'd spoken in any one setting before this.
The bard decided it was finally time to say something. "Xena, I waited for you to notice me for a long time. And then I waited for you to love me. I never thought you'd love me like I love you. But whatever you were willing to give me was enough. I only know this, there's no one else I want to be with."
"Yes, but all these others – Ephiny, the others, they can give you a tribe, a family, a place to call home. I can't give you any of that."
"Xena, you're my family, you're my home." She thought about those words and took the warrior's face in her hands. "Xena, you are my life." She enunciated each word.
The warrior looked into the green eyes still not sure about trusting the young woman's words. "But Gabrielle, I have nothing to offer you. All I have to give you is a lonely life on the road."
She then said the heavy words that had been hanging in the air. "Even now – this life is taking us into a battle tomorrow that we may not come back from. I never wanted to endanger you like this, but here you are in more danger than we've ever faced before."
The bard put her finger over the warrior's mouth to stop her from talking further. She'd made a choice to follow this woman losing her heart in the process. She had to make Xena understand and realize how she felt.
"Where you go, I go. Your life is my life. Your path is my path and if that path takes us into death tomorrow, then I'll die knowing I loved you more than I have ever loved another. And I'll happily go to the Elysian Fields with you because I won't want to live without you." She put her head against the warrior's chest as the power of the words overwhelmed her.
The warrior closed her eyes, the weight of the words searing her heart. This woman had told her before how much she loved her. Why had she never trusted her enough? She finally realized that it wasn't until she released her fears in Anahita's purple waters of trust that she actually felt the essence of pure love and knew it was exactly how she felt and how much she loved the bard. She had finally come to comprehend the love and devotion Gabrielle had for her and the power and the purity of the love overwhelmed her.
She faced the fact that the words Gabrielle had just spoken to her were precisely what she'd breathed in while swimming in the purple stream. When she'd let go and trusted in that pure love, she was propelled safely into the cave with the water of life. If she let go and trusted in Gabrielle's pure love there was nothing she couldn't accomplish. It was this pure love that was in the water of all life.
She remembered the Goddess's chant, Ata lara mana vata - without water there is no life. The next thought rocked her. Without Gabrielle she had no life either. Just like the earth needed water to sustain itself and water needed the earth to contain it, she needed this woman and her love to sustain her and she wanted to return that love. Without her, she was an empty shell.
Unable to stop herself, a single tear escaped and fell.
The bard felt the tear drop onto her cheek but remained motionless. She knew the stoic warrior never wept. She knew she had to tread softly with her.
"Tell me what you're feeling, Xena." she said without moving.
The warrior's breathing was ragged as she tried to control herself. "I can only give you my love, Gabrielle. And my heart. That's all. I have no home. I'm not settled anywhere. I'm just a warrior. I have nothing else to give you." She didn't feel like much of a warrior at this moment. She was crying and she felt vulnerable and weak in front of this woman.
"That's enough" the bard whispered. She turned and looked into the teary blue eyes.
Cupping Xena's face between her hands she said, "If we both die tomorrow, I want you to know that I lived the fullest life possible and I was blessed with your love. And if I do die it will still have been enough. I never regretted following you."
Gabrielle placed a gentle soft kiss on the warrior's lips sealing them in this sacred moment. "You've been enough, Xena." She said whispering the words.
The warrior felt the reverent kiss and returned it with equal gentleness. Her heart, always guarded if not locked, opened up to this beautiful woman in her arms. She knew Gabrielle had just offered her a most precious gift; one she'd never allowed herself to receive before nor had she wanted to. Without judgment, without struggle, without regret, the bard told the warrior that she was enough and in that flow, she'd pledged her life to her. The gift melted Xena's heart and waves of emotions poured out. I'm enough, she thought. She took the bard's hands touching each fingertip lightly with her own hand. Then she brushed each finger, one by one, with a delicate kiss in silent homage.
The sweet gesture was not lost on Gabrielle who watched this ritual unfold with growing wonder at Xena's transformation. She'd never seen this side of the warrior and she was enchanted by it. Startled, she realized she was falling in love with her all over again. Her heart raced as she felt each kiss on her the tips of her fingers. She quietly whispered, "I love you."
The passion which had been kindled earlier and seemed to have diminished returned. But this time it was soft and gentle rather than torrid. She stretched out pressing her body against the warrior and pulling her down beside her on the blankets. Xena's long black hair smelling like cinnamon mixed with musk, floated over her face. The warrior softly caressed Gabrielle's cheeks with her fingertip, tracing lines along her jaw and over her mouth. Then she bent down and kissed her tenderly.
The bard wanting more opened her lips using her tongue to part Xena's. She tasted the slight saltiness from her lover's recent tears and her heart swelled with love. The kiss was returned and soon tongue found tongue entwining together in the velvety softness of each other's mouths. A deep inhalation of breath escaped from Xena as the bard sucked Xena's tongue into her mouth.
Lying close, Xena raised herself on one elbow and slowly traced swirling patterns over Gabrielle's chest; but the halter she was wearing was in the way. She reached a practiced hand behind the bard's back and loosened the leather binding, smiling as she heard the change in Gabrielle's breathing. She slid her hand under the garment pushing it off to the side. When her chest was bare her eyes lovingly feasted on what she saw.
"You're so beautiful, Gabrielle" She said sweetly bending to kiss a breast.
Suddenly a hand reached up and stopped her. "Xena," she said softly, "I want to love you. I want to show you why you're enough. Let me love you."
"Gab-ri-elle, uuuhhhh," the warrior drew out the name unsure about this development and clearly uncertain if she was going to let her take the lead in their lovemaking, especially right now.
"Shh" the bard replied putting her finger to still the warrior's reply. "Please, let me love you."
Eyes met eyes one pleading the other weighing the request. The bard didn't wait for an answer. She pushed the warrior onto her back and began unfastening her leathers. "I want to feel you, Xena, all of you. Please take these off." Her hands roamed over the warrior's chest.
The warrior tried to pull the bare chested woman onto her but Gabrielle removed the strong hands from her arms and gently placed them to the warrior's side. "Please let me love you." She repeated holding Xena's arms down.
With that she removed Xena's chest plate and loosened her leather skirt shoving them to the side of the rocks. She then removed the coarser muslin shirt and undergarments. Gently, Gabrielle pushed the warrior back down onto the blankets as green eyes locked onto blue eyes, begging her to let go and trust her. "Let me" she whispered. She knew how hard this was for Xena.
Without waiting for approval, her eyes traced and memorized the hard brown muscled contours of Xena's body fearing she might be seeing it for the last time. She touched the scars of so many battles with her fingertips, as though searing each cell of her lover's body into her consciousness. She grazed many of the now healed wounds sensitively. She lingered over the knotted laceration on her torso; the now healed scar was a vivid reminder from her wild warlord years. Xena I would have loved you even then, she thought to herself as she kissed the twisted scar.
The warrior lay back uncertain of the passive role she was about to play. Gabrielle's fingers tracing over her body ignited a heat in her core. She wanted to hold the bard and make love to her, but she knew something had shifted between them and she'd lost control of their lovemaking. She was naked and in uncharted territory and she didn't know what to do. She started to rise up again and a gentle hand pushed her back down stroking the tender pulse points inside her forearms. She inhaled deeply as the smell of musk permeated the air.
The smaller woman lying down beside her pressed her body along the full length of the tall hard muscular one. She delicately touched then held each breast, one at a time feeling the tenseness in the warrior's body start to evaporate. She looked into the blue eyes willing her to be still and to be loved. Then seeing resignation mixed with smoky passion on Xena's face, she moved her tongue over each breast. As if in silent adoration, she lazily drew spirals on them, blowing cool breaths across each of the nipples. She heard the hitch in Xena's breath and felt her squirm as each breath passed closer to a now hard and erect nipple.
She leaned over the larger woman, one leg draping and settling between the taller woman's thighs. As her knee pressed against the now moist mound, she smiled when she heard a groan and felt the taller woman shift and begin an easy rocking motion against her knee.
"Not yet" she said to the warrior with a somewhat serious smile. "You have to trust me just as you trusted your instincts in Anahita's waters." She slowed her movements though continued the lazy spirals around the darker brown breasts. "When you let go in the cave waters and trusted, you fell into a state of pure love and bliss. You had to give up all control, remember?"
The warrior nodded, not sure where this was going. Her thoughts weren't on Anahita's waters at the moment. All her senses were focused on Gabrielle's leg against her groin.
The bard continued. "I want you to feel that pure love again but I want you to feel it from me. You have to let go completely and let me love you. Let go and let me" she repeated.
She looked into the warriors eyes as she bent over taking a nipple in her mouth and rolling it around on the tip of her tongue. As she rolled it she bit down softly and heard Xena's breath exhale loudly in response. She felt the warrior's arms move around her, pulling her head down and pressing it hard against her breast. She sucked the nipple again and felt a responding quiver.
She heard Xena moan; the sound fueling her passion further. She attended to one breast with her mouth while her hand gently stroked and tweaked the other, teasing the other nipple to hardness. Xena began to tense against the bard, her muscles twitching. She pulled Gabrielle's head against her other breast, guiding her head firmly as though begging her to do more.
The bard complied, continuing to stroke and squeeze and tease each breast in turn. The warrior tried to roll her over but each time she was gently held in place by Gabrielle's leg or by her hands pushing her back.
"Let me love you." She said softly.
Xena's sudden inhalation of breath was the only reply as Gabrielle's knee pressed against her very wet center.
"You don't have to do anything but let go." She whispered as her tongue licked Xena's ear and lobe. Her tongue traced below the ear sucking the pressure point pounding along her neck. She felt the warrior grow rigid as she gently bit down on it while she ground her thigh against the taller woman.
A soft "aaahhh" greeted her efforts.
She moved her fingers down the warrior's stomach, touching and feeling the rock hard muscles defined there. Lips following fingers, she stopped just above Xena's navel then slipped her tongue into the opening feeling the taut muscles of the tall body ripple in response. As the warrior reached for the bard, Gabrielle again gently removed Xena's arms and placed them at her sides, kissing the backs of the callused hands before she did so.
A large sigh escaped the warrior's lips. "I know this is hard, Xena" she said. "I need to do this for you and for me. This may be our last time together." She continued touching the hard torso, cupping her palms at the swell of each breast. "I want you to know you will always be enough. This is how I want to show you."
The warrior breathed raggedly as the bard continued her silent homage. "Stay with me" Gabrielle whispered again, "Let me love you."
She next touched Xena's face tracing a path around her lips, and then she leaned over a breast sucking it hard as she moved her hand down across the dark wet curls and placed it between the warrior's legs.
"Uuhhh" Xena responded as the bard paused over her pubic mound. Her legs parted readily, offering easy entry. Gabrielle deftly rubbed one finger over the moist folds as ragged grunts escaped from Xena. The warrior tried to keep her body still the way she'd been instructed but it was nearly impossible. She shivered with anticipation under the bard's touch feeling her wetness on her thighs.
Gabrielle felt Xena's hips begin to push against her hand as the warrior's arousal mounted feverishly and her need increased. "Gabrielle" Xena rasped. "Please." She begged.
The bard's strong fingers circled her mound and entered the heated wet folds circling Xena's center. She heard the warrior labored panting and went deeper feeling for the tight bundle of nerves then slipped two fingers deeper into the tight opening moving them in and out. The warrior bucked against her demanding release. She felt the taut tension but was determined to slow the pace of their lovemaking.
She shifted her body and slipped down between the taller woman's legs her two fingers barely moving inside the warm wet opening. She heard the dark woman groan and felt the warrior's hands on her head guiding her lower and lower as her hips rocked against the still fingers.
"Please" the warrior moaned again. All thoughts of making love to Gabrielle had been abandoned. She'd surrendered herself to the small blond woman who now controlled every sensory feeling she was having. She was back in Anahita's watery grave floating under an intense tidal wave of love. She was sinking deeper and deeper and all rational thoughts had disappeared from her mind. Flowing in a state of pure blissful love, the sensations washed over her and carried her helplessly and endlessly along.
Gabrielle's tongue entered the slick folds searching for the swollen knot. She felt the change in Xena's rhythm and sought to match it with her tongue and fingers. She increased the motion in and out of the heated opening and began sucking intensely on the rock hard nub. As she sucked, she nibbled the tip gently with her teeth. At that moment Xena's body bucked and contractions rocked her insides clamping down on Gabrielle's fingers.
She released herself into Gabrielle's mouth groaning as the intensity of her orgasm reached her core and rocked her. She shuddered gasping as she floated free into a heart racing freefall of brilliant light. In that moment she believed Gabrielle's words I am enough.
Strong arms wrapped around Xena and held her as she spiraled down from the peak. She heard the bard's voice as though from a distance telling her how much she loved her. Xena opened her eyes seeing the powerful love reflected and flowing from the depths of the green ones so close to her own. As her heart continued to beat erratically to its own rhythm she touched Gabrielle's face and kissed her, tasting herself on the bard's lips.
"You love me enough" she said softly, tears in her eyes.
"You let go and trusted me enough." The bard said in reply as she put her face against the warrior's heaving chest cradling her lover.
They spent this last time before darkness fell in devoted homage to one another, touching, exploring and making love with each other. They honored the revelations unburdened from their souls even as they knew this late afternoon had become their benediction. It was their final sacred blessing to each other before the battle was engaged.
Lying spent in each other's arms, they watched the sun begin its descent towards the horizon. Soon the sun would paint the sky in streaks of gold and pink and it would be time to go.
* * * * *
The sounds of women's voices not far away interrupted their reverie. Neither of them wanted the moment to end, but they knew the time had come to meet the enemy and their fate. They stood up putting on their clothes and gathering the last of the food and the blankets.
"I still don't like you going off to see this god of the underworld by yourself, Gabrielle."
"I know, Xena, but each of us has an important job to do this time. You have to go with Ephiny and the others to the Red Scorpion camp. I have to do mine. I only hope Adara returns in time with the tribes to help you."
"I do too. There aren't enough of us without the tribes."
Again the truth of their situation overwhelmed them as they were lost for a moment in their own thoughts. I want to wake up tomorrow morning in her arms and find that all this is just a bad dream, the bard thought gazing at the warrior.
Xena sensed the change in mood, put down the blankets, and put her arms around the younger woman. "I love you," she whispered into her golden hair.
"I know you do. I love you too. This is so very hard," the bard replied with a deep sigh, placing a gentle kiss on the warrior's cheek.
They stayed in the soft embrace for a few moments until Xena took the bard's hand in her own. "We should start down. It's getting late," the warrior said quietly.
"I want you to remember something important, Xena."
"Yeah? What?"
"Anahita promised to protect me. She told me how to get inside the cave and that I'm the only one that can pass through. She said she'd give me the sight and I'd be able to see the entrance that's visibly blocked to everyone else. I can see it and pass through."
"Yeah, I heard. I'd still rather be going with you," the warrior said, her mistrust of the gods intact. Even though her experience with Anahita had been more positive than most of her other encounters with the gods she was still concerned for the Bard's safety.
Gabrielle looked deeply into Xena's eyes. "When it gets hard for you, please remember that, ok? Promise me?"
The warrior grunted as they wound their way back down the rocky slope in the direction they'd left the other four women. Their long dark shadows from the setting sun preceded them. The warrior carried her fears for her lover in her heart. She went over the original plans again in her mind, looking for a way to be in both places at once. Logically, she knew that was an impossibility and that knowledge made her shake her head with dismay.
As they approached the other women, Xena took command, going into battle mode.
"Everyone get some rest?" She asked.
They nodded though none of them had truly slept. They'd lain around or made small talk to kill time and break the anxiousness permeating the group. Seeing Xena return, they knew time was up and they gathered their weapons quietly, each locked in her own thoughts.
"Let's get going then. We need to move out soon."
The four women moved away as a group, giving the warrior and bard a last moment of privacy. Xena turned to Gabrielle and looked at her for a long moment, the depth of her love clear in her blue eyes. She put her hands on Gabrielle's shoulders and said, "Be careful. Come back soon." There was so much more she wanted to say, but couldn't. Her heart was in her throat.
Gabrielle responded by putting her arms around the warrior's waist and burying her face on her shoulder. "I love you," she said simply, turning away quickly and heading in the opposite direction before the tears consumed her and drained all her courage.
"Gabrielle," the warrior called out.
The young woman turned, looking back towards her lover's voice. She saw Xena mouth the words, "I love you too."
"I know," Gabrielle mouthed back. She took a deep breath, smiled at her lover, then turned and headed over the side of the cliff.
* * * * * *
As Gabrielle descended the cliff towards the main roadway into the army camp, she knew it would be heavily guarded. Armed only with her staff, she made her way carefully, hiding behind large boulders and trying not to disturb loose rocks along the way.
Carefully reviewing her time with Anahita, she went over the details of the powers she'd been given. The goddess had promised her protection, had given her a sacred chant, and told her how to invoke the various gifts of sight and invisibility she'd bestowed upon the queen. Gabrielle's fears began to rise as she made her way further down the cliff, knowing she was going to come face to face with some god of the underworld.
She began deep breathing as Anahita had taught her – taking a deep breath through her nose, pulling air into her forehead, concentrating on the cool air reverberating between her eyes, holding it and then slowly releasing the air through her mouth. It had a centering and calming effect on the bard. Focus on the goddess, she said to herself. Call her name if I need her but put my thoughts on the goddess without wavering and she'll help me.
Focusing on the Goddess and her own breathing, Gabrielle repeated the exercise over and over. Soon she felt lighter and then noticed that the landscape had taken on a surreal quality as if she were underwater. Relief flooded her as she understood the goddess's camouflage was working. At least I hope it's working, she thought momentarily, before catching herself. Damn, none of that non-belief. If this is going to work then I have to have absolute trust in Anahita. Glancing out into the desert toward the goddess's lair, she sent out a silent prayer of gratitude, Thank you Anahita.
As she made the first turn in the trail, Gabrielle saw a big brute up ahead. She didn't realize a soldier would be this high up on the trail and she froze in stride, her fear overtaking and drowning her focus on Anahita.
This wavering of focus momentarily revealed her form to the guard. She caught herself and mentally called out, Anahita protect me. The soldier looked up; sure he'd seen someone or something. He looked befuddled as he moved towards the void where the wavy form of a woman had stood. He saw nothing but a bright light reflected back. He shielded his eyes and the darkness inside of him cowered from the brilliance.
"What in Tartarus," he muttered to himself, picking up his wineskin and smelling the contents. Think I've had enough to drink, he thought as he tossed it onto the rocks.
Gabrielle used the distraction to move past the soldier and on down the trail which meandered along the rocky face of the cliff. She encountered two more sentries on her way to the desert floor, one mid-way and the other at the bottom. After her initial scare, she'd become accustomed to the invisibility and moved with more confidence past these other impediments.
Once on the flat surface of the desert floor, Gabrielle took stock of her location. She was at the northern edge of the encampment. The sandstone cliffs were at her back; to the south was the main part of the camp and just beyond that the prisoners and Xena. Her soul, yearning for its other half, caused her to turn in that direction. Xena, I love you. I pray somehow we'll come through this. By the goddess's grace, we will. I want more time in this world with you my love.
The bard held those precious thoughts close to her heart for a moment. Then she turned her attention to the north and began searching the ochre-colored cliffs for the landmarks Anahita had described.
She was within a few hundred yards from the main camp when she saw two giant outcroppings and what appeared to be the entrance to the cave. She drew back and stared at the boulders which had been chiseled in stone to resemble two huge lizards with forked tongues hanging out. She stumbled over a large jagged object on the ground and then looked down to see a row of sharp rocky teeth carved in a semi-circle. Looking up, she saw an identical set above her. This must be the place, she thought. Once I enter this portal, I'm in the belly of the monster.Anahita be with me! The prayer was heartfelt.
She walked towards what appeared to be another opening, noticing the teeth-like rocks that guarded the entrance to the lower cave. Again her focus on the goddess wavered and she became visible. She saw her boots materialize and she jumped back behind one of the rocky projections to protect herself should any more guards appear. She remembered Anahita's words, "to pass beyond this world and into the next, you must give up your beliefs of what is real."
I have no idea what's real or not, she thought as she studied her legs which were wavering in and out of focus. "Anahita, I need help, please," she whispered breathing hard.
As soon as she said the words, she heard a sound like rushing water against her eardrum and the voice of the goddess spoke in her head. My daughter, trust me and give up your false beliefs. Walk right through the entrance.
Gabrielle looked at the entrance and saw it was solid stone. I can't do this, she thought, her fears consuming her. She wanted to be back in Thrace. She wanted to run back to the safety of Xena's arms where she had no fears and where the strength of the warrior protected her from all harm. She'd left her home, taking a chance on this warrior, and she'd done it with total trust and abandon.
The word trust came back to her in a rush of emotion. Trust me Anahita had said. She had said those same words to Xena and in time the warrior had finally loved her and trusted her. Then the sweet memory of she and Xena making love not long ago came to her mind. She recalled the blending of their spirits, the total merging of their love and fully trusting the other without reservation. The thoughts and feelings overwhelmed her. I have to do this, she thought, for Xena, for the Amazon nation, for all of us. The thoughts galvanized her and she concentrated on the goddess's image. Trust me, Anahita had told her. She remembered Ahahita's visage in the watery grotto and fixed it in her mind.
Holding the image, she stood up facing the entrance as her blood pounded in her ears and her breath came raggedly. Give up what I know is real, she said in her head as she walked forward towards the rock wall. Give up what I know is real, give up what I know is real. Repeating the mantra over and over, she forged ahead, and then without fear, passed through the solid wall of rock.
As soon as she was inside, she felt a searing heat which propelled her backwards. She was shaken as she realized she'd just walked through solid rock. Releasing her cloak of invisibility, she looked around for the source of the heat. There were rivers of molten fire slowly coursing their way through the tunnels and caverns of the underworld. The stench of decay and death assailed her nostrils causing her stomach to heave.
The darkened interior was tinged with the orange glow of the fires. As her eyes grew accustomed to the gloom, she saw grotesque mutilated bodies and gruesome life forms hanging on the walls of the cavern. The god of the underworld had hung the corpses as well as the half dead mutilated bodies of his enemies like trophies on the walls.
Smells of rot and sulfur washed over her. The offensive odors were so powerful she could taste the stench on the back of her tongue, a bitter acrid tang that pulled huge amounts of saliva into her mouth. Gagging, trying to hold down the food in her stomach, she saw mutilated tortured beings writhing in agony, begging for death. The pitiful screams of those still living assailed her ears. I've entered the deepest blackest hole in Tartarus, she said to herself.
She tried to walk past the putrid forms and recoiled as they reached out for her, trying to grab her and drag her to them. Dodging back and forth along the pathway lined with bodies, she tried to escape the disgusting stench and rotting flesh on the hands that stuck out from every part of the wall. A rotting arm fell in front of her and she recoiled in horror. Sickened, she ran through an opening, only to reach another blackened chamber with corridors going in every direction.
She was at the entrance to a maze and every hallway seemed to go back into itself. Every direction looked the same and she stopped, trying to figure out which way to go. She noticed one hallway that looked a bit different. In fact, the rocks were not as red and glowing with fire as the others and it didn't have the awful stench. She stopped a moment to weigh the information. Iwould love to go in that direction she thought, but knew instinctively that the less darkened hallway was the wrong way. She looked in the opposite direction which was pitch black. Wherever this god of the underworld lived, it would be dark, and no light would escape.
"Anahita protect me," she said again softly as she turned into the black pathway.
She halted immediately when she realized she couldn't see her hand in front of her face. Fear rose up like bile in her throat. Whether she'd been here minutes or hours, Gabrielle didn't know. The impenetrable darkness had stolen the touchstone of time.
Frozen in stride, she was about to turn back when she heard the voice of the goddess in her head say, trust me, Gabrielle. She swallowed hard, pulled herself together, and shut her eyes. Using her hands to guide her through the blackness, she moved down the corridor realizing she could see more with her eyes closed, almost sensing where she was going.
She came to the end of the long passageway and ended up in a round cavern that reflected a greenish colored glow bouncing off the shiny black rocks. The underground colors surprised her. She'd assumed everything in this world would lack any color. Noticing six different exits from this cavern she became more confused and disoriented. Centaur Crap! This is a living nightmare. She wanted to scream as feelings of helplessness threatened to overwhelm her composure.
Once again she heard the goddess's voice in her head. Breathe my daughter; I am with you. Trusting the goddess who'd brought her this far, Gabrielle stopped and took in a cleansing breath through her nose and released it in a sigh out her mouth. Immediately, a peace settled within and she found she could think clearly. Resigned to the task at hand, she began a mental pep talk to herself. Well, I've gotten this far on trust and using my instincts so let's see if I can figure out which of these tunnels is the one.
She examined each opening, looking for a sign or a clue on which exit to take when she heard maniacal laughter ring out and echo off the black rocks. She jumped at the sound and hid behind one of the largest rocks as the General of the Army emerged from one of the openings. The man was far larger than any of the soldiers she'd encountered and she cringed back in fear behind the boulder, trying to make herself smaller. True to her promise, Anahita continued her protection and Gabrielle became invisible.
The general had keen senses. As he came from the hallway, he stopped, sniffing the air as if he could smell her terror. Sensing something was amiss, he seemed to intuit the presence of another in this gods-forsaken hole. Looking around furtively, he was sure something was there but all he saw was the large blue-black jackal following him snarling at his heels. He kicked out at the growling animal, trying to discern what he sensed was wrong.
Gabrielle shrunk back into the shadows as he lashed out, just missing his touch. His foul breath repulsed her.
The General stood a moment more; his head cocked to the side as though he could almost see her, then shook his head clearing it and proceeded down one of the corridors out of the cavern.
Gabrielle took note of it, hoping it might be a shorter way out of this hell hole.
The jackal turned back and meandered down the hallway, snarling as he went past the rocky area where she hid. As the large gruesome dog passed her, he emitted an odor of molten sulfur which made her gag again. She breathed the rotten stench knowing she had to follow the direction he was going. She let him lead the way, leaving a safe distance between them. Every so often, the dog turned and sniffed, growling at something he sensed in the air but couldn't see, and then he'd continue on his way back into the bowels of hell.
Eventually, they emerged from the darkness and went through an unlocked iron gate to a wider area. The dog began to wag its tail as it approached an area glowing in red and orange flickering colors.
Gabrielle followed behind not certain if she was visible or invisible. She sensed she was invisible, but the entire underworld seemed to have a wavering appearance to it. Above ground in natural light it would be obvious to her; under here, the waves from the intense heat made it impossible to judge.
Everything in this new underground cavern seemed to have shifted in magnitude and perception. It was a large open area and felt hotter than the other tunnels and caverns. Her breathing was ragged and erratic in the torrid air and the magnified smell of molten sulfur threatened to engulf her. Huge droplets of sweat snaked down between her breasts as heat and horror took its toll on her body. Why didn't I bring water? She mentally lamented as she licked dry lips.
The jackal, cowering on its belly, approached a sanctuary set back in the cavern's far wall. In the dim light she saw the silhouetted outline of a large throne like structure looming inside it. A large, gnarled, scaly hand with twisted long yellow fingernails reached out of the shadows for the animal. The benign gesture turned ugly as the hand grabbed the dog by the throat and lifted it off its legs causing the animal to bellow in pain. A hideous, callous laugh filled the cavern as Gabrielle recoiled in horror at the inhuman treatment of the jackal.
The dog was thrown to the side as the large chair slowly turned towards her as though it were on a swivel. A large monstrous form loomed in front of her. It had three gruesome heads and its body was covered in scorpions and snakes and other hideous reptiles. The motion of the turning chair caused some of the snakes and scorpions to fall off and scamper towards her. She jumped backwards in horror and fear. The creatures continued to move towards her as she backed up against a wall. She was trapped.
The insane laughter rang out again, magnified now as three mouths spoke as one.
"What brings a little thing like you to the home of the underworld?" The words echoed over and over.
She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.
The three heads laughed with maniacal glee as more scorpions fell off.
"My... my.... my name is Gabrielle, " she finally stammered, finding her voice.
"Aaaah, little Gabrielle," one more dominant voice said. "Only the malevolent and wicked come this far. Are you malevolent and wicked too? You're much too pretty I think, unless you hide your sins well. And if you do, then I want to meet you, little one." Laughter rang out again from all three heads.
"No, I'm not malevolent," she replied in a fearful voice kicking out at the asps and lizards and scorpions which drew back with hisses and pops at her feet. More of them continued to march towards her, seeming to grow spontaneously as the others fell off.
She blanched, realizing they were now swarming towards her.
The insane laughter ricocheted around the walls as the demon god watched the spectacle playing out before him. "You're not malevolent?" He asked her with a screeching laugh. "I've watched evil men fall before the scorpions. If you're not evil, then what are you?" He sneered out his question as sulfur plumes rose up like geysers around the chamber punctuating the questions.
She recoiled from the snakes and used her staff to push them off her feet and legs as he continued his verbal attack.
"Murderers have entered this chamber thinking to best me and the dogs have ripped them to shreds. What makes you think you can walk in here and not be devoured? Don't you know that only the pure of heart can enter here without my permission?"
"I'm not a murderer," she replied simply. "I've never killed anything."
"Impossible," he bellowed. "Everyone has killed something."
"That's not true," she responded. "I haven't." She continued pushing the scorpions away with her staff, trying to evade them.
Something in the way she said the words caused him to pause in his tirade. He watched her carefully. Most who got this far flailed at the scorpions and snakes, trying to kill them before they were stung to death. This woman wasn't doing that. Even more interesting, the scorpions while swarming weren't stinging her either. He grew wide-eyed and cautious. There was something about this woman that disturbed him.
He unfurled a gnarled arm and hurled a fireball towards her expecting to retake control of the situation. She easily jumped aside as it appeared to slow down and change trajectory in flight obliterating a wall near her. He looked around thinking she had help, but there was no one in the cave with her.
"Who are you?" he screamed, slime spewing from his mouth.
She jumped back as the venom struck near her boots incinerating dozens of scorpions.
"My name is Gabrielle," she said when her heart stopped racing. "I'm an Amazon Queen from Greece." She kept her distance from the incinerating bile.
"If you're an Amazon, you've killed." He said it like a challenge.
"I'm an Amazon and I haven't killed nor will I," she retorted. "I don't believe in killing. I believe in talking through all difficulties." She saw her words having an effect on the hideous creature so she continued. "If we only love each other, really love and forgive, we can overcome all ills and pains in life. We don't have to go to war and we don't have to kill anyone."
"Love, forgive? What does a young thing like you know of love or of forgiveness?" The monster was clearly becoming enraged as he warmed to his subject. "In order to forgive you must know pain. Do you know pain Gabrielle, Amazon Queen? Do you know the pain of battle, the pain of rejection, the pain of great loss?" He was shouting his challenge as he came to his clawed feet. Leaning toward her, his six red eyes bulging in their sockets, he spewed more of the acidy saliva in her direction. "Well, do you?"
Gabrielle knew in the next moment he'd attack her and that would be that. She had to act quickly, now. If only I can show him what real love and redemption is, he must see there is hope for him too, she thought.
She struggled to think. In all her short life she'd always been able to talk her way out of adversity and she believed in the power of love to redeem. If ever there was a time for her gift of the spoken word, she knew this was it. Then she remembered how she and Xena had met and recalled that. She spoke without further thought as the evil creature began to move toward her.
