Disclaimers: See part one:

F.B.I. Offices SC

Lara Turner veteran of the F. B. I. for ten years sat at her desk reading the recent reports of what had been going on with the supposed leak and military conspiracy.  She had seen the red-flagged file earlier that morning and so far had been infuriated over the recent events.  Picking up the phone, she dialed her partner Brit and asked her to come into her office to take a look, and give her opinion.

Brit (knocking and walking in with two cups of coffee): Hey.

Lara (moving the files off her desk and to the floor): I made a brief summary of events and targets as well suspects.  The thing that concerns me is the lack of security and the privacy violation.

Brit (looking at one of the files): Let me go through this.  Have some coffee.  You look like you need it.

Lara (running her hand through her hair): This is fucked up big time.  Someone got, caught and they’re dead.  Someone else involved got too cocky and was killed and suddenly bodies are starting to turn up everywhere and anywhere and they’re all tied to this fucking snafu. If only I could find the ommon thread to all of this beside the obvious then well we might make some progress.

Brit (typing something into the computer): Well let’s start from scratch and put things in some semblance of order.  Starting with people then work our way down.  Is this even part of our jurisdiction or are you helping someone.

Lara (flipping through some papers): An old law school friend of mine is working on this case and well one thing led to another.
Brit (understanding): Well you know we’ll have to go through Monroe to get assigned.

Lara (shaking her head): Not if it involves terrorism.  Which I believe it does.  You know we automatically get jurisdiction on things like this no matter what.

Brit (taunting): But after that disaster in Giza well…
Lara (smirking): Could I help it if the bastard opened fire on innocent civilians.  And, who might I add also didn’t go by the book there (arching her eyebrow.)  If I remember correctly, you, went riding a motorcycle down the side of a temple chasing after someone in a truck, which was stolen.

Brit (laughing): Yeah but I got the bastards didn’t I.

Lara (nodding): Yeah along with more press than we needed.

Brit (giving in): Ok.  But with this kind of thing, no clearance just plow through shoot the fuckers in the knee and call it a day, right.

Lara (working on something): Something like that (grinning mischievously.)

Hilton Resort Alex and Jasmine’s Room and Clara and Adrienne’s Room SC

Alex (sipping some tea): All I’m saying Jazz is that I need some help.  And I called in the right people.

Jasmine (leaning her head against the headboard): There’s something you’re not telling me.  Who is it Alex
Alex (calmly): Honey, please…
Jasmine (rolling her eyes): Oh no, not Lara anyone but her.  She still wants you and she’s oh dam, dam.

Alex (soothingly): Honey calm down.  It was before you and I even started dating and she’s got someone now.  Besides no one can compare to you.

Jasmine (turning around): Yeah but the first time I met her she told me I wasn’t good enough and (moaning as soft lips captured hers.)

Alex (panting and straddling her hips): Never mind what she said.  I love you.  I never knew what that meant outside of my nonni telling me, then you came along and changed everything.  Now, no more talking about her, I have more important things to talk about (proceeding to do just that.)

Clara (leaning her head against her partner’s chest): You know the day after tomorrow we’re supposed to go up to the cabin and check on Brennan and Tessa.

Adrienne (stroking her hair): I know.  I can’t wait.  It’s been a while since we were up there last.

Clara (smiling): Yeah it has.  Between work and our schedules (shaking her head.)  We definitely need to make more time for us. 

Adrienne (kissing her lips softly): Definitely.  Hey, how about a vacation when all this blows over?

Clara (turning so she could straddle her partner’s hips): What do you have in mind, love?
Adrienne (pulling up her tank top): Lots of things.  You, me, sand, a nice bed, room service (groaning as strong hands massaged her breasts.)
Clara (kissing her neck): Sounds good.  Right now though I have something else in mind.  (Nipping her ear) paybacks.

Adrienne (moaning): Have at me then.

Clara (smirking and nipping her collarbone): I plan to.

Mt. Range SC

David (laughing evilly): This is nice.   Perfect in fact, now if I just knew where that place was I could drop in on her and her friend and have a nice little chat (looking at a small map of the surrounding area.)  Private property markers (spitting) bullshit.  (Reaching for his briefcase) time for a little public relations.

F.B.I. Offices SC

Danni (looking out the window): So you’ve come to a conclusion Lara. 

Lara (nodding): Yeah.  This guy, isn’t playing with a full deck.  He’s like Teflon too.  Nothing sticks to him and he’s got more connections then Verizon.

Brit (nodding and putting some papers together): Money means nothing.  He’ll either use it to buy his way out of anything or get whatever he wants.  Doesn’t matter who’s in the way either.

Danni (thinking): So can we put an APP. out on him.

Lara (handing her a folder): We could but it might work against us. There’s two possible locations he could be at.  My gut feeling though is telling me up in that Mt. Range.  It’s secluded enough and not too many people are up in that part of it.  Private property or some shit like that. 

Brit (thinking): We could organize a small search party…
Lara (holding up her hand): But it might alert him to our presence and the fact we’re on to him.

Danni (tapping the pen on the desk looking at notes and maps): You’re right.  Ok this is what we’ll do.  We’ll organize a couple of units.  Block off all the major access points into that area.  Get a chopper flying over head just for reconnaissance.  Start looking around ask the locals about anything suspicious.  Get a list of all property owners up there and start calling some numbers.  We have to bring this guy in.

Lara (looking at her): And what about Sergeant Ramus…

Danni (slamming her hand on the desk): The charges are bullshit Lara.  She’s the victim here.
Brit (pulling out her personnel file): Considering her background…
Danni (yanking the folder from her hand): She is not a fugitive. 
Lara (wide eyed): Danni you have to separate…
Danni (glaring at her): I have another set of papers for you that I didn’t include in the initial report.  Read this (reaching into her briefcase and pulling out several other folders.)  And then tell me what you’re decision is (handing her a thick file.)  I’m going to get some coffee (leaving the office.)
Lara (sitting in her chair): I’m going to take a look at this, not sure what good it will do.

Brit (agreeing): Ok.  I’m going to run some background stuff and get a possible team together.

Lara (nodding): Sure.  I’ll be here.
Brit (softly): What no kiss or anything?
Lara (rolling her eyes playfully): Come here but make it quick I have a ton of stuff to review and (soft lips touched hers and she lost her train of thought.)
Brit (maintaining her composure): I’ll be back in time for us to go get something to eat (leaving her partner speechless.)

Undisclosed Location SC

General Franks (slamming his fist on the table): I don’t care how you do it, or what you do, you find her and get her ass back here now.  And I want to know who arrested her in the first place.  She’s not a fugitive.  She’s a Marine wrongfully charged and arrested.

Lieutenant Melegans (nodding): Right away sir.  I’ll get right on it.

Captain Ryan (pointing at a report): According to this sir, her next of kin is Alexandra Connor and Jasmine O’Malley.  Two women who live in Hilton Head SC.  Should we contact them.

General Franks (looking at Captain Ryan): Wait and see what Intel finds.  If they come up with nothing then we’ll contact next of kin.  I’ll place you in charge of that little detail.

Lieutenant Melegans (shuffling paperwork): I’ll contact JAG and see if they have anything on this purported arrest.

Captain Ryan (shifting her chair): If they don’t contact the Brig in Beaufort and see if they have anything on it.  I heard a nasty rumor that Sergeant Ramus was injured during the arrest and during her time in the brig.

General Franks (wondering): Injured….
Captain Ryan (smirking): I have my resources (shifting to face him) supposedly she resisted arrest.  Fell down a flight of stairs.  But the injuries sustained showed strong evidence of multiple blows by a blunt object. 

General Franks (pinching the bridge of his nose): Get on that. That’s second priority.  Finding her is our first.  I want her brought in.  Not as a fugitive but as a Marine wrongfully charged.  Keep an eye on her apartment. 

Captain Ryan (nodding): I’ll see to a few other details as well.

