"The End is the Beginning"



Chapter Seven: "Dangerous Waters"


Go to Part 1


Xena steps away from the bowl, her brow furrowed in thought. "This Margret knows more than what she's letting on." "She's not setting them up, is she?" "Because it didn't look like Deerdra was thinking--at least not with her head."

Akimi grins at Xena's remark. "Yes, she spoke the truth." "She is an ally and will play and important part in Deerdra's future as a warrior."

Xena sighs. "Guess I have no choice but to trust you." "It's not like I have a say in what happens...or have anything else to do, for that matter." She takes a few steps away from the bowl then plops down on the lush grass siting cross-legged. She cups her chin with one hand then starts picking at her kimono with the other.

Akimi sits beside her. "What is the matter?" "You do not seem happy."

"That's because I'm not." "I'm frustrated and I'm bored." "Are we the only ones here?"

"This is not like Heaven, Xena." "You are here because the fate of your soul has yet to be decided."

"All this is just for me, huh?" "You shouldn't have." "Tell me, what happens if Gabrielle can't bring me back--and that is a big IF."

"If Gabrielle does not succeed, you will be allowed to enter the Elysian Fields and be reunited with the ones you have lost."

Xena pauses and lets that reality sink in. "I'll be able to see my family, my son?"

"Yes." "You will see everyone who you have ever loved and lost."

Xena whispers to herself. "Solan." She sits quietly, trying to wade