"Wait!" she said. "Let me tell you of love and the power of love to change us, to cleanse our hearts and restore our souls. Let me tell you of one so thoroughly lost that she'd given all hope of love, of forgiveness, of redemption."
Seeing the angry god hesitate, she quickly began telling the tale of her own beloved Xena, of her struggle to find salvation, of the almost insurmountable task of forgiving herself and of her eventual surrender to the love that had been freely given her all along.
As she spoke, the monster began to listen as he slowly lowered himself back onto his throne. Even the scorpions and reptiles were beguiled by her voice and seemed to settle in to listen, to see if this blonde creature could assuage the anger of their master. With the god's eyes intently on her, Gabrielle warmed to her subject.
She had been singing the praises of her lover for so long that she was tempted to tell only the tales of her wonderful triumphs over evil. Instinctively, she knew this was not the best way to win this evil monster over and convince him to withdraw his support of the Red Scorpion Army.
She began first with the unjust attack on Xena's village by the warlord, Cortese. She told of a young girl child taking up her sword, the death of the girl's favorite brother and the recrimination of the mother and town's people which drove the girl alone from home.
As she spoke, Gabrielle grieved in her heart for this child she now knew so well. She paused in the telling as she thought of her own lover, learning to hate and taking revenge while only a child. With each death at the tip of her sword, Xena had learned self loathing, until she became nothing but an empty shell. It broke the bard's heart.
Interjecting a hideous snort of disgust into the silence, the monstrous creature spat, "Well, your little tale is just proving my point. There's nothing but pain and death in the world and it's time people come to understand that. The only power is strength and force. Love! Love is a pathetic joke. The ones who should have loved this child, been grateful to her, turned on her." His eyes were blind with fiery rage as he screamed at her. "Even her own mother turned - typical of so called mother love."
Leaning forward in his chair, his foul breath came in huge pants. The stench of it almost brought Gabrielle to her knees. He challenged her to deny his world view. The scorpions and lizards seemed to come alive again and resumed their attack.
Then the horrid monster paused, his eyes slid sideways from Gabrielle. All three heads turned as if listening to something. His fiery breath became even more agitated. Plumes of sulfurous steam billowed from his nostrils as he sniffed the air above his head.
Gabrielle suspected the battle above ground may have started and she would soon be out of time. She realized that if she didn't divert his attention, they'd all be dead and soon. Although she held only a small hope she could redeem the monstrous god, she felt compelled to try harder. She knew that the sacred chant would kill him and she was loath to do it.
"Wait, wait, wait." Gabrielle begged, using her staff to keep the small deadly creatures at bay. "There's more. That's how is started, but she was saved." More of the story spilled out as she sought to stem the tide of his anger and recapture his attention. She poured herself into the telling, using every skill she'd learn in her years of holding an audience rapt. She prayed she could reach his scarred soul before it was too late.
* * In the Desert – Earlier that Afternoon * *
The men rode out from the oasis, their spirits high. They followed Abbas's stallion and his pennant which fluttered aloft in the hot afternoon sun. Kadar and Alim astride their mounts, stood to the side watching the procession go by. "Godspeed warriors," he said repeatedly as the tribesmen nodded to their sheik.
As Adara's mare drew alongside, Kadar motioned her to stay with him and Alim.
"Imam," she said in a questioning voice, her face registering alarm as she thought he'd had second thoughts about her riding into battle with the tribe.
He smiled to reassure her. "Soon enough you'll be at the front, ukhtee. We still have a long journey ahead of us. Ride with me."
She pulled Mahtab alongside the two older men as the last of the mounted tribesmen rode past them. The three of them fell into line riding abreast. The double rows of riders in front of them, cantering two abreast, kicked up a cloud of dust all around them.
"Will the dust from the riders alert the enemy?" Adara asked the sheik.
"The more dust the better," Kadar replied. "The infidels will think we're many more than we are. And we need all the advantages Allah can give us."
He caught the look on her face and realized his words had done nothing to ease her tension. He noticed his wife's red and black colors knotted into the mane of the woman's horse and smiled to himself remembering the scene as they left the tribe that morning.
"My wife honored you with her colors, ukhtee," he said to her.
"Ikram was the friend I needed when I came to your tribe, my Lord," she replied.
He nodded in agreement then said, "I have pledged my best warriors to this cause. Perhaps, Allah willing, we will be victorious and Tynet will raise horses for us again in the future."
"Tynet is dead. I saw her fall," she said defiantly to the sheik.
"Aaah, ukhtee, you saw her fall, but did you see her die? There are miracles that happen when a lover wishes to be reunited with its aziza (beloved)... no matter the odds." He looked into her eyes with compassion and tenderness.
"Shokran (thank you), Imam but my aziza fell and did not get up. I can not live on false hope."
She prodded Mahtab in the ribs and moved ahead of the two older men, tears stinging her eyes. She wanted to believe Kadar's words but Tynet could not still be alive, she admonished herself. She'd seen the bonfire and had heard the death screams of the injured women that had still been alive when the fires took them. The medallion, given to her by the old woman Nadirah, felt hot on her chest against her desert coverings. She thought of the old woman's words and kindness to her as she kneed Mahtab into a gallop towards the front of the line. If you want dust, Kadar, I'll make much dust, she said to herself.
"That woman has the soul of a gifted healer, Alim, but inside beats the heart of a warrior," Kadar said to his trusted friend as he watched Adara spur her mount to the front of the line near his brother.
* *
The trek in the hot sun had been exhausting. Abbas knew he had to rest the mounts and his men one more time before engaging the enemy. Seeing an outcropping of rocks not far ahead, he felt this would be the last place with any shade before nightfall. He raised his hand to slow their advance. The signal was picked up along the line as, one by one, the tribesmen reined in their horses, walking them to the irregular shade in the rocks.
"We'll rest a short while," he said to them. "Eat your fill now and water your horses from your skins. The next time we stop will be after the infidels are destroyed."
The men gathered in groups as they watered the horses and checked their weapons again. One tribesman, seeing Adara's staff approached her.
"Ukhtee, is that all you have to fight with?" he asked.
"I'm not a warrior. It's all I have," She replied with a shrug.
"Then let us even the odds, sister." He smiled as he drew a long knife out of his belt.
"May I?" He asked taking her staff. He put the knife's leather handle along the top end of her staff and then pulling several strings of leather from his pack, he secured it tightly to her weapon. He parried with the air, testing the new lance, and then flung it high towards the rocks. It descended in a graceful balanced arc and buried its head deep into the sands. When he pulled it out, the knife had held firmly to the staff.
"If this knife holds in the hard desert sands, little sister, it will easily slip between the ribs of the barbarian infidels and cut out their hearts." He paused and then added, "Inshallah!" His wide white smile, cut through his sun-browned-face, as he beamed at her.
"Thank you," she responded wondering how she could ever have avenged Tynet's death with only the short staff.
Abbas, astride the mighty stallion Rakasa, moved among the horses and tribesmen. "Mount up! Darkness falls soon," he urged them. "From now on, we ride silently. Stealth is our greatest ally."
He then turned to the woman on the mare. "You know where this army camps and how to reach them, ukhtee? You will guide us to them, yes?" His face was solemn and serious. Gone was the easy lighthearted manner. Abbas had become a warrior intent on battle and sure of victory.
Adara, nodding her head in answer, turned Mahtab towards the northwest. She rode alongside Abbas as the rest of the tribal warriors silently followed the smaller gray mare and the big black stallion towards their fate.
** Amazon camp **
After casting one last longing look at Gabrielle walking away into the bowels of hell, Xena did something so completely out of character that it startled her... she prayed.
Anahita, since I can't be there to protect her, you'd better be; you said you would. Not sure if she'd emphasized the importance enough, she added a postscript. I mean it; when I get done here, I'll go after anyone who hurts her. Xena paused, trying to think of what to say next. She knew her prayer might be seen as menacing. A chagrined smile tugged at her lips.Ummm, thank youshe finally added. She'd never had much use for the gods and had no reason to trust them. Hoping she hadn't turned the goddess against Gabrielle, Xena looked east where the moon's glow would soon be visible. She thought she heard a muted chuckle, but none of the other women seemed to have said anything.
After checking the position of the setting sun once more, Xena knew it was time. I love you Gabrielle; be safe. Then with effort she pulled her focus away from Gabrielle's journey and back to the task at hand. For them to have any chance at all, Xena needed to be fully present.
"Okay everyone, let's get into position. The fun is about to start."
Silently, the five remaining warriors moved toward the dusky eastern sky.
Most of what they'd need for the coming fight had been hidden earlier along the base of the cliff. Over the millennia, erosion had caused large slabs of rock to crumble then slide down the face of the cliffs. Now, near the bottom, boulders and rubble lay in piles creating literally hundreds of fissures and small hollows all along the sandstone walls.
As part of their preparation for tonight's battle, they'd spent time smudging their scarves and outer garb with the red and orange clay of the earth. Moving quickly across the open plain in their desert robes, they blended nicely into the landscape.
Additionally, by approaching the army's camp from the west, they had the setting sun at their backs. Anyone looking in their direction would be blinded.
Between the westering sun and their camouflage coverings, they couldn't have been given a better cover.
Xena calculated they had half a candlemark at most until the sun was gone. The full moon would rise shortly after that.
Then the battle would begin. It was plenty of time for these seasoned warriors to be in place. They were all tired of waiting and ready to act.
Xena was first through the crevice with the rest following as soon as her head had disappeared below the surface. When they were all assembled, they crouched down for one final war council.
The plan was simple. As soon as Tynet was led into the ring and all eyes were focused on her, the Amazon archers, hidden behind boulders, would light their small fires and be ready to shoot flaming arrows into two of Tynet's opponents. To keep it simple, each woman would shoot the man closest to her position. With Noalani hidden in the rubble to the north of the ring and Ephiny to the south, there would be no chance of each shooting the same soldier and therefore wasting a shot.
At that same moment, Tynet would draw her dagger and kill the soldier closest to her and Xena would use her chakram to take off as many heads as she could in one toss. This would be the signal for the prisoners to draw their weapons and turn on their captors. Pony and Solari would light and throw firebombs into the soldiers before they could retake the women.
It was no plan really, except to create as much confusion as possible as quickly as they could.
Xena hoped the women prisoners would be able to do some destruction. The amount of help these tired and malnourished women would be was debatable. If heart mattered, then they'd fight and go down fighting. Xena was counting on that.
For all their plans, everything really hinged on Adara arriving with reinforcements and Gabrielle somehow conquering a god.
Xena patted the sacred water vial tucked safely below her breastplate, but did not have much confidence in it. She had no idea what she'd really be able to do with such a small amount of water. Doubting its power, she was planning to do most of her fighting with weapons she knew. Still it was from the gods. She hoped it would be of some use.
"You all understand what you need to do?" Xena whispered, looking each woman in the eye briefly.
The women nodded in the affirmative, but Ephiny answered for all of them.
"Xena, we all know what to do. We've thought of nothing else for weeks. Now we're ready to take these bastards to Tartarus."
She'd said, "take" rather than "send". The turn of phrase wasn't lost on Xena. These women were prepared to die tonight. Looking to the north, she sent a last blessing to her soul mate. Gabrielle, one way or another we'll be together when this is over.
Nodding in reply, Xena acknowledged that she couldn't be with a nobler group of women.
"Let's go then."
In silence,the five warriors descended the cliffs, stopping briefly near the bottom to assess the situation.
From their position behind the rubble, they could see the ring where Tynet would be brought shortly. Torches on seven-foot poles had been evenly spaced around the circle. Although they'd been lit, the general was not yet present. Looking toward his tent, Xena detected no movement.
They had arrived in plenty of time as the show would not start without the big man himself in attendance. Many of the soldiers were milling about the arena in hopes of getting a ringside spot. A sense of excitement permeated the air indicating the general was expected shortly.
The prisoners stood in small groups watching either the soldiers or the proceedings within their pen. A sense of high anticipation was evident in their posture.
Inside the cage, only one woman was seated. Tynet sat on an overturned bucket as two women finished preparing the brave warrior for her battle. Isaura and another woman combed Tynet's hair to a lustrous shine and then tied it back. Xena's sharp eyes caught the flash of metal as the women deftly secured the knife beneath the knot. It appeared that all was ready.
Using hand signals, Xena indicated the Amazons should take up their battle positions.
Noalani slipped quietly over a boulder and moved northward along the cliff face, keeping well back in the darkness. She had no fear of being seen. To those below, the Amazon woman would appear as a flickering shadow cast by their own torch light.
In no time, she was crouched behind a large sandstone slab thirty feet north of the fighting area. She'd chosen this spot for her post on her reconnaissance. It was a perfect vantage point. Besides a clear line of sight to the ring, it also was shielded from prying eyes below, so her fire wouldn't be spotted. Her hideout had a natural fissure in which she'd concealed her supplies. Efficiently, she unearthed the stash of arrows and then neatly stacked pieces of wood and strips of cloth for the fire that she'd soon light.
Silently, she removed her flint and a piece of steel from a pouch at her waist. The small pile of kindling had been treated with a bit of the oil to ensure a rapid ignition. Lighting a fire in a hurry was something any five-year-old Amazon child could do. It was the least of her worries. After re-counting her treated arrows, Noalani stripped out of the cumbersome robes. She wanted to have her arms and legs free when the battle became hand-to-hand. Then she settled back in the shadow of the massive stone to wait.
Wistfully, her thoughts turned to home and to her friend, Idola. She loved her life in the tribe and desired to grow old there smelling the fragrant oleander flowers and playing her flute for friends... so much precious living still to be done. She sighed heavily and pushed these images away. They were doing her no favor now. Noalani had a strong desire to live, yes, but to live free, not under the tyranny this army represented. Glancing southward, she could just make out the areas where the others were concealed.
While Noalani was making ready, the rest of the women had deployed to their battle stations and like her, they'd all removed their outer robes.
Ephiny had moved south. Positioning herself behind a similar rocky outcropping about thirty feet south of Xena, Pony and Solari, she waited with flint, steel and arrows. After she had knocked off her primary targets, she'd be igniting the supply tent just below her, to prevent the army from retrieving additional weapons.
Xena, Pony and Solari had taken up positions in the center. Once the battle was engaged, Xena would be joining the fray down on the desert floor, while Solari and Pony stayed in the rocks throwing Greek fire into the troops.
Pony and Solari had uncovered their stash of firebombs. These had been artfully created out of oil-soaked rags affixed to short javelins. Working swiftly, they used the last of the cooking oil to re-saturate the rag covered tips. When the time came, they wanted an intense fire. They'd spent much of their time preparing these weapons while Xena and Gabrielle had been off visiting Anahita.
Pony was an excellent marksman with the javelin. She seldom missed her target.
With her keen eyesight and exceptional hearing, Xena was alert to the nuances of the activity below. Ready to signal the others to battle, she leaned against the rough stone surface listening intently for the general's return. They didn't have long to wait.
A roar of approval from the men below was the harbinger of the general's arrival. Xena rose ever so slowly peering over the edge of the gritty surface.
The general, looking resplendent in his dress uniform, marched to the east side of the arena. The way these huge men parted before him told Xena all she needed to know about the man. They clearly feared him. That meant he held more power than the rest. She wondered how many of them could actually throw the firebombs that Adara had spoken of. A weapon like that could just as easily be turned on the leader, especially among riff raff the likes of these. A gleam of hope began to take form. If they were able to kill the head of this snake, then just maybe the body would die.
Her eyes never left the man as he stepped up on his raised platform. As soon as he towered over the rest, an ungodly cheer went up from the men. Smiling in satisfaction, the general enjoyed the adulation before raising his hands for silence. When quiet descended almost immediately, Xena had her confirmation as to the general's immense power.
"Men! Soldiers of the Red Scorpion Emancipating Army, we are on the eve of our destiny. I have spoken to the great god of the underworld. We have completed our mission here. Tomorrow, we begin our push to the west conquering all in our path. Our god will rule the earth with an iron hand, a hand that metes out justice to the weak and rewards the strong."
Looking fiercely at them, he continued his exhortation. "We will reinstall the balance of power on the earth. This is a world of survival and triumph for the fittest and annihilation of the unfit. Women will enjoy their rightful place as child bearers and handmaids."
His voice grew in volume as his wrath knew no bounds. "And this I swear to you. Every last Amazon who stands in our way will feel the kiss of our blades." He stopped, howling with laughter at his own double entendre. The men, nudging one another joined in his joke.
"All who defy us will die. We are invincible! We will stand on the edge of the great Mediterranean Sea and scream our victory to Rome and beyond. We will rule the world. A world we lay at the feet of our god and who rewards us with all the riches therein."
Up in the rocks, Solari and Pony were watching transfixed. Clearly, this was a madman. Who would be left in his decimated hate filled world to clear the land, grow the food and make the tools if every non-soldier was dead? Shaking their heads in disbelief, they cast a glance to each other before returning their attention to the scene below where the general was just finishing up his tirade.
"...tonight we will dispatch this last group of corrupted Amazon trash. You have earned your reward." He graced his audience with a beneficent smile. "Bring out the women."
A howl of jubilation went up from the men. They were hungry for a taste of female flesh after the past four weeks of abstinence.
With that, the gate to the prisoner's pen was pulled open and huge guards growled at the women within, throwing insults and threats along with shoves and pinches of the women's exposed flesh. Many of the soldiers grabbed their crotches in the time-honored display of male power.
"Get your asses out here you bitches"
"Move along ya sluts..."
"Hey honey, you want some of this? Well, you will before I'm done with ya. You'll be begging for it."
Even as the words and gestures nauseated the women hidden in the rocks, it also strengthened their resolve. There could be no middle ground... complete victory or utter defeat. They would not lay down their arms.
As a nude Tynet prepared to follow the rest of the women outside, the disgusting Malvik stepped into her path blocking her exit. Pushing her back inside, he pinched her naked breast.
"Not so fast ya piece of trash. You stay put until the general calls for ya. You're in for special attention tonight."
Seemingly unaffected by his crude display, Tynet stared straight through the man as if he didn't exist. She neither spoke nor changed her impassive expression.
Earlier this day, she'd sat alone speaking with her goddess and praying for her family, asking for the strength to bear whatever this night brought to her. Over the three candle marks she'd spent in absolute silence, a deep peace had come over her, calming her and screening her from all the activity and fear surrounding her. She trusted in the power of her goddess. Tynet had ended her meditation and preparation with a silent prayer to the love of her life. Adara, you are my light and my strength and my heart. I will love you always!
After the prisoners had been herded into position along the south side, between the ring and their stockade, all grew quiet again, and they awaited the general's pleasure.
Finally, after looking with loathing at the women assembled and finding them wanting, the general called for the main event. With a flair for the dramatic, he summoned forth his champions.
"Who fights for the honor of our god?"
Immediately, six huge men stepped forward and assembled before the general's dais. Each man was outfitted with a smooth leather helmet, thick leather breastplate, leather and brass bracers and greaves on their forearms and shins. One carried a net and trident. Three had long swords; the remaining two had maces. All went down on one knee bowing their heads. It was quite the show of force. The effect of it on the women showed as many of them blanched in the face of such strength.
"Arise men and take your places. Do your god and your general proud tonight."
The rest of the men cheered the army's champions loudly raising an ungodly din. It was at that moment Xena gave the signal to her warriors to ignite their kindling. The sound of flint and steel striking was muffled by the ongoing cheering and foot stomping. All three fires were lit on the first attempt.
Looking with disgust toward the single nude woman still within the prisoner compound, the general raised his arm for silence.
"Bring out the prisoner."
With her head held high, the condemned woman exited the pen calmly. Looking neither left nor right, she walked with dignity toward the ring. The flickering torches cast a shimmering light over her as she moved. The effect conjured up images of a conquering heroine from the stories of old.
Her glossy black hair hung in a single thick plait down the middle of her back. The firelight illuminated the many wounds on her square, flat face. Wide spaced, deep-set eyes looked like burnt coals made darker by the purple bruising surrounding them. Angry welts and scrapes on her forehead and cheeks did nothing to lessen her fierce appearance. Her irregularly shaped nose and unsmiling thick full lips only added to the mystique of an avenging warrior.
Unarmed and naked, her arms hung easily at her sides. Her skin glowed with a copper sheen in the torchlight. Red, raised scars snaked across her body like lengths of rope, giving mute testimony to the torment she'd endured. Her breasts rose and fell in a rhythmic cadence evidencing her self-control.
She was, in a word... magnificent.
With an inner serenity that belied her circumstance, she looked directly at the general on his raised platform and captured his eyes. Her own dark eyes were lit with intelligence as they pierced straight into his heart.
Each of the women, whether prisoner or Amazon, knew a special pride at seeing this woman standing there tranquilly, in complete defiance of the fear she should have been showing. She represented all women everywhere at that moment and she did it with a grace few would ever attain. The warriors hiding in the rocks prayed there was a way this exceptional woman could survive tonight.
Xena reflected that the only other person she'd even known with such presence was the gifted and exotic Lao Ma.
No one there was unaffected by the woman's personal magnetism, including the general. Stunned, he stared at Tynet with a momentary look of admiration. An errant thought flew through his mind. If I had an army of soldiers such as this, I could easily dispense with any god and rule the world. The thought had barely brushed his consciousness when the sick sadness that owned his soul spoke loud and clear. But she's still a woman and a despicable Amazon, the very perversion of womanhood. You and you alone must restore the balance between men and women. Do your duty and destroy these defilers of life.
The thought galvanized the general and he shook himself free of his fantasy.
"Do you have anything to say before you meet an agonizing death, Amazon?"
It appeared to those standing there that she would reply. If only I could reach you, General, but I fear it's too late for talk. As quickly as the moment came, it passed. Shaking her head, she pulled her attention away from the platform and faced her adversaries.
"Then let the game begin," shouted the general.
Slowly turning in circle, Tynet kept moving. Always her eyes sought out the one with the net. He was the most dangerous. At the same time, she listened with a sixth sense for any movement from the other five soldiers. Anytime, Xena.
Week after week the big Amazon woman had surprised the soldiers, defeating their best fighters. Because of this, these six men were erring on the side of caution and keeping their distance. It would be their downfall.
From the rocks Xena gave the signal. As one, the five women stood up and the battle commenced.
The only warning that death was near was the double twang from the bowstrings as flaming arrows found their marks in the backs of two of the competitors. The men screamed in sudden pain. The burning tips splashed oil and fire in a splatter across their bodies and they were soon engulfed in flames. Falling to the ground, they struggled to escape the heinous pain of their scorched flesh. Before the other four could react, two more flaming arrows flew, embedding into the men with the maces.
Tynet was already in motion before the second set of arrows found their targets.
Freeing the dagger from her hair, she lunged for the man with the net. He'd stood motionless as his companions burned, but now made a late attempt at tangling the woman in his lethal web.
Seeing the net billow open above her, Tynet rolled to the ground and narrowly missed being snared in its insidious weave. Continuing to roll away from the danger, she regained her feet, bringing the edge of the net up with her.
Then, yanking with great force, Tynet pulled the stunned man in so close to her,she could smell his foul breath. She rammed the short blade upward and home through his windpipe, which was the only exposed area in the front of his body.
With a strangled gurgling sound, the huge soldier dropped to his knees. Tynet quickly snatched up his trident slamming it into the midsection of the last confused champion standing with his sword hanging uselessly at his side.
Grabbing up the fallen soldier's saber, Tynet charged the nearest enemy soldiers, killing two more before the rest of the army could regroup.
Over the sounds of mayhem, the whirring of Xena's chakram split the air as five more soldiers dropped to the ground, their blood pumping uselessly into the earth from their decapitated bodies. Ricocheting off the prisoner's cage and taking out three more soldiers on the return flight, the chakram was smoothly caught by Xena as she leapt from behindthe boulders screaming her patented war cry, "Yieee, yieee, yieee..."
With her sword brandished in her right hand, she brought down two adversaries and again released the chakram on its deadly run with her left. A feral smile played across Xena's lips as she efficiently went about the business of battle, a business she knew well.
The supply tent erupted in flames when Ephiny's arrow found its mark in the worn, dry material. Soon it was an inferno, the cloth sides bursting into flame. In moments the fabric was burning away, falling in flaming sheets over the supply boxes stored inside. Baskets and bags began to burn. The weapons stored inside would not be useable for a long while. The skeletal frame, also burning, stood out in vivid relief against the deepening night sky.
Some of the soldiers now realized they were under a full fledged attack. They ran in the direction of their tents to retrieve their weapons. Although most carried a knife or dagger, they needed the greater fighting distance a longer blade would provide.
Screams and curses filled the night air. The central arena was filled with a dark greasy smoke choking all within its boundaries. Even though it was difficult to draw a clean breath, the haze also obscured visibility. It was the chaos Xena had asked for.
As the slaves threw off their captors, plunging knives into the guts of those closest to them, Xena moved into the center of the ring where Tynet fought valiantly with a saber against one then another soldier.
Xena herself engaged three soldiers with her sword and assessed the situation. She needed to re-arm the prisoners with longer weapons. The short knives and shivs they carried were fine for the initial surprise attack, but would not be useful against a long saber.
Running through the center of the ring, Xena snatched up as many fallen swords and clubs as she could hold. Then sprinted to the women grouped together holding off the soldiers.
"Kunjana," Xena yelled.
"Here," came the reply from the dark Indus woman as she turned toward the call. She knew instinctively that Xena had better armament for them and held out her hands. Without pausing, Xena handed swords and maces to Kunjana and spun around and headed back into the main melee.
Kunjana quickly handed out the additional weapons to the best of the women warriors. Her lover, Penda, pulled a desert robe from a dead soldier. Swathing herself in its protection, Penda desperately sought out Kunjana's eyes. For one intensely emotional second their eyes locked and held each other. That look conveyed all they felt for each other.
Kunjana mouthed the words, "I love you".
Offering her lover a small hope-filled smile, Penda replied, "I will see you soon, Kunja. I love you."
There was no more time. Knowing they'd never have any kind of life if they failed this night, Penda hesitated no longer. She squirted through the line of soldiers, like a wet watermelon seed through fingers. Running east in a zigzagging pattern, she headed to where the horses were picketed.
From the dais, the general's agitated voice could be heard screaming commands into the pandemonium. At first, it appeared as if the soldiers' confusion would defeat them. As the general yelled his instructions, more soldiers appeared from the rear with weapons from their bivouacs.
Despite the good start to the battle, the women wouldn't be able to hold them for long without reinforcements. Already some of the soldiers had begun to regroup. As all Hades broke loose, the rest of the soldiers finally shook off their astonishment and joined the combat in earnest.
The sheer numbers of the army worked in favor of the women initially. The small battleground precluded more than seventy bodies occupying that space at once. Although they were outnumbered by hundreds, in actual fact the odds at any given time were more like three to one.
As more of the enemy pressed forward, Xena dispatched one soldier then another with her sword and threw her chakram over and over, hoping to reduce the number of enemy soldiers to a more manageable size. Xena was in constant motion, fighting, evaluating, repositioning. Nothing escaped her notice. It was as if she had eyes in the back of her head.
Chapter 24 – No Greater Love
Still launching flaming javelins into the second and third rows of soldiers pressing forward, Pony and Solari inflicted heavy losses on the fresh reinforcements.
The general's screams of outrage could barely be heard above the cries of agony of the dying and burning soldiers.
The goddess, Anahita, must surely have been aiding the women, because at that point not one woman had been killed or injured.
When the last of their javelins had been launched, both Pony and Solari grabbed up their swords and joined the righteous battle in the main arena.
Most of the captives had immediately formed a circle with their backs inward and their blades turned out as they thrust and parried the weapons of the huge soldiers. Both Ephiny and Noalani now focused on killing the soldiers surrounding the prisoners in the hopes of providing some relief for the outmatched women.
It was poetry to watch either of the archers. In a fluid movement, Noalani lifted an arrow from the stack, nocked it to the bow and gracefully dipped the tip to the flame. The moment the arrowhead was lit, she aimed and fired. With deadly accuracy, another of her flaming arrows embedded itself deep in a soldier's back, setting him on fire.
From the south end of the encampment, Ephiny was matching Noalani arrow for arrow. Between the two of them, the soldiers were ineffective in recapturing or even harming the women. They had their hands full staying alive. For Ephiny and Noalani it was like shooting targets on the Amazon practice range.
Even without the added benefit of the fiery tip, the arrows would have killed their victims. It simply added to the chaos to have the dying man running helplessly through the rest of the soldiers as he burned.
Smoke and dust continued to fill the air making breathing and seeing even more difficult. At least forty soldiers were dead or dying, their agonized cries echoing in the desert air. More soldiers poured in to replace the ones killed and the battle raged on.
The general watched in disgust as his soldiers battled ineffectively against this band of rabble, these despicable women. Assessing the situation, he spotted the two archers shooting flaming arrows from the rocks. In the center of the action a tall warrior woman screamed her war cry as she killed his men with both sword and lethal chakram. With each toss, she killed four or more men. Having lived in the eastern world all his life, he was familiar with the chakram, but he'd seldom seen it used so effectively. He rightly determined the chakram warrior was the greatest threat at that moment.
Towering over the battle, he raised his arm high. Instantly, a bright blue fireball materialized in his palm. Laughing his maniacal cackle, he hurled the sphere straight at Xena, whose back was to him.
He thought he had an easy kill and he was struck dumb when he saw her swing around at the last second bringing up her chakram, deflecting his bomb. The fiery sphere arced over his head landing behind him, killing several soldiers who were running forward to join the battle. Smoke and the acrid stench of their burning flesh filled the air and their agonized cries were deafening.
Ignoring the pandemonium all around him, the general considered what he'd just witnessed. There was no way the warrior could have seen his missile coming. It had to have been coincidence that she'd turned when she had. Thinking he'd be able to overwhelm her with volume, he launched three more spheres in rapid succession. One, two, three fiery blue orbs hurled through the smoke filled sky.
Xena deflected each one as if playing a game. Her hand moved faster than human eye could track. Two of the flaming balls ricocheted back into the army, exploding in a firestorm killing several men each time. The last one headed straight back at him. Instinct took over and he'd dropped safely to the ground as the fiery ball sailed past, killing six more men.
Stunned, the general rolled on the ground pulling on his cloak of invisibility. Many of his men suspected he had the power to become invisible, but few had seen it in action.
The general preferred to keep some secrets to himself. Often, when preparing to attack an unsuspecting foe, he would steal away from the troops and make himself invisible. Then, concealed from human eye, he would call upon his helpers and eliminate unsuspecting sentries, leaving the way clear for his army to attack completely by surprise.
He scrambled back onto the podium. Now he realized he'd need to use his concealment as a weapon against the warrior and her chakram, but first he'd send at least one of their archers to a fiery grave. Instantly, another glowing blue firebomb formed, this time in his invisible hand. He heaved it toward the northern bowman's position.
When another fiery ball appeared hanging in mid-air, Xena knew it was headed for someone else. Screaming, she called out a warning as soon as she saw the trajectory of the newest flaming projectile. "Noalani, run!"
Now, Xena knew the general had another skill... the ability to become invisible. She needed to find and eliminate him and soon. I've got to kill this bastard once and for all; but how the Hades do I find him, she thought as she moved toward the podium. Rapidly twisting her head from side to side, she looked frantically for a way to pinpoint the general.
A quiet voiced seeming to come from within her, answered. Use the water, Xena.