General Franks (standing; his voice commanding): Let’s bring her home people.  Unharmed and not in a pair of shackles.  (He watched as his Captain and Lieutenant filed out of the office.  He hoped to have this mess cleared up by the end of week.  Sitting down he picked up the phone and dialed a number) General Franks here I need to speak to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, please.

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Brennan (grimacing as she used her shoulder to aim her pistol): Shit…

Tessa (concerned walking over to her): Brennan first off is that necessary.  Secondly your shoulder and ribs are still healing.  Maybe you’re pushing it.

Brennan (growling): It’s what I have to do.  Push the pain back in order to ensure our safety.  I don’t know what’s going on but my instincts are telling me something’s up

Tessa (pleading): Brennan you should be resting and….

Brennan (putting the gun down making sure the safety was on): Tessa listen to me.  I don’t know what’s going on but what I do know, what I feel is something’s up.  Alex warned us that our position might be known and word might have gotten out.  I’m still a wanted fugitive through the military.  Someone with ties to your father is looking for you.  I won’t stand by and allow someone, anyone to hurt you (caressing her face.)

Tessa (biting her lip and turning her head): But at risk to yourself or your own life that’s ok.

Brennan (trying to calm her): If it means saving you, yes.  These people on both sides of the fence don’t play games.  They either take you down any way they can or they kill you plain and simple. 
Tessa (backing up): No, not plain and simple.  (Taking a deep breath) I just found you so I’m not letting you go.

Brennan (soothing): Tessa…
Tessa (putting her hands on Brennan’s forearm): No.  I’m not going to stand here while you deal with whatever it is you have to deal with.  You’re innocent and there’s evidence to prove that, somewhere.  So you knock off the shit right now and come inside and get something to eat (turning her back and walking away.)
Brennan stood there totally shocked that someone had actually talked to her like that.  But then realizing what she felt for Tessa she didn’t give a dam.  Picking up the gun and putting it in it’s holster she walked back inside the cabin praying for patience and guidance in dealing with the situation at hand and she wasn’t just referring to a pissed off Tessa either.

Hilton Resort SC

Alex (hanging up the phone): Wonderful.

Clara (looking up from her computer screen): What?
Alex (grabbing the pack of cigarettes off the table): They’re sending a military tactical unit up into the mountains.  Seems as though there’s been reports of gunshots being fired.  They found a dead trooper by the side of the road.

Clara (thinking): You don’t suppose…
Alex (nodding): I think someone’s up there and they’re an unwelcome visitor.  I think that someone wants to find Tessa.  If the military gets up there, they’ll go after Brennan.  Hell it could be a nasty situation.

Clara (shutting down her laptop): If Brennan gets arrested then…
Alex (understanding): That’ll leave Tessa in a vulnerable position.

Jasmine (walking in with three take out bags): Well then let’s have lunch and get our shit together and head up there.

Adrienne (agreeing): I’m in.

The four of them agreed it would be the best course  of action unless anything else came up.

Undisclosed Location SC

Brigadier General Scotts (slamming the phone down): I don’t care how any of you do it.  You find her and bring her back here to serve time.  She’s no longer a Marine.  She killed one of our own in old blood.  I want her found and now.  Dismissed.

Lieutenant Cho (respectfully): Sir maybe we’re jumping to conclusion (moving aside as several other officer’s and personnel walked past him.)

Scotts (angrily): Are you questioning my authority.

Cho (looking at a file): No sir.  But I received a report and (the file was yanked from his hands.)

Scotts (pointing his finger): I don’t care what you received.  You find that disgrace of a Marine and bring her ass back here.  You got me.

Cho (nodding): Yes sir.

Scotts (turning his back and waking to his desk): Dismissed Lieutenant.  (Waiting until the room was empty then picking up the phone) yes.  It’s all been taken care of.  Within 48 hrs. we’ll have her back here.  I know she has that dammed folder and she’s going to return it or else.  All right.  Thank you sir (hanging up the phone.)

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Brennan (wrapping her arms around Tessa from behind): I’m sorry.  But I have to do what I have to do.

Tessa (not turning, continuing to look out the window): At the cost of your life.

Brennan (taking a deep breath): Tessa if it’s mean that you’ll be safe then yes.  If it means I put a stop to what ever is going on to protect our basic freedoms then yes.

Tessa (turning): No.  There’s got to be another way.  Can’t you just…

Brennan (pulling her closer): I can’t.  I walk in to any military command I’ll be thrown back in the Brig.  If I leave you then whoever’s after you will kill you.  And I won’t allow that.  I can’t stand by and watch you get hurt or suffer.

Tessa (pleading): But I would, anyway if something happened to you.  (Pressing two fingers to Brennan’s lips) I don’t understand this but I feel like I’ve known you forever.  I want to be with you not just for a few moments or a few days but for a long time. 

Brennan (leaning down): I want that too (kissing her softly.)  I’ll find another way if it means that much to you. 

Tessa (nodding): Thank you (leaning up for another kiss.)  Now let me look at your shoulder.

Brennan (running her fingers through her hair): It’s ok.  Just a little stiff.

Tessa (grabbing the hem of her t-shirt): Then if it’s a little stiff why couldn’t you hold your pistol to aim it.

Brennan (thinking): Well that’s because…
Tessa (rubbing smooth skin): Sure.  Come on jarhead let me take a look.

Brennan (smirking): I’ve got something else you can look at.

Tessa (playfully): Later.  Now lie on that couch and take your shirt off.

Brennan (teasing): Just my shirt.

Tessa (rolling her eyes playfully): For now (and turning walked into the bathroom.)
Brennan (grinning): Ooh score one for the little pygmy.
Tessa (yelling): I heard that.

Brennan (stretching out on the couch): Good.

F.B.I. Offices SC

Lara (stuffing files into her briefcase and yelling on the phone): Then get your asses in gear.  I want a unit up there as soon as possible.  Be discreet though.  I don’t want to alert anyone and get everyone jumpy. 

Danni (walking in and waiting to Lara hung up the phone): Well (folding her arms across her chest.)
Lara (grabbing something out of the desk): Full unit up in that area.  I’m calling the shots on this one. 
Danni (nodding):  I see that.  The military might have some objection to this though.

Lara (holstering her gun): I don’t give a shit. I have a Marine wrongfully charged and convicted.  A woman who is being tracked down for something she’s completely unaware of.  And I have a bunch of government officials working with known terrorists.  This is my call and my show.  Now are you going to work with me or argue politics.

Danni (smirking): Let’s go get your partner.

Lara (grabbing her briefcase): I have to file a few things then we’re all set (following her out the door.)

Undisclosed Location SC

Captain Ryan (pointing to a map): Ok the last report we received indicated that they are staying in this area.  This is where you’ll concentrate your efforts.  Remember people we just want her bought in for her safety.  Now there might be a civilian staying with her.  Bring her along as well.  They are not under arrest.  I can’t stress this enough.  This is just a retrieval operation.  If you have a problem with control or any bias opinions check your weapons at the door or don’t go out at all.  Let’s bring her home people.

Lance Corporal Muldoon (respectfully): Maam, will there be other units up there.

Captain Ryan (nodding):There might be.  They’ve been advised of the situation.  I don’t want anyone getting hurt people. Now let’s get going. Time is of the essence.  (Watching as her tactical unit began filing out of the room.)
General Franks (looking at the report and brief): Good choices for the unit.  I hope and pray we can clear this up and soon.  It’s a major snafu.

Captain Ryan (thinking): It shouldn’t have happened in the first place.  Marcs was under investigation.  Yes Sergeant Ramus can be a bit of a loose cannon but she’s done her country and the core proud.

General Franks (agreeing): That she has.  Let’s bring her home.  You have complete authority over this, from me.

Captain Ryan (grabbing the reports): Thank you sir.

General Franks: Go get her Captain.

