Guilty By Association
I was proud to call you friend
To always stand behind you
I've shared everything with you
And I was glad to do it
But this thing you have done
I had no part in it, and I want none
How could you do such a thing
I always thought I knew you
I see now, I hadn't a clue
I never thought of you as a bigot
I never saw that in you
Was I that unobservant
Or were you just hiding it
To hurt people just because they're different
That's beyond despicable
I can't believe you could do that
And now, because of our friendship
People think I feel the same as you
Nothing could be further from the truth
But in their eyes, I'm guilty
I want you to stay away from me
I'll have nothing to do with your prejudice
Maybe, with time, I'll be able to prove myself I can only hope so
For, even to be thought to be that way
Is bile to my soul, and pain to my heart
How could I have been so wrong about you
How could I have been so blind
Terri Lyn Stanfield