She had no desire to use a weapon she had little confidence in. Gotta find him first.
She continued fighting and killing RSA soldiers one after another as she headed to the dais, where she'd last seen the general.
Noalani had seen the first few fireballs hurtle towards Xena. She had realized she needed to move to a new position or risk dying in the fires of one of the general's flaming missiles. She'd grabbed her arrows and bent double heading south, to a spot closer to Ephiny.
Already crouched over and moving, Noalani heard Xena's warning call. Without hesitation, she dived forward into the loose gravel, covering her head with her arms.
Her arrows flew forward on impact as she felt the intense heat from the exploding fireball sear the skin on her back. The noise nearly deafened her. She was pelted with stones as the debris from the explosion rained down on her, littering her long dark hair with grit and sand. As soon as the larger particles stopped falling, she regained her feet and moved forward, still in a crouch.
Noalani hazarded a look to her former spot and saw nothing was left but a cavern where once huge boulders and slabs of sandstone had been. She'd narrowly escaped death.
Thank the goddess.
Gathering up her few remaining arrows, she resettled herself by Pony and Solari's small fire pit. She saw the two Amazons below with drawn swords, swinging their blades mightily against the huge soldiers where the fighting was most intense and desperate.
The small blaze still burned. Noalani was back in business, at least for a few more shots. Then she'd be forced to join the others down in the arena fighting hand-to-hand combat. She wanted to make the most of her remaining arrows.
Satisfied that at least one archer had gone to meet her goddess, the general now focused on the southern bowman. With the regularity of waves in an ocean, a curly blonde head rose above the rocks and an arrow fired. He chuckled cruelly to himself. I have something special for you. Oh yes a most unpleasant death awaits you.
Standing straight for what he needed to do next, he breathed in and out several times to calm himself. Even though he was invisible to the enemy, he was still vulnerable to flying arrows and the chakram as it sailed through his camp on its endless mission of death. Once he was certain he was in the clear, the general emptied his mind and focused on the image he was calling forth.
Now, he invoked his god to deliver a new instrument of death to purge the earth of these despicable unholy women. Normally, he'd call forth his god's minions away from the hearing of others, but desperate times required desperate measures. Besides, he reasoned, there is no need for secrecy now. The invocation itself will strike fear into the hearts of any who know of its meaning, and that will work in my favor.
Pointing his finger in an attitude of accusation in the direction of the blonde archer, the general brought all his powers of concentration on his creation. In a loud voice that rang out even over the din of battle, he cried out three times, "Ali Aqrab, Ardh Nazir."
His maniacal laughter rang in the air as he turned to his next victim. His laughter died in his throat though when he saw the tall warrior with the deadly chakram. The stupid bitch is coming this way.
He decided to meet her before she found him and began moving in absolute quiet. Completely invisible to those around him, the general maneuvered through the chaos. Stepping over a dead, charred soldier, he ruminated on how much he would enjoy killing the chakram woman. The general moved stealthily toward the unsuspecting Xena, and could barely contain his glee as he visualized stuffing a fireball down her throat.
* *
What the Hades? From the southernmost battle position, Ephiny had heard the Persian words, but had no idea who had shouted them or what they meant. A prayer to their god for help? No help for you, you miserable pieces of centaur dung.
Grab an arrow... nock... light... shoot. Ephiny repeated the litany as she loaded and fired without stopping. The rhythm was hypnotic, but a prickling sensation up the back of her neck began to make her uncomfortable. A casual glance over her shoulder revealed nothing.
She continued firing into the melee. Three arrows later, the feeling of being watched became so overwhelming that she stopped and turned, staring out into the empty desert.
Faint clouds of dust appeared on the eastern horizon. In the moonlight, she wasn't sure if it was a mirage. Then a slight movement caught her eye and she looked down. Three small holes in the earth had appeared about thirty feet from her. Bits of sand and gravel were being pushed up and out of the ground.
Those look like the holes Xena and Pony found in Adara's camp.
Then she saw them. One after another, from the miniscule holes, small scorpions appeared. Tiny little things each followed immediately on the tail of the previous one until they numbered at least fifty. Their small bodies were a deep blood red, while their pincers, legs and tails were a translucent orange shimmering under the full moon.
They stood spread out in a wide-spaced, silent formation as if awaiting orders. Then before her eyes, they began to grow, first to the size of mice, then squirrels. Each time, they doubled in size and then doubled again. Finally, she was staring at a platoon of gigantic crimson scorpions each the size of a full-grown mountain lion. Their orange semi-transparent stingers arched over their bodies dripping a clear liquid. Ephiny knew that the fluid was deadly.
Oh Goddess, red scorpions!
As if a command had been given, they began to move, advancing on her. Their lethal pointed tails strained forward in her direction with each step they took. Although they seemed in no hurry, Ephiny didn't wait another second, but drew and fired a flaming arrow into one at random. The giant arachnid burst into flames and soon turned into a large ember shriveling into itself.
For a moment, the rest of the scorpions stopped, seeming to consider this turn of events. Then the most frightening thing happened. One of them spoke to her.
"Lay down your arms and you'll not be harmed."
Ephiny was stunned. She knew she'd heard no words. Instead, the voice seemed to come from inside her head. This is some damned trick.
"It is no trick. We offer our master's benevolence. You are merely a weak woman in need of guidance. Lay down your weapons. You cannot defeat us."
"Well, I sure as Hades, can try," She said. Having made that pronouncement, she began shooting flaming arrows. Calmly, Ephiny dispatched two more of the creatures turning them to cinders.
"Then prepare to die, Amazon filth."
After making that final declaration, the scorpions once again moved forward.
The cloud Ephiny had seen on the horizon seemed to be coming closer. While drawing arrows and firing at the hideous monsters, she kept one wary eye on the dust that was moving toward them. Goddess, don't let that be more Red Army troops.
Reaching for another arrow, she knew real terror as her hand found nothing but the sandstone grit covering the boulder. Her dread grew as the scorpions just kept coming. With only her sword between her and this deadly foe, Ephiny knew she'd soon be over run.
* * In the Desert * *
Night had fallen as the tribes silently rode across the desert. Adara noticed the rocky formations that had become visible and knew they were getting close to the camp. Shepointed to them and said to Abbas, "We're not far now."
Suddenly, bright lights burst on the western horizon in the direction she'd pointed. The sounds of thundering explosions echoed across the desert sands. The horses jumped and fidgeted in fright, trying to dislodge their riders, as the cacophony of the detonations reached them. Abbas spun Rakasa around looking to his Imam for the final assault. Kadar gave him the signal to ride.
"Tribesmen," he bellowed into the evening air. Horses and riders continued to jostle each other, anxious to join the fray. "The time for silence is past. Tonight we ride into battle for the glory of Allah and to avenge the loved ones we have lost. Ride like the wind, my brothers! Death to the infidels!"
He raised his sword high, the moonlight reflecting the silver, dug his knees into the horse's flanks and yelled "Inshallah" as he raced towards the distant battlefield.
The entire tribal army heard his cry. Following his lead, they steadied their mounts, raised their weapons, and screaming "Inshallah" galloped behind Abbas into battle.
Xena was in her element. She deftly slew one soldier after another, sending their blighted spirits to Tartarus. Adrenalin coursing through her veins, Xena reveled in the thrill of the battle. With her senses sharpened beyond anything imaginable, little escaped her attention.
It had been those heightened instincts that had caused her to bring up her chakram at the last second to block the general's fireball. Thinking back, she recalled the look of surprise on the general's face. Right back at ya, you slimy bastard. He had been quick for his size; she'd give him that. He'd dodged the returning missile by nimbly dropping to the ground. She'd at least had the satisfaction of seeing the damage to his troops.
Now however, with the general missing, she was calling on every skill Lao Ma had ever taught her to feel the man's presence.
She continued to battle the soldiers nearest her and focused on feeling the battle scene as much as see it. The smoke filling the area had not lessened but in this case, it worked to her advantage. It allowed her to expand her awareness without relying on her vision, which was distracting. Very often sight was deceptive. As she opened her other senses, especially her hearing and her ethereal body, she was able to "see" in the ways of the ancients.
She listened to the discordant sounds of feet crunching on gravel in the undisciplined dance of desperate battle.
There it is.
She'd identified the sound of boots moving slowly, each step deliberate.
Come on, you motherless son, come to me.
As the footfalls approached her from behind, she thrust her sword into her current opponent pushing his lifeless body away and spun around. There was nothing to see or hear. He'd quit moving. She looked down through the streams of vapor hugging the ground and she smiled. There in the sand were two faint boot prints. Without hesitation, Xena swung her sword in a wide arc. The cry of pain was music to her ears, but she knew from the bite of the blade that it hadn't been a mortal wound.
Two soldiers jumped in to do battle with her just as she saw evidence of the general's retreat. He'd left a trail of blood drops. Xena knew she'd easily track him as soon as she dispatched these two.
With a forward plunge, she impaled one. She drew her chakram and slashing crosswise, beheaded the other. Kicking the dead man from her blade, she turned the sword tip backward, killing a third man who'd been sneaking up on her from behind.
Before moving out of the ring in search of the general, Xena evaluated the situation. What she saw was disheartening. She knew the battle was about to take a turn for the worse.
Seasoned soldiers knew how to fight and fight they did. Some of the women prisoners were down on the ground bleeding as the others fought in desperation against much the larger and better-equipped soldiers.
She saw Solari make her way to the women to help them. Tynet was also near the former captives, killing soldiers like a machine. Pony was busy fighting her way through the troops, trying to reach the women. It was obvious the stronger Amazons intended to make their stand protecting the weaker ones.
Xena was torn. On one hand, they desperately needed her fighting skills in the arena; on the other hand, if she didn't find and kill the general, they didn't stand a chance. She knew this and turned her back from the main event to begin following the small trickle of blood in the sand.
Pony fought two RSA soldiers as the battle raged around her. Despite their considerable size, Pony was an equal match for these men. She was strong and skilled. Stepping to the side, she swiftly brought her sword tip up, catching one huge soldier under the chin and forced the blade deep. He clutched at his throat falling to the ground as his saber dropped harmlessly next to his dying body.
The clashing sounds of metal on metal, the screams of the wounded and the curses spewed by men and women fighting for their lives combined to form a wall of noise. Fighting in the center of a battle was surrealistic, like being in a cocoon. At times Pony almost felt insulated from the madness as she continued to fight with a determination that seemed to consume all of her being.
Her blade was a blur of motion and she felt the remaining soldier's fear reach her when he glanced at his fallen comrade. She pressed her advantage. Carefully stepping over the fallen man, Pony taunted the other ugly brute boldly, "Come on you son of a eunuch, let me send you to Tartarus with your friend." Her bravado was only that though; she also knew the women were fighting a losing battle. Goddess, I hope help arrives soon.
As she battled the soldier, Pony was aware of the others taking a stand around the women prisoners. Turning her head slightly Pony saw Tynet fighting about twenty feet away. A motion behind Tynet caught Pony's eye.
She recognized him. It was the despicable mace-wielding Malvik, the guard who'd baited the eastern Amazon that first night. Pony couldn't believe her eyes. She had heard the story so many times on the journey from Thrace. She felt like she had stepped into Adara's nightmare and was watching the same scene unfold. The bastard was sneaking up on Tynet again.
Tynet was completely focused on the three huge soldiers she was battling. Pony knew that the large Amazon was unaware of the danger from behind.
Malice and hatred filled Malvik's countenance giving silent testimony of his intention of slaughtering the unsuspecting woman.
Noooo, this can't be happening, Pony pleaded silently.
With incredible force, Pony slammed down hard against the sword hand of her adversary, cutting the arm cleanly through. She ignored the screams of the wounded soldier. As his sword with the hand still holding the pommel fell to the ground, Pony spun towards Tynet.
Time slowed down. Tynet, you must live. Adara needs you. Even as the thoughts flew through her consciousness, the brave weapons mistress had flipped her sword up so that she was holding it at the balance point with tip facing forward. With all of her strength, she heaved the weapon like a javelin at the murderous Malvik.
The sharp steel edges glinted with silvery light as it sliced through the night air like a spear. The blade found its mark, drilling deeply into Malvik's chest. A look of complete surprise replaced the hate-filled expression he'd worn. The mace fell harmlessly to the ground as the big brute toppled raising a cloud of dust directly behind Tynet.
Feeling the disturbance, Tynet glanced down for a second and then up at the weapons mistress. She barely had time to flash a grin at Pony before her attention was forced back to fighting off more soldiers.
Pony returned the smile and bent to retrieve the sword from the fallen soldier at her feet. Feeling a strange tingling sensation, she looked down to find a dull gray blade protruding from her gut. Slowly, she straightened up, bringing the sword with her. She turned to confront the one who had just run her through.
She saw only a huge man with one bloody stump and no weapon and was confused. It never occurred to her as she ended his life that his sword was in her.
There wasn't any pain, just an overwhelming tiredness as Pony's legs buckled, bringing her to her knees. Slowly as if being lowered by an unseen hand, she slumped over on her side. With eyes open, seeing and yet not seeing, she noted as if from a great distance that the battle still raged around her.
Then the darkness began to close in. Through the deepening haze, she watched the fighting as though she were in a dream. Her Amazon heart was telling her, that her friends needed her. She knew she needed to get up and yet, she was so tired, she just couldn't move.
The fallen warrior called for her friend, "Ephiny," but her voice was only a whisper. No answer came back and as her consciousness began to fade Pony knew she would not be seeing her sisters again. Ephiny, she thought, thank you for showing me what real love means.
Her heart and mind drifted to Adara one last time. She loved Adara with all her heart, but something had changed for her. Adara's happiness had become more important than her own, and as her life-force ebbed, a peace came over her and she realized, I love you enough, Adara, be happy.
In ever smaller concentric circles, the light diminished, until only a pinpoint remained and then it winked out, and the big-hearted woman finally knew peace.
Chapter 25 – Inshallah, Call to War
Perspiration ran down Gabrielle's chest and back from the intense heat and the effort of trying to divert the underworld god from his path of death and destruction. She prayed to Anahita, please, let my words; let something reach his barren heart.
Suddenly, the earth shifted and Gabrielle had to use her staff to keep her balance as the rocks beneath her feet heaved and then resettled.
The horrid monster swung his massive heads upward sniffing the air. A long, low growl escaped from the back of his throats as he rolled his eyes toward the blackened rocks overhead. Nodding one, two, three times, he smiled a feral grin that did nothing to reassure Gabrielle. Something is happening up there.
Gabrielle knew the battle above had not only begun, but had heated up considerably. She knew she was running out of time and that the despicable god was losing patience. She called upon every story-telling skill she knew to distract the beast once more.
"But don't you see? Xena had become a most ruthless and cunning warlord. Nothing and no one could withstand her forces. She was invincible," The bard spoke powerfully to emphasize her point and then her voice dropped to a whisper as she inserted the doubt. "...or so she thought..."
From her endless reservoir of Xena tales, she began telling of Xena's men turning on her and of Hercules forgiving and helping her. Pacing and waving her hands to emphasize her points, she doubled her efforts to recapture his attention. She told of Xena fighting against Titans, walking into the underworld to help a god and leading the Athenian army to defeat an invincible foe, a horde so intent on destruction that they had been unstoppable.
As Gabrielle spoke, the deadly underworld god grudgingly returned his attention to the storyteller and appeared to become absorbed in the tales she told. I can listen for a bit more, little Gabrielle, but I'm not fooled by your tricks. Your friends and you are already dead. The hideous heads sighed. It's almost a shame that I'll have to kill you. You spin a nice yarn. Hmmm, perhaps I'll keep you and you can tell me stories forever. Then all three heads chuckled maliciously.
The sinister laughter unsettled Gabrielle and she glanced over at the evil god. For the present, he seemed mollified and caught up in her story once again and so she forged on.
While cursing his inattention and serious underestimation of the chakram warrior, the general made his way back to the dais where he could see above the battle. As he carefully threaded his way through the combatants, he tore a piece of cloth from his uniform and staunched the blood dripping from his left arm. The injury was not fatal, barely more than a scratch; still it galled him to be so easily wounded. It bruised his ego to find himself vulnerable to the weakness of flesh and bone. His special powers, and apparent invincibility, were part of what held him in command.
The general hoisted himself up on the raised platform with his uninjured arm. He had a clear view over the heads of those fighting. What he saw pleased him. The women had been forced into a small circle with his men surrounding them. It wouldn't be long before they'd be over-powered and retaken.
He knew he could end it now by tossing several fireballs into the midst of the prisoners. Of course, he'd lose a few men, but that wasn't what stopped him. His wounded pride would not let this outrageous rebellion go unpunished and he intended to make a hellish example of these women once they'd been recaptured. He had methods of torture that had been conceived in the very depths of the netherworld and he intended to try every one of them out on these loathsome women. They'd know the price of disobedience in his new world order.
With a self-satisfied grin on his face, the general looked southward where his minions were advancing on the blonde woman, but his contentment was short-lived. There on the horizon, he saw the cloud of dust coming out of the desert, heading directly toward his camp. As they came closer, he could make out horses and riders.
Just as he was about to yell for his cavalry to mount up, he watched in total disbelief as his own horses seemed to rise up in terror and then streak away into the night. Over two hundred horses, fleeing the flames and battle sounds, made a thunderous noise. Producing their own clouds of dust, they ran in the direction of the oncoming riders.
While cursing these women to the depths of hell, he waved his arm. An extrasensory command traveled from the general to the gigantic scarlet scorpions. As one, the huge arachnids ceased their attack on the blonde woman and waited. He wasted no time and telepathically instructed them to meet and kill the intruders. Responding as a group, all but three of the scorpions turned suddenly and scuttled with deceptive speed, toward the newcomers. The few brothers left behind would easily dispatch the woman who'd run out of firepower.
Frantically, the general looked around. Many more of his soldiers were still pressing forward trying to reach the fighting. Their sheer numbers hampered them from joining the battle in the small arena. Their participation was limited to cheering their comrades on and then sending in replacements as their fellow soldiers fell to injury or death.
A skilled tactician, he knew they'd be more useful meeting the threat from the desert. Scanning the reinforcements, he spotted one of his officers next to the dais.
"Dagart!" he bellowed. "Take your men and meet the intruders." He pointed towards the direction the scorpions had run, not realizing that Dagart couldn't see him. "Follow the scorpions!" The general continued screaming his instructions at the bewildered officer.
Startled, Dagart swiveled his head this way and that trying to locate the source of these orders. Try as he might, he couldn't see the general, although, he was almost certain it had been the general's voice he'd heard.
When Dagart didn't move but continued looking around in confusion, the general reached down and slapped the man hard and shouted even louder, "Now!"
It shook Dagart to his core. The general's invisible. I don't fucking believe it! But even as the thoughts left his mind, the officer struck his chest with his fist, "Yes general."
He yelled loud enough to be heard over the battle noises while turning to the men around him. "You men, come with me."
The large force of soldiers ran double time into the desert, raising more dust, and further obscuring the already opaque air.
Dust and sand billowed like an approaching storm, as the tribal warriors shrieking "Inshallah," raced across the desert sands towards the nighttime melee. They waved their sabers high over their heads, staying just ahead of the choking dust.
As the desert tribesmen rode towards the Red Army camp, they were met by an equally large cloud of sand coming directly toward them. For a moment, the tribesmen pulled up expecting to engagethe enemy in open desert. Instead, a herd of huge, terrified horses raced past the incoming riders. Abbas, ever vigilant and concerned about horses, yelled to Kadar.
"Should I send some men to round them up?"
"No," replied Kadar. "We'll get them after we finish off these swine. It will be a glorious reward from Allah to own that herd."
With renewed purpose, Abbas encouraged the men. "The enemy is on foot. Ride hard now."
As the men kneed their animals into greater speed, the battle cry, "Inshallah,"pierced the night air as though shouted by a single voice.Riding the sturdy Mahtab, Adara easily kept pace with the leading edge of cavalry.
As the tribes approached the battlefield, Adara could make out something in the moonlight racing toward them. Her mind couldn't put a label to what she was seeing, but her gut put a feeling to it. Danger, her insides screamed.
She pointed and yelled to Abbas who was riding next to her. "What's that?"
Squinting into the gloom of the moonlit night, he saw the hideous insects moving towards them like a wall of metal. "I don't know, Ukhtee (little sister), but it doesn't look good."
Converging on the incoming riders with the inevitability of a tidal wave, the scorpions sped forward in a phalanx. A loud screeching wail preceded the moving wall. The animals' claws and body armor clacked together sending up an ungodly racket like thousands sticks being banged together.
Kadar surged forward, joining Abbas and Adara. Abbas was fearful for the horses, but before he could say a word, Kadar took command. Born of generations of warriors and innately tied to the desert, Kadar knew all the creatures that lived in the sands and how to fight them. This group of scorpions, although much larger than any Kadar had ever seen, was still an inhabitant of a world he knew intimately.
"Fan out! Move in on them from all directions. Aim for their tails and their claws. Slash them with your swords. Above all else, protect your horses from their stingers," Kadar screamed to his men.
The men rode furiously into the battle, sabers held ready to attack, scarves and robes fluttering behind them. They had been trained for battle and followed their sheik's order without question. They attacked the scorpions from all directions.
Abbas, leading the charge on Rakasa, was relentless as he took down one monster scorpion after another. His men wielded their swords, attacking the prey all around them. He heard a shriek and saw a tribal brother fall to his death as a scorpion's tail pierced him through the middle of his body.
Adara lie along Mahtab's neck and spoke to the mare. "Now, Mahtab!" The horse, as if answering the woman, accelerated in the direction of the camp, leaping over the dead and dying scorpions in the sands.
She tore past a tribal warrior just as his horse faltered, causing him to fall.The man tried to jump out of the way of a lashing scorpion's claws but was caught by the talons. He screamed, falling victim to the monstrous insect. A second warrior came to his rescue a moment too late. He dispatched the scorpion with one swipe of his blade.
Mahtab, racing towards the encampment, jerked sideways and narrowly missed a darting tail.Another struck from a different direction and grazed her flank with its claw. Adara was pulling frantically on the reins trying to maneuver the horse out of the way of the deadly stinger when both mare and rider went down.
The scorpion, seeing the advantage, reared up, claws in the air, as it positioned itself for the kill. Quickly, the valiant mare regained her feet and prepared to protect her rider. Adara pushed against Mahtab while shouting, "No, get back!" She maneuvered in front of the mare intending to fight the hideous monster with her staff.Adara hesitated when she heard the creature's voice taunting her.
How can this be, she wondered? Yet, she heard the voice clearly in her head, as if it was talking directly to her.
"Now you'll die you unholy bitch, just like your perverted sisters. Women are for the use of men and you will bow down to all men. Die you filthy Amazon!" The scorpion's words were like sickening venom being spewed into her face.
Overcoming her shock, Adara spun and rolled sideways as the stinger lashed out towards her stomach. She evaded a second thrust as she heard the scorpion's voice again.
"You will die Amazon filth!"
The scorpion turned again, intent on ending her life with a final strike but the Amazon was too quick. As the creature reared up, she embedded her lance into its soft underbelly, scoring a direct hit. She quickly backed away as the carcass dropped in a heap.
Adaraheard Mahtab's raging snort behind her and turned to see another beast coming directly for her, its stinger erect for the kill. She had no time to defend herself and knew she was going to die. Tynet was the only thought that crossed her mind as she prepared to die. Then she heard the creature scream in agony and fall, crushed to the ground. She saw Mahtab rear up and smash the scorpion over and over, as her hooves continually struck the lifeless brute.
"Mahtab," Adara saidin grateful thanks as she took hold of the loose reins and vaulted onto the horse. She turned Mahtab towards Abbas just in time to see him finish off the last few large scorpions. The remaining creatures were on the defensive and no longer posed a threat.
Kadar gave the command to ride to the main battle area. The men had whetted their battle appetite on the scorpions. Feeling victorious, they were now anxious to take on the soldiers. Resuming their war cry,"Inshallah," they turned their horses towards the main battle. At that moment,a battalion of huge soldiers emerged from the camp screaming their own war cry.
The tribesmen were momentarily shocked to see the large oncoming soldiers, but Kadar would not allow their size to intimidate his men.
"You are as large on horseback as they are. Slay the infidels who lay waste to our families and our lands."
Abbas raised his sword and picked up the chant, "Death to the infidels, Inshallah!"
The men, hearing their sheik's confidence and their commander's exuberance, joined in the chant again and rode against the Red Scorpion Army slashing and fighting towards the heart of the camp.
Xena followed the blood splatter toward the dais. She'd heard the man shouting orders and knew he was close by. She took small sips of air noting the various scents close to her. One in particular, a smell like lightening, grabbed her attention. His fireballs had given off the odor of Zeus's thunderbolts and some of the scent lingered on his clothes. He was right here and she whirled just as something hit her in the back pushing her to the ground.
Still invisible, he jumped from the podium, the momentum carrying them both to the ground. Invisibility and size gave him an advantage, but the warrior princess used every trick she knew even as a mantra began repeating in her mind.
Use the water... use the water... use the water.
Her momentum never stopped and she continued twisting in his grip until her hand was free. She saw a blue fireball materialize above her and she came up swinging wildly. Her fist connected with something solid. The satisfying crunch of cartilage told her she'd punched him in the face.
Howling as his broken nose bled freely, he was momentarily blinded.
"You bitch!" he raged.
Use the Water, Xena. Use the water, now.
Xena heard Anahita's voice, but she was still trapped beneath the weight of the huge man. He brought the fiery inferno closer to her face intending to burn her alive where she lay.
Xena had other plans.
The heat from the intense blue flames seared her skin as she bucked and arched her back. Using all of her strength, she twisted first one way and then the other and suddenly, her other arm was free. With one hand holding back the fireball, she reached between her breasts with the other and clasped the small vial. Uncorking it with her teeth, she hurriedly splashed the fabled water in his direction, emptying the contents in one throw.
Instantly, three things happened. The general became visible, the fireball went out, and the man shrunk to the size of a normal man.
Xena wondered if Gabrielle had conquered the god. But a quick glance around told her that hadn't happened. All the rest of the men were still impossibly large.
With a mighty heave, Xena shoved the general hard. The unexpectedly forceful push toppled him backwards but he scrambled to his feet. The blood from his broken nose still ran freely down his chin. Looking down at his visible form, he realized what had happened. It would be a cold day in the Sahara before a woman would defeat him. Even at normal size the general was a big man. Quickly, he turned toward the dais to get his sword.
Xena didn't hesitate. She rolled to the side retrieving her sword where it had fallen. She stood, grasping her blade in one hand and saw that she was still holding the small ampoule in the other. So much for that. Xena tossed the empty vial away from her and took a battle stance as the general prepared to attack her.
She laughed and taunted him. "Not so tough now that you're down to size, are ya?"
"You unholy abomination," he screamed.
"Ahhh, now you've done it... that hurt my feelings..." Xena baited him as she balanced on the balls of her feet, shifting her weight back and forth and twirling her sword.
Although Xena could easily beat most men with her sword, she sensed they might be evenly matched. Her words were intended to enrage the man. She wanted him mad, because angry people did stupid things and she wanted every advantage.
Then Xena raised her eyebrows. "Well... come on toy soldier, let's see what ya got."
He charged her.
The clash of their swords clanged loudly above the rest of the din. Sparks flew as the two adversaries began to duel for their lives and the lives of their troops. With every ounce of strength he had, the general swung his sword, thinking to overpower the woman. Xena deflected each blow with equal force sending the reverberation down his blade into his arm.
Back and forth the advantage swung. First, he forced Xena back. Then she ducked under his blade and was behind him. Suddenly he was on the defensive.
Sweat and blood slicked the pommel of Xena's sword, making it difficult to maintain a solid grip. Fortunately, the general seemed to be sweating equally as much in the hot desert air. Their blades met repeatedly in resounding clashes of metal upon metal. The winner of this contest would be the one who made no mistake.
Even as Xena realized this, she moved back, her foot landing awkwardly as she stepped onto the corpse of a Persian. Cursing her luck, Xena tried to maintain her balance, but her leg buckled and she landed on one knee, dropping her sweat-covered sword.
The general immediately pursued the advantage, raising his blade for the kill, but he was unused to an adversary the likes of Xena. She rolled away from the danger, grabbing her chakram from her hip as she regained her footing and blocked his death stroke. Her chakram had been forged by the gods and rang loudly against the general's blade sending a blinding bolt of energy through his sword. Shockwaves of electricity ran down the general's arm, stunning him and he stepped back a pace.
It was all Xena needed. She swept up her sword and executed a back-flip landing squarely on both feet. Hoping to further infuriate him, she flashed him a savage grin and taunted the man again.
"Seems you're not the only one with many skills... I know a few gods myself." She laughed at him. "Come on big boy. We're not done yet."
With disbelief written on his face, he ran at her with his sword raised high, screaming in frustration. "Arrrgggggggg!"
The battle raged on and the magic water began to evaporate in the dry desert air. As it did, Xena noticed that the general was slowly becoming transparent again. They needed a miracle; if he regained his powers, all would be lost.
The tribal army was still some distance from the camp and fighting the much larger RSA soldiers to a standstill. While the tribesmen fought valiantly, the enemy soldiers were a strong force and not easily beaten. Each side had suffered losses. Adara was becoming desperate. If she was to die, she wanted it to be with her Amazon sisters, but beating this enemy and getting to the others seemed impossible.
She was looking longingly towards the camp, when just at the edge of the horse corral, she saw a short shiny black man running helter-skelter trying to evade a group of monstrous soldiers. She saw one of the large soldiers raise his sword to kill the smaller man. The smaller one darted between the bigger man's legs and began to run for his life.
Adara had no idea what was going on, but it offended her sense of fair play to see odds so skewed. As she thrust and parried, she looked for an opening through which to charge into the camp. Then she saw it. An RSA soldier fell and left a brief gap in their lines. There! She leaned down. "Go girl!" They shot through the hole she'd spotted, her robes flying and her hood thrown back.
As she turned Mahtab to intercept the small man, she reasoned he couldn't be one of them or he would be a giant like the ones chasing him.
She kneed Mahtab towards the fleeing man. Before the tall soldiers could catch him, Adara swept in and reached out an arm to the hapless fellow. Without slowing up, the smaller ebony colored man reached out in desperation, catching Adara's hand and flung himself behind her on Mahtab. As they galloped into the heart of camp and away from his pursuers, Adara looked over her shoulder and was stunned speechless to find a woman sitting behind her.
"Who are you?" she yelled to her small passenger.
"Penda. I released their gods-be-damned horses," she crowed with glee. Even with the hazy dust obscuring the moonlight, high excitement was visible in Penda's face.
Adara grinned. "Good job," She yelled to her new ally.
Penda pointed over Adara's shoulder and shouted her wishes, "Let's get back to the others."
"You need a weapon first."
Penda reached under her robes and pulled out a small dagger.
Under other circumstances, Adara would have laughed at the small woman's tenacity. "You have heart, my friend, now you need a real weapon." It was one thing she'd learned from traveling with the tribesmen.
She spurred Mahtab toward a lone unsuspecting soldier and the mare ran him down. Dazed, the man stood up shakily and looked for the cause of his fall. Adara spun Mahtab around and raced back with her spear held like a club, clipping the unprepared soldier under his chin. The man dropped like a stone and Penda jumped from the back of Mahtab and retrieved his sword.