Temporary Command Mt. Range SC

Lieutenant Cho (pointing out locations on the map): We go in through here.  Surround the place and ask for her to come out.  If she doesn’t we go in.  Fast and hard.  She is a fugitive running from military justice people.  I want her brought back alive.  (Smirking) but accidents happened.  There is a possibility of a civilian with her.  Bring her in as well.  Remember Sergeant Brennan Ramus is trained in every form of combat and has served in the Gulf.  She is to be considered armed and dangerous.  (Looking out at the faces covered in varying degrees of stealth gear.)  Let’s go people.

Mt. Range SC

David (loading the car): Tessa here I come.  It’s time you and daddy had a nice little talk (laughing evilly as he put the gun on the seat next to him and drove around the lake towards where he had seen lights on last night.)

Hilton Resort  SC

Adrienne (throwing her things in a bag): You’re sure about this.

Alex (nodding and listening to Tessa’s voicemail): I’m positive.  My aunt called me and told me there’s a military unit on their way up there.  They want to bring Brennan back to the base so that they can straighten all of this out (clicking the cell phone shut.) 
Jasmine (skeptically): Well we hope that’s the case. 

Clara (walking in): So tomorrow morning we’re supposed to go up there and make sure no one decides to be a major ass?

Adrienne (leaning over and kissing her softly): Something like that.

Clara (thinking): What about Tessa?  Someone’s after her too?
Alex (smirking mischievously): I’m already on that.  And remember you and I’s theory.  Tessa is involved because of her father.  And someone’s after her too.

Jasmine (agreeing): So tomorrow we go up there make sure things are ok and wait for the military to do their thing and see that the right people are brought to justice.

Adrienne (skeptically): It’s too easy. 

Alex (thoughtfully): I know it sounds that way but we have to have faith that the military will do the right thing and so will the local police.

Clara (shaking her head): I hope you’re right. I hate to see anyone else get hurt because of this mess.

Adrienne (agreeing): The military already screwed up and the local police what if they’re in someone’s pockets.

Alex (yawning): That’s why we’re going up there.  And that’s why each of us will be there every step of the way to insure that doesn’t happen.

Adrienne (sitting on the bed): I hope you’re right.

Clara (sitting next to her and leaning her head on her shoulder): Me too. 

Alex (nodding): Me to.  Get some rest.  We leave early tomorrow morning.

Jasmine (putting her hand on her wife’s shoulder):  Come on love.  We can save the world tomorrow. 

Alex (rolling her eyes playfully and following her wife out the door): I’ll see you both in the morning.  Thank you.
Clara (nodding): Go on

Adrienne (stretching): Good night.

All four women went to bed that night praying and hoping that things would work out in the end.

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Brennan (sitting up): Thanks that feels a hell of a lot better.

Tessa (admiring the view and noticing the scars and marks that covered her partner‘s body; they did nothing to mar her beauty): You’re welcome.
Brennan (realizing what she was looking at): Come here (pulling her to her gently.) 
Tessa (softly): What happened?
Brennan (reaching up and cupping her face): It’s not pretty I know but there’s nothing I can do to change that (hesitantly) but….

Tessa (caressing her face gently; tracing the lines of the jagged scar; moving her hand down over the bruises and old scars that marked her collar bone and upper chest; stopping as she felt Brennan tense.)  Relax (kissing her lips softly.)
Brennan (nervously): No one’s well there was but I didn’t let her see me like this (wanting to get up and move.  Since the incident last year she had not removed her clothes in front of strangers.  The time in prison had torn that theory to shreds.)

Tessa (shaking her head): Brennan you’re a beautiful women.  If all someone sees when they look at you are these then that’s their loss.  I just want to know why someone who professes to love you would hurt you like that.

Brennan (fighting tears; wondering what it was about this woman that made her feel so safe and vulnerable at the same time): These weren’t all inflicted by my ex (bitterly.)  Some of them are from combat; others are from childhood (turning her head away.)

Tessa (caressing her face and making her look up at her): It changes nothing about the way I feel for you or how (swallowing hard) sexy I find you.

Brennan (wide eyed): Sexy (squeaking) me (clearing her throat) I think you have it backwards pygmy.  You’re the one that’s sexy (smirking as that adorable blush reappeared.)  You are (stumbling over the words but meaning them from the bottom of her heart.)
Tessa (kissing her passionately): No one’s said that to me and meant it.

Brennan (returning the kiss; tasting her sweetness): Their loss because you are very sexy in my book (wincing as Tessa settled across her lap and found herself kissed senseless.  When the need for air became necessary they broke apart; their foreheads touching and their hands caressing gently.)  Is this what you want
Tessa (softly): Yes (kissing her again pushing herself into her) I want to be with you. 

Brennan (moaning and running her hands up and down her back): If I go to fast tell me to stop and I will (feeling Tessa take a deep breath she backed away and looked at her) what…

Tessa (pressing two fingers to her lips): No one ever showed me the compassion you have or the unconditional support and understanding.  The time I’ve spent with you has made me happier then I’ve ever been.

Brennan (understanding): You’re a gift Tessa and no one should take advantage of that.  And it was their loss that they didn’t see what I see.

Tessa (leaning down and kissing her passionately): Does it bother you that I well I probably have no experience like well…

Brennan (cupping her face): There is no comparison as far as you’re concerned.  You’ve made me feel things that I locked away. 
Tessa (leaning more into her): I want you but I’m not sure…
Brennan (taking her hand and placing it over her heart): Do you feel that?  My heart races just by you being close to me.  No one ever made me feel that before.  No one.

Tessa (softly): Then teach me.  Love me.

Brennan (moaning as their lips met; she promised herself she would go slow and teach Tessa what love was really about.  Even though they both had partners before it would be the first time for both of them making 3love.)  Then let’s get more comfortable.  I’ll lock up and meet you upstairs (kissing her jaw and then her lips.)

Tessa (moaning): You feel so good (wanting more but holding back a little.)

Brennan (smirking): You aint felt nothing yet sweetheart (caressing Tessa wherever she could reach and relishing the feel of soft skin.)  I’ll be up in a bit.
Tessa (stealing one more kiss): Don’t keep me waiting to long (turning and walking up the stairs.)

Brennan (swallowing hard): Control Brennan.  Control.  She’s been through enough and she doesn’t need the animal in you (shaking her head and getting up stiffly to lock up for the night.)

Interstate SC

Brit (yelling orders through her cell phone): Then get someone up there.  We have two military units out there now and one of them wants blood.  There’s a civilian involved as well.  I’m on my out there now.  All right thank you.

Lara (looking over at her partner): That was good.  Who’d you talk to?
Brit (sipping her coffee): Carson.  That idiot couldn’t find his socks if they weren’t labeled.  But he’s the best as far as negations go.  He’ll bring his team up.  We also have a small surveillance team on their way.

Lara (nodding): Good.  Listen I know this is going to get interesting once things get going.  I want you to be careful ok.

Brit (reaching over and brushing back a lock of her partner’s hair): You too.  I don’t want another mess like the one in Brazil (referring to a sting operation that had gone badly and landed Lara in the hospital for a month.)
Lara (looking at her partner then back at the road): Someone knew we were coming.  Someone got tipped off.  (Seeing her partner’s arched eyebrow) I’ll be careful.  I promise.

Brit (smiling at the little victory): Do we split up or do you want us to go in together?
Lara (smirking evilly): Together love, always.

Mt. Range SC

David pulled the car into some shrubbery to hide it.  He was behind the cabin where he had seen the lights last night.  He looked around and saw no lights, no one in sight, not a dam thing.  Slamming his fist on the steering wheel he cursed and decided to wait.

Mt. Range SC

Captain Ryan (making last minute checks on gear and weapons): I want these on safety at all times.  These are just a precaution.  Under no circumstances are you to shoot at Sergeant Ramus.  There is a possibility that a civilian might be with her.  Use extreme caution. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.

Lance Corporal Pratt (saluting): Maam another unit is already set up and heading up towards the cabin as we speak.

Captain Ryan (taking a deep breath): All right people move out.  Divide into two teams.  You have terrain maps and your gear.  We should be up there by daybreak.  Remember use extreme caution.  (Turning around and looking at two Corporals) watch these trucks.  We can’t drive these Hummers up there with the foliage and the roads.  If there’s a problem call it in.  All right people move out.

