Only Forever
Reply to This Is Goodbye
You ask me why I didn't walk away
Why on earth would I?
You're everything I've ever wanted
I won't let you leave
You say, if you stay, you'll break my heart
I don't believe that
But you may be right, that might happen
I'll take my chances
Because if you leave, my heart will die
Is that what you want?
You say you want what is best for me
You're fooling yourself
Because YOU are what is best for me
Don't give me that look
Maybe it's true that you've broken hearts.
Shattered dreams. Dashed hopes.
Maybe that's been true every time
But this time's dif'rent
I see the disbelief in your eyes
But I hear your heart
And it calls to mine with true love
I know you hear it
That's never happened before. Has it?
I didn't think so
You say your leaving is best for me
Why don't you admit it?
You want to run because you're afraid
You've never felt love
And it scares you to death. Don't let it.
Let me love you, please
Yes it's true, we may hurt each other
But we'll get through it
Because that's what love is all about
I can't let you leave
I would never survive without you
And do you know why?
You are my dream, my heart and my hope
So if you leave
You leave nothing behind but a shell
Stay with me, my love
Be my everything, and I'll be yours
You've said it before
I'm the best thing ever in your life
Don't you dare leave me
Cause you are the very best thing in mine
Just give me a chance
To show you we belong together
Show you what love is
I'm not asking for much of your time
Only forever
Terri Lyn Stanfield