With a hand up from Adara, Penda remounted as Adara asked, "Can you use that thing?"
"Doesn't matter. Let's go," the brave woman answered. "I can learn on the ride in!"
Adara grinned at the woman's confidence, nodded and pointed to the main part of camp where at least a hundred soldiers still remained between them and the rest of the women, "We ride then. Inshallah!" She shouted as she too took up the desert people's call to war.
Penda had no idea what it meant, but she liked the sound of it and felt the power of the word roll over her. "Inshallah!" She answered as the two rode to their destiny.
They rode directly into a group of large soldiers, whose only warning that death was coming was the fearful war cry they heard from behind. Adara jabbed and thrust at soldiers with her spear as they engaged the enemy soldiers in earnest. Penda swung her sword in a broad arc while arms reached to pull them off their horse and weapons were turned against the two women.
They took down several men before they realized some of the soldiers had formed a circle and were mounting an organized attack against them. The women were surrounded by five huge soldiers glaring and blocking their path.
Mahtab reared up on her hind legs, screaming in rage, her hooves beating the air, daring any of the soldiers to approach them. The soldiers backed away from the horse's dangerous hooves. But gravity pulled the smaller woman off the mare's back and she was dumped unceremoniously to the ground, her sword skidding to a stop just out of reach.
The heinous men laughed hideously at the women's predicament and began to move to take the smaller fallen woman. Adara, jumped off Mahtab's back and stood with Penda against the brutes. Penda pulled out her small dagger once more.
Back to back, the women turned slowly, round and round, keeping all the men in view. Then all of a sudden the soldiers rushed the two women. Time seemed to stand still as the men came at the women, swords drawn. As time slowed, Adara saw the moon shining above her and sent up a prayer to her goddess.
"Anahita, help us," she said to the sky.
As the prayer left her lips she felt an intense heat coming from the medallion around her neck. She'd not given the medallion any thought since leaving Kadar's camp. But in an instant, a stream of silver light radiated down from the moon. It bounced off the medallion and dispersed into five rays of fire, incinerating the five soldiers where they stood.
Penda stared at the woman for a moment, not believing her eyes, but she had no time to wonder at the miracle she'd witnessed. She knew there was still a battle going on to free the women.
"Hurry, we must get to the others. Follow me," she said to Adara. Without waiting for Adara's reply, she began running between the soldiers legs and dodging their weapons, making her way to Kunjana. If I'm going to die today, beloved, it will be by your side, she thought to herself.
Adara grabbed Mahtab's reins and mounted up. Even from her higher vantage point, she still had trouble seeing over the tall soldiers and lost sight of the much shorter Penda. May the goddess protect you, my friend, she prayed when she realized they were both on their own now.
Adara assessed the situation. Whether it was better to circle back outside the camp to the south and come in from that direction or try to move through so many huge men arrayed in front of her, seemed not to matter. The tribesmen were still engaging the enemy behind her. She determined it wouldn't be any faster or safer to go that way.
Oh Tynet, I'll be with you soon my love. She sent the silent prayer to her hearth mate and prepared to press forward in the direction Penda had gone.
Noalani noted that no arrows were coming from Ephiny's position. She looked southward and immediately saw the problem. Three immense scorpions were threatening Ephiny who was swinging her sword at them.
Frantically jumping from side to side dodging the deadly venom-filled stingers, Ephiny swung her blade wide as she attempted to drive the creatures back. They seemed to have a rudimentary intelligence and stayed just out of range of the blade. Unfortunately for Ephiny, their tails had an even greater range. She had only a few seconds between strikes to regroup. Perspiration poured off the regent as she dodged and feinted and she was rapidly tiring.
Never questioning where these creatures had come from, Noalani took aim. She fired a flaming arrow into the closest scorpion and prepared another arrow for flight.
Gratefully, Ephiny watched as one of the hideous creatures crumbled in a fiery heap. The other two seemed to communicate with each other. While one sped like lightening toward Noalani, the other continued to stalk Ephiny.
Noalani hadn't won the solstice archery competition because of her good looks and friendly smile. She was simply the best in her tribe with a bow. Calmly, she lit the arrow which wasalready nocked and fired. The scorpion running at her emitted a long high-pitched squeal of agony and died in flames at her feet.
Realizing that her best defense was a brazen offense, Ephiny went on the attack. Sweat ran down her face in rivulets stinging her eyes. After dodging yet another strike by inches, she raced forward blindly swinging her sword.
Noalani saw Ephiny's suicidal run, and lit the tip of her final arrow. She fired. She didn't entertain any "what if" scenarios with her weapon of choice. Noalani's arrows always found their mark and this was no exception as the large creature crumbled in a fiery ball a hair's breadth from Ephiny.
The two women acknowledged each other with quick grimaces. Then they turned toward the main battle. What they saw as they came over the boulders was disheartening. The women were fighting a desperate battle as the soldiers forced them into an ever-tightening circle.
Screaming their unique Amazon war cries, the two archers drew their swords and charged into the fray. They began killing surprised soldiers from behind as they fought their way to the others.
The entire center ring was a mass of blood and gore making footing treacherous. Several times warriors on both sides slipped in the unspeakable horror of human blood and tissue.
The reinforcements heartened the beleaguered women and they fought harder. Several of the slave women lay dead or dying. The Amazons, who had had better nourishment, were spearheading the defense. As a result, the women were still holding their own.
Even though it was painfully obvious that they couldn't win by themselves, the women knew they would not give up.
Gabrielle was running out of steam, but she looked up as she told of Xena's reconciliation with her mother, thinking that this tender moment in her story was the ultimate proof of love restoring a blighted soul. She was mystified when she saw his expression morph from amused attention to unspeakable fury. She stopped cold. She knew she'd said something wrong. Dread grew like a swollen river inside her.
His three heads swiveled and changed colors, growing redder and redder and then turning to bilious green. His rage increased and she knew she was in mortal danger. At that moment, she heard Anahita in her head. The chant, the chant.
The Goddess had been beside the young woman though she couldn't see her. She'd watched the interchange hoping the Queen would somehow reach a small place of light in the black heart of the Underworld God. But it was not to be. I've failed again to reach him the goddess thought even as she was intent on saving Gabrielle.
The chant. Gabrielle struggled to recall the correct intonation as fear gripped her like a vice. The knowledge that failure to say the words correctly meant death paralyzed her.
The god rose from his seat slowly. He straightened to his full height and his heads brushed the ceiling. Placing one clawed foot on the cavern floor, he stepped from the dais moving with deliberation toward the speechless bard. Green acid dripped from his lips as he stalked his prey at his leisure. He would enjoy devouring this sweet piece of meat. "First I'll destroy you and then I'll destroy your friends, you lying little tramp."
Gabrielle was beyond any terror she'd ever known. She backed up to the rocks behind her, the sharp edges poking her skin as flattened herself against the hot walls. Oh gods, Xenaaaa,her mind screamed for her lover, Anahita... anyone help me!
Chapter 26 – Checkmate
The general's body grew fainter as Xena continued battling him. It was like fighting a ghost and Xena had to expand her awareness to its limits in a desperate attempt to keep him in view. She focused on the resounding clang of the metal in their swords crashing against each other. The noises were more tangible than his form, so it was by feel and soundthat she pursued her elusive enemy.
As the situation grew worse, Xena's thoughts flew to Gabrielle who was facing the god of the underworld. She knew it must have gone badly as they were in such dire straits above ground. Her most fervent desire was to be with Gabrielle, but she knew that at day's end, Gabrielle would be in the Amazon Land of the Dead and Xena would be greeting Hades in Tartarus.
Even before consummating their love, Xena and Gabrielle had developed a sixth sense about each other. Since becoming lovers, Xena was acutely aware of Gabrielle, especially in times of danger. If I could be with her and just tell her once more...then she realized she could. Still engaged in the desperate battle with the general, she focused on her lover. Her heart and soul went out to the bard with her thoughts. Gabrielle, I love you. You are the best part of me.
That was when she heard it. Gabrielle's plea for help was as clear as if they'd been in the same room,"Oh gods, Xenaaaa." Xena "saw" the situation. Deep inside, Xena felt Gabrielle backing away, terror constricting her throat. Xena knew instinctively what the problem was. Her tone-deaf bard couldn't find the cantillation she needed to vocalize the chant. The more scared Gabrielle was, the less chance she'd be able to sing it.
While hammering her sword against the general's blade, Xena divided her consciousness, half of it on the hopeless battle she fought and the rest of it on Gabrielle.
First, she tried to calm the bard. Gabrielle, listen to me. I know you can hear me. You can do this... just breathe and follow my lead.
Ata lara Mana Vata – La Ela Ha Ela La...Xena sung the chant in her mind over and over, letting the intonation reach out to Gabrielle. She trusted that the bard was hearing her, for to believe otherwise was to accept their defeat.
Xena still felt Gabrielle's paralyzing fear and she coaxed her on. Say it with me love, you can do it. Ata lara Mana Vata – La Ela Ha Ela La. Xena continued intoning the chant while the music of her sword, clanging against the general's, matched the rhythm.
Adara sat astride Mahtab looking toward the main battleground in the distance. There were tall soldiers as far as the eye could see. Glancing back once more to Kadar's men who were fighting behind her, she realized the tribal army had made little progress toward the prisoners.
Either way, the odds of reaching the Amazons were against her. Her choices were to return to the tribesmen and be stalled where they were or make a desperate suicide run through nearly a hundred well-armed giants to get to the rest of the women. It didn't seem to matter now. They were losing. Soon they would be dead and she had no desire to live any longer without Tynet.
She released all remnants of fear. As the feeling of fear slipped away she felt herself possessed by the spirits of all her ancestors. She was descended from warriors and a warrior she would die.
"All right, Mahtab, we're going through them." She leaned over speaking right into the gallant horse's ear.
The mare snorted. Mucus and steam spewed from her nostrils as she pawed the ground in anticipation. Adara positioned the makeshift spear like a lance and laid it along the horse's foamy, lathered withers. Then she gave the command, "Now girl, now!" She kneed Mahtab, urging her on.
Mahtab shot forward into the crowd of men. Shouts of surprise and cries of pain erupted as the valliant horse ran down several men. Adara, screaming at the top of her lungs, stabbed and slashed at them. Some men dropped to the ground injured, while others jumped aside out of the path of the insane woman on the charging steed.
One huge man turned to face down the menace coming from behind them. He held his sword out to the side, ready to swing it like a club.
Like a madwoman, Adara charged right into him, her hair streaming out wildly behind her and her lance pointed at his heart, hoping to penetrate his armor.
"Yah, yah, yah!" she yelled, the cords in her throat straining with effort.
At the exact moment her spear made contact with his chest, the man swung his sword, striking Mahtab across her chest. The makeshift lance tip broke off leaving the knife embedded in the soldier's chest plate and Adara holding the broken shaft.
If it hadn't been for the rudimentary leather breastplate all the desert horses had been outfitted with, the animal would have died instantly. As it was, the mare screamed in pain from the force of the blow, and stumbled with the wind knocked from her. As Mahtab went down Adara jumped clear and hit the dirt, doing her best to remain on her feet. The silver mare lay on her side panting, her eyes wide with terror.
Quickly, Adara straightened, shaking off the effects of the abrupt dismount. Armed only with the broken staff, she stood in battle stance between Mahtab and the rest of the men now circling them.
The man with the sword pulled out her small dagger which had penetrated his leather armor. He threw the tiny knife to the ground seemingly unaffected by it. Adara held her staff like a club in two hands and prepared to die.
The big soldier threw back his head and roared with laughter. "Spunky little thing aren't ya? I think we'll have a little fun before I cut your heart out."
Adara blanched, but held her ground. We'll see who cuts whose heart out. I'm not going to die easily.
The tribesmen fought like demons against their much larger foes and were winning, but progress was slow. They had made only minimal movement forward since engaging the enemy.
Kadar and Abbas continually shouted words of encouragement to the men as they slashed one enemy soldier after another.
"Kill the infidels!" yelled Kadar, "Inshallah!"
His saber flashed again and again as he lunged at the enemy soldiers impaling many of them and then using his boot to kick them aside.
"You are descended from desert warriors. Our ancestors are with us in this glorious battle. Make them proud," Abbas shouted as he encouraged the men. He too was fighting like a man possessed. Heads rolled from the enemy's shoulders under his sword.
Their leader's words and actions spurred the tribesmen to fight harder than they would have believed possible. The sand beneath the horses' hooves was churned up in reddened clods held together with human blood. The red muck seemed to glow with iridescence in the silvery moonlight. The air was filled with a cacophony of sound, grunts, screams and snorts from men, animals and loud resounding clangs of metal meeting metal.
Cutting down RSA soldiers as they pushed forward, the desert army moved inexorably closer to heart of the battle, but it was like swimming through quicksand.
Abbas, sitting high on his stallion, could see the fighting in the camp and knew his men were needed there. Although he couldn't see any of the women warriors, huge RSA soldiers were visible everywhere. The fact that those soldiers were still fighting told him the women were holding out, but he couldn't imagine how they had not been retaken.
Abbas yelled to his Imam, "My brother, we need to get to the camp!"
While hacking and killing yet another RSA infidel, Kadar shouted back, "I know. We need a miracle."
Relief flooded the bard as she clearly heard Xena's voice. She looked back down the tunnel she'd come through expecting to see Xena there. Nothing was visible in the dark gloom of the empty cavern that seemed to suck the breath from her lungs. Xena's voice was so real; she could have sworn her warrior was with her. It doesn't matter,she realized. Xena is always with me. Gabrielle gathered her courage, and did as Xena bade her. She took a calming breath.
"Ata lara Mana Vata – La Ela Ha Ela La," she hesitantly whispered the words at first.
The underworld god reacted to the chant immediately and grew fearful clutching at his throats and began hurling fireballs around the expanse of the cave. Ducking out of harm's way, Gabrielle witnessed his reaction and said the words louder.
"Ata lara Mana Vata – La Ela Ha Ela La"
He screamed at her, retreating to his throne, "Stop! Stop! Get out of here. Leave this place."
The scorpions turned to cinders and the snakes in his hair began to shrivel and fall off. Everything in the vast cavern began to shift in perception. What had been large grew smaller. Even the jackal turned into a common camp dog half its original size.
Gabrielle was heartened as she witnessed the changes in the cave and in the god himself. Three heads merged into one and the gnarled fingernails grew shorter. She continued to chant matching her lover's voice in her head, "Ata lara Mana Vata – La Ela Ha Ela La," as the god stammered and spewed long trails of green spit at her.
The sound of water was heard. It sounded like an ocean rushing through the cave. Within the sound of the water, a woman's voice could be heard. The oceanic sounds blended with Gabrielle's chant, bolstering the volume and enriching the tones a thousand-fold. The chant sounded as though it was coming from all directions in the cave at once. The evil god gasped in horror when he heard the new voice which echoed like thunderbolts in his head.
His skin began to shrivel and smoke as the large gruesome scales fell away. He screamed in agony, clutching at his reptilian flesh as it dropped to the ground. He twisted and turned, writhing in pain, screaming and promising vengeance on the young woman.
The roar of the ocean could be heard trying to drown out his threats.
"I will see you on the altar of the underworld, Amazon Queen" he yelled. "You have not seen the last of me." He turned and fled from the cave running as smoke and fire trailed out from behind him.
Disbelief and relief overwhelmed the bard. I did it... no, we did it... we did it! Xena, I love you.
Just as the general faded completely from view, a blue fireball materialized in mid-air. Xena knew the end was upon them. She watched dispassionately as the ball of fire rose higher and was hurled at her. Balanced on the balls of her feet, she deflected it with her chakram. One fire-ball and then another materialized. She could deflect them for a while, but the outcome was unavoidable, she would tire eventually.
As she backed away, Xena redirected one then another of the fiery missiles harmlessly into the desert. She dared not risk sending them into camp. Her arm was a blur as the fireballs came in a steady stream. Xena prepared to meet Hades.
Suddenly, the fiery death orbs fizzled and disappeared. Xena looked around, cautiously uncertain what had happened. Everything around her, the entire camp and all the men suddenly wavered as if they were made of liquid. The general appeared terribly confused as he saw that his entire army had returned to normal size.
A roar from the women told Xena that Gabrielle had succeeded.
Xena glanced over to see that Tynet was now leading the Amazons and the women prisoners on the offensive. Tynet's wounds from the nightly fights had taken their toll on her body, but Xena knew, above all else, that the woman was a warrior and would fight valiantly, no matter how extensive her injuries. She mentally saluted the great eastern Amazon warrior.
From out in the desert a war cry reached the heavens. "Inshallah!" Then a large band of horsemen dressed in desert robes and with scarves streaming behind them charged into the camp.
The sight of reinforcements arriving lifted the spirits of the other Amazons higher. As if they'd been jolted by Anahita herself, they began to fight even more fiercely and with greater determination. The utter hopelessness of their predicament began to fade as they heard the tribal voices and thundering hooves echoing into the night air.
"Let's get these bastards," Solari yelled.
"We're right behind you, sister," Noalani hollered back.
"Adara, you did it," Xena said to herself. Grinning, she wielded her long sword, taking down a soldier as he ran past her.
With the addition of the desert men, the battle quickly turned in favor of the rebels and the red army soldiers knew it. They were primarily mercenaries looking for easy victims and this war had lost its appeal. Many of the soldiers became demoralized and wanted to escape.
Some tried to run past Kadar's men, but were shown no mercy. They were cut down like wheat at harvest. When the rest realized what was happening, they began retreating in the opposite direction through camp towards the horse corral.
Abbas yelled to his men, "Get after them! Let not one of these accursed animals live."
He raised his saber high over his head and led the charge with at least half of his men following him.
As Xena had not spotted Adara with the tribesmen, she assumed that the tribal leaders had forced her to remain safely in their village. It would make sense. Xena had seen few desert tribes that would allow a woman to ride with them. Good, Xena thought, this is no place for a non-warrior.
Gloating, Xena turned to the general just as Abbas and his men rode past in hot pursuit of the mercenary soldiers. "So general, not the outcome you expected, hey?"
"The outcome is still to be determined," he hissed as he charged her swinging his sword wildly. His fury knew no bounds.
Xena stepped aside and began fighting him again. His anger worked against him. Xena coolly and efficiently maneuvered him up against the podium. With his back to the dais, he had nowhere to run. The general was forced to stand and fight and, as he did, he began to tire.
Xena pressed her advantage, but moved forward slowly feigning exhaustion herself. Then she left an opening to her heart. The desperate man lunged as she knew he would and with a flick of her blade, she sent his sword flying into the air. They both watched as the sword revolved, hilt over blade, scribing a perfect circle, before falling harmlessly to the ground.
Breathing hard through his mouth, the general realized his dreams of glory were gone. He dropped to his knees with his head bowed as he gasped for breath.
Xena stepped forward pressing her sword tip into the flesh under his chin, raising his head and drawing a small trickle of blood. She forced eye contact with the man who'd so wantonly slaughtered women, children and unarmed men.
He swallowed hard and defiantly challenged her to end it. "Kill me then. I justly deserve a warrior's death."
Sickened by the stories she'd heard and what she'd seen in this camp, Xena was sorely tempted to grant his request. She put more pressure on the blade, watching dispassionately as the thin blade-cut opened. A thrill, like sexual energy, coursed through her belly as she imagined seeing the general's blood gush from his severed neck. Enthralled by the way the moonlight danced off his sweat-covered skin, Xena let desire and lust fill her as she prepared to engage in a human's most intimate act.
The longing to feel her blade bite into his neck was so strong, that her arm shook with the rage and power of it. She put a bit more pressure on the blade, when something stopped her. Something inside her wouldn't allow her to murder this heinous animal. Since traveling with Gabrielle, Xena had changed. Now she thought she heard Gabrielle's voice. Xena, I love you.
A soft glow began to spread inside as she acknowledged Gabrielle's path of nonviolence. What would Gabrielle say if she was here? Xena please, this isn't the way. If you kill him, you become him. The warm love Xena felt for her bard filled her and slowly melted away the battle lust and the need for revenge. She blinked, breaking the spell she was under, and, with Herculean effort, she pulled the blade back. I love you Gabrielle; you make me a better person.
"Not so easy as that general. You'll be tried for your crimes in an Amazon court. That's how justice works,"Xena replied slowly as the remains of the battle lust drained away.
No sooner had the words left her lips, than a blur streaked onto the podium and a blade flashed out. The general's eyes went wide with disbelief as he realized he had been executed. He struggled to speak, but the gaping wound in his neck made it impossible and the words came out as a gurgling noise. Slowly, he toppled over, his life force draining into the sand.
Kunjana stood over him with her knife dripping red blood and her chest heaving from pent up rage. She spat on the fallen man. "You filthy pig, I promised you death at my hand... and I always keep my promises. That's for all my sisters, you bastard." Wordlessly she looked at Xena and defied her to object or reproach her.
Xena understood the woman completely as she had come close to killing the man herself. Although she was learning the futility of trying to right a wrong at the end of a sword, trying to explain it to this rightfully outraged young warrior was beyond her at the moment.
Xena shrugged then nodded to Kunjana. The battle was mostly over, only small pockets of resistance persisted.
"Come on. This isn't finished," Xena said as she turned away and moved back towards the battle, heading for one of the small groups of soldiers still fighting. The Indus warrior looked once more with disgust on the fallen general, spat again, and turned to follow Xena.
"Kunjana! Kunjana!" Hearing her name being shouted, Kunjana turned to see Penda fighting her way through several soldiers.
Kunjana didn't hesitate and ran to help her partner. "Penda, I'm coming," she shouted back as she ran to the small woman's defense. Coming in from the enemy's blind side, Kunjana dispatched two of the soldiers while Penda ran her adversary through.
More RSA soldiers ran past them without stopping as the two women stared at each other for what seemed an eternity, but in fact, was only a moment. Then with expressions of absolute joy written on their features, they melted into each other's arms.
Holding one another in a short life affirming embrace, the two breathed in the glory of having survived, but then pulled back.
"You did it," Kunjana said proudly to Penda.
"Yes, my love, sometimes being small has its advantage."
They longed for nothing more than to just hold each other, so they stood staring into each other's eyes for a moment longer.
"I love you," they both said at the same time, grinning stupidly at talking over each other.
"Let's get back to the others," Kunjana said finally. The two women ran hand in hand back to the arena to finish this fight with their sisters.
Adara watched in fascination as the huge soldier wavered. Everything, the tents, the men, even the weapons looked watery. Then the men solidified but into normal sized men.
Panicked RSA soldiers from the camp were pouring through the area where Adara stood facing off against the soldier with the sword drawn. Terrified men brushed against the single man who held his ground and kept his eyes pinned on Adara.
The medallion around her neck grew warmer and glowed and pulsed in a brilliant silvery light. An unseen force met the fleeing soldiers and they hurried around Adara and Mahtab, like a river flowing around a boulder. They had no time to stop and slay the lone woman. Their lives were forfeit and so they hurried past her and melted into the night. Soon all that remained was the single soldier with his sword drawn against Adara.
The enemy soldier wasn't so easily frightened and charged her with his sword raised for the kill. Adara didn't flinch. She planned on inflicting some damage as she died. Just as he reached her, she knelt down, then swung her staff at his middle, connecting with his belly.
She was astonished to see his sword fall harmlessly to the ground. His mouth opened in a soundless cry and then he dropped face down in the sand at her feet, a lance through his back. Confused, Adara looked at the dead man and then up. The tribesman who had made her spear for her at the desert oasis was looking back.
"Ukhtee (sister), are you hurt?"
"No, I'm ... I'm fine... thank you," Adara said softly, still stunned by what had happened.
Then she knelt down by Mahtab. "My horse is injured." She was already running her hands under the mare's breastplate. "She was hit by a sword."
The tribesman dismounted. Desert people revered their horses and it disturbed them greatly to see an animal in pain. Most of the tribesmen had at least rudimentary healing skills in caring for their animals. He knelt next to Adara and felt the wound also.
"It feels like a bad bruise," Adara said.
"I agree. Let's see if she can stand."
Together they urged the valiant mare to her feet. Mahtab stood up, but shied away from further contact of her injured chest.
"I believe she'll heal, but I wouldn't ride her."
"I wasn't planning to." Adara turned and looked into the camp seemingly in a daze.
The tribesman looked the other way to the edge of the desert where RSA soldiers could be seen in retreat and then turning back to Adara asked, "Are you well?" He pointed to the retreating men. "I still have work to do."
"You go. I'll be fine now... Thank you, my friend." She smiled at the man who was already mounting up. Adara lifted Mahtab's reins and began walking into the center of camp. She barely registered the man riding off.
Gabrielle was spent. She leaned heavily on her staff, gasping for breath. She looked around the cave and saw it differently for the first time. It had all been an illusion created by this monster. The enormous throne was nothing but a chair, the giant jackals nothing but small dogs. Everything began to change in shape and form. For a moment, she thought she saw Anahita sadly watching the underworld god but when she blinked, the image was gone.
"Oh Goddess, it's an illusion" she said to herself. "I have to tell Xena. They need to know what they're really dealing with." She rushed from the cavern in the direction she'd come. The gruesome forms that had greeted her before had also disappeared.
I have to get Xena. With growing anxiety, she ran in the direction she'd come earlier.
She emerged from the rocky mouth of the cave breathing hard. She'd run the entire nine levels never stopping. Instinct propelled her forward, but she also seemed to be guided on the way out. This was sure easier coming out, she thought to herself.
Gabrielle knew Xena and the Amazons were in the opposite direction to where she was. So she sprinted towards the south side of the encampment. As she made her way there, she could hear the sounds of thunder in the distance and the screams of men engaged in battle.
"Oh Goddess, let me be in time" she prayed.
Stragglers from the Red Scorpion Army appeared in front of her. Even though they were now the size of any normal man, there were many of them. They surrounded the young queen, intent on taking her down.
As they rushed her, Gabrielle knelt into a crouch, sweeping her staff low below their knees and dropped three of them easily, breaking their legs. Four more rushed her but though weary, she was still too quick for them. She used her staff as a pole and jumped upwards as the four went past her without touching her. She turned quickly and with two quick jabs, flattened two of them with brutal stabs in the middle of their backs, knocking the wind out of them.
Only two were left. They had planned on an easy kill, but when they saw how she felled their comrades they became more cautious. Gabrielle, however, needed to get to Xena so she pushed the attack. She spun round hoping to drop them as she'd done the first three but they jumped away easily.
They circled her sensing her weariness. As one, they attacked, one from the front and the other from behind. The soldier behind her grabbed her around her torso and wrapped one hand around her throat. The other moved towards her with his sword aimed at her chest.
She knew she only had one chance to evade this attack. Still holding her staff, she went limp in the soldiers grasp, giving her just enough room to swing the staff between his legs immobilizing the man. He screamed in agony, holding his testicles. With one turn, she kicked the sword out of the approaching soldier's hand. As it flew into the air, she caught it before he did and turned it on him. Adrenalin poured through her as she now held the sword.
I've never killed anything she thought. The words she'd used with the underworld god ran through her head. The point of the sword was at the man's neck. Fear coursed through him as his bladder emptied involuntarily and warm urine ran down his legs. She felt raw power surge through her. She knew she could kill him as he had tried to kill her. In that instant, she looked into his eyes and knew she couldn't.
"Get out of here" she commanded in exhaustion. He turned and ran.
She kept the sword, picked up her staff and without a backward glance at the others, made her way towards the sounds of battle.
"Xeeeeeeeeenaaaaaaaaa... " she yelled as she saw the Warrior in the distance.
For all intents and purposes the battle was over. Revenge was clearly written on the tribal men's faces as they slaughtered the escaping RSA soldiers. With the realization that there would be no mercy, a few of the vanquished soldiers stood their ground and fought desperately.
Xena was easily handling two of them.
Her head snapped up, hearing her beloved's voice calling her name. Quickly, she dispatched the two soldiers she'd been sparring with and barely had time to plant both feet before a small blonde hit her full force in the chest.
"Xena... Xena... Xena..."
"Gabrielle... by the gods, you're safe," the warrior responded as she buried her face in the soft blond hair. It smelled of sulfur and sweat even as Xena thought it was the most beautiful fragrance she'd ever experienced.
Gabrielle peppered Xena's neck with kisses and washed her skin with tears of joy.
"Oh Xena, I was so scared... but I heard you. You came to me when I called you. We did it..."
Xena thought her heart might explode from joy. Then she realized what Gabrielle had said. "Gabrielle, you did it."
"No Xena, I was so scared. My throat closed up... but then I heard you and... and, I sang it with you... I couldn't have done it without you."
The realization that they had come through the battle hit them. The fact that both of them were alive, given the odds, stunned them. They stopped talking and looked at each other. Tears filled their eyes as they embraced.
"I thought we were going to die," Gabrielle said, the premonition from the afternoon was startling.
"So did I," Xena said. She didn't tell the bard that she knew if she died she'd go to Tartarus and Gabrielle to the Elysian Fields.
The magnitude of the words of death struck them. They wrapped their arms around each other as though they'd never let go. Their hearts surged in love and each one said a silent prayer of gratitude to Anahita, unbeknownst to the other.
"I need to be alone with you, Xena."
"You will be. First let's make sure everyone's accounted for."
The bard nodded as the warrior placed her arm protectively around the smaller woman, not wanting to lose physical contact.
CHAPTER 27 – From The Ashes
Gray tendrils of acrid smoke twisted heavenward in silent testimony to the devastation of the battle just ended. Shadows of the last of the routed red army could be seen as the soldiers fled over the sand dunes. Silent desert riders, their robes fluttering in the breeze, gave chase. Every so often a piercing cry could be heard in the distance as another of the marauding army met his end on the blade of one of Kadar's men.
Adara could hardly believe the speed with which the war had ended once the soldiers had been reduced to the size and strength of mere men. She stood next to Mahtab staring at the destruction. Her legs were so heavy, she wasn't sure she could take one more step.
She had to consciously shake off the lethargy that had gripped her once the fighting had ended. The loss of adrenalin left her feeling tired, more tired than she'd ever been since Solstice night. Leading Mahtab by her reins, Adara began walking in the direction of the prisoners' compound. Carefully, she stepped over and around dead and dying men. There was no point in attempting to aid these condemned men. Kadar's men were moving silently among the wounded RSA soldiers offering the only mercy they would find, a quick end.
She'd stopped only once to help a fallen RSA soldier that she'd found piteously crying for his mother. As she'd bent to see if anything could be done to relieve his suffering, a sword had fallen and that question was answered by Abbas himself.
He'd smiled grimly and said, "I believe your sisters have more need of your skills than these ill-fated heathens. They are surely damned by Allah."
Adara had only nodded. With bile in the back of her throat, she'd moved on, trying hard not to retch. Why? Why? Why do humans make war? What purpose has this served? The questions had no answers.
Adara hoped her mother still lived and perhaps a friend or two. She sighed heavily as she made her way to the others. A life devoid of joy, or laughter, or hope stretched out before her.
When she reached the outer edge of the arena, Adara stopped. Stunned by the utter destruction in the center of what had been the hardest fighting, she stood paralyzed with horror as her eyes scanned the carnage and her mind refused to accept it.
Here, bodies were stacked one upon the other. Some of the women walked slowly through the devastation as if in a trance, while others aided their wounded sisters. Xena and Gabrielle were together; Xena's arm wrapped protectively around the queen's shoulders, in an unspoken challenge to any who would dare to come between them. Another tall warrior woman who was covered in gore stood with them. With their backs to Adara, the three talked quietly, oblivious to her presence.