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Tessa (moaning as strong hands held her tightly; caressing her): Let me see you (looking up at Brennan who looked scared and vulnerable.)  What is it (caressing her face?)  I want to see you maybe I should (removing her jeans and panties slowly.)  There that better (smirking evilly.)

Brennan (gulping): Yeah um uh (looking at Tessa’s naked body and trying not to drool.)

Tessa (teasing): Come on.  You’re supposed to be this big tough Marine.  What’s the matter (moving and straddling her thighs.)  I can take you, all of you.

Brennan (groaning as strong hands pulled her shirt off and reached for the buttons on her jeans): Tessa (groaning as everywhere Tessa touched her felt like she was on fire.)

Tessa (leaning forward and kissing her collarbone slowly): Mmm yes (moving slowly down Brennan’s chest and getting off her lap.) 
Brennan (grabbing her and pulling her back up): Stay please (kissing her softly; her senses reeling as soft skin pressed into her own and she lost control.  Tearing her mouth away she moved to Tessa’s breasts licking and sucking like a starving new born.)
Tessa (groaning and pulling Brennan tighter to her): Just like that (clutching strong biceps.)

Brennan (turning and pushing Tessa on her back on the bed): I love you (pulling Tessa’s legs around her hips  and laying her full weight on her.)  If I get too much (smiling as Tessa grabbed her hand and placed it between her thighs.)

Tessa (watching Brennan’s face): I want you now unless (leaning forward and nipping her bottom lip) you want me to do this myself then I suggest (arching her body as teeth grazed her throat.)

Brennan (panting): Less talking (leaning down and trailing kisses up and down Tessa’s body smiling at the sounds of pleasure coming from the little temptress.)

As the two lovers enjoyed each other; they each had a sense of coming home.  Neither woman had ever felt this satisfied or loved and both were completely unaware of the storm brewing outside.

Mt. Range SC

David snuck around the back of the cabin, noticing the light burning in an upper room.  Smirking he went back to his car and waited with the gun in his hand.  He would get the disc and bring his daughter home, maybe.

Mt. Range SC

Lt. Cho (using hand signals; directing his team to several strategic positions): We wait till first light then we get closer; surround and strike hard and fast.  No mistakes people. She has to be brought in (thinking) dead or alive (under his breath.)

Mt. Range SC

Captain Ryan (setting the binoculars down): Shit.  The pompous little ass thinks he’s on a recon mission. 

Lance Corporal Bruno (running up): Maam we have a slight problem.

Ryan (nodding): I see them.  We have to get them before they move in.

Bruno (shaking her head): No maam.  Lt. Cho is not our only problem there’s a civilian here as well and it looks like he’s got something in his hand.

Ryan (cursing): Then take two or three Marines with you and deal with it.  I don’t want any more complications. 

Corporal Tompkins (shifting his gear): Maam we could alert the other unit up here and possibly cause some more problems.

Ryan (squeezing the bridge of her nose): Then put two or three on him and make sure he doesn’t move.  If he steps out of that car then subdue him.  Do not and I repeat do not open fire.  Now get back to your posts and keep your eyes and ears open.

Mt. Range SC

Brit (cursing and slamming her cell phone shut): Goddamit.  The military is all over the dam place.

Lara (stopping the vehicle as a Marine approached her car): This should be fun.  (Grabbing her badge and holding it up) F.B.I.  We have precedence over this whole matter.

Corporal Muldoon (shining his flash light then looking at the badge then at her): Two other units are already up there.  I’m advising you to be careful Agent Turner.

Lara (nodding): Noted.  Corporal give me a summary of what the whole situation is.

Corporal Muldoon (pulling out a map): From what I understand two units surrounding the cabin.  My unit, Agent is there to make sure Sergeant Ramus is brought home safely and to keep the civilian out of harm’s way.  The other unit is to bring Sgt. Ramus in no matter what and basically to hell with the civilian.  There’s also someone else up there. 

Lara (looking at the clock noticing the sun would be coming up soon): Thank you.  I’ve got four-wheel drive on this thing.  I’m going up there.  If you see any other agents send them in under my orders.

Cabin Mt. Range

Brennan shifted and listened again.  She didn’t know what woke her or what made her tense.  After a wonderful night last night with Tessa she should be sleeping like a baby.  Standing stiffly and smirking at the reason why she went over to the window and looked out.  At first she didn’t see anything but still something didn’t seem right.  Then out of the corner  of her eye she saw something flash.  She waited and sure enough there it was again.  Moonlight was reflecting off of something shiny and she cursed.  Moving over to the side of the bed she grabbed her gun.  Kissing Tessa softly she went downstairs and waited.  No matter what she would get Tessa out of there.

Interstate SC

Alex (sipping her coffee): I hope we get there in time.  We don’t need any more complications.  

Jasmine (nodding and looking at a road map): Dam nothing’s marked on this.  There’s no other way in or out unless you want to take the long way and go around the lake.

Alex (thinking): Anyone could get up there if they wanted to.  You can’t get a heavy vehicle in there because of the road but that might mean oh shit (cursing and reaching for her cell phone.)
Jasmine (wondering): What?
Alex (taking a deep breath; keeping an eye on the road): Dammit, they’ll go in on foot and…

Jasmine (understanding): Dammit.  We’ve made it in before.  We should have no problems.

Alex (listening to Lara’s voicemail): Yeah but if the military is up there then they’ll shut off the road.  They’ll stop anything coming in or out.  Lara it’s Alex call me back (hanging up the phone.)  She’s not answering.  (Dialing another number) hopefully Brennan or Tessa will answer their phone.

Jasmine (thinking): You don’t think…
Alex (nodding): Of course I think.  They’d make a good couple.  Brennan is just right for Tessa and Tessa for her.

Jasmine (not agreeing): But there’s and then there’s…

Alex (swearing): Dammit Brennan answer your dam phone.  Get your head well never mind but call me back it’s important (hanging up the phone) and what are you laughing at.
Jasmine (chuckling): Just thinking about what you said.

Alex (taking the exit off the interstate): Never mind.  I just hope Clara and Adrienne are having better luck finding what we need or we could be in trouble.

Hilton Resort SC

Clara (yelling and saving the information): I’ve got it.  This proves it.

Adrienne (running in): Good let’s go.  We have to get this to the authorities now. 

Clara (grabbing her laptop and following her partner out the door): I’m going.  This will nail his ass right to the wall.

Adrienne (shutting the door and walking over to their car): I hope so. 

Clara (smirking): Oh it will trust me.

Adrienne (unlocking the car): I trust you it’s the rest of everyone I don’t trust.

Clara (smiling): You’re such a cynic love.

Adrienne (starting the car): But you love me.

Clara (teasing; patting her hand): Of course I do.  Why else would I put up with you?
Adrienne (licking her lips): Because (Clara clamped her hand over her mouth.)
Clara (leaning over): I do love you (leaning in for a kiss) but first things first.

Adrienne (shaking her head; her partner had a way with her): Right tease me, get me all rattled then you want me to go back to business.  Lovely (putting the car in gear and heading out of the parking lot.)

Clara (taunting): When this is all over you and me and a deserted island.
Adrienne (speeding up): I’m there well I’m going well you know what I mean (laughing and thinking about a vacation with her partner with no interruptions.)

Mt. Range SC

Lt. Cho (signaling): Sun’s almost up.  Get in position people.  Remember hard and fast.  She is to be considered armed and dangerous.

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Brennan (looking up as Tessa came walking down the stairs; she looked beautiful): Hi…
Tessa (upset): You weren’t in bed with me and oh God.  Brennan…

Brennan (moving quickly): It’s not that.  Believe me I would have loved to stay in bed with you but we have a few uninvited guests.  I won’t let anything happen to you…
Tessa (shoving her): But you promised.  You slept with me last night to…

Brennan (pulling her to her and wincing as her ribs pulled): Tessa no.  Last night was incredible with you and we’ll be doing it again soon I promise but first things first.  I have to take care of this or I’ll always be looking over my shoulder.  I love you (caressing her face gently.)

