Fearless Heart


Behind a fortress, walls unbreachable

Lived my lonely heart

Protected from the cruel, cruel world

It beat, a world apart

And, then you came, and so unexpectedly

Not, slowly, brick by brick

You destroyed all my castle's defenses

So tidily, and quick

My heart lay bare, not strong, but faint It shuddered at your touch

So many times, it had been crushed

It's need was so, so much

But, with gentle hands, and patience sure You just refused to relent

You tamed my heart, its beating wild

Denial all but spent

No longer hiding in a fortress strong

But, to the world exposed

My heart beats softly, wary still

But, not completely closed

To you, at least, it's open wide

No limits in existance

Willing to risk it all for love

Futile, all resistance

And, on the battlefield, supreme

Where all is won or lost

I have no doubt of victory

And, no fear of the cost

For one thing is worth any task demanded No risk to great to bear

In order to attain love, never ending

And, another's heart to share

No dragon too fearsome, no mountain too high If, at the end of it all

I stand at your side through all of eternity My heart at your beck, and call

Terri Lyn Stanfield

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