Something about the filthy warrior picked at Adara's mind. The way the large woman held her head, the curve of her neck, her lower back slopping gracefully and flaring slightly at hips and buttocks, gave Adara pause. Tynet? No, it can't be. Get hold of yourself; Tynet is dead.
She took a step forward on shaky legs, her heart pounding hard and fast in her chest, screaming the truth that her mind denied. A lump, hot and burning painfully, formed in her throat. Tynet? Can it possibly be you? Oh goddess, can it? Even as her mind kept telling her, this is just another false hope; her body insisted on the reality, which against all reason could not be true. It was her hearth-mate, her life-mate, her lover before all time.
Her hand flew to her mouth and she stood frozen in disbelief. She forced her body to put one foot in front of the other, moving in slow motion toward the figure in the distance. Then as hope began to turn to fact, she gained speed, moving more fluidly, faster and faster. Finally, she found her voice and forced a single word past her frozen lips.
"Tynet," she whispered. "Tynet," she spoke louder. "Tyyyneeeeeet," she screamed in disbelief, in joy, in wonder as the momentum of her body hurled her forward toward her heart's desire.
Tynet's head came up as she heard her name whispered. She started to turn toward the sound as her name was spoken again, louder. As her name was screamed, she focused on a woman dressed in desert robes, hood thrown back, and dark hair streaming behind her, to find her Adara hurtling towards her.
Tynet's heart nearly burst open with joy. She barely had time to open her arms wide, before the woman she never thought she'd see again this side of the Land of the Dead, was there sobbing and clinging to her.
Tynet closed her arms securely around Adara's back; lifting her up, holding her tenderly, intending to never let go.
Oblivious to the filth and gore that covered her lover's body, Adara buried her face deep in the crook of Tynet's neck and sobbed. As Adara wept with relief and pure happiness, she felt her lover's own tears soak through her robes.
They were beyond coherent speech. Neither woman's mind could formulate thoughts. At that moment in time, they existed in pure emotion and pure essence. There was nothing else. Joy and disbelief struggled for control, but it was relief that was voiced in the deep gut wrenching sobs as their minds began to accept the truth.
"Ahhhhh... ahhhh...ahhhh." Inarticulate sounds came from their throats as the inexpressible emotions poured out.
"So'kay... shhh, so'kay now..." Tynet finally responded around an emotional ball wedged in her throat. Tynet was so overwhelmed with feelings, she almost strangled as she spoke.
"Oh goddess... Tynet, Tynet, Tynet..." Adara choked out between deep gasping breaths.
Hanging on desperately to each other, the two women stood amid the devastation, unaware of their surroundings while the other warriors pulled back to give them privacy for their reunion.
Finally, after an indeterminable amount of time, Adara pulled back a little in Tynet's embrace. For the first time she had a good look at the damage that had been wreaked upon the woman she loved. Seeing her lover so battered, so bruised, so mistreated, Adara's heart felt as if it had been ripped from her chest and she choked on the horror of it. Oh my goddess, my love, what have they done to you?
As injured as Tynet's face was, it paled in comparison to the pain etched in the sad, dark eyes. When Adara looked deep into Tynet's soul, she saw an unspeakable agony and a white hot rage possessed Adara. She began to shake with the force of it. She knew pure hatred for the animals that had done this.
She saw a question form in Tynet's face. Fearing that Tynet would think her reaction was from disgust or revulsion, Adara carefully schooled her features into a neutral expression and smiled gently, as she attempted to dampen the fury tearing at her insides. With trembling fingers Adara traced her lover's face blessing each injury, healing it with the force of her love. Touching brow, feeling each angry wound and scar, she brought her finger tips slowly down one bruised cheek to full lips, cracked from weeks of captivity under the relentless sun. Then slowly, so slowly it appeared she hadn't moved at all, she brought her lips in close to replace her fingers.
"My love," she whispered as she finally closed the distance between their mouths and kissed, oh so gently, the woman she had thought lost to her.
Tentatively, Tynet returned the kiss. She'd seen the shocked expression on Adara when she'd examined Tynet's injuries. Tynet didn't want to repel the woman who owned her heart and so she held back, knowing she must surely look like a monster.
Adara understood instinctively what was going on in Tynet's mind and was having none of it. She moved her own lips slowly, softly, back and forth over Tynet's bruised skin, all the while whispering, "My love... my love... my love."
"I'm a mess," was the anguished reply even as Tynet's lips desperately maintained contact. The message of inner turmoil was unmistakable, how can you love me; please love me.
Adara spoke softly against Tynet's mouth without moving away, "I love you."
Those three words were all it took. It was as if a dam had broken free and the watery emotions poured out. Tynet had the confirmation she sought and returned her lover's kiss with a force that aimed to cleanse all the pain of these last weeks from her soul. It wouldn't heal her completely, but it was a start.
They deepened the kiss and a peace began to take shape inside them. Where once there was a gaping hole, now it was filled with golden, honeyed warmth. For the first time since the raid on their village, the two women saw light and felt hope return.
Finally, as the need for air asserted itself, they pulled apart slightly in the way of long time lovers and smiled at each other. Adara's feet hadn't touched the ground since throwing herself into Tynet's arms. As the realization began to dawn on them that this was real and that they had a life ahead, fresh tears began to flow.
More tears came; tears of joy, tears of relief, and tears of healing began washing away the pain they'd carried so long. They stood as one, Tynet rocking Adara in her arms. Pulling back finally, they grinned stupidly at each other as big tear-drops clung to their eyelashes, and their vision blurred.
Carefully, Tynet set Adara on the ground but didn't release her embrace. She touched Adara's hair in wonder and brushed the wet streaks from Adara's cheeks. Adara's hands never stilled and she continued to stroke her lover to assure herself that Tynet was whole.
It was then that Adara realized that her mate was completely naked. While wondering at this, she removed her own desert robes and began pulling them over Tynet's head to cover her. The robes did a passable job of clothing the larger woman, the hem falling to near knee level.
A hand reached out and tentatively touched Adara's shoulder. The young woman turned and came face to face with an old woman she barely recognized.
When realization set in, Adara cried, "Mama!" and threw herself into her mother's arms.
"My baby, my baby, my baby..." Isaura repeated like a litany.
Tynet wrapped her arms around both women. This was her family, restored to her. She thanked the goddess for this blessed gift.
Xena and Gabrielle had moved a discrete distance away to give the reunited family as much privacy as possible. The intensity of emotion from Adara and Tynet came as no surprise and yet it triggered a similar response in Xena and Gabrielle. Gabrielle wrapped her arms around Xena's waist as the emotion of what they'd just witnessed filled her heart with overflowing love.
Xena returned the embrace. With a smile stretching her lips, she laid her head down on Gabrielle's blonde hair and breathed in the essence of this wonderful gift in her arms. Oh gods, how did I ever deserve to find you? The wonder of it, the unbelievable wonder of it, never ceased to amaze the warrior princess.
Whispering against Xena's breastplate, Gabrielle tried to voice some of what she felt. "Xena, I never really believed... I mean, I never... I mean, I believed in you, but I never thought..."
Xena pulled back a bit. "What's this? Is my bard at a loss for words?" she teased.
Blushing, Gabrielle leaned back in Xena's embrace and smiled up at a grinning Xena. "I love you, Xena."
Xena sobered at the wonder of those simple words. She knew it was time to reply honestly and from her heart.
"You complete me, Gabrielle. Being with you makes me a better person. I don't know what else to say."
"Say, I love you."
"It never seems enough." Xena began her usual self-deprecating speech but paused when she saw Gabrielle give her the look.
"I love you, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle was about to reply, when an agonized scream split the night.
All heads swiveled in the direction of the loud outburst.
There amid bodies strewn haphazardly, sat Ephiny cradling Pony's head in her lap.
Over and over the distraught woman lamented, "No, no, no... Pony, no..."
Everyone in the immediate area converged on the two women. Helplessly, they stood, frozen with incredulity as they stared down at the fallen warrior clutched in Ephiny's arms.
Tynet, Adara and her mother arrived next and forced their way to the center of the group. Horrified by what she saw, Adara knelt down across from Ephiny at Pony's head. Oh no... Pony... not you... In a few short heart-beats, Adara had gone from the heights of joy to the depths of hell. A hand squeezed her shoulder and she heard Tynet's voice above her.
"She saved my life twice," she whispered. Tynet couldn't believe her eyes. This woman had given Tynet hope and then sacrificed her life so that Tynet might live. Oh Anahita, why this one?
Adara looked at her lover confused. She hadn't realized Pony had even met Tynet. Her own heart was torn with grief. Pony had befriended her, had offered whatever measure of friendship Adara could accept. Her mind just couldn't accept another loss. She clutched Tynet's fingers on her shoulder drawing strength from the contact.
Each one of them was besieged with the feelings of outrage and disbelief. The battle had been won; against impossible odds, the battle had been won. How could such a bright light have been taken from them? How could this be? They'd won. All of them deserved to be joyful, to celebrate the victory. This was impossible.
Ephiny continued to cry, small animal sounds coming from her throat. In an unsuccessful attempt to give voice to the fire-storm of feelings inside, she could only gag out inarticulate cries of grief.
Images of the loss pummeled Ephiny. The hopes of her and Pony exploring a life together would now never materialize. She'd never know what might have been. Random thoughts tumbled over each other like stones tossed haphazardly in a creek during spring run-off. Pony, we never had a chance... we might have had so much more... One day, I'll find you in the land of the dead, I promise... Oh goddess, I can't believe I've lost you.
Xena and Gabrielle were each adrift in their own private misery at this latest tragedy. Gabrielle had admired Pony's ability to bounce back from adversity. Pony was a woman who was always ready with a helping hand and a light-hearted remark to ease any burden. The queen knew she'd be hard-pressed to find her equal as weapons mistress, but also realized that Pony as friend and Amazon could not be replaced.
Xena squatted next to the regent and took hold of the pommel to remove the sword, so the weapons mistress could be prepared for her funeral rites. Ah Pony, you were some kind of warrior... and a good friend... we had some fun times didn't we? One day you might have even taken me in a fair contest, you were that good. Xena sighed.
Every head was bowed with sorrow, watching as Xena reverently pulled the sword from the fallen woman's back. Blood followed the blade, running in rivulets down the Amazon's smooth torso.
Ephiny continued to weep quietly, her tears splashing on Pony's head.
Xena watched curiously as blood flowed from the wound and then spoke, "She's not dead."
Still weeping, Ephiny struggled to take in the statement and looked incredulous. "Whh... Wh...What?" she asked in a voice choked with tears, the disbelief evident.
"She's not dead."
"Are you sure? The sword... Xena, the sword went clear through," Ephiny persisted.
Always the pragmatist, Xena said simply, "The dead don't bleed."
All eyes flew to the warrior princess who'd made the impossible pronouncement. The assembled women then looked skeptically at the pallid woman lying so still in the desert sand. Aghast, they watched as the volume of blood increased, pouring steadily from the gashes.
Xena clamped her hands over both the entry and exit wounds and pronounced, "If we don't stop the bleeding, she'll be dead soon. We need some clean cloths to staunch the blood."
Quickly, women sprang into action. Both Solari and Noalani ran to the rocky cliffs where they'd thrown their robes. The cloth was relatively clean and would make passable bandages.
Adara looked up at Tynet. "My healer's kit is on Mahtab's pommel... and bring my water flask... hurry, my love."
Mahtab? You found Mahtab? Tynet wondered in disbelief as she spun on her heel and pushed her way through the gathered warriors. Quickly she spotted the remarkable horse waiting patiently at the edge of the arena. In her joy at seeing Adara again, Tynet had not seen the young mare. Tynet put two fingers to her lips and whistled, calling the mare. Mahtab's head shot up, she whinnied once and trotted over to her mistress.
Though she had no time for a proper reunion, Tynet took a moment to embrace and nuzzle the mare's neck. Then she removed the leather pouch from its resting place. "I'll be back," she said to the mare, patting her once more.
Adara reached for the kit as Tynet returned to her side. While Xena applied pressure to the lesions, slowing the blood loss, Adara tested for a heartbeat. The pulse was weak and thready.
"She's failing... we need to do something fast," Adara said as she scanned the contents of her medical kit. "These herbs will help her heal once we stop the blood." Adara worked as she spoke, mixing a paste of herbs and water in the palm of her hand. Then she applied the balm to the seeping wounds.
Ephiny captured Adara's eyes and pleaded wordlessly with the eastern Amazon healer to do something.
Adara was at a loss. She was a healer, but against a wound this serious, she felt powerless. Then she remembered the words of Nadira as they were leaving Kadar's camp, "A sacred talisman with sacred powers of protection..." She touched the medallion hanging in her cleavage. It had protected her in battle; perhaps its magic would help here. She removed the medal from around her neck and placed it over Pony's head. The blood flow seemed to lessen, but whether that was from the medallion or because Pony had precious little blood left, she didn't know.
Rapidly, Xena ripped strips of bandage from the robes handed to her. Even as she worked furiously to save her friend, Xena knew it was no good. With an injury such as this, there had to be internal bleeding. With a heavy heart, she tied the knot tightly around Pony's torso.
Use my waters, Xena. My waters are life.
Xena rejected the words in her head even though she knew it hadn't been her own thoughts. She argued silently with the voice of Anahita. The damn water is gone.
Use my waters. My waters are life.
Xena cursed under her breath. I told you, the pitiful amount of water you sent is gone. Don't you get it?
Use my waters Xena... my waters are life. Trust me.
Xena looked around the group to see if any of the others had heard the voice. Apparently, they hadn't. All eyes were trained on the weapons' mistress as she slowly bled out.
Xena snorted. Trust you? Gods always have a trick, always want something. Why should I trust you now?
Life is founded on trust, Xena. I haven't broken my word. Use my waters. My waters are life.
Xena contemplated this. She looked over at Gabrielle briefly and felt that familiar sensation of her heart opening and flooding with love. The goddess had been true to her word. Gabrielle was safe here with her now. She sighed. What can it hurt to look?
Gabrielle wondered at Xena's demeanor. Even when their eyes met, Gabrielle had no idea what was going on. She was completely perplexed when Xena sighed, got to her feet, and began walking toward the dais. What in the world?
Head down, eyes focused on the ground, Xena began searching for the small vial in the middle of the destruction. Armament, bodies, and churned-up, blood-soaked clods of dirt littered the area. Where the Tartarus did I throw it? The task of finding such a small bottle in all the debris would have been daunting even in full daylight. In the dim moonlight, it seemed hopeless.
Turning in a full circle, Xena eyed every particle of sand. She made a second and third revolution and then a fourth. She was about to give it up as a lost cause when the moon light glinted off something shiny wedged underneath the general's corpse. The gaping wound in his neck looked like a sinister smile.
Blowing out a breath to dislodge the sickening images, Xena rolled his heavy weight away from the vial and picked it up carefully in the unlikely event that there was anything left in it. Squinting one eye, she tilted the ampoule into the moonlight and peered inside. Maybe there were some droplets of the precious liquid there, she couldn't really tell. The moon's silver light was reflecting off something. It wasn't much. I told you, the water is gone.
The goddess was adamant, her tone unmistakable. She was out of patience. Use my waters, Xena. Now!
Xena flinched. All right, what can it hurt? She trotted back to the others with the tiny bottle.
"Here try this," Xena said, handing the vial to Adara.
"What is it?"
"It's the sacred water from your goddess. There might be a couple of drops left."
Reverently, Adara took the ampoule from Xena. Clearly she believed in the power of the goddess. "Ephiny, see if you can open her mouth a bit. There's only a small amount. I want to be careful with it."
While Ephiny tilted Pony's head back and used her fingers to part the now cooling blue lips, Adara raised the bottle and angled it to pour. For what seemed an eternity, nothing happened. Just as it appeared that there was, indeed, no water left, one tiny rainbow bubble formed and then a second one gathered on rim of the smooth glass. As they all watched transfixed, the precious droplets fell... plop, plop. Two shiny beads sparkled for an endless moment on Pony's lips and then slid into her mouth.
Again, they waited. Nothing happened. Feet shuffled. Hearts pounded. The fallen warrior had the complete attention of her comrades. As one, they leaned in. It was as if, by paying closer attention, they could influence the outcome.
Xena was impatient. Come on. Do something. She'd trusted the goddess, but now she expected results. Hands on her hips, Xena cast a glance heavenward at the moon.
So slowly it might have been imagination, or a trick of moonlight, or even shadows cast by torches, the blue lips seemed to lighten and then turn pink. As they watched, hope rose up out of their disbelief. Then Pony's pasty skin began to change, first mottling and then flushing to a rosy hue. Before astonished eyes and ears, the weapons mistress stretched and then moaned. Pony blinked several times and then seemed to focus on her surroundings.
Surprised to see all of her companions circling her, Pony smiled uncertainly and asked, "Are we in the Land of the Dead?"
When she'd lost consciousness, things hadn't been going too well, so it wasn't surprising to her that they were all dead. I wonder why they let Xena in here? Guess maybe the goddess rewarded her for fighting for the tribe.
She was shaken from her thoughts by an exuberant Ephiny hugging her, laughing and choking out the answer. "No, you big fool, we're alive! We won!"
"We won?" Pony could barely take it in and then everyone was talking at once, congratulating each other and touching her. We won? Did everyone make it?
As her mind tried to grasp the meaning, Pony scanned the women surrounding her and her eyes landed on Adara. That familiar lump formed in her throat and she swallowed around it. She didn't know what to say, except the woman's name. "Adara!" Goddess it feels good to say that.
She took in the beautiful woman's form, assuring herself that Adara had survived unscathed. As her eyes traversed from Adara's face to her neck to her shoulders, she spied a hand resting proprietarily there. She followed the hand up the arm to see Tynet peering down at her with a concerned expression. Back and forth Pony's eyes traveled from Adara to Tynet, blinking as her mind put the pieces together. And when she did, she knew her prayers had been answered, but never had an answered prayer felt so bitter-sweet.
As her insides struggled to accept this, she breathed deeply. She knew this was the best outcome and the only outcome that could have ever made Adara happy. As she looked into Adara's eyes, Pony saw something that had been missing the whole time she'd known the eastern Amazon. She saw in Adara's eyes, hope, and a reason to live. She mulled the realization as it moved from her head to her heart and her own prayer of thanksgiving came unbidden. Thank you for making Adara happy in a way I never could. No sooner had that prayer formed than the truth of it settled in her heart and she knew she could accept it and be truly happy for them both.
"Tynet, you made it." Pony smiled at the simple statement of fact. And the honesty of her next words took her by surprise, "I'm so glad." She was happy for both of them as her eyes misted over more for their joy than her own loss.
Tynet reached down and took Pony's hand and squeezed it gently. "Thank you my friend," she said sincerely. "You've cared for my family and you saved my life. I will never be able to repay you or to thank you enough."
Pony's complexion deepened further and glowed red in the faint light. Thoroughly embarrassed for ever having resented, however briefly, this generous woman, Pony finally stammered, "Uuh ... Aaaa ... Forget it. It was nothing. Any Amazon sister would have done it."
Smiling and shaking her head, Tynet replied, "Perhaps so, but you're a brave woman. I'm proud to call you my friend."
Pony smiled and nodded. "I am too, Tynet. You are one of the greatest warriors I have ever seen." She glanced at Xena for a moment and then continued, "I'm honored to be your friend."
The embarrassment of Tynet's words caused Pony to look away. She noted she was still being held in Ephiny's arms. She looked up at the woman holding her and saw the tears and grief-stricken face of the regent. Is she crying for me? Ephiny had been a true friend by telling Pony of her unrequited love for the queen. It was what had made it possible for Pony to accept the reality of her own situation. I need to thank her...but goddess,I wish Eph wouldn't cry.
Awkwardly, Pony patted Ephiny's arm. The weapons mistress had never been very comfortable around emotional displays, especially when they were directed at her. "Hey, Eph... I'm okay... please, don't cry, okay."
Ephiny smiled and nodded, relief at seeing Pony alive, flooding her. Too overcome with joy to say much, she wondered if Pony would ever see her as more than a friend and sighed.
"Ummm, thanks for helping me," Pony continued, smiling at her friend and squeezing her arm.
"No problem," Ephiny replied accepting that it would take time before Pony was able to look at another woman as more than a friend.
"Uhmm.... I can get up now? I'm sure there're things we need to do..." Pony trailed off. She felt like a fool with everyone staring at her.
"Pony, you were stabbed... run through. I think you can rest for a bit," Adara said.
"I feel fine." Pony twisted at the waist and she sat up to prove her point. "See, no pain. I'm fine."
Adara reached over and pulled the bandages away as she looked at all those gathered with stunned disbelief. There, on Pony's abdomen, was some of the herbal salve, but there was no sign of any injury at all. The Amazon had been completely healed.
As Pony stood up, the women gathered around her in wonder exclaiming over the miracle that she'd been restored to complete health. Prayers to both Amazon goddesses and to Allah were heard throughout the crowd. The fact that they had been victorious against insurmountable odds and that Pony had been returned to them left them awed.
Xena looked up to the moon. Finally a goddess of her word, she thought. She pulled Gabrielle to her and whispered. "I wouldn't have believed it, Gabrielle, not of a god."
Gabrielle raised her head to speak into Xena's ear. "I know. But Anahita has come through on every front. I feel so indebted. How will we ever be able to repay her?"
Ever practical, Xena replied to Gabrielle, "I'm sure she'll find a way."
"Xena, be fair. Anahita promised to help us and she did. We suffered few losses against incredible odds."
Xena had to admit that was true. Her own thoughts filled with gratitude, as she recalled how tenuous this war had been, how out numbered they were, how impossible it had seemed and how the goddess had delivered. Xena held the proof in her arms. Gabrielle's right; thank you Anahita, I owe you one.
After a few moments more of quiet reflection, Xena took a breath. Then, remembering that after a battle there was hard work to be done, she announced, "I hate to break this up, but we need to clear up this mess. We can't leave the dead to rot. There's too much risk of disease."
She looked around capturing the eyes of each woman as she began issuing orders.
"Adara, I'll leave it to you to set up the triage for the injured women." She turned to the rest of the women, "If Adara asks you to help with the injured, work with her. The rest of us will spread out and begin accounting for all of the women. Take the injured to Adara. Carefully lay the dead over near the boulders. You all know what to do. Let's get to it."
Chapter 28 – A Child Waits
** Thrace - Morning after the Full Moon Celebration **
Using a stick, the young Amazon child poked through the remnants of what had been the "full moon" fire from the previous night. Warm ash rose in tiny puffs of white dust. With her tongue protruding between her lips, Thaddea concentrated on her task and smiled when the branch struck something solid. Carefully, she speared and then lifted the object clear of the hot cinders laying it on the stone fire ring to cool
While squatting down on her haunches to wait, Thaddea brought her lips close to the stones and blew across her prize dislodging the remaining ash from the shiny object and hastening its cooling. The glossy grey surface and intricate black designs burned into it gave the charm a mystical feel and Thaddea closed her eyes as soft waves of peace flowed over her.
The normal morning noises of the village rolled past Thaddea unnoticed as she focused entirely on the amulet before her. With a tentative touch, she gently caressed the smooth planes expecting to be burned but the charm had cooled enough to be held. Delicately, in reverence and awe, Thaddea placed the object in her palm and fingered the designs feeling them to be sacred.
She sat on the bare hard ground now, oblivious to the small stones and twigs poking her behind. Her entire focus was on the small amulet that she'd crafted the day before by carefully following the instructions of the mysterious Amazon warrior who'd told her how to make it.
Hoping for a bit of quiet time away from her talkative friends, Thaddea had spent the previous afternoon sitting near the temple of Artemis. She'd been simply talking aloud in the way of children, asking the local Goddess, Artemis, to help her mothers and Xena and the others in the big battle that the little girl knew the rescue party would face.
No sooner had she finished her prayer than a tall, blonde Amazon stopped before her. Thaddea had been almost blinded by the beauty of the woman hunter, who wore glittering silver boots and carried a quiver of silver arrows. At the time, Thaddea thought such attire was a bit excessive to go hunting in, but she was only a child and the ways of adults often made no sense.
However, the huntress had been kind and had taken the time to ask Thaddea what was troubling her and then offering some words of wisdom for the girl. The hunter explained how a talisman worked and instructed Thaddea to make a sacred charm of protection for her mothers. She was told to make it out of clay from the spring that fed the queen's bath and to add a single hair from hers and Ursa's head. Then she was to dedicate it to the goddess in the full moon ceremonial fire. Assuring the child that the power of her love for her mothers would add to the amulet's power, the Amazon had then dissolved into the forest to finish her hunting leaving Thaddea to proceed with building the sacred talisman alone.
Now Thaddea held the end result in her palm. It was polished by the fire to a shiny silver-grey color. Where Thaddea had woven her and Ursa's hair through the clay, it had blackened into unique designs that looked like words in a language Thaddea didn't know and symbols, some of which she had seen carved into Anahita's altar back home. The clay itself, she'd shaped according to the huntress's instructions into two small interlocking circles, one grey ring lay over the other a bit like the figure "8" but with a space created where the circles met.
"What's this?" Otere asked as she pointed to the amulet that lay on Thaddea's open palm.
Thaddea, who was shaken from her hypnotic state by the arrival of the captain of the guard, continued to caress the precious talisman taking comfort in the smooth surfaces.
"It's a sacred charm that I made for protecting my mothers. It's in honor of the Goddesses, Anahita and Artemis, who protect our people."
Even though it was a rudimentary design, somewhat primitive looking, and obviously made by a child's hands Otere was strangely drawn to the object even as she held the heretical thought, seems to me they could have protected your people a bit better. Otere picked up the amulet and continued to examine it. "How did you make these designs? I've never seen anything like it."
"One of your hunters told me how yesterday. You know the one who wears silver boots and carries silver arrows? She told me to make it and my mothers and the others will be safe."
Otere shot the child an incredulous look before instantly denying the possibility in her mind. No, it couldn't be;could it? Covertly, Otere glanced around. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she chuckled to herself. What an imagination, silver arrows? Kids. Otere returned her attention to the handsome amulet instead of pursuing her line of thought. Gazing at the charm, she too felt the waves of power coming from the little talisman. Even though her mind refused to believe there was much hope of the small raiding party succeeding, she still couldn't bring herself to dash Thaddea's hopes.
"Well, it's striking; beautiful even. If love has power, then I believe they will make it home my young friend."
"Do you really, Otere? Because, I really do believe it." Thaddea spoke so earnestly, that Otere smiled and agreed with the child.
"Yeah, I can't believe the goddess wouldn't reward such trust." At least I sure hope the goddesses are at least as caring of these little ones as a human mother would be.
Otere was a typical adult Amazon. She followed the rituals and believed the goddess looked over them in general, but that it was up to the Amazons to really take care of themselves. Even though she was the shaman's lover, Otere had never had a close relationship with any god and wasn't sure she wanted to.
Not knowing Otere's true beliefs, the words warmed Thaddea's heart. It was a validation of sorts.
Handing the small charm back to Thaddea, Otere brought them back to daily living. "You ready to get to work, little one?"
Over the past two weeks, Otere had come daily to get Thaddea and take her to stand lookout during the last two candle-marks of the morning watch.
Now, Thaddea looked over to see her friends, Cleese and Thalia, reluctantly waiting for her at the edge of the village. When Thaddea had been granted the boon of daily guard duty the two of them had also been pressed into service too, partly to keep the younger girl company and partly because it was time they began taking on responsibilities. There was little joy in the older girls who chaffed to run free as they always had, but now, that could only happen when Thaddea was off-duty.
They'd befriended Thaddea and they lived by the Amazon code that said friends stuck together. Truth was both girls liked and admired little Thaddea for herself; they merely preferred play to work, but such was life. If their young friend wanted to stand in a tree on a hot summer day rather than run through the forest, work with the horses or cool off in the stream, well, they were loyal to her.
The small party assembled on the edge of the compound and began the mile-long trek to the perimeter. The trail was only wide enough for two walking abreast, which meant that Thaddea and Otere walked together and Thalia and Cleese came along behind.
Becoming friends with the young girl by her side had changed Otere in ways she'd never have guessed. She'd never wanted children herself, but she found this one interesting and fun to be with. When she'd been sent to bring back Thaddea after the child's abortive escape attempt, Otere had been angry and frustrated with the stubborn little girl. As their friendship grew, Otere had come to appreciate seeing the world through Thaddea's innocent eyes and it benefited them both.
Thaddea had found a mentor in Otere who was the mate and champion of Yakut. Yakut's persona shouted, "Unapproachable" and the young Thaddea was grateful to have Otere's counsel when having to deal with the formidable shaman.
Thaddea was quiet as they walked through the yellow flowering acacia that lined the path recalling how hard it'd had been to settle in here at first and how much trouble she'd made for the older woman. Thinking back, the young child felt pangs of regret for how she'd acted when she'd first arrived at the village.
"I'm sorry I ran away when I first came here. You know ... made you chase after me."
Otere laughed. "You were a pain in the butt all right." Then she turned serious and spoke in earnest to the child. "I'm glad to have come to know you though. So it was worth it."
They walked in companionable silence both lost in their memories of that time.
** 2 Weeks earlier **
Once the departing Amazon rescue party had moved beyond the trees and out of Thaddea's view, she'd reluctantly accepted that she couldn't go find her mama as she'd promised. Though it tore at her soul to have to wait behind, she accepted that her duty was to serve the village in any capacity asked. For now that meant helping Cleese and Thalia train their horse.
"Come on Thaddea. Let's go to the meadow," Cleese said to the forlorn girl. "We really need your help."
As the three girls led the white horse across the compound to the open meadow beyond it, Thaddea caught sight of Yakut talking with her champion, Otere. 'Maybe there is another way I can be a good Amazon and help my mothers,' the little warrior thought.
"Just a minute," Thaddea called to her friends as she veered in the direction of the medicine woman. Cleese and Thalia were astonished that their new friend was voluntarily going to speak with the adults and not just any adult, the shaman. No way would they be making that mistake again. They'd already come perilously close to having additional work added to their lives. In keeping with their new policy of staying inconspicuous, the two girls attempted to blend into the foliage at the edge of camp.
Thaddea stopped a few feet from Yakut and politely waited to be acknowledged before making her request. The adult conversation swirled over her head, but already she recognized a few of the names being used.
"... so it's probably best you take over the morning sentries and let Odessa handle the weapons training..." Yakut tapered off as she spied the child listening to every word. Not that their conversation was private, but Yakut wondered why Thaddea was here instead of playing with the other children.
Yakut lifted her brows slightly, signaling to her partner with a slight nod of her head, of the child's presence. Otere had already seen Thaddea and her heart went out to the orphan. That was the way she saw the child. How could it be otherwise? With one mother dead in the initial attack and the other one riding on a suicide mission, this child was well on her way to facing the world with only her aunt and sister. 'Of course, if Xena and the others fail, we'll be up to our necks in a war next. Perhaps it doesn't matter.'
"Um, yes, Thaddea; what business have you?" Yakut asked formally.
"Uh, I wanted to ask." Not sure that was what she wanted to say, Thaddea stopped and began again. She was a bit intimidated by the power of the shaman and hoped she wasn't breaking a taboo by speaking to the woman. Standing a bit taller, she began again, trying to mimic the shaman's way a speaking.