Tessa (softly looking up into soft grey eyes): I love you and last night was the best night of my life.  You’ve fulfilled all of my dreams.

Brennan (leaning down for a kiss): As you have mine.  And we’ll continue I promise.  But I need you to do something for me.  I need you to go and shower and get dressed.  Then stay upstairs ok.  Lock the door until I come up to get you…
Tessa (fighting tears): But you promised…

Brennan (softly): You’re the best thing in my life.  And even if it comes down to it, in death I will never leave you (grunting as Tessa punched her arm.)

Tessa (angrily): You promised me…
 Brennan (grabbing her gently): It may or may not come to that.  But I have to do what I have to do to keep you safe. 

Tessa (angrily): Fine but I have to do what I have to do as well (and went upstairs to shower and dress but she had her own surprise as well for Brennan.)

Mt Range SC

Captain Ryan (pointing): There and there.  Take the other team out then surround the cabin and go in slow and easy.  I’ll get her attention and try to make her understand we’re here to help.

Muldoon (taking a deep breath): Maam what about the other guy?
Ryan (smirking): We have that under control.  Now get in position and wait for my signal.

Mt. Range SC

David grabbed and opened the door slowly.  He had an eerie suspicion of being watched.  As he went to stand up he felt two hands on his shoulders then saw nothing but blackness.

Pratt (smiling): Well look at what I went and caught.

Dibbs (rolling his eyes): Can you move already?  Captain doesn’t want us playing around and there’s those other two that you decided to knock out.

Pratt (grabbing the gun and putting it in the plastic bag): Well they weren’t invited to this little tea party and besides.  They’re on the wrong side of the fence.  Here you drag him and I’ll take care of the other two.
Dibbs (grumbling): Of course I get all the heavy work.  Just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean…

Pratt (condescending): Of course because I’m a woman.  And as a woman I’ll kick your ass.  Let’s go.  We have a package to drop and doughnuts to bring.
Dibbs (shaking his head and picking up the unconscious body): What is it with you and food metaphors?
Pratt (shrugging and moving over to the two men on Lt. Cho’s team): The only way I can remember things.  Here let me get those handcuffs out of your pack and then let’s get out of here.

Cabin Mt. Range SC

Brennan sipped her coffee and continued watching out the window.  She had heard something earlier but couldn’t put her finger on what it was exactly.  All she knew was that no matter what happened she would make sure Tessa was safe and taken care of.

Tessa (walking in and grabbing a cup of coffee): I think I found something.

Brennan (turning around and nearly choking on her tongue; Tessa was wearing tight fitting jeans that showed off her bum really nice and the shirt she wore left little to the imagination and she briefly thought of last night; groaning she shook her head): Um yeah um (scratching the back of her neck) what was it that you just said?
Tessa (smirking; she was playing for keeps): I think I found something (holding up a disc.) This was in my computer.  I couldn’t find a CD player so I went to use mine on the laptop and this was in there.

Brennan (looking at the disc; God Tessa smelled so good all she wanted to do was; never mind that): It looks like an ordinary CD.

Tessa (shaking her head in disagreement): No. I tried to open it and it came up with all these funky letters and numbers.

Brennan (thinking): Wait a minute.  Letters and numbers.  What did that look like (at Tessa’s puzzled expression) I mean did they look like the English alphabet or something else.

Tessa (sipping her coffee): It looked like Greek or some version of some foreign language.  I happen to know a little bit because of my travels abroad.

Brennan (kissing her softly): Where’s your laptop?  I want to look at this disc.  Maybe this is the key to the whole thing.

Tessa (tugging on her arm gently): What makes you think that?
Brennan (walking upstairs): Because whoever is after you wants something?  No one would go after someone unless they had something they wanted?  This proves that. 

Tessa (opening her laptop and turning it on): That makes sense but why me?  Why would, someone put something in my computer (putting the disc in.)

Brennan (leaning over and nipping her ear): Because you’re the least likely to be a suspect in any type of crime.  Your morals and values prove it.  Besides if I was trying to hide something you would be a perfect candidate to do that with (moving down her neck.)
Tessa (groaning and opening up the disc): Brennan (moaning as strong hands cupped her breasts then moved to the keyboard.)

Brennan (smirking): Yes (leaning over her more than necessary.)  Now let me see what we have here (wide eyed as the encrypted program opened up.  She recognized some things not all and judging from the size of the file there was a lot there.  She only hoped she could figure out what it was and keep it out of the wrong person’s hands.)

Interstate SC

Clara (tapping the steering wheel): You’re lucky you weren’t arrested.

Adrienne (shifting in her seat and taking a drag of her cigarette): For what?  What were my charges Ms. Probation Officer (sarcastically.)
Clara (shaking her head): Adrienne just listen please…

Adrienne (upset): This is a matter of National Security.  Alex said that and that idiot (mumbling) didn’t want to listen to you.  No he was to busy looking at your ass.

Clara (trying not to yell; she could understand her partner’s point of view): Love, please you didn’t have to tell him to get his ass out of Dunkin Donuts and do something about this. 

Adrienne (taking a long drag of her cigarette): Yes I did.  And again might I point out he was too dam busy ogling you.

Clara (understanding): So, what you’re saying is that he was to busy looking at me to do his job?

Adrienne (nodding; finally): Something like that.

Clara (looking at her partner then back at the road): Well after you rattled him a bit he did get the information passed on to his superiors. 

Adrienne (thinking): Yeah I guess.

Clara (taunting): You were jealous that some man was looking at me, appraising me thinking he could score some points with me is this what it all boils down to.

Adrienne (grunting and dying out her cigarette): That and men are pigs.
Clara (reaching over and taking her hand): Not all love but most.  Now calm down.  We’ll get some lunch and then get on up to the cabin.

Adrienne (grumbling): As long as no one else appraises you.

Clara (rolling her eyes): No one but no one gets my attention like you do.

Adrienne (smiling): Really.

Clara (nodding): Really.

Mt. Range SC

Alex (watching the road and looking at her wife): Did you have to threaten him like that?
Jazz (tensing): He wasn’t listening.  He was barely old enough to shave and…

Alex (shaking her head): Honey you could have gotten into some serious trouble.  Now will you relax and watch the road.  God only knows who else is up here. 

Jazz (looking down the road): Well there’s your answer.
Alex (looking at the small unit of military troops standing by the road): Wonderful.

Outside the Cabin Mt. Range SC

Ryan (pointing): Nice and slow.  Remember we’re supposed to be the good guys (ducking as gunshots were fired.)  Shit go, go.  Get in there and tell them to cease-fire.

Outside the Cabin Mt. Range SC

Lt. Cho (yelling): Get in there.  Keep low and remember fast and hard. 

Lara (pulling up): Dammit, Brit get a hold of the local officials.  I have to tell them to cease-fire.

Brit (nodding and grabbing her gun and cell phone): I’m on it. Be careful.

Lara (getting out of the car): You too (jogging towards where she had heard the gunshots.

Inside the Cabin Mt. Range SC

Brennan (cursing): Shit.  Tessa keep down.  Stay here (getting up to move.)
Tessa (grabbing her): No.  I’m going with you.

Brennan (kissing her softly): Stay here.

Tessa (pleading): They’re going to hurt you.

Brennan (softly): No they’re not.  Watch that disk.

Lt Cho (yelling): Sergeant Brennan Ramus this is Lt. Cho of the Military Police.  Come down with your hands up.

Brennan (yelling): Tell your unit to put their dam weapons down and guarantee the safety of the civilian and then I’ll come down (tensing as she heard more shots then yelling and it sounded like someone was coming up the stairs.)

Outside the Cabin Mt. Range SC

Captain Ryan (running; their prisoner had gotten loose and was making a mad dash): Lt. Cho I out rank you.  Get your ass out of my dam way.  She’s not a prisoner or a fugitive.

