Mommy's Little Boy
A little boy
With eyes so wide
Stands in the cold
Alone, outside
Watching closely
Searching each face
As it passes
His little space
Eyes full of hope
heart full of trust
Mommy will come
He knows she must
She said to wait
And not to move
She will be back
ANd pretty soon
But hours pass
She doesn't come
He's cold, hungry
And he's scared, some
Where is mommy
She should've been back
Maybe she's hurt
Or been attacked
People are mean
Or they can be
Now he'e worried
And then he sees
A policeman
He goes for help
Tells his story
And finds himself
Held in strong arms
And taken in
To where it's warm
And asked again
To tell his tale
Right from the start
And so he does
He's very smart
Now everyone
Looks really sad
And that's not good
Bu they're not mad
They give him food
And hot cocoa
Then a lady
Says he must go
With her for now
To a new place
Just for tonight
He'll have to stay
But he can't go
His mommy said
That she'd be back
And so he led
Them back to where
It all began
He knew his mom
Would come again
But when he saw
She wasn't there
It broke his heart
She didn't care
Did she just leave
Him all alone
It looked that way
His mom was gone
What did he do
That was so bad
He didn't think
He's made her mad
His mom loved him
She really did
And she'd be back
He was her kid
But the people
That he was with
Looked really sad
And said that this
Was not a place
For him to be
To come with them
And they would see
If they could find
His missing mom
And talk to her
About this some
And so he went
With them, for now
They'd find his mom
He knew, somehow
And they would be
Back together
Him and mommy
Always, forever
Terri Lyn Stanfield