"I mean, I want to offer to serve among your sentries. I have strong eyes and can see very far and my hearing is good too. Either of my mothers will tell you this." She waited hopefully as the two women looked at her and then each other and then back at her as if they were looking at a new species of plant and not quite knowing whether it was safe.
Feeling as if they might find her less worthy than their own tribal children, Thaddea endured their scrutiny. Instead of unworthiness, Yakut and Otere marveled at the child's ability to speak so clearly in their tongue. Their own Amazon children pretty much spoke Greek, so this child was a bit of an anomaly to them and they merely stared at her while gathering their wits.
It was no mystery. Thaddea was no more gifted linguistically than any other child her age, but between her Greek grandmother singing and speaking in her native tongue since Thaddea was a baby and lots of travel with her mothers, she'd been exposed to several languages and had the rudiments of them firmly grasped.
Yakut recovered first and answered without really thinking beyond her initial reaction to the idea. A child sentry was ludicrous as anyone knew; children simply couldn't be still and remain quiet that long.
"I see." Yakut spoke succinctly as she had little experience with children; in fact they made her nervous. She would much rather deal with the gods and the mysteries than an unpredictable child. Still, she wanted to lessen the impact of her refusal, by acknowledging the girl's offer.
"Thank you, Thaddea. This is a very generous offer." The shaman paused to clear her throat before continuing.
In that moment, Thaddea already knew the answer, there was a "but" coming. Adults always did that when they were going to turn you down. First the praise and then the 'no way is this going to happen' couched in endless reasons why it can't be done and so Thaddea was not surprised when the ever-serious Yakut continued.
"But sentry duty requires training. You need a strong voice to alert other sentries with secret calls and you must have stamina as a lookout must be alert and silent for endless candle-marks. Our village depends on our sentries' watchfulness for its protection. It's not a job for a small child."
The matter dispensed with in Yakut's mind, she returned to her own conversation expecting Thaddea to accept the verdict and return to Cleese and Thalia without further discussion.
Completely ignoring the abrupt dismissal, Thaddea stood quietly thinking. 'I'm not just a small child.' It was true. She'd inherited Tynet's height and would be tall like her mother. Even now she was almost as tall as Cleese who was several years older and yet Thaddea understood that most adults considered her a child. As the daughter of Tynet and Adara, determination was Thaddea's middle name and she chose to overlook Yakut's biased decision and instead to promote her abilities.
"I know many bird calls already and my amma taught me more while we rode here. I even know the one your guards used yesterday."
Without stopping, she demonstrated her skill by whistling out a perfect wren's mating call followed by the female's answering trill. Then she stood waiting for their acknowledgement of it.
Amazed, the two women returned their attention to the young girl, each with differing opinions. Yakut's pronouncements had always been accepted by the Amazons without question. This child had basically ignored her. Otere on the other hand was impressed with the child's bird calls and said so, as many of her own sentries couldn't do as well.
"Hey, that's pretty good." She grinned at Thaddea.
Yakut shot her a look and Otere averted her eyes and began counting leaves in the trees leaving Yakut to deal with the persistent girl. It was clear Yakut wasn't going to budge on this and in truth Otere sided with her lover. While acknowledging the flawless demonstration, Otere also admitted to herself she didn't want to be a baby-sitter in addition to her duties as the new captain of the morning patrol.
Yakut looked across to see the other girls had moved further to the edge of the camp and were waiting without appearing to be waiting. "Otere is right, you do the call well, but it's still too tiring a job for a child. Why not go with your friends and play with their new horse. Do the things of a child. Leave the adult jobs to the adults." She spoke in a soft and kind voice hoping to impart the wisdom of her remarks. "Now it's time for me to wait upon our goddess."
As far as Yakut was concerned the discussion was over. She was unused to having her authority questioned and so without any further thought to the subject, she walked toward Artemis's temple.
Before Otere strode away toward the perimeter to begin her day, she decided to try and smooth over the girl's disappointment. "You really did those calls well, Thaddea, but Yakut is right, being on watch is long and tiring. There are other skills needed that you don't have yet. In time though, I'm sure you'll do your mothers proud."
'You're wrong,' Thaddea thought. 'My mama taught me to track and to cover my trail. I'll show you both; I am more than a small child. I'm an Amazon! And I promised to find my mama.' It would prove to be a liability that Otere couldn't read minds.
"Come on Thaddea," Cleese called to her. Reluctantly, Thaddea joined her friends. She'd already said she'd help with their horse, and so she would. Later she would find a way to help her mothers. 'I could help Xena track the bad men and show everyone what my mama has taught me.'
The little band of young Amazons was subdued and Thaddea's heavy heart was visible to all they passed. Many of the adults looked on with compassion at the little girl as she resolutely made her way past the weapons' area where Odessa was just forming up partners to practice with staff or sword. Several women were already practicing with their bows, firing arrows into bailed straw. Even the youngest of children knew to walk behind the archers and the solemn little procession skirted the practice field.
The tribe's herd grazed in a small meadow enclosed by trees and secured with rope near the Amazon weapons' practice field on the west side of the village opposite from where the rescue party had gone. The three girls moved off in that direction. Several of the alert ponies looked up from their grazing when the group arrived, but soon lost interest when it was apparent that no treats were being offered.
Thaddea's heart ached. It was as real as being punched in the chest and she felt the sensation flow downward to her stomach where hollowness had settled. Tears pricked at her eyes, but rather than succumb to the humiliation of crying, she shook off the feelingsand tried to focus on what her mama had taught her about horses. 'The most important thing is always to establish a rapport with the animal, a friendship based on trust and kindness. And a bit of a treat doesn't hurt either.' Thaddea smiled involuntarily as she recalled her mama saying that many times as she'd let an animal nibble a bit of dried fruit from her palm. Tynet had always used a gentle hand in coaxing her horses to work for her and Thaddea mimicked her mother's actions whenever possible.
The white mare had already been accustomed to treats, as both Cleese and Thalia had sought to win the animal over sneaking bits of food to the horse whenever they could. However, she'd also had her head jerked around quite a bit when the two had squabbled over ownership rights. Lately it had been better, but the white mare was a bit wary of this new child. The white horse was about to find that she was now in the hands of a professional, albeit a small, young one, but a real horse trainer at heart.
They came to a stop at the edge of the meadow. Thaddea reached up and gently stroked the young mare's neck with her fingertips and she began to talk to the animal in the soft soothing voice she'd so often heard her mama use.
She asked Cleese to release the lead rope, but Cleese demurred.
"We can't she'll run over to the other horses and it'll take all day to get her back," Thalia interjected before Cleese could answer.
"That's because, you're holding her too tight. She'll always come to you when she trusts you," Thaddea replied knowingly.
Shrugging off their disbelief, Thaddea stroked and whispered to the white mare.
"What a beautiful girl you are," she said speaking in her native tongue. "You know that don't you? I'm Thaddea. It means Brave one." She sighed as she realized that she didn't feel very brave at the moment. She felt lost and alone in a world of strangers. She was overwhelmed with the feeling that she should be doing more to help her parents. 'You are my brave one, Thaddea. Her mama's voice sang in her heart. It was as if her mama continued to live inside Thaddea. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Thaddea focused on the horse, she would not cry again and resumed her one-way conversation with the white mare.
"What are you called my beautiful one? I bet you have a wonderful name. If you were mine, I'd give you the perfect name." As she continued to scratch the mare's neck and cheeks, she looked at her companions standing with the lead still in their grasp.
"What's her name?"
"We haven't given her one yet. We've been," Thalia hesitated searching for the right word, "discussing it."
"Oh, well doesn't have to have a name, but when we work with her, it would be nice," Thaddea said trying to be diplomatic.
Cleese cast an uncertain glance at Thalia who had originally laid claim to the white mare. She didn't want to fight with her friend anymore, especially in front of Thaddea who was suffering from the loss of her birth mother and now possibly her hearth mother too. It broke Cleese's heart to see the younger girl trying so hard to hide her pain.
Thalia was in silent accord and spoke for both the girls.
"Thaddea, why don't you name her? You have experience with this kind of thing," Thalia said hoping to draw Thaddea away from her obvious grief and home-sickness
Thaddea pondered this. She knew her friends were paying her a tribute and she wished to honor them and the beautiful horse with an auspicious name that she could wear proudly. Still scratching the beautiful animal whose hide glowed with an iridescent shimmer under the morning sun, Thaddea thought about it. She knew this color, had seen it someplace before. As she ruminated over the shiny opalescent coat, she thought about other horses. It wasn't quite like Mahtab's hide which was much greyer and besides you never wanted to give two horses the same name as it confused tracking blood lines. Then she suddenly recalled where she'd seen the luminous color before and she broke into a huge smile.
"What about Jumanah? In my land, it means silver pearl. Last summer when we went to Corinth I saw a silver pearl in the market place. A merchant wanted to trade the pearl to my mama for her best gelding. She didn't trade for it, but the color of the pearl was like this white coat."
Both Thalia and Cleese beamed with joy and they exclaimed over the perfection of the name.
"Yes, that's perfect Thaddea. Her coat is so shiny and beautiful that we couldn't decide. I think it's a wonderful name, don't you Thalia?"
"Yes, me too, I love her new name," Thalia said and then tried the name herself, letting the sound roll off her tongue. "Jumanah."
Having Thaddea name their prized possession made it possible for the two girls to swallow their pride and come a bit closer to navigating the troublesome waters of joint ownership of the white mare, now called, Jumanah.
Even Jumanah seemed to agree and bobbed her head up and down making all three girls laugh at her antics. Even as young as she was, Thaddea was more mature in many ways than either of the older girls and their respect for the youngster grew enough that they finally release the reins.
For the next two candle-marks, Thaddea worked with Jumanah and the older girls. She was able to ascertain that Jumanah had been ridden before as the horse never flinched when Thaddea had laid belly down across the animal's back. Jumanah simply looked at her small passenger and proceeded to walk slowly around the meadow before stopping to graze.
Finally, Thaddea called a halt to the gentle training. With anyone, human or animal, there was a time for work and a time for play. Thaddea had suggested that Jumanah be allowed to graze with the rest of the herd, promising that the mare would return to the girls when she was called by them.
** Thaddea's first night alone in Thrace **
Thaddea had not been able to put her mothers from her mind for more than a few seconds that first day since Adara had left with the others and felt she'd go crazy before they returned. She was plagued by the need to help somehow. She trusted Xena as her warrior surrogate, but she'd promised her mama to come back and find her and it felt like cowardice to stay in the safety of camp when the other warriors might be walking into grave danger.
That night Thaddea slept fitfully disturbed by dreams of horror and pain. Time and again she woke from sleep bathed in sweat and her heart pounding so hard it felt as if it might come through her chest. It was through sheer force of will that the youngster had quieted her breathing and calmed her self each time a nightmare woke her.
Thaddea slept on thick sleeping furs a few feet away from the pallet where Ursa snuggled deep in the ample bosom of their aunt Marana, whose arms were wrapped protectively abound the baby. Thaddea could hear Ursa's steady breath and knew her baby sister was in good hands.
She turned on her side peeking under the hides that enclosed their sleeping hut. It was still very dark and probably several candle-marks yet until dawn. Thaddea closed her eyes and once again sought the comfort of a dreamless sleep, but as soon as she drifted off she once again found herself in the midst of a night mare so vivid she almost choked on the dust and felt her skin seared by the heat.
She was inside an enclosure of some kind, with huge stakes driven deep into hot desert sand. The sun beat mercilessly down on her and the other women there. Across the way, many women were whispering as they gathered around someone. Thaddea forced her way through the women, pushing their sweaty bodies and legs aside as voices swirled around her.
"By the goddess, how can this one survive any more of these weekly battles?"
"If she doesn't, we're doomed. She's all that stands between us and the soldiers."
"I know, but if this keeps up, even Halima's healing skills can't help her."
Thaddea managed to squeeze closer to the unconscious woman lying on a hard wooden pallet facing away from Thaddea. Another woman was stitching many cuts and lacerations on the fallen warrior. The wounded woman seemed familiar and when she groaned, rolling her head toward Thaddea, the child saw true horror. The woman's features were puffy and raw, one eye swollen shut and purpling, her lips were cut and bleeding and there was rough stitching near her hairline. The face was so beaten that the woman's own mother wouldn't have recognized her at that moment, but her child would.
Thaddea came awake with a start, her fist jammed into her mouth to keep from screaming. "Mama," she whispered in horror, as the breath was sucked from her lungs, "mama oh no, mama; they've hurt you." Tears streamed with the force of spring run off, down the child's face, even as she told herself, it was a dream. Her mama had told her many times, dreams aren't real. But, this felt real, so real that it forced Thaddea to make a decision that she had agonized over. It galvanized the baby warrior to action. She would leave now and save her mama. She knew deep inside, her mama was injured and needed her.
Quietly, Thaddea laid her furs back and scooted onto the floor. She grabbed her clothes, a water skin and her wooden sword. Stealing from the hut without waking either her aunt or sister, Thaddea dressed quickly once she was outside. She saw only one sentry slowly patrolling inside the village.
The guard would not be a problem, as the Amazon was looking into the forest rather than at the camp, which made sense, as intruders would come from outside. Keeping one eye on the sentry, Thaddea moved toward the dining hall and peered inside; it was deserted as she expected at this time of night. With great stealth, she rummaged through bags and barrels stored near the back of the room. Gathering together some dried fruit and bread, she shoved her booty into a sack lying nearby and then made her escape.
The little warrior headed toward the perimeter, in the direction they had arrived from only two days before. She knew she'd need to use every skill Tynet had taught her to escape notice of the night sentries, but thankfully it was the dark of the moon and once she'd passed them, she'd be hard to see.
She crouched at the edge of the bushes watching and listening to the night. Finally she heard the footsteps. She drew back into the shrubs concealing herself as the sentry passed close by and then stopped at the base of the tree. Soon bird calls were heard coming from the sentry and answered from the guard in the tree, and then the sentry moved on. Once out of sight, Thaddea made her way north further from the sentry in that tree and then stole out into the night as quickly and quietly as she could.
Otere had already been awake and was just finished dressing when Marana, carrying a sleepy Ursa, barged into their hut half hysterical with worry and grief.
"She's gone. Goddess, why didn't I pay more attention? This is my fault. Someone needs to do something, now. Please," the seamstress begged.
It had taken several minutes to quiet the woman to find out that, when she'd woken just before dawn, she'd found Thaddea gone, clothes, water skin and wooden sword missing too.
Otere never hesitated. Informing Yakut that she'd go find the child, Otere had bolted from their hut, and then on impulse had returned taking a small, worn leather pouch from their altar. In the meadow, Otere made a cursory inspection of the herd which confirmed that the little miscreant hadn't borrowed the white mare. 'At least the child has integrity and is on foot; I'll have her back here before mid-morning.' .
Tracking a youngster would prove to be no problem or so Otere believed as she rode out of camp. She knew Thaddea would be making for home and Otere headed in that direction. It wasn't long before she'd found the girl's trail.
For so young a child, Thaddea knew many tricks and Otere was impressed when she located the spot that the girl had hidden near the perimeter. She saw where Thaddea had stolen onto the open plain and crossed it before gaining the foothills and better cover. Even though Otere admired the stealth and patience in one so young, she knew she'd easily follow the child's tracks.
Thaddea's trail led to a small stream and Otere effortlessly followed the girl's footprints going in one side and out the other. Scarcely looking at the ground, Otere picked up her pace calculating that she'd catch her quarry very soon. Following the footprints for another one hundred paces beyond the water's edge, Otere had been perplexed when the trail had simply died out. She had fanned out several times, but couldn't pickup the tracks again. It was beginning to become clear to the older woman, that she'd seriously underestimated the small Amazon.
"Damn Hades' balls!" she cursed under her breath. Where are you Thaddea? It was already past mid-morning and there was still no sign of the girl, just this trail that lead no where. Otere dismounted and considered her options. Which way did you go, kid?
Standing there, scratching her head, she had no clue which direction to go but to head east toward the Caucus. Resigned, Otere was ready to ride blind hoping to cross paths with the child on foot, when she suddenly saw something strange about the tracks that she hadn't noticed before and she bent down to scrutinize them. "Why you cagey little Amazon brat," she said aloud half in admiration and half in irritation.
It appeared that the child had used her own foot prints to double back to the stream and then use the cover of the water to go either up or down stream before taking off in her true direction again. 'I won't underestimate you again little one,' Otere thought. She remounted and rode quickly back to the stream.
It took another candle-mark of careful tracking to find where the child had finally exited the stream almost half a mile upstream from the original false trail. Actually Thaddea had gone down stream first and had exited there once too, but mud, dried on a boulder, told the now hyper-observant Otere that Thaddea had immediately re-entered the stream and reversed direction again.
The sun was beginning its slow descent when Otere felt the familiar prickling sensation that told her she was being observed. She'd stopped her horse and appeared to think it over as she inspected the entire horizon, but never allowed her eye to linger on the stand of trees just ahead. 'I know you're up there little one. You're not getting away this time. I'm damn tired of this game.'
Otere dismounted and examined the hard ground as if looking for clues and then remounted. Pretending as if she'd found something, Otere rode away from the trees. Once out of sight of them, she'd swung wide and come back into the stand from the north side.
Resolve flowed through Otere as left her horse grazing and hobbled and proceeded into the trees on foot relieved that this arduous day was about over.
Even though Otere didn't immediately see the child hiding in the branches, she knew the youngster was there and all that remained was to calm the child and talk her down.
"Thaddea, I know you're here."
No answer.
"You've led me a merry chase, but now it's over, come on out."
"Thaddea, don't make me come in and get you."
Otere was almost ready to doubt her instincts that she'd actually found her quarry, but the intense feelings of being observed persisted. She decided to try a different tack, after all this wasn't a criminal she hunted. This was a small girl who'd lost her mother, maybe both of them.
"Thaddea, listen to me. I know what you're going through." She took a steadyingbreath before continuing. What she would tell Thaddea few others knew. She felt a bit stupid standing there talking to no one, but her heart bled for this child.
"My own mama died of the fever fifteen summers ago when I was about your age. For the longest time, I hurt inside. The pain wouldn't stop and all I wanted was to go to the Land of the Dead with my mama. I even ran away. I guess I figured, an animal might kill me and then the goddess would send me to my mama. But that didn't happen. The tribe sent someone to find me. You know who came and got me? Queen Melosa. You probably never heard of her, but she was scary to us kids. I thought I was going to get a whipping for sure. But she didn't punish me."
Otere had tears forming in her eyes as she told the next part; the memory as fresh that day as it was all those years ago. She almost choked on the emotion burning in the back of her throat. "No, she hugged me and she cried with me. Little one, come down here to me. Let me do for you what my queen did for me."
At first there was still no response to her heartfelt plea and Otere thought she'd have to shake each tree. Then there was movement in the limbs above her right shoulder and the chastened Thaddea slowly climbed down.
No words were spoken, but Otere went down on one knee with open arms and Thaddea, who'd done her best to be strong for so long, came into those arms as if she were a small boat finding safe harbor from a raging storm.
As Thaddea cried her grief on the older Amazon's shoulder, Otere simply crooned, "I know, I know, I know." And she did.
After a while Thaddea, pulled back and let Otere wipe away the small muddy streams that had formed on Thaddea's dusty cheeks.
"I know you just want to find your mama and help the others. Who wouldn't want to do just what you're doing?" Otere said as she looked deeply into Thaddea's misery-filled eyes. 'Goddess, how can one little girl hold so much hurt?'
Otere's words and kindness reached inside the anguished girl and a small light began to glow in the darkness. Thaddea's pain eased in the simple recognition that someone else knew what she was going through.
"Thaddea, talk to me. Why did you run away? I thought you were okay once you sent Xena to fight for your mama?"
Thaddea felt the need to try to explain why she ran to the compassionate Otere.
"I had a bad dream last night. My mama was in it. They hurt her. She needs me!" She cried out. Her sentences were short, choppy and matter of fact, even as her grief threatened to wash over her again. The nightmare had been so real; it was like a living thing, the images fresh and raw. If this was her mother's fate, Thaddea knew she couldn't bare it.
Otere refused to scoff at the dream or the idea that a child would run based on the content of one. Hadn't she done the very same thing herself? Instead, Otere asked, "Tell me what you saw."
Relieved to see no condemnation in Otere's face, Thaddea related the dream in vivid images, including the women she'd seen bathing the welts and wiping away the blood on her mama. She had felt the concern of those around her mama and worse, she'd felt her mama's anguish for her family. All that had been in the nightmare. It had been the impetus for her nighttime escape.
Otere spent a moment considering the revelations and then marveling at the detail of the dream. Otere was the hearth-mate of the shaman; she was familiar with dreams and their power.
"I can't tell you what your dream means, little one, but I think you can take heart from the fact that she's not alone. Whether it is more than a nightmare, I can't say, but the dream itself holds promise. Your mama may yet live; I don't know, but we are sending help to them. We've sent our best fighters and the goddess has promised her protection, more than that we can't do," Otere said softly.
Watching the play of emotions race across the girl's face from hope to anguish, Otere continued gently, "You're a brave young Amazon, a credit to your mothers' hearth, but running away will not help them."
With frustration and despair ripping through her, Thaddea replied defiantly, "My mama is alive; I know it! She needs me." The child glared at her, but Otere was not deterred. Thaddea needed to wake up to the reality of the situation or the Amazons would be chasing her down for the foreseeable future.
Otere blew an exasperated breath between pursed lips before replying. "All right then, but even if she's alive and I'm not saying she is, but if she is, how can the rescuers help save your mama and the other women, if their attention is divided? It will take all their skills to save any of the Amazons. Would you have them also have to protect you. More lives might be lost, even your Amma, and you'd be the cause of it. Is that what you want?"
The words slammed her and lodged in the girl's heart, 'I might be the cause of them dying? I might hurt Amma too?' The reality of it threatened to bury the child in grief. In defeat, Thaddea hung her head, her heart crying out. 'Mama, I can't come for you. I'm sorry. I only wanted to help.' She knew now her attempt to go back to help her mama had been reckless and dangerous. It had never occurred to her that she might actually get her killed.
Seeing the defeat written on Thaddea's face, Otere reached into her belt and retrieved the small leather pouch that she'd taken on instinct that morning. "Here," she said. "When Queen Melosa brought me back, she gave me this pouch to hold sacred mementos of my mama."
Thaddea reached out hesitantly and touched the aged leather. "I couldn't take this. It belongs with you ... to hold your mama's things."
"Little one, I keep those things on our altar in my hut now. I have no need of it, but you do. Will you accept this from me?"
Thaddea thought for a moment. "This is all I have; this leather strap from mama and this cloth from amma," she replied holding up her wrist where a bit of tattered lavender silk dangled from the leather wrist band of Tynet.
"Well, the cloth is going to wear out quicker than the leather, so maybe you want to put it in your new pouch."
Thaddea considered this. It brought her comfort to have these things that her mothers had touched near her. She knew Otere was right about the cloth; it was already more ragged than it had been that morning. "Okay," the child said tentatively.
"Good; let me help you. We'll tie the pouch to your belt here."
As Otere fastened the pouch strings around the child's belt, she softened even more toward the girl's plight. She couldn't help but empathize.
"I understand Thaddea. Believe me I do. You need to be useful too, to help where you can. Let's see if we can find a way for that to happen."
"Yakut will never allow me to help."
"You let me handle Yakut. If you promise me to never try a dangerous stunt like this again, I'll see to it that you can be given more responsibility in the camp."
"Can I stand guard; be on lookout?"
'Goddess, this kid is good. I never saw that coming.' Now Otere needed to find a compromise that Yakut would accept. "Hmmm, maybe, but not a full shift; maybe a candle-mark every other day."
"Four candle-marks," Thaddea bartered.
"One," Otere stated firmly.
"Two," the child pleaded.
Throwing up her hands, Otere gave in. "Alright! Two then."
"Everyday?" the child whispered hopefully.
Otere actually laughed out loud. This kid was the daughter of a horse trader and it showed. The second best warrior in Thrace had just been bested by a child. "Okay, I yield. Two candle-marks everyday," she agreed through her amusement.
On the ride back to camp, the two Amazons hammered out the new living arrangements. Thaddea would be assigned to the morning guards which Otere led. Otere would come get Thaddea and her two friends, Cleese and Thalia, each day two candle-marks before the end of the morning shift. At the end of the duty, the three youngsters would return to camp without argument with Otere and her sentries.
** Present - Thrace
The young sentries had arrived at their destination and Otere helped first Thalia and then Cleese up to their posts. While waiting for her turn, Thaddea removed the smooth amulet from the pouch Otere had given her. Just holding the polished clay seemed to calm her. Somehow she felt that the talisman was talking to her trying to tell her to have hope. She felt this in a way she couldn't explain. Ever true to her beliefs, she silently prayed, Thank you Anahita, for helping my mamas. Om-Ma-ha.
She was still clutching the charm in her hand when Otere was ready to give her a boost up into the tree. As Thaddea stuffed the amulet back into the safekeeping of her pouch, she looked at her friend.
Kneeling, with her hands making a step for Thaddea to climb on, Otere looked up at the little girl. "What Thaddea?"
"I think they're going to be all right."
Chapter 29 - Life Goes On
Small pockets of resistance and fighting continued throughout the night but, in effect, the battle was over. Sabers flashing in the moonlight, the tribesmen continued to deal with any stragglers that they came upon on the battlefield, showing them no mercy. Many of the desert men had lost kin during the Red Army's rampage and they intended to avenge their fallen brothers and sisters. Their shouts, as they dispatched each of the remaining enemy soldiers, had changed from Inshallah, "God willing," to Bis-millah – "In the name of Allah," for Allah had given them victory.
Many of the soldiers in the defeated army had broken into small bands and escaped into the desert. The tribesmen intended to spend the next few days tracking them down, dispatching them to their final reward. If Allah were merciful, the desert would claim them first.
An eerie stillness had fallen over what was left of the Red Army encampment, as Kadar and Abdul Hadi, his wise old sentry, walked their horses in the direction of what had been the women's prison. Kadar had been told by the gray-haired warrior that there were a few casualties among the women prisoners.
"Tell me my wife's sister is alive," he demanded. He left no doubt that it was not a question.
"I don't know, Imam. There's so much confusion still and so many bodies. We can't be sure yet," Abdul Hadi said to his sheik.
"I cannot take bad news back to Ikram. Find out!" he commanded Abdul Hadi.
As the battle-weary man mounted his horse, the sheik asked him, "Where is Abbas?"
"He's gathering up the enemy horses, Imam."
Kadar's mind turned briefly to the conquest of the enemy and the spoils of war. Allah had been generous. Horses were a worthy prize in any battle and he hoped Abbas would bring back a large herd to increase their trading powers in the desert. But at the moment, he was more concerned about Ikram. "Find my wife's sister," he ordered.
"Yes, Imam," Abdul Hadi said. He spurred his horse towards the women's compound, silently praying to Allah that Rida, the sister of Ikram, would be found alive.
Moving about, in a thicket of smoke, Kadar saw his trusted and best friend, Alim. His heart swelled with appreciation and gratitude that he too had survived the battle. He waved to the man, catching his attention.
Alim's robes were covered in blood and gore. In the moonlight, Kadar noticed that Alim had taken a gash to his shoulder. Yet, the warrior gave the wound no attention as he continued to direct his exhausted men to tend to the wounded and to begin burying the dead.
"Let us put these infidels to work digging the graves so we don't have to," one of the tribesmen said. "When they finish the hard work, we'll shove them in with their friends."
"A fitting end," another said. "Bury these slimy bastards alive. They deserve no more mercy than they gave others." There was a chorus of approval from the others.
"What about the ones who escaped," Kadar asked Alim as he made his way towards his friend.
"I'll send out some men at daylight to round them up. If the desert has not claimed them, we will. None will be left alive, my Lord." The formal address, said in front of his men, gave Kadar pause. He had only heard Alim use it in public. Yet even after a battle such as this, when natural bonding blurs distinctions between comrades in arms, Alim continued to use the formality.
"Praise be to Allah for our victory, my brothers," Kadar said. "We need to bury the dead before the sun begins its work and more death rises out of the corpses."
Kadar's words mobilized the men as they prodded the enemy soldiers into action digging mass graves.
"Abbas?" Alim asked, his eyes hopeful.
"Safe," Kadar said. "You know my brother, Alim. He's gone to retrieve the horses." A wide white toothy grin graced Kadar's battle-weary features. He silently praised Allah for his good fortune and promised a sacrificial goat for sparing those closest to him - his brother Abbas, his friend Alim, and his long time warrior-sentry Abdul Hadi. Then he silently intoned one more prayer to Allah that Rida be found alive. Maybe two or more goats if she's found alive, Allah he mused.
As though reading his mind, Alim asked, "What about the women?"
"We need to find out. Leave the men to their work. Let us go to their compound," Kadar replied.
* * *
As the two friends made their way carefully across the ravaged sands towards the women's enclosure, they saw what the force and fury of the battle had done. Gaping scorched holes, as large as tents, were visible in the earth. Corpses were strewn about in all directions and the devastation was endless. The gravity of this battle sobered them.
"Any word on Rida?" asked Alim, concern for his friend evident in the question.
"Abul Hadi has gone ahead to find out."
"I spoke with him earlier and learned much," continued Alim. "These women fought valiantly; more so than some of the slime in this so-called army." He spat into the sands, punctuating his disgust for the infidels. "There's talk there was a nightly sporting fight between a solitary woman fighter and several men. They say she battled furiously against them all. They said she was not yet defeated though it was clear her end was near."
"Who was this woman?" Kadar asked.
"I don't know, my friend, but she had the respect of all the women. The talk was she protected all of them for another day by winning her nightly battles. She'd made a wager with the scorpion army general that if she won each battle, the women would be left unharmed one more day."
As they neared the women's area, they saw a tall dark-haired warrior issuing commands to the other women who were gathered around her. "Let's get to it." They heard her say.
"Who is that?" Alim asked. "It looks like Tynet, but our sister Adara said Tynet was dead. What god has brought her to life?"
"That's not Tynet," Kadar replied. "I'm not sure who she is." He stared at the tall figure of a warrior who was obviously used to taking charge and issuing orders.
"Wait!" he continued. "She must be that western Amazon that Adara told us about. I believe she said her name is Xena," he said, continuing to walk closer to the woman.
Upon hearing the sound of her name coming from a man's voice, Xena crouched low, turned her body and raised her hand over her shoulder to unsheathe her sword once more. These bastards never learn, she thought to herself.
"Patience, ukhtee (sister)," Kadar replied when he saw the woman move into a battle stance. "We are your friends."
"The only friends I have right now are these women. Who are you?" Xena asked, her hand still on the sword's hilt and ready to pounce.
"My name is Kadar! I am the leader of the desert tribes. And this, ... this is Alim, my best friend and confidante," he said pointing to the other man. "And you?" He looked at her height and stature and then, before she could respond, said, "You must be Xena! You're the one they call the warrior princess?" He touched his thumb and index finger to his forehead as he addressed her.
"I'm Xena," she relaxed the grip on her sword when she realized they were indeed friends and that this man was the leader of those who had helped turn the battle in their favor.