Lt. Cho (falling as he was shot; two other of his unit were down as well): Get that son of a bitch.

Pratt (running; ignoring the wound in her side): Son of a bitch when I get my hands on you I’m going to beat your fucking ass to the ground.

David (shooting another Marine and laughing): What too stunned to move?  You think I won’t react?  Well guess what you won’t take me alive.

Muldoon (setting up his scope): Maam I can’t get a clear shot.
Ryan (squeezing the bridge of her nose): Fire when you’re ready.  Watch out for Ramus and the civilian.  Put him down but don’t kill him.  He’s wanted on suspicion of terrorist activities.

Lara (yelling): Captain, Agent Turner F.B.I.  I have experience with this sort of thing.  Pull everyone back.  We need to regroup.

Bruno (watching): He’s in the cabin. 

Ryan (signaling): Shit.  Get in there and subdue him

Lara (shaking her head): Shit, shit (turning as she saw another car pull up.)

Inside the Cabin Mt. Range SC

David (walking up the stairs): Tessa what’s with all the ruckus outside.  I just want to talk to you.
Brennan (motioning for Tessa to stay quiet): Easy. 

David (smirking as he got to the top of the landing): Surely you wouldn’t want them to shoot me.

Brennan (shifting and looking at the door): Steady Tessa I’ll take care of this.


Ryan (drawing her sidearm): Block that door and keep everyone else out.  Muldoon, Pratt remember he’s dangerous. 

Muldoon (shifting): The team is on the roof maam.  The cabin is completely surrounded and Lt. Cho has been taken into custody.  There’s two other civilians outside waiting.

Ryan (nodding): Slow and steady.  Let’s not startle him.  On my signal.


David (walking down the hall): Tessa come on out.  I just want to talk to you.

Brennan (sneaking up behind; her voice a low growl): Well she doesn’t want to talk to you (ducking the fist aimed at her face; seeing someone else coming up the stairs and hearing footsteps inside the other room.)

David (lunging): Who the hell are you to tell me what my daughter wants?
Brennan (snarling): Someone who loves her enough to let her make her own choices.

David (snorting): I gave her everything.

Brennan (shaking her head; watching his weapon and noticing several people coming to the top of the stairs): No you didn’t. 

Ryan (aiming): Put the gun down and we can talk about this.

David (looking around): This is ridiculous all this attention for me.  I just want to talk to my daughter.
Lara (shifting and coming up the stairs): Like you talked to your wife.

David (yelling and pointing the gun at Brennan): Shut up.  I want the disc and my daughter or I’ll start shooting.

Brennan (looking around): Go-ahead you won’t leave her alive.

Tessa (running out struggling against someone who was trying to hold her back): No.  Put the gun down dad.  It isn’t worth it.

David (aiming the pistol back and forth between Brennan and his daughter): Yes it is.  I want that disc and I want my daughter.
Ryan (signaling for everyone to hold their fire): Put the gun down and we can negotiate.

David (aiming at his daughter): I won’t negotiate.  Tessa I’m your father you’re going to side with them over this. 

Tessa (moving forward slowly feeling the Marine move closer behind her): Let me talk to him.

Bruno (shaking his head): Maam please for your own safety move back.

Tessa (shaking her head; looking at her lover): Dad put the gun down.  We can talk.  Ok.  Just put the gun down.

Brennan (cursing; even though Tessa was drawing his attention ): Tessa please…

Ryan (noticing Muldoon pulling up her weapon): Hold it.  Steady.

David (yelling): Tell them to back off.

Tessa (pleading): Put the gun down.

Bruno (grabbing her noticing David’s muscles tense): Maam get the hell out of the way.
Everything happened in slow motion.  Tessa moved towards her father only to be pulled back by the Marine behind her.  The gun went off and Brennan dived taking a shot in her shoulder.  Another round went off and David went down.  Another round but from who the report later reflected no one knew.  Tessa screamed as she was pulled back and off her feet and out of harm’s way.  Shots went off left and right someone else screamed and she felt someone land on top of her. 

Outside the Cabin Mt. Range SC

Alex tensed and went to move but two hands restrained her and then she heard screams and shots being fired then nothing.  Jasmine grabbed her and pulled her to her side.  All of a sudden it seemed people came running out of nowhere.  She vaguely registered blue lights flashing and the sound of a helicopter in the distance. 

Inside the Cabin Mt. Range SC

Captain Ryan (yelling and kneeling down): Easy. Just lay still.  Someone get a dam medic in here and now.

Sergeant relax.  Ok you’re going to be fine.

Tessa (yelling): Get your hands off of me.  Let me go.

Ryan (signaling): Let her go.  She should be here.  And cover him up with something and get that dam gun for evidence.

Muldoon (nodding): Yes Maam.  Let’s go people.

Tessa (falling to Brennan’s side): Is she…
Ryan (pressing the cloth to slow the bleeding): She’s going to be fine (she hoped.)

Tessa (leaning down): You promised (noticing the wound and the blood flow.) You lied to me.

Brennan (weakly; she was fading fast): Tessa inside the footlocker (coughing and spitting up blood) get the folder.

Tessa (shaking her head): No you don’t (reaching out and pressing the cloth to Brennan’s chest.)  You promised me…

Brennan (hoarsely): I love you (coughing; pain etching her features) best thing in my life (and passed out.)
Ryan (moving aside as the medical technicians came down the hallway): Tessa let them look at her.

Tessa (shaking her head): No…

Lara (kneeling down): Tessa listen they’ve got to take care of her.  You just need to move over so they can get there.  She’s going to be fine.  Come on there you go.

Outside the Cabin Mt. Range SC

Alex (yelling): I’m going to need someone to meet me at the hospital.  They have to clean up here (looking up as Tessa was carried outside by a Marine.)  Listen just get your ass over there (slamming the phone shut.)  Tessa oh my God, what the hell happened.

Medical Technician (guiding Tessa to the ambulance): We’re going to take her to the hospital.  Her friend….
Alex (softly; brushing back the hair out of Tessa’s face): Her partner oh God no.
Medical Technician (helping Tessa inside the ambulance): A couple people have been shot.  It was a bitch to get up here and we’re shutting down the highway.  A helicopter will meet us and she will be airlifted to the nearest hospital.  Maam we have to move.

Alex (pleading): I’ll meet them there.  Please let her stay with her. 

Medical Technician (nodding): I’ll do my best maam.  I suggest you contact their families for them.  Especially Sergeant Ramus.

Alex turned as she heard people yelling orders.  She stepped back and watched as Brennan was carried on a stretcher into the waiting ambulance and she felt her wife wrap her arms around her.  They closed the doors on the ambulance and it was gone.  Tears fell down her face at the thought of something happening to Brennan and what it would do to Tessa.

Ryan (walking out helping another Marine): Get someone to drive them out of here.  We have several investigators on the way.   Alex long time no see.

Alex (stiffly): What happened?
Ryan (shaking her head): Alex I don’t even know.  Listen go meet your friends at the hospital.  I’ll call you as soon as I can.

Jasmine (guiding her wife to the car): Come on baby we’ll get some answers sooner or later.

Brit (walking by them): Have you seen Lara?

Alex (shaking her head): Not yet(turning as she heard yelling,) but here she comes now.

Lara (limping down the stairs): I can walk.  I’m fine no but I want this looked into immediately.  Especially  Lt. Cho.  Yes sir.  I’m on my way sir (closing her cell phone and looking at her partner.)  Hi baby.
Brit (wrapping an arm around her waist): What happened?
Lara (taking a deep breath): A lot of things….
Brit (guiding her to their car): No, what happened to you.

Lara (looking at her leg; it hurt like hell): Someone fell on me.  Landed on it wrong.

Brit (pushing back her hair): And this (gesturing to the bruise on her face.)
Lara (wincing as she sat down):  Hit the floor a little harder than I expected.  I have to make some calls and deal with this.  Then we’ll go to the hospital and see how things are.

Brit (shaking her head): Nope you’re going to have that looked at then you’re going to rest.

Lara (softly): Brit…
Brit (leaning down and kissing her): That’s an order Special Agent (stealing another kiss.)

Somewhere between life and death

Brennan (opening her eyes; the room was bathed in a soft light and she was laying on her back on something soft): Hello…

A short muscular blond woman walked into her view and reached out to touch her face.  Another figure taller; with dark hair moved behind her.  They said something to each other and the blonde nodded.
Gabrielle (gently): It’s not your time.  You have yet to fulfill your destiny.

Brennan (shifting): What are you talking about?  And just where the hell am I (noticing the darker haired woman tense.)  Listen would you mind telling me what’s going on and where the hell am I (seeing the dark woman move forward) and tell your bodyguard to back off.  The voice that answered her sent chills down her spine.)
Xena (pulling Gabrielle to her side): You’re in between life and death.  You’ve come here because well it’s obvious.  You need to go back.  Your soul mate is waiting for you and you have much to do yet. 

Brennan (shifting): What are you talking about?  Who the hell is my soul mate and again what the fuck…

Xena (moving and putting a gentle hand on her chest): Relax.  The more you struggle here the more you lose your energy out there.  It isn’t your time but it’s your decision.

Gabrielle (shaking her head): Brennan your soul mate is Tessa.  She needs you and you need her.   

Brennan (closing her eyes; she heard what sounded like someone calling her name): What’s wrong with me?

Xena (softly): You’ve been shot.  Your heart stopped and you’ve lost a lot of blood not to mention the other injuries you suffered.

Gabrielle (taking a deep breath): You have a lot to do.  Justice to serve.
Brennan (closing her eyes): Tessa…
Xena (smiling; finally someone who wasn’t so hard headed and kept asking questions like that Janice or Celia smirking and shifting from the playful slap from her lover): What?

Gabrielle (turning them towards their home): She’s going to be fine.  Now come on let’s go check on the girls and then (leaning up and capturing soft lips as her partner was about to protest.)

Xena (panting when they broke the kiss): I wasn’t going to say a word.
Gabrielle (laughing): Sure.  I’ve known you how long.  Come on Warrior Princess.

They walked hand in hand towards paradise and their home in the afterlife.

Two weeks later Tessa’s and Brennan’s apartment

Tessa (yelling): You touch that cast again I’ll put you in a body cast.

Brennan (groaning as she shifted and tried to get up): Love…
Tessa (from the kitchen): And you move off that couch I’ll beat your ass.

Brennan (hoarsely): Promises, promises.

Tessa (walking in and carrying a pot of coffee): You won’t like it (setting the pot down and brushing back Brennan’s hair.)  You’re a little warm. 

Brennan (shifting): Just tired. 

Tessa (reaching for the bottle of antibiotics): You’ve only taken one of these today.

Brennan (trying to reach for the bottle but the stitches pulled and so did her ribs): I don’t’ need them and they make me sick.

Tessa (softly): You haven’t eaten much that’s why.

Brennan (groaning as her partner handed her a pill then her glass of juice): Nothing tastes good. 
Tessa (understanding): He said for you to eat light until later on.  Nothing heavy does not mean eating only crackers and yogurt.

Brennan (nodding): That’s why I’m waiting.  I can’t wait to taste your shrimp scampi. 

Tessa (smiling): I’ll make you anything you want (caressing her face gently.)  You were shot six times and I almost lost you…
Brennan (trying to pull her closer; ignoring the pain; she was released from the hospital only yesterday): Tessa I’m here.  I’m not going anywhere (seeing the tears fall down that lovely face.) Baby (shifting and kissing the top of her head.)  I love you.
Tessa (kissing her lips): I love you too.  That’s why it hurt so much. 

Brennan (groaning as someone knocked on their door): I made a promise that even in death I wouldn’t leave you. 

Tessa (smiling and moving to answer the door): I know but I would still like to know more about that dream (opening it and stepping back as Alex then Jasmine came in carrying several bags then Adrienne and Clara carrying more stuff then Lara and Brit.  All of them had stood beside her through the past couple of weeks and Lara had helped with her parent’s funeral arrangements and her ex husbands.  She owed them all a lot and that’s why they were here she was making shrimp scampi and some other nice things for dinner): Hi (hugging Alex tightly.)  She’s already bored (hugging Jasmine then Clara and Adrienne.)

Lara (shaking her head): Well that’s why this knucklehead brought some God-awful video game over for her.

Brit (kissing her cheek then walking over to Brennan): Hey tough girl.  Here this should keep you out your lover’s hair.

Brennan (smirking): Thanks.  So what’s the news (leaning back as Alex caressed her face gently.)  Hi.

Jasmine (sitting on the end of the couch): Well you look better.  Not by much…

Alex (shaking her head): No rough stuff.  Come on Tessa let me give you a hand and hopefully someone can behave (eyeing Jasmine then Brennan then Brit then Adrienne.)
Brit (innocently): Who me?
Lara (laughing): Yes you.  After what you Jasmine and Adrienne did at the hospital (remembering how they were holding wheel chair races in the hall at all hours of the morning and the trouble they had gotten into only to later on go into the supply closet and pose as Dr.’s visiting patients and making them laugh.  They didn’t get in much trouble for that but the hospital administer had told her to please keep them in their room.) 

Jasmine (pointing): It was her idea. 

Brit (looking at the bandage on Brennan’s arm): Was not?  Here you want me to set this up.

Adrienne (teasing): Was too and pinching that nurse’s ass didn’t help

Brennan (nodding weakly): Yeah sure.

Tessa (leaning down and kissing her gently): Just behave. 

Brennan (smiling): You like when I misbehave.

Tessa (kissing her softly): I won’t go there.

Alex (putting dishes on the counter): How you doing honey?
Tessa (taking a deep breath and getting out the pasta): Better now that she’s home.  I can’t thank you enough for setting this up for us. 

Lara (getting silverware out): You both needed a place to start over.  A place to start your life together. 
Tessa (nodding): Yeah.  It’s been a little rough so far.  But things are looking up.

Lara (squeezing her shoulder comfortingly): They’ll get better.  Are you two going to see that counselor next week?
Tessa (smiling): You mean Alex’s aunt.

Alex (shrugging and stirring the pasta): I didn’t say a peep.

Tessa (laughing): Don’t have to.  She told me when she stopped in at the hospital.

All three of them turned when they heard yelling from the living room.  Tessa shook her head then went in there when she heard a loud thump.  What she saw made her laugh.  There was Brit sitting on Jasmine playing the game.  Thankfully for Jasmine, Brit was smaller than her.
Tessa (mock scolding): Brennan you had better not have anything to do with it.

Brennan (hoarsely): I was napping.

Jasmine (mumbling): No you weren’t you, were trying to get that cast off your leg.

Adrienne (shifting): And the one off your arm.  Go on, ask her where the hacksaw is?

Tessa (wide eyed): Brennan, last warning. (Turning to go in the kitchen) and Brit there is another chair to sit in.  I doubt that  pain in the ass is that comfortable.

Lara (stirring the scampi): What did they do now?
Alex (mixing the salad): I can just guess.  Those four together are enough to scare someone into surrender.
Clara (nodding): You an say that again.  They even think alike that’s scary.

Tessa (laughing and getting the grated cheese out): And Brennan being out of commission isn’t helping.  She gets bored rather easily.  (Yelling and laughing from the living room and Tessa shook her head until they heard what sounded like another thud.)  Shit (walking in the living room to see Brennan getting up using her crutches and Adrienne lying on the floor next to Brit.)  Do I dare ask what happened?

Adrienne (shaking her head): We tried to help her up and well let’s just say she’s pretty heavy.

Brit (getting up and smacking Jasmine on the shoulder): You shut up you encourage her.

Jasmine (pointing to herself): Me.  What about you?  Miss I dare you.