"We are grateful to you and your tribesmen, Kadar." She struck her chest with her fist then offered the sheik her forearm, in a warrior's handshake. He took the outstretched arm graciously. It was unusual in his world to be addressed so forthrightly by anyone, much less a woman.
"Have you taken many casualties?" he asked the now-obvious leader of the women. He quickly scanned an area where many women were being tended to.
"We're still searching for some who are missing. So far, we believe we lost three women. Several are badly wounded but the healer says that with proper care, they'll recover."
"The healer," he asked. "The healer, Adara?" He offered a prayer once more to Allah that his adopted sister was truly alive. Yet the sheik wondered if he was pushing his God too much, to spare not only Rida, but also Adara. He silently prayed, Inshallah(God willing) Adara is alive. Then just in case, he added for good measure, Allah-hu-akbur (Allah is great.)
A woman he immediately recognized as Adara began slowly walking towards them holding tightly and protectively to the arm of another tall, bloodied warrior. The bigger woman limped with obvious pain, grimacing with each step she took. Her face was barely recognizable; her body was lacerated and battered. But, from her size and carriage, he knew it had to be Tynet. What manner of torture has this woman endured? he wondered. Then, startled, he realized that the warrior battling the soldiers each night to protect the women had to have been Tynet. No woman, other than this Xena could have done that.
"Tynet," he said moving towards her so that the injured woman did not have to walk any further than was necessary. "What have they done to you?" Concern and compassion flowed from the man.
She recognized the Sheik as he spoke to her, trying to smile while bowing her head to his rank. She knew well the ways of the desert tribes. "Tried ... Tried to kill me, Imam," she replied with an effort. "They didn't." She smirked out of one side of her bloody split lip.
"Allah is most merciful to have kept you alive," he said. Then he continued. "Your injuries are severe, my friend. Yet, if you are able, I will give you the honor of riding with my men to kill off the remaining stragglers. You can avenge your fallen sisters properly." Seeing her like this, his honor felt violated. What have these barbarians done? he thought.
Tynet knew his offer was gracious and generous as desert tribes would never allow women to ride with the men in this undertaking. Yet, she knew she was in no condition to ride anywhere, much less to continue the killing.
"You ... You honor me ... Imam," she said haltingly. "I ... I must decline your offer... I feel... I need rest now more than vengeance."
Kadar understood fully. He touched his heart with thumb and index finger together and bowed to the woman and her bravery. She had courageously defied the Red Scorpion Army and its infidels, saving many of her sisters from rape and torture.
"I promise you, none of them will remain alive. Your sisters will be avenged," he said to her.
Just then, a rumbling noise thundered across the desert sands. All of them turned to look as a cloud of dust followed an enormous herd of horses. It was Abbas and several of his men yelling in victory and returning triumphantly with their prize. They watched him deftly guiding the horses towards the corral, parts of which were still standing. Some of his men quickly dismounted and began to repair the broken beams, setting them upright, as the others kept the horses together. Soon all of the horses were quartered in a large pen.
Kadar watched his brother with pride as he moved about the horses, giving orders to his men. The herd was large and this prize enormous. He had visions of the endless bartering with other tribes and knew much of that livestock would make for excellent breeding purposes. Abbas had done well.
As the thoughts of breeding formed in his head, he again spoke to Tynet. He knew she loved horses as much as Abbas and in fact had bred magnificent horses that had enriched the bloodlines of his own herds. Seeing the devastation all around them, he knew she would have to rebuild her own herds.
"My friend," he said. "I would like to offer you all the horses that Abbas has rounded up. Your herds are gone or killed. I would be honored if you would accept these horses."
Both of them knew she would never accept all the horses, but it was the custom of the desert people to offer a worthy friend all their possessions of value.
"You ... you are . most gracious and generous... Imam," she faltered again. Adara placed her arm around her middle to better support her weary lover. "I ... I'll accept ... a few of them... for breeding and rebuilding our herds."
"It is I you honor by accepting my offer. Tynet, I cannot thank you enough." he hesitated a moment for he had never used the term with her before, then said "Ibna, (my daughter) You have bravely sacrificed yourself to save the women. Your praises will be sung around the campfires of my people for generations to come. The name Tynet will be spoken of with great honor." He bowed to the warrior as he said these words. Then he added, "I will tell Abbas you are to be given any mares or stallions that you choose."
Seeing the exhaustion taking its toll on Tynet, Adara said to Kadar, "I need to get her to a place of rest, Imam."
He nodded.
Pointing to some supply barrels that had miraculously survived the carnage, Adara spoke to Xena. "Let's use that area as our hospital. Send the injured to me there." Then she guided Tynet to the place indicated and eased her down onto one of the barrels.
As both women walked off together Kadar turned to Xena and said, "When the Amazons return to their homeland I will bring her brood mares of the finest lineage from my stables to help rebuild her herds."
"She will need all your help, Kadar." Xena did not use the formal address when speaking to the Sheik. "She was severely beaten and had almost given up. The light is gone from her eyes. Right now, I don't know if even Adara can bring it back," Xena responded.
"Allah, be merciful," he said and then asked, "What do you need of me now, Xena?"
"We need a pyre for the women who died," she replied. "The Amazons will do the funeral rites, honoring them and sending them to the afterlife. Then we need to care for the wounded. Whoever is left of Tynet and Adara's tribe, they will have to decide where they want to go. There are other women who were prisoners but not of their tribe. We'll have to plan for those women too."
The Sheik thought about this for a long time. Any woman who had been violated was branded an outcast in his society, no matter the cause. The desert was a harsh place to live and without benefit of husbands or brothers, these women would be shunned by all and would survive only a short time left alone. He pondered the issues confronting him, even as he assumed all the women had been raped by these infidels.
Just then, a woman's tired voice broke his concentration. "My Lord? My brother, Lord Kadar?"
He turned to see two women slowly moving towards him, one leaning on the other. The head of the one leaning was bandaged and blood seeped through the cloth. Her arm was also in a sling. The other, a blond Western woman, helped her to walk. They were followed by a robed desert man leading a horse with the colors of his tribe.
"Abdul Hadi," the sheik exclaimed. Is that Rida under the bandages? Did he find Rida? he dared to wonder.
"My Lord," said the sentry as he got closer to the sheik. "Your wife's sister has been found alive."
"Allah be praised," Kadar said, touching his forehead as he approached the injured woman. "Ukhtee, (sister) are you alright?"
"Yes, My Lord," she responded, belying her condition.
"Allah be praised," Alim responded. He too had offered Allah two goats if Rida were to be found alive.
"Your sister feared you dead, Rida," he said. "She would have been inconsolable had I returned with such grim news," he continued.
"Are you alright?" he asked again, looking carefully into her eyes. He didn't know what he expected to see - perhaps the shame that told him she had been violated.
She returned his gaze directly, revealing her truth and knowing her fate was now in his hands. He stared at her a long while, then realized that Allah had indeed answered both of his prayers. Rida was alive and so was Adara. In that moment of realization, his decision was made. He knew the impact it would have on his tribesmen, yet, he had to do it. He had no other choice.
He enfolded her in an embrace as he said, "Ukhtee, you and all the women who have been harmed and who wish my protection, I grant to you all. Your home is now to be made among the tents of Kadar and Ikram."
Alim, knowing how enormous this decision was, offered no objection to his friend. Instead, he placed his hand on his Kadar's shoulder and said to the woman, "And also among the tents of Alim and my wife, Hala." There was no greater demonstration of friendship that he could have offered.
Rida dissolved into tears and wept her grief and her anguish on her brother's shoulder.
Alim then addressed Abdul Hadi. "Get some men and bring wood. Bring anything that will burn. The Amazons need a funeral pyre to send their dead onward to their next life."
"Yes, My Lord," replied the sentry. "We'll get right to it."
* * *
By dawn, Abdul Hadi, commanding two guards and four enemy soldiers, had assembled a massive pile of wood for the Amazon funeral rites. The tribal leaders knew the Amazons would conduct the rites themselves and would want privacy, so they moved a respectful distance away from the battlefield to give honor to the fallen women.
"Will this be enough wood?" Abdul Hadi asked Xena. All the men now recognized Xena as the leader of the women.
She turned in question to Gabrielle who replied, "Yes. Thank you. All of you," she said pointedly, not ignoring the enemy soldiers who had been further burdened with this chore.
"We need to stack the wood in mounds, Gabrielle," Xena said.
"I know," the bard replied though she didn't want the men to have to work longer.
Xena was less circumspect. "Stack the wood there in three mounds for burning," she said pointing to an area near a corner of what had been the women's prison. Abdul Hadi gave them the signal and the men began to make the mounds.
After much discussion among the remaining eastern Amazons with their sisters from the west, they concluded that all of the women who died deserved an Amazon burial. The women were not Amazons nor were they warriors, but they had died defending their sisters and there was no greater service in the eyes of the survivors.
As Queen, Gabrielle was expected to preside over the funeral pyre, saying the blessings for the souls of the women and speeding them to the Land of the Dead. Isaura, the mother of Adara, had been gathering cloths to make burial shrouds, and she directed the covering of the women's bodies. Then, Solari, Ephiny and Noalani carried each of the bodies, one at a time, and respectfully placed each one on top of a wooden pile.
When all three women had been laid out for burial, the women gathered. Some were badly injured, some had only minor scrapes and bruises, yet every woman wanted to be there in attendance to show their respect. Penda, arm in arm with Kunjana, stood next to Tynet and Adara. Penda's eyes were red from crying. Across the circle, the western Amazons faced their eastern sisters.
Gabrielle, carrying a lighted torch, walked into the center of the circle and began the rites.
"My sisters, by the grace of the goddess Anahita, we are able to honor these three women today. They only knew lives as wives and daughters before they were taken from their homes and brought to this brutal savage end. Yet, they gave new meaning to what we know and call our sisterhood. They were brave and their valor honorable.
None of them knew how to fight, yet they paid the ultimate sacrifice for our safety and freedom by giving their lives. They were not warriors but we will honor them as warriors and as Amazon sisters. We will sing the song of victory to Anahita who delivered us from this evil army; we will sing the song of perseverance to Adara who brought help in time to defeat this scourge; we will sing the Amazon funeral chant and consign our sisters to the Amazon Land of the Dead and to the Elysian Fields."
She then struck her chest with her fist and watched as every woman around the circle did the same thing. Then she walked to each pyre and lit it. As the flames rose and slowly engulfed the stacked wood, a soft melody was heard. Noalani had pulled a flute from her pack and was playing it in honor of the women. As she blew the mournful tune, a beautiful voice joined the refrain. Adara, with one arm still supporting Tynet, sang to her fallen sisters. She sang the funeral song of love, of life, and of death. Her mother, Isaura, with a voice as sweet, joined her daughter. Then Solari sang and then Ephiny. One by one, the other women joined in, standing and singing as one chorus, while the flames consumed the bodies.
Sitting in the shadow of the ridge, the men were taking a mid-afternoon break when they heard the choir of female voices singing. Some of the men touched their foreheads; others bowed and said a silent prayer to Allah; all stopped to look and acknowledge the sounds of the female voices rising through the smoke of the funeral pyre.
* * * * *
The men had labored all day in the hot sun burying the dead in the mass graves dug by the remaining enemy soldiers. They continued to clean up the mess left after the battle. Kadar was ever watchful and yet compassionate towards the women. His vigilant sentry, Abdul Hadi, had found the hot springs where the Amazons had previously camped and Kadar offered its use to the women first. This was another breach of protocol and custom, but he no longer cared. An image of his wife, Ikram, floated into view. You've taught me well, beloved wife, he thought.
"You have suffered much," he told them. "Please take the springs and let the hot waters give balm to your bodies, and perhaps also to your spirits."
"Thank you, Sheik Kadar. The women will appreciate your generous offer and your many kindnesses." Xena had begun to like and respect the tribal chieftain, and had begun using the more formal address, especially after he had offered his tents to all the women who had been defiled by the barbarian army.
"What will they do now?" he asked her.
"I'm not sure. They need to rebuild their lives though. Tynet said this place is forever defiled and they'll need to find someplace else to celebrate their spring rites. Whether their original village can be salvaged, I just don't know. They still have much to discuss."
"I'm sure," he replied. "I am at their service, Xena. I will leave you now to the company of the women." He bowed, touched his index finger and thumb to his heart and forehead, then began his descent down the ridge to his men.
Xena walked towards the pools hoping to find Gabrielle. She was not disappointed. The bard was lounging against the rocks in one of the pools, her eyes closed from the weariness of the battle, the loss of her sisters and the uncertainty of the future of so many.
Xena quickly shed her leathers and armor and stepped into the hot pool. She put her index finger over her lips to quiet the others into not giving away her intentions. She cautiously approached the bard and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.
Startled, Gabrielle's eyes fluttered open. "Xena?" She couldn't believe that Xena had kissed her in this public place.
"Shhh," Xena said slipping behind her and cradling the bard's body between her legs and against her chest. Several of the women smiled, while Pony grinned with a wink, at the overt display of affection. Xena gave her 'the look' and when the others saw it, they diverted their attention to one another.
"I'm worried about Tynet," Xena said with a whisper into Gabrielle's ear. She nuzzled the ear lobe, enjoying the young woman squirming in her lap.
"I know. I am too," she replied. "Stop that," she said, not meaning a word of it yet taking joy and comfort in the safety of her lover's arms.
"They don't have a home. We need to do something," Xena said.
"Their children are still in Thrace. Perhaps they'll want to remain with us. If not, we'll help them rebuild the tribe. Matter of fact, I want to welcome any of these women to Thrace if they cannot return to their previous lives." She leaned into Xena's arms, content in the now of this moment.
On the other side of the pool, they heard Isaura and Rida talking. Both women were soaking their weary bodies, relishing the hot bath after so many weeks of captivity and indignity.
"Don't get the bandage wet, Rida," Isaura told the younger woman as she watched her submerge to her chin. "And keep your arm on the rocks if you can."
"Yes 'maman,' she said to the older woman. All the women in the encampment had come to call Isaura, maman, the desert name for mother. They'd all lost their own mothers and Isaura filled their needs.
"What will you do, Rida?" Isaura asked. "Where will you go? What about your tribeswomen who survived?"
"We will go to my sister's tribe. We have all been defiled, maman," she said, a far-away look turning her face to sadness. "We are no longer pure and we're now outcasts. We have no other home," she continued.
Isaura touched the young woman's shoulder in acknowledgment and understanding. Rida and the others were now truly outcasts. "Stay with us," Isaura offered.
"Thank you, maman. You are so kind, but in truth, Allah has blessed us. Kadar has offered us homes and his protection. It is a great honor that he has done. Besides, I will be living in the Maharama with my sister, Ikram. Allah has been merciful." The younger woman focused on the grace of Allah, rather than the loss of her previous life and her purity.
"We are all blessed, Ukhtee," Isaura said. She had learned some of their language while they were prisoners. She did feel blessed. While she'd grieved over the loss of her beloved mate, Hafsa, and most of her tribe, her daughter, Adara was alive and Tynet had survived the madman General. But at what cost, she thought.
"What will you do, maman?" asked Rida breaking the woman's reverie.
"I'll wait to hear what Tynet and Adara wish to do. Those of us left from our tribe will look to Tynet as our new leader."
"She is the bravest warrior, man or woman, that I ever saw," Rida said.
"Yes she is," Isaura replied. "I only pray my daughter can restore her to life."
* * * * *
In one of the larger pools, Tynet sat quietly and contentedly holding Adara's hand tightly. The steaming waters had begun to loosen the knots in her tired muscles. Always the jokester, Tynet had always played hard and worked hard. Yet, now she was reticent, her eyes unfocused. Tynet responded only when asked a direct question. Adara was very concerned. There was no light in her lover's eyes any longer and Adara worried about the damage done to Tynet's spirit.
"Are you ready to get out now, my love?" Adara asked her.
"If you are," Tynet responded. Without waiting for a reply, Tynet stood up to get their fresh robes lying on the other edge of the large spring. The robes were another of the spoils of war. Kadar's men had found them near the men's barracks and had offered the clean clothes to the women.
Pony was not far from Adara in the same pool. She'd been lying with her eyes closed listening to Ephiny and Solari talking about going home when Adara made her way over to her.
"I want to thank you, Pony, for everything you've done for my family. You befriended me from the very beginning then offered your hearth to me and my daughters. Then, my friend, you gave your own life so my Tynet could live," Adara began.
Pony, always uncomfortable with accolades of any kind, opened her eyes and quickly composed herself. "Anyone would have done it. We're Amazons. This is how we take care of ... "
Adara saw through the self-deprecating remarks that had begun and, placing a finger on Pony's lips, said, "I'm sorry, Pony. I'm so sorry." It was clear to both of them what Adara was sorry about.
She continued, "But I needed to thank you personally. I know the sacrifice you made. I also know that our Goddess always rewards such sacrifice."
The sound of laughter – a sound seldom heard in the past few days – tinkled across the pool. Solari and Ephiny were sharing a joke. Adara looked towards the sound of the laughter, then more directly at Ephiny. Then she looked at Pony.
"Nah," Pony said, leaning her head back into the water and covering her face. When she surfaced again, she said to Adara, "we're only friends."
"Tynet was my best friend from early childhood," she informed Pony, her golden eyes staring pointedly into those of the weapon's mistress. Then, seeing Tynet return with the fresh robes, she placed a hand on Pony's arm and said, "Thank you again. I will never forget what you did."
Adara stood to take the robes from Tynet and water sluiced down her back following the contours and planes of her body. As Pony watched her, a piercing pain tore through her heart and she turned her back on the woman she loved but would never hold in her arms.
Ephiny saw the interaction and the look that crossed Pony's face when Adara left the pool. She swam over to her friend and asked, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah," Pony replied. "It's just some residual pain from that sword. Anahita's water didn't cure everything."
Then a splash of water hit her squarely on the side of the face. She turned with a fierce look of anger to find Solari laughing at her.
"You've gotten so lax, Pony. In the past, I never would have caught you off guard like that. But hey, what do you expect from someone who takes a nap in the middle of a battle."
That proclamation brought peals of laughter from some of the other women who were watching the Amazons. A covert look passed between Pony and Ephiny and they both turned at the same time. With their open palms, they launched huge waves of water back to Solari and splashed a few of the other women sitting near by. Instantly, a full-fledged water fight broke out amid squeals of joy and boisterous laughter.
Xena and Gabrielle, leaning against the rocks at the far end of their pool, were out of the worst of it.
"It's good to see everyone beginning to live again after all we've been through," she said to Xena.
When there was no comment from her lover, she turned and was met with a wall of water hitting her full in the face.
"You! You are so dead...," she yelled.
"Ya gotta catch me first," Xena said as she dove under the water.
* * * *
Disclaimer: SPS Alert: don't read this chapter at work; of course if you hate your job and they're going to fire you any way; what the heck, let er rip <bg>
Acknowledgement: In this chapter we used a song/chant from the wonderful Native American singer/song writer Joanne Shenandoah. The song we chose is called "Path of Beauty" which can be found on either her "Peace and Power" or "Life Blood" CDs. We contacted her about this song, asking about the meaning of the words (which are sung in her native tongue). She replied that it was a very old chant and had been used from time out of mind as a blessing to women, to their lives and their passages, but there was no translation. She said that this tones and images it invokes were known to raise a woman's spirit to higher realms. Xanjaa and I can both attest to that.
We've tried to faithfully reproduce, in print, the sounds of this sacred song. We recommend highly, Ms Shenandoah's work. If you were to listen to "Path of Beauty" for yourself, you might find you've touched the inner beauty that is You. Her music can be found at her own web site or Amazon
As night had fallen, a large bonfire had been lit. Golden light and flickering shadows danced across the faces of the men and women sitting around it. The mood was both celebratory and somber. Boisterous tales of battle exploits were intermingled with periods of quiet reflection for fallen comrades.
Many of the women were deep in their own thoughts... thoughts of going home, of finding a home, of renewing pledges and reviving their lives. Some had no idea what would become of them or where they would go. Tonight, they all paused to give thanks to their individual Gods. This feast was a way for them to share their victory with those who'd made the ultimate sacrifice.
Food had been prepared. They dined on the Red Scorpion Army's bounty. A rich store-house of rations had been found intact in a supply tent near the general's pavilion.
Sitting quietly next to her hearth-mate, Tynet watched in impassive silence as the festivity swirled around her. Lost to it, she could not bring herself to join in the party. When offered food or drink, she took only a small sampling for the sake of good manners and then passed it on. Tynet wished she could let go of her memories as easily as she passed platters of food around the circle.
One thing she would not relinquish was Adara's hand. To that, Tynet clung like a rider on a run away horse, but, even the close proximity of her lover, couldn't relieve the pain and loss in Tynet.
It was more than grieving for family members and friends who'd lost their lives, that plagued Tynet. During the past four weeks, she'd had been forced to shut down the woman that she was. In place of the warm caring person she had been, stood an emotionally frozen being. She'd built a wall of indifference around her heart by weekly telling herself nothing mattered but killing the RSA animals. It had finally taken its toll when she'd been able to convince herself that they had no soul. Now she wondered if she still had one of her own.
Tynet struggled to reach inside and find some humanity there, but her mind gave her no rest. She replayed each weekly battle in the ring. The abuse and cat-calls of the soldiers had driven her away from her goodness. She began to feel as though she had no worth other than as a killing machine. The blood of dead men, men she'd killed, stained her very soul, and inch by inch, she'd closed her heart off from anything but her survival and the survival of the Amazons under her care. She'd killed those men in the ring and enjoyed the feeling. She'd looked upon dead men as if they had no more worth than discarded rubbish.
She stole a quick glance at her beautiful hearth-mate and wondered. Can we ever go back to what we had? Tynet eyed her hands; one was interlaced tightly with Adara's long slender fingers and the other clinched into a tight fist on her thigh. How can I hold my children with these killing hands? In a matter of a few candle-marks, she'd gone from defeated captive to revered war hero. It was more than she could grasp. The torment continued unabated as her questions found no answers in her arid soul.
Adara was deeply troubled by Tynet's reticence and withdrawal. She knew something must be done to draw out her soul-mate. This was not her Tynet, this woman who sat in stoic silence barely tasting her food. It was obvious from the many new scars and fresh injuries to Tynet's body that she'd been through hell.
Adara's ability to heal had already worked some minor miracles. The cuts had been sutured and healing salves and ointments applied to scrapes and bruises. In only twenty-four hours Tynet already looked more her old self. Adara knew the physical damage was not the issue; her lover's spirit had suffered major damage. Those were the wounds Adara longed to heal now.
She could stand it no longer and leaned to Tynet's ear and whispered, "Come and walk with me."
Seemingly pulled back from a place far away, Tynet looked confused at first and then slowly, but fluidly, rose to her feet offering her hand to Adara. So like her to be the one to help me, when I know she's the one needing help now, thought Adara as she stood. Adara reached to the ground taking up the blanket upon which they had been sitting, a water skin, and her ever present healer's kit.
"Look at Anahita's moon."
Tynet looked up at the brilliant silver disc hanging mid-heaven and sent a small prayer of thanksgiving, I didn't think I'd be standing under your light this night, I didn't think I'd have my Adara at my side, Thank you Mother, thank you... I am unworthy of this gift...
"Let's find a private place to watch."
"All right, where?" Tynet looked puzzled as she glanced around the moonlit landscape. Despite having been here many times for the spring rite, she felt as if she was a visitor in unfamiliar territory.
"This way" Adara led Tynet back into the tumbled boulders away from the noise of the victory party; away where she could hold her lover, away where they could begin to heal.
The moonlight made it easy for Adara to find the path back into the crevices to the special place where she and Tynet had lain in each other's arms each spring for so many seasons in the past. They moved through the rocks in silence, each woman lost in her own worries for the other. Weaving through the stone walls that appeared to never end, Adara turned sideways and easily pulled Tynet through with her. In the past, it had been a tight squeeze for the much larger woman, but since her captivity Tynet was now skin and bone. She easily followed Adara.
They found themselves in an open, flat sandy area surrounded by smooth rock walls on all sides but open to the Great Mother Goddess above. The light of the full moon illuminated the white sand until it sparkled. A cursory inspection assured Adara that no serpents had taken up residence in the enclosed area. It was unlikely that they would since this spot had no ledges or dark places where a snake might hide.
When she was certain they were alone here, Adara spread their blanket on the ground and pulled Tynet down next to her. This was the first moment they'd had alone since the conclusion of the battle and its aftermath. They'd bathed and tended their wounds with all the other women.
In absolute love, Adara allowed her eyes to roam Tynet's face. All she wanted was to touch her Tynet, to honor and bless each angry scar, to soothe and relieve each fresh wound and somehow to reach inside and hold, gently, Tynet's battered spirit.
Slowly, oh so slowly, she traced the outline of her lover's plain broad face with her finger tips. She smiled at Tynet, who could never accept what a beautiful creature she was. Since childhood, Adara had only been able to see the sweet soul of her life companion. It distressed Adara now to see her mate, who'd always glowed with love and life, carrying so much pain that it dimmed that inner light. .
Struggling to find a way in, Adara looked gravely into Tynet's eyes feeling the pain she found there as her own. She leaned in, her soft mouth capturing the pliant lips of Tynet. The kiss was returned tentatively at first, but Adara nibbled and licked gently, but insistently letting her lover know through the soft kisses that she was loved completely.
Returning the kiss, Tynet longed for nothing so much as to be lost in the warmth of Adara's love. Even as she opened her mouth in invitation to Adara to enter, Tynet's mind gave her no peace. What are you doing kissing her? You're not even human... you're incapable of feeling love anymore. She knew it as truth and the thoughts crushed her and tears, held at bay since their reunion, overflowed her eyes.
Lost in the sensation of her tongue caressing Tynet's, Adara was surprised to note a distinctly salty taste. Pulling back she saw her lover's face bathed in tears that ran in rivulets down her cheeks and into the corners of her mouth.
Adara looked deep into twin dark pools of endless misery and her heart broke, "Ohhh, Tynet, oh my love. Come 'ere."
Like a damn bursting, the tears poured out, unabated they flowed down Tynet's dark face. Drowning in a never ending river of agonized grief, she cried out. "Arh..." Tynet tried to speak, but the grief stricken woman choked on her words, "Ahhh, I... I... ahhh..." Each attempt at speech was strangled by another sobbing gasp for breath.
Helpless against the onslaught, Adara pulled her lover tighter against her breast and crooned meaningless words of solace.
"It's all right my love, I'm right here... I'll never leave you... you're all right now... I love you so... let it out... I'm here, let it all out now."
Tynet took refuge in Adara's arms. With her head on her mate's lap, Tynet pulled her legs up like an infant and curled into herself seeking shelter from the unseen demons tormenting her. It was all she could do to breathe.
With Tynet coiled tightly into her self like a small helpless child, Adara leaned over and covered her treasured mate in an attempt to siphon away the agony racking her lover.
Gently, with infinite love, Adara smoothed the thick black hair back from Tynet's face and rubbed comforting circles on the convulsing muscular back.
"That's it my love, just let it out." Adara rocked the woman in her arms just as she had their children when they needed to be comforted. "Let it all come."
As she sobbed out her anguish, Tynet's mind stumbled into the blackest hell. Questioning her self-worth and right to be part of the human race, Tynet couldn't stop the doubts assailing her. She doesn't know what I've become? I'm a killer. What kind of a mother am I, who has killed and killed again and enjoyed it?
Her rage was all she'd had to fight back with. So she'd allowed it to rule her inner world. And now she couldn't find the way back. With each self-condemnation, she was driven further into despair and the sobbing continued and Adara held on to her, anchoring the bereft woman to life.
As with all things, tears and grief, eventually take a respite and finally after more than a half candle-mark, Tynet quieted. She lay limp and unresisting in the lap of her mate. The questions plaguing her spread like scattered leaves in her mind.
Soft lips on her wet forehead brought the large woman out of her silent reverie. Light fingers caressed and smoothed the tangled hair, damp with perspiration and tears. Together they sat bathed in silver moonlight listening to the night sounds.
Tynet's eyes were closed but it was evident she wasn't asleep. Continuing to stroke her head ever so gently, Adara finally broke the quiet with a question.
"Can you talk about it, my love?"
Dark eyes slowly opened and the big woman sniffed and sighed deeply before speaking. "I,... I don't... know... I..., I love you so much, Adara..."
Tynet's forehead was lined by the heaviness of her burden and more tears leaked from the sides of her dark eyes. Not the desperate agonizing deluge of earlier, but the quiet tears of loss of her innocence, of knowing what she was capable of doing in order to survive. How can I tell her? How can I not? We've always told each other our deepest secrets... but nothing like this. We've been like children all these years. We've never had anything but the purest of hearts. And now, now I'm an animal no better than the men I've killed.
Seeing her lover's struggle, Adara was filled with sympathy but she knew the only way back for them was to get it out in the open. Never stopping the path of her fingers, she stroked the troubled brow.
"Tynet, I will wait all night, however long it takes. You need to speak of it. In order to be free you need to talk to me."
"I love you Adara. I've missed you," Tynet began. Taking the hand that traced her brow, she kissed the palm and then held it close to her heart. "I never thought I'd see you..." That thought closed off her throat and she trailed off as fresh tears threatened.
"Just breathe, sweetheart... it's all right now... I'm right here... talk to me," Adara coaxed.
"I love you... you're my only hope and ... still... I don't know if I... if ... if... I don't even know where to start." Struggling, Tynet faltered through her brief declaration. Her chest ached and felt tight from the intense sobbing.
"Just start... start anywhere. I love you completely," Adara said and then she waited for Tynet. She resolved to let the story come as it would with minimal interruptions.
Sighing deeply again, Tynet knew it as truth. This woman cradling her head loved her without condition and she could unburden herself if she chose. All their lives it was the greatest gift they'd offered each other, a place of acceptance where they could speak and know they would be loved despite everything.
"Adara, I feel so dirty. I killed so many men." Tynet paused after her simple pronouncement.
Adara waited, but when it appeared there was nothing more forth coming, she said,
"You did what you had to do my love... Tell me why you feel dirty."
Tynet stared straight up into the light of the moon. Again, the big woman was silent for so long, Adara began to wonder if she would speak again.
"I didn't have to enjoy it," Tynet finally whispered, the shame was just below the surface. She swallowed hard, waiting for Adara's verdict.
"Ahhh..." Adara continued to stroke the damp hair and forehead, healing with her touch. She understood a bit of what was happening here. It was normal. Tynet was no natural born killer. In fact, Tynet had never taken a human life before this. Their tribe had known a peaceful existence. Of course they all had some skill with a weapon and several of her tribe knew more than one weapon. Tynet had always been athletic and had won many sparing contests over the years. She was an accomplished hunter of animals, but she'd never killed a human before. No wonder her soul is in tatters... Adara planted a soft kiss on her lover's brow.
"I am your other half and you are mine. Let's face this together."
Once again, they sat alone listening to the night sounds. Adara determined she would wait as long as it took. She continued her soothing strokes and waited.
Finally, Tynet began. Her voice cracking and her speech halting, she stammered, stopped and restarted until she'd relayed the worst of her inner torment.
"I... I... I wanted to hurt them, to kill them for all they took from us... and I, I didn't know if you'd made it to safety and so I wanted to kill them for your death and for the deaths of our babies... I hated them so much... I didn't know I could hate like that... and...and... and I... I felt guilty to be alive when you had died," she sobbed.
Tears leaked from Adara's eyes at the revelation. She'd known her own guilt at having survived the holocaust, but was just coming to realize that Tynet had suffered the same agony without any comfort. Adara had made it to her family and her Amazon sisters had rallied to her aid.
"I'm so sorry. After I thought I saw them kill you, we ran. If I'd known, maybe..."
Since that fateful night, Tynet's memories had been foggy. Bits and pieces had come, and the others talking had brought many of the events back. Now in an overwhelming rush the rest came pouring in. Like a deluge, images and emotions hit her with great force. Her lover's voice and arms held her safely even as the force of Tynet's rage pummeled her. Then her feelings and memories poured out in a rush.
"You did the right thing; it's what I wanted for you ... I barely had time to ask the goddess to help you... we were in the fight of our lives. After you and the children ran, I saw Hafsa and Isaura and a few others making a stand... I ran to them and we fought side by side... there were so many of them and so few of us ... they were animals! I wanted them all to die in agony for what they did..." biting her lip Tynet paused as the vivid memories came flooding back to her. She swallowed convulsively.
Adara continued stroking Tynet's hair, but didn't speak. Tynet had to do this. Adara watched and waited forcing herself to allow Tynet find the way back.
After a few minutes of silence, during which time, the pain of those memories etched themselves into her soul; Tynet continued to unburden her heart. She related the events of that night in vivid detail as if she was reliving it.
"Oh goddess, Hafsa is down... five soldiers against one woman; her blood coats my boots like a red river. It doesn't look real. They're forcing us into a tight ring; only fourteen still live. We're all fighting, but my mind is going crazy... how can I be fighting for my life and still be planning the future? I know the sisters who would not survive captivity. I know it as I swing my sword, feeling its bite into flesh and hoping the pain is unbearable for them... I just want to take some of them to the under-world with us before we all die..."
Tynet stopped, her breath coming in huge gulps as she tried to release her anger and her horror of that night. Finally, emitting a huge sigh, she picked up the story again. Clearly, the vivid recall had released its hold on her and she spoke more dispassionately.
"Sadly I was right, the two I thought wouldn't make it, died later in the camp... there was little food, dirty water, abuse and ridicule a daily occurrence... we were forced to live like animals out in the open under the desert sun..." she paused and then continued. "It was bad; many didn't want to live without their mates... I could understand it."
Adara tried hard not to blanch at the description of the horrors the women had endured. She'd already heard of Tynet's exploits in the ring, fighting every week against impossible odds to save the women. Now she needed her lover to share the cost to her soul for doing this. She knew without doubt this was the path to redemption for Tynet.
Keeping her face impassive, she encouraged her lover to continue. "You're doing fine, my love... tell me what haunts you now."
Her voice completely devoid of emotion, Tynet told of being knocked senseless only to have Isaura and some of the others help her to her feet. She spoke impassively of the pounding in her head as they were forced marched to a temporary camp, of meeting the desert women and the confrontation with the general that first night.
"I worried for the young ones. To be sent to lay with men before they are prepared... I couldn't accept it, so I... I wanted to offer myself... but who'd have me..." she ended that statement with a rueful laugh.
"Me." Adara offered with a small smile of encouragement.
"You are my refuge Adara..." Tynet said, too filled with emotion to say more.
Adara ran soft fingers over her lover's forehead and encouraged Tynet to continue.
Tynet's eyes took on the far away look of one remembering from a distance something too heinous to relive in the current moment, but she knew she must. Impassively she told of the first fight against their best warrior, how she'd used surprise and all her strength to crush his windpipe and bring him to his knees. She wanted to save Adara from hearing this.
"It's not pretty."
Adara was adamant. "I don't care. I will have you back and this is the way. Tell me."
Swallowing around the hard lump in her throat, Tynet continued. "I looked at this dying man, and he looked at me with eyes pleading for mercy... for me to spare him and I... I knew only hatred. I picked up his sword and I felt powerful and I... I fed on the fear I saw written in his face. I pushed the sword tip against his breast plate and felt the leather give. I watched the terror climb up his skin, smelled his bowels release and felt triumph..." Tynet paused and glanced at Adara. The golden eyes of her lover were fixed on her. She saw only love in them. Well, this will kill that my love, she thought before finishing her indictment.
"When I plunged the blade deep into his body, it was thrilling. I enjoyed killing him; it felt, oh goddess, I felt good. I watched him pitch forward into the dirt and I thought him less than human, of less value than animal dung which at least is used to fertilize our fields." She stopped, looked hard into Adara's eyes expecting to see the condemnation she felt she deserved. When she didn't she continued, "I have so much shame."
Adara had carefully schooled her face into an impassive mask. Yes, she was sickened at the detailed description, but more, she knew it was that very anger that had kept Tynet alive. She needed for her to understand that. Carefully, she chose her words.
"My love, I haven't heard anything to change my love for you. Your rage was a gift from the goddess. Don't you see? If you hadn't, you'd have been defeated and the women taken and used by those men. As hard as it is to believe right now, you did what was needed. Those soldiers were mercenaries. They made a choice to follow a monster and they paid with their lives."
"I didn't have to relish it. Week after week, I didn't have to let it feel so good." Her words were no more than a whisper and Tynet swallowed hard, her mouth dry from the effort of speaking.
Little escaped Adara's notice where Tynet was concerned. She reached for the water skin and helped her mate relieve her parched throat. And then Adara took up her rebuttal.
"Yes, you did, you had to be strong and if feeling good about what you had to do was the way, then so be it. It was the only way you could have won."
"I don't know, Adara. I don't know anything now."
"Tynet, look at me. Do you relish it now? Do you miss the feeling of killing?"
Tynet was quiet. Clearly, she was searching inside, trying to find the feeling of killing, trying to find the pleasure in it. After a while she knew that the feeling was gone. She answered as if surprised at the answer, "No."
"No. Because you are a human being, a wonderful human being, who will for the rest of her life have to live with this. But I promise you this, I will live proudly beside you knowing you've walked in the bowels of hell and returned to me, whole."
Tynet squeezed her mate's hand and smiled gratefully. There was one more revelation.
"Adara, there is more. The General... he came to me the night before the battle. He told me something my heart and mind would not believe... something so unbelievable and yet I knew when he said the words, he spoke the truth... and I felt sorrow for him."
Adara was more stunned by this statement than by any previous disclosure and spoke before thinking, "You had pity for the animal that did this to our people, our tribe? I don't believe it."
Tynet understood. She'd had nothing but contempt for the mastermind behind the horrors she'd endured. Adara needed to know what she knew.
"I know. I felt the same. I couldn't understand his utter loathing for us and I asked him, why do you hate us so much? And he told me his name. At first, I didn't recognize it... and he taunted me with it, Darin ...
Adara looked confused, but kept her council as Tynet relived the events of that night...
"What's the matter, Amazon bitch, does the name, Darin, mean nothing to you?" the general spoke in a harsh whisper so low that no one else could hear.
Confusion was written in her eyes as she struggled to recall, 'yes the name is familiar, but why?'
"Why am I not surprised? Of course you will know the name, Carine." He watched her dispassionately as the realization slowly awakened in her consciousness. Seeing the recognition written on her face, his anger and hatred flared with a vengeance. In a hushed voice, reeking of loathing, he spat out his indictment against women everywhere, but especially the Amazons.
"So you do remember! Of course, the Amazons will remember the women of their tribe. After all, my mother was the queen's sister. But the boys, the sons are discarded like so much rubbish, given to brutal fathers at an age they cannot hope to protect themselves, no thought given to their fate. Their mothers couldn't care less that they might be sold to the Persians, sold into servitude and slavery, used like a woman by cruel men with big cocks and small brains."
As the general's invective spewed out of him, Tynet was staggered by his words and stepped back. She was sickened and grieved. Of course, she remembered. She was only five summers when Carine and Darin rode out of the camp together. There had been tears in Carine's dark eyes, while Darin had looked bewildered. Tynet recalled many of the older children running alongside the horses yelling their goodbyes to the boy. He'd had friends among the youngsters. Although Tynet was too young to have been one of them, she remembered that day.
Then she understood the agony of what that boy had suffered and what had brought him to this place of hate and fear. Now it was easier to see how the seductive promises of revenge from the dark god would appeal to this man's shattered soul. She understood and compassion filled her. All the abuse and death fell away in her desire to comfort him, comfort the boy still within this man. Instinctively and unconsciously, she'd reached out and touched his shoulder, saying, "I am sorry. I didn't know. I'm so very sorry."
Angrily he pulled away from her touch as if it had scorched his very skin, grabbing her hand he threw it away from him. "Don't touch me you filthy excuse for a woman. I don't need the pity of an Amazon whore," he raged at her. "Tomorrow night I'll enjoy every moment you have to spend with my men. Then, I'll watch you die. I will curse you to the bottom of Hell... you and every vile perverted Amazon!" and then he stormed off toward his tent.
Adara was as staggered as Tynet had been two nights ago. She could barely think let alone speak. Darin was the nephew to our queen... by the goddess. The revelations tumbled through Adara. She tried to make sense of it all and couldn't, but she knew they had not been responsible. Now, she spoke to her lover.
"Tynet, we were children. I don't even remember the day he was sent away. I only know the stories that are told and from that I knew we wanted daughters. It is neither your fault nor mine. It is the law of our people for longer than anyone remembers. If it's a bad law then it can be changed, but you and I have done nothing wrong. Do you hear me? We've done nothing wrong."
"I hear you my love; yes, I hear you. The waste, the death, the terrible pain suffered by everyone involved, that is what wounds me; that is what fills me with sorrow and pulls the air from my lungs."
Adara pulled Tynet up and into her embrace and they held onto each other, rocking back and forth allowing the emotions they felt to first fill them and then release into the desert night. They cried silently in each other's arms as their tears washed them clean at last.
It was Adara who finally spoke.
"Tynet, it's tragic, beyond tragic, that one wounded child could cause such destruction. Maybe he would have turned into a madman anyway. I don't know. Maybe if he'd stayed with us it would have been different. One day, maybe it will be different, maybe this horror will bring about the changes needed. I just don't know. The world doesn't seem able to change without being shaken awake."
Tynet was quiet digesting her mate's words. Adara stopped and breathed for a few moments before continuing. "But now, you and I must go on and rebuild. And we will. We'll rebuild our lives and our tribe with our children and our love. We'll do it together as we always have."
Tynet pulled back and looked deeply into Adara's golden eyes. She saw no judgment, only understanding and infinite love. I pray you are right, she thought.
"Thank you. I bless the goddess every day for you," Tynet said.
Now it was Adara's turn to release some of her painful memories into the certainty of Tynet's love.
"All that has gone before has led us here. I couldn't accept that you were gone. Even when I saw them strike you down, my heart wouldn't let me believe it. I held the hope of your return until we came to the destruction of our village; then I believed and I let my rage shield me for what we needed to do." Adara hoped Tynet could see the similarities and the need for anger sometimes.
"Adara, I would have done anything to spare you and our children this nightmare."
"As I would have spared you," Adara said, her eyes brimming with overwhelming love.
"We've been through so much. The things that happened have changed us. How do we find what we've lost?" Tynet asked, her voice tired and defeated.
When Adara spoke again it was wistfully, with the realization that yes, they'd changed, but that they were stronger too. She carefully chose her words.
"The goddess has returned you to me. I don't know if our lives will be the same. I don't see how they can be, but I believe we can heal, together."
Almost afraid to allow herself to believe that their lives could be returned to them whole, Tynet didn't reply at first. She lay down again with her head in Adara's lap looking at the immense sky and millions of stars and the moon-goddess in the middle of it all. "Do you think it's possible?"
Softly stroking Tynet's forehead and hair, Adara replied, "Yes, I do. As long as I have you, I know anything is possible."
Then Adara began to softly hum the tune of a song so ancient, and in a language so old, that no one knew the exact meaning of the words. It had been handed down by the founding matriarchs of the Amazon nation. The sounds were primal, soft and round like a woman's body and they were passionate and full like a woman's life.
Known as "The Path of Beauty", it had always been lovingly chanted by women for women at the most sacred of times of life. The hallowed sounds blessed women's lives and women's passages. The song sanctified a woman in every age, following her and honoring her from birth to funeral pyre. It had the power to heal great sorrow just as it celebrated the special beauty of a woman's life. In ways that no one understood, intoning the mantra was known to caress a woman's inner spirit and bring wholeness.
In her clear, perfect pitch, Adara began to sing the ancient chant. The full rich sounds of her voice caressed them both. It was like being wrapped in soft furs, as the magic of her voice surrounded the two women.
Yohhh; Oh, Gawnee, Yoh-nay...
Whey-he Yaw-nee-whey
Oh Gawnee-nay
Whey-he Yaw-nee-whey
Gaia, now-he-way-ya
She held each note until it loosed itself on her breath. Adara's soothing voice floated on the evening air as she slowly and repeatedly formed the sounds, serenading them.
Way-dah-hey-ho; Way-yah-he
Oh Gawnee-nay
Way-he Yaw-nee whey
Gaia, now-he-way-ya
Again and again, she intoned the hypnotic chant, letting its magic fill them. Adara sang, repeating the simple mantra, until finally the mysterious sounds moved within them and set them free. Singing and stroking Tynet's hair, Adara watched her lover's face.
Tynet sighed and surrendered to the music. As she relaxed, the worry lines smoothed and her breathing became even.
As the last of the notes faded away, Adara happily saw that her lover was breathing calmly and a peaceful look had replaced the one of despair that Tynet had worn.
"Thank you," Tynet said softly into the silence. Even the sounds of the celebration back in the camp had quieted as though they too had heard the comforting healing sounds.
Adara simply smiled with infinite tenderness and said, "My love," as she bent down and lightly brushed her lips over Tynet's bruised forehead. She was mildly surprised when Tynet's hand wrapped in her hair and guided her mouth to Tynet's swollen lips.
The kiss was sweet and soft and filled with longing. Tynet deepened the contact using her tongue to caress and explore Adara's lips, mouth, and tongue and she groaned as desire began to awaken in her.
Adara wanted very much to make love with her precious mate, but feared, with the injuries, the pain would outweigh the good. She gently touched her lover's battered face. Tynet's eyes bored into hers with undisguised need.
"My love, are you sure?" Adara said in a whisper, "I don't want to hurt you."
"You could never hurt me," Tynet replied, but her eyes were clouded with uncertainty and still unshed tears glittered in them. She swallowed hard averting her face; never had she felt so needy or so vulnerable.
Adara felt Tynet's insecurity like a sharp pain in her own heart. Gently, she pulled her lover's face back to hers.
"I love you so much," Adara said in the softest of whispers.
"Adara, I... I need," Tynet stammered her voice choked with emotion, and her eyes misted over.
"What, my love? What do you need?" Adara leaned close capturing Tynet's eyes. She saw fear. "I would give you anything," she said, the promise coming from the depths of her soul.
"You," Tynet answered simply. "I need to love you. Please..." With her eyes pleading for understanding, Tynet fell silent.
For over a month, Tynet had been held captive, her every move monitored. She'd had no say in any aspect of her life and now despite the horrors she'd endured, she needed to feel alive, needed to be held, and need to love and be loved.
Instinctively, Adara understood those needs and as all-encompassing love flowed through her, she admitted that she needed this too. "Yes, my love and I need you," she whispered.
Adara loosened her braided hair and ran her fingers through the tangles, letting the thick, heavy tresses hang free. She was a vision and Tynet sat up slowly, as though in a trance.
Her smoldering eyes never leaving Tynet's, Adara pulled her robes over her head.
The thick hair settled in heavy waves, down Adara's back and over her shoulders accentuating her beauty. Filled with awe, Tynet drank in the vision before her, the flaring of Adara's full hips, the delicate curve of her neck, and the soft, round breasts begging to be tasted. Naked in the moonlight, Adara's skin glowed and she smiled in invitation at her lover of many years.
Swallowing around the lump in her throat, Tynet looked with absolute love at the woman who held her very soul. As if a banquet of gourmet delicacies had been placed before a starving woman, Tynet's need to consume her beautiful mate was nearly overpowering and yet, Adara's absolute trust in her held the hunger in check.
Using just her index finger to outline the shape of Adara's breast, Tynet paid homage. They aren't quite as full since her milk is gone now. Tynet felt a small pang of regret for the time they'd lost. Lightly tracing the small stretch marks near the darkened nipples, Tynet let her love reach out to caress Adara's pure heart and she fixed her dark eyes on Adara's golden ones returning Adara's smile.
Adara spoke in a low and husky voice. "My love, let me see you too."
With her hand frozen in mid-air, Tynet hesitated, not moving and barely breathing. She wore the marks of a month of hellish punishment, her face bruised and puffy and her body covered in scars. Adara had already seen the damage, but Tynet knew that her mate had been in her healer persona then. Even as Adara had worked impassively, Tynet saw the anguish in her hearth-mate's eyes as she had stitched and applied the healing ointments.
Now, for the first time since that horrible night, they were together as lovers and Tynet was unable to bear the thought that Adara might reject her. Incapable of meeting Adara's eyes, Tynet hung her head in fear. "I'm afraid," she said in a barely audible voice.
Adara reached out with long slender fingers raising Tynet's chin and cupping her cheek. Using her thumb, Adara, tenderly touched Tynet's bruised lips as she spoke in a whisper, "Don't you know, when I look at you, I see the face of the goddess?"
Stone by stone, the fortress Tynet had painstakingly built to protect herself in captivity began to crumble under the force of Adara's unconditional love. Her heart brimming with love, Tynet leaned in to the caress, and she tenderly kissed the palm of the woman who meant more to her than life.
With her lover only inches away, Tynet rose up on her knees and watched Adara for any sign of revulsion, as she removed her garment, the last physical barrier between them. Completely nude and her stomach clinching in fear, Tynet felt more naked than when she'd fought in the ring.
Anguish tore at Adara's insides to see her lover so vulnerableand so uncertain. Showing none of the rage she felt towards the monsters who'd done this, Adara dispassionately scanned her lover's body. Lines of intersecting scars lay across Tynet's skin like tangled pieces of rope. Angry red stripes crisscrossed Tynet's shoulders attesting that she'd been lashed. Adara smoothed each injury with a feather light touch. Following her finger's path, she kissed the scars she could reach, on abdomen, chest, and neck, blessing them and healing with the strength of her love. Adara raised her head to meet Tynet's frightened look and whispered, "You are so beautiful to me."
The iron-fisted grip in her stomach released and the lingering anxiety dissolved as relief flooded her. The beginnings of a smile formed on Tynet's lips transforming her features. Freed by Adara's declaration, the two women came together in the sweetest of kisses, lips brushing softly, reverently, worshipping the beauty within each other. This was benediction, this was salvation, and this was redemption.
With lips parted and bodies pressed close, they deepened the kiss and lovingly touched each other, delighting in the way their bodies fit perfectly together. The sensations of belly soft against belly and pliant breasts and hard nipples brushing against each other's delicate flesh awakened their ardor. They tightened their embrace and savored the first pleasurable tingling in their centers as their desire began to build.
They slowly pulled back from the kiss, and sighing with gratitude, the two women looked at each other with infinite love. Adara's golden eyes had darkened, the pupils dilated into twin black moons surrounded by golden halos giving them the effect of the dark land awakening to a new day. My sunrise eyes, this is the beginning of our new day. A soft glow spread through Tynet's chest and down into her belly.
The two women gazed lovingly into each other's eyes. Then Adara broke the spell, pulling Tynet to her. As the big woman leaned in, she couldn't contain the tender emotions unfolding like the petals of a flower inside her, and whispered against Adara's lips, "I love you so much."
Tynet groaned into Adara's mouth receiving an echoing reply from deep within Adara as their kiss grew in intensity. Adara's breathing quickened and her passion rapidly soared, the wetness flowing to her center proclaiming her desire for the wonderful woman she held in her arms.
The exquisite, silky feel of Adara's skin on Tynet's rough hands was a wonderful contrast to what had been her life in captivity. As the sensations washed over Tynet, negating the harsh ugliness of that horrible time, a deep desire to take her lover to the heights of pleasure filled Tynet.
Wrapping her arms around her beloved mate, Tynet ran her palms down Adara's spine and over her hips to cup her buttocks. Lifting and opening Adara, Tynet slid her fingers into the cleft between her lover's thighs, through the wetness pooled there, reaching as far as she could just grazing the center of Adara's need.
Adara groaned and pressed back against her lover's hands, and her center came alive with tingling excitement and she craved more and deeper contact. Spreading her knees further apart, she strained to feel more than the light teasing touch. Oh Goddess, more. Adara had missed this,missed being loved by Tynet. She had accepted Tynet's death, accepted that they'd never be together this way again and now that they were, her arousal began to consume her.
Reluctantly they were forced to break off the kiss to breathe, but Tynet brushed her lips across Adara's cheek to her ear and Adara turned to give those lips easier access. As Tynet nibbled at Adara's earlobe and sucked it inside the warmth of her mouth insistent pulses thrummed between Adara's thighs. Adara moaned again in her desire, as Tynet removed her hands from Adara's slick center and began to caress Adara's buttocks and lower back stroking the downy skin.
Adara groaned in protest at the loss of Tynet's light touch her between her legs, but Tynet silenced her lover with another smoldering kiss, distracting Adara with her tongue moving sensually in the younger woman's mouth.
Tynet couldn't get enough of looking at her lover and pulled back from the kiss capturing Adara's golden eyes, and saw naked desire and unconditional love in the unfocused gaze. Tynet's heart swelled and her center burned knowing that love was for her alone.
Tynet encircled Adara's waist with her palms re-imprinting the size of her lover's body in her memory. The softness of Adara's skin, and her firm flesh beneath Tynet's hands, filled Tynet's soul, like water after a drought, she drank up the sweet sensations of merely touching Adara. Sliding her hands upward, over Adara's ribs, Tynet cupped the full, breasts reveling in the feel of them. She moved her thumb over one nipple and delighted when the flesh puckered responding to her touch her own nipples hardening in empathy.
Letting her head fall back, Adara arched into Tynet's touch craving more. Lightening bolts of pleasure sped from her nipples to her core as Tynet rolled the sensitive flesh between her fingers.
With her head thrown back in ecstasy and her lips parted, Adara looked like a goddess under the silvery moonlight and Tynet was held spellbound by the ethereal sight. "You are so beautiful," Tynet whispered in awe before lowering her head to pay homage to her lover's breasts. Tynet's center pulsed with need, as she worshipped Adara with her lips and hands.
Pulling back once again, Tynet sensuously trailed her fingers down Adara's ribs over the gentle rise of her belly. Adara shuddered and opened to receiver her lover's fingers as they brushed through Adara's dark thatch glistening with wet desire and into the warm creamy center.
As Tynet's fingers found their target, a surge of pleasure ripped through Adara's core and her legs weakened. Clutching Tynet's shoulders, Adara tried to hold herself upright. Tynet's very soul was moved by Adara's complete trust in her and she tenderly lowered Adara to their blanket following her down.
Adara lie supine, with Tynet next to her stroking through Adara's wet folds, caressing the sensitive flesh. Adara groaned in the back of her throat, lost in the sensations controlling her body as Tynet slowly slid two fingers inside her. Adara lifted her hips to take Tynet deeper inside and Tynet's ardor exploded, her sex pulsing in concert as Adara rocked rhythmically against her hand.
Adara's response to Tynet's tender loving was a healing balm to Tynet's battered psyche. The simple act of loving this beautiful woman restored Tynet's self-esteem as the feelings of shame and impotence fell away.
The desire written on Adara's face, and the longing in her moans, told Tynet her lover was fast reaching for the pinnacle, but Tynet wanted to make this last as long as possible for Adara's sake and for her own. A fearful voice inside reminded her of Solstice night and told Tynet this might be their only time together. Slowly, Tynet withdrew her fingers and moved her hand upward lightly massaging Adara's stomach without losing contact with her lover's sensitive flesh.
Adara's body was on sensory overload, abundant juices coating her inner thighs and her body pulsing with need. Her desire was so great, Adara was nearly delirious, but her mate's constant change of pace left Adara feeling off balance and more than a little frustrated. Her heart racing and her breath coming in gulps, Adara insistently pulled Tynet onto her. "Please," she beggedas she pumped her aching center against Tynet's body.
Tynet relented a bit and lovingly fitted her body to Adara's. Moving in tandem with her lover, she kissed the smooth skin at Adara's throat and pulled the soft tissue into her mouth. Panting, Adara turned her head to allow greater access and continued to push against her lover seeking the ultimate relief. The wonderful sensation of Tynet suckling at her throat was echoed in Adara's center and her juices ran between her buttocks. Tynet released the soft flesh at Adara's throat leaving a round purpling bruise and spoke into Adara's ear. "I love you Adara. I can't tell you how much," she whispered.
A sweet musky scent filled air. Mingling with the subtle bouquet from the tamarisk flowers that they'd bathed in, the powerful fragrances lifted them and their fervor knew no bounds.
Adara reached for Tynet, positioning her lover so she could look into her eyes. Speaking was becoming next to impossible for Adara, but she tried, appealing to Tynet for understanding. "I love you. Please, please ... let me show you how much."
Then a very determined Adara initiated a searing kiss. She buried her fingers deep in Tynet's thick hair and pulled Tynet's mouth down to her waiting lips as she pushed her thigh between Tynet's legs.
As she kissed the woman who held her heart, Adara worked her hands gently over her lover's head and down to her neck, smoothing Tynet's skin, stroking the injured flesh, Adara's love like a healing salve. Goddess, Tynet, how I love you... how I love just touching you. The loving thoughts floated through her consciousness while she kissed and touched and breathed her lover in.
The sensation of Adara's hands moving through her hair and Adara's leg between her thighs sent heavenly shivers pulsing through Tynet's center and she found her ardor flaring in concert with Adara's need. The burning ache in her core grew into an insistent need and Tynet clamped her legs around Adara's thigh. She bore down, relishing the pressure, the movement sending her fervor soaring.
Tynet was in conflict; while her body was demanding release, she wanted their lovemaking to last longer. As they moved ever closer to cresting, Tynet made a Herculean effort to slow them down, and she pulled back, slowed, and then stopped her movements.
Adara groaned in frustration. "Are you trying to kill me?" she panted, thinking she couldn't stand much more foreplay; she needed release.
Slick with sweat and love's juices, Tynet stammered, "... need to go slow..."
Adara was beyond going slow, and her center burned with desire, but she looked at her lover searching for the hidden meaning to Tynet's words. In Tynet's eyes she saw the fear just below the surface that was telling Tynet that this might be taken away from them and it almost broke Adara's heart. "My Love, we have forever. Will you trust me?"
Tynet's love expanded until it no longer fit inside her body, and the immensity of it prevented her from speaking. Trusting Adara was a given and Adara's words were all it took for Tynet to surrender to her lover's care. Tynet could only nod, yes.
Returning the unconditional love she saw in Tynet's eyes, Adara smiled, and pulled her lover down for another kiss as she gently turned them so that she was on top now. She kissed her way down Tynet's chin and over her throat to the hollow at the base of her lover's throat. Adara licked the moisture pooled there and savored the scents and flavors that were distinctly Tynet's. Simple pleasures, she thought, could I have ever taken this for granted?
Pushing Tynet's breasts together, Adara buried her face between them and using her knee, she parted Tynet's legs sliding between them. Breathing in and luxuriating in the softness of Tynet's bosom, Adara paid homage to the love of her life. Adara ignored her own burning center as she brushed her lips lightly against the rise of Tynet's breast and focused on Tynet's pleasure.
Once Tynet had relinquished control, everything intensified. Even the light tickling of Adara's hair on Tynet's naked skin sent shivers of pleasure pulsing to her sex. Freed by Adara's love Tynet delighted in Adara's touch and pushed into the source of her pleasure, reveling in the deep waves of sexual pleasure pounding through her.
Adara continued moving down Tynet's body, tasting the salty skin on Tynet's flat belly, and finally nuzzling the soft hairs between her lover's legs. In near bliss, Adara breathed in the musky scent of Tynet's essence and settled between her lover's legs. Adara's throbbing center pounded with need as she suckled Tynet's swollen labia savoring her lover's taste on her tongue.
Tynet's panting gasps and questing hips drove Adara's ardor and she held Tynet's thighs steadying her as she pulled the pulsing clitoris between her lips, lightly stroking the swollen nub with her tongue, suckling it as pleasure coursed through her own center.
The effect was immediate; Tynet groaned loudly and she sat up as her passion surged out of control. Desperately Tynet reached for her lover, pulling Adara away from her pulsating sex, forcing eye contact. Struggling to speak, Tynet swallowed before trying to voice her need. "Please, together; I want it to be together," she pleaded as she drew Adara upward.
Adara understood. It was what she wanted too, for them to share their release. With her dark eyes holding Adara's, Tynet spread her legs fully. Adara rose up balancing on one arm and, acknowledging Tynet's desire, she opened and positioned them so that her clitoris was kissing Tynet's pulsing bud and pressed down firmly. Tynet answered Adara's movement by pressing back into her, the action sending an intense thrumming pleasure through both women.
"Oh Goddess, don't stop," Adara gasped, almost ready to explode, as she pushed back into Tynet's throbbing center.
They moved their hips in steady, rhythmic, strokes, pressing forward to meet each other, finding their pace, while gliding smoothly together on the abundant fluids. Their cores burned and exquisite pleasure surged through them each time their clitorises slid together.
They rocked urgently, the unspent energy coiling inside them, pushing their excitement to unbearable levels.
Suddenly, Adara stopped, bore down hard, and hung suspended in that state between thought and existence. In next moment, the wave crested and broke and Adara cried out, "Godddesssss!" her orgasm taking her in racking spasms.
It was all the impetus Tynet needed and her own release seized her with equal force. The muscles in her thighs tensed and then she convulsed driving her hips upward into Adara's pulsating center. Tightening her arms around Adara, Tynet's voice joined her lover's as she screamed her ecstasy, "Adaraaaaa..."
Together, they rode the tidal wave of pleasure,their bodies rigid as their mutual orgasms coursed through them.
Finally, spent, exhausted, and limp, Adara lowered her body slowly, and lay down on Tynet's chest, her head nestled in the crook of Tynet's neck. Still pressed firmly against her lover's warm moist center, Adara enjoyed the ever-diminishing pulses as the last of their release died away. Like the tiny circles in a pond after a rock is dropped into quiet waters, eventually the waves subside and there is peace.
Adara breathed deeply of this peace, filled with unspeakable love for the woman who cradled her body. She turned her head and kissed Tynet's chin gently: a butterfly's wings couldn't have been more delicate.
With just her fingertips, Tynet raised Adara's face and gazed at her beloved mate. Tynet's love was written in her dark eyes.
"I love you forever," Adara whispered.
The words caressed Tynet's very soul and it was her soul that replied, "I love you more."
Her Tynet was back. Joyful tears brimmed in her eyes and Adara smiled, touching Tynet's cheek. "Welcome home," she whispered.
Those were the last words spoken that night as Tynet pulled the blanket over them and they slept in peace, together at last, under the watchful eye of their goddess.
TO BE ENDED IN CHAPTER 31 and an Epilogue to set up Part 3 of this Trilogy.
Thank you to all our readers and fans that persevered with us over the endless writing of this story. Real-life (family health issues) intruded for us over the past 2 years. We are so grateful to all of you who endured the irregularity of the postings yet wrote us privately asking how things were going. Thank you all.
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