Alex (moving next to her wife): Why is it that whenever you four get together trouble always strikes (turning around to see Brennan moving slowly.)  Jesus woman you look terrible.
Tessa (standing in front of Brennan): Love..
Brennan (hoarsely): I’m ok just have to get my bearings.

Lara (looking at Brennan’s tall lanky physique; she could see the trembling): Hey maybe you should take it easy.  We could bring your dinner out here.

Tessa (putting her hands on Brennan’s arms): Maybe you should sit down we could…
Brennan (softly): No  I’m going in the kitchen (getting the crutches under her and making slow progress to the kitchen with everyone following behind her.)
Lara (thinking): Maybe a walker would be easier on her.  That cast on her arm has got to be uncomfortable.

Alex (biting her lip): Well we tried that.  She threw the dam thing half way across the room and swore in several different languages.

Jasmine (laughing): But the look on the nurse’s face was priceless.

Alex (playfully cuffing her): You be quiet.

Adrienne (shaking her head): This time I have to agree…
Jasmine (sticking her tongue at her): Traitor (wincing) will you stop with the hitting.

Brennan (taunting): I thought you like a little pain with your pleasure.

Adrienne (agreeing and looking at the cute sight in front of her): Well there is a fine line between pleasure and pain.

Clara (rolling her eyes): Yeah you especially would know that.  Miss use the whip on me.

Brit (laughing): Ooh sadism or masochism I forget.
Lara (shoving her playfully): I wouldn’t talk you other one.

Alex (putting her hand over Jasmine’s mouth): Not a word.  Just sit your ass down.

Jasmine (motioning to Tessa and Brennan; Tessa had her head on Brennan’s chest and Brennan was leaning against the counter with her eyes closed): What, that it takes a little pygmy to conquer a big Amazon?

Brennan (leaning down for a kiss then moving to sit down before her partner got any more ideas): Yep and proud of it.  Alex did you happen to leave her leash at home.
Brit (helping Tessa): Maybe a muzzle would work better (grinning) ooh harder (as her partner slapped her on the ass.)

Lara (taking a deep breath): Put that on the table.  Maybe I should get you a leash or something.

Adrienne (encouraging): And a muzzle.  That would be a good idea.
Clara (shaking her head): What is it with you four and your toys?
Tessa (sitting down): What about toys (winking at Brennan who nearly choked?)  I thought they were meant to enhance pleasure or something.

Alex (chewing her food): It does unless your sick and twisted like these two over there (winking at Lara who looked about to choke.)

Brit (patting her partner on the back): Easy there love. 
Lara (swallowing): Enough with the sex toys already.  God we’re eating dinner and you three have to have your mind in the gutter.

Jasmine (taunting): What’s wrong Special Agent I thought you like ouch hey (grabbing her wife’s wrist as she grabbed her ear.)
Alex (whispering): Unless you want the couch I strongly suggest you behave (nipping her ear. Going back to her dinner) Tessa this is fantastic.

Tessa (smiling and looking at her partner who looked to be enjoying it as well): You’re welcome.

The rest of dinner was filled with plans and talk of the upcoming trial and military briefing and playful banter.  Later once the kitchen was clean and Brennan was back on the couch much to Tessa’s relief, they were enjoying a movie relaxing and talking when there was knock at the door.
Tessa (opening it and smiling as she realized who it was): Danni…
Danni (smirking): Hey I hope I’m not interrupting but I have good news and I wanted to share it with you all.

Tessa (motioning for her to come in):No, not at all.  Everyone’s here.

Danni (hugging her tightly): How are you?  (Over the past two weeks she had spent a great deal of time talking with her and informing her of everything that had been going on.)
Tessa (smiling and leading her into the living room): Good, Brennan ‘s doing better. 

Danni (following her into the living room): Well look at this.  It’s actually quiet in here.
Alex (standing): Aunt Danni…

Danni (hugging her niece tightly): Everything’s fine.  Just wanted to share some good news with you.

Jasmine (kissing her cheek): So what’s up?
Adrienne (shifting in her lover’s lap): We’re listening.

Lara (leaning forward; feeling Brit’s hand on her back): Did…

Danni (sitting on the end f the couch): Hold it. The disc has been decoded, there was a lot of information on it that linked a few people to known terrorists and their activities.  Also information on some very powerful public figures from all over the world.  And information for another terrorist plot.  That’s the first piece of good news.
Lara (standing): They’re putting the proper warnings in place.

Danni (nodding): Yes, among other things (winking.)

Jasmine (wondering): What?
Danni (holding up her hand): The supposed suspects have already been brought in for questioning.

Bit (leaning back): That’s good.  So what else.

Danni (smiling): Well we already knew this but Brennan’s been dropped of all charges. And she will be receiving an award for meritorious conduct and a silver star and another one that I forget.  Also you will be given a full promotion and a chance to retire or continue in your field.  As for Tessa she’s getting the highest award for a citizen for her service to her country for her involvement and actions in all of this.  And the rest of you will also be getting some award (smiling proudly.)  Clara you’ve been given a chance to work with another organization beside the D.A.‘s office (winking) and Lara and Brit as of today you two are on two weeks mandatory vacation courtesy of Director Griffin.

Lara (smiling): That’s great.

Brit (kissing her softly): Awesome.

Brennan (softly): Did they catch the rest of the people involved.

Tessa (sitting next to her partner and caressing her face gently): I made some coffee.  I heard (forestalling Danni from repeating herself) and what happened to whoever else was involved.

Danni (nodding her thanks): They’re rounding them up.  Things are getting cleared up and straightened out as we speak.

The rest of the evening was filled with questions about how things would go and what to expect.  But the most important thing was justice had been served and the people involved, the right people had been stopped.

Later, after everyone had left Tessa lay curled up against Brennan’s side, thinking of the many things they had all talked about earlier.

Brennan (softly; shifting gingerly): Baby, you ok.

Tessa (leaning up and looking at her): Yeah.  Just thinking (trailing her fingers over Brennan’s collarbone.

Brennan (moaning at the soft touch; intimacy was a little difficult because of her cast but two weeks was two long in her mind to go without touching the woman who meant everything to her): Things happen precisely as they should…
Tessa (feeling Brennan’s larger hand move up and down her back and then grab her bum firmly): No, not that well that but I’m putting it into perspective.  (Leaning down for a kiss, which turned heated quickly.  She had missed being with Brennan over the past two weeks but knew it would at least be another week before and oh God moaning as her hand moved further down) not that (groaning as Brennan stroked her inner thighs from behind.)  The fact that they’re playing me as some sort of here.

Brennan (not stopping her attentions): You are a hero.  A hero doesn’t necessarily carry a sword or a gun but does the right thing despite the odds and circumstances.  You’re my hero love (moving her fingers up and smiling as she felt wet silky heat greet her fingers.): Mmm (groaning) someone missed me…
Tessa (moving): Honey…
Brennan (smiling): No more thoughts of what if’s and might haves.  You did the right thing for the right reasons and you are my hero.  Because you saved me now (shifting gently) let me show you how much I’ve missed you.
And as the two souls reconnected again like many times before and many times after two other souls looked on and smiled.
Xena (softly): Took them long enough.

Gabrielle (smacking her playfully): This world is different it’s harder now. 

Xena (wrapping her arms around her soul mate): That it is.  But they’ll be fine.  They always have before and always will be.

Gabrielle (leaning up for a soft kiss): Let’s leave them their privacy (gently leading her soul mate back to the Fields.)

As Tessa and Brennan reconnected and Xena and Gabrielle walked off towards the Elysian Fields a small silver light filled the room surrounding Tessa and Brennan then vanished.  Two souls reconnected and two souls at peace.  The call for a hero would always be answered.  Like it was in the beginning and forever shall be.

Author’s Note:  This concludes Lost and Found.  We might see these characters again it depends.  I want to thank everyone who was such a big part of this but especially to my partner and best friend LouAnn.  I swear in her past life she must have been the Goddess of Patience (g.)  My writing is going to be on break from now to the end of September.  I will be starting a Mel/Janice story at that time.

Xena’s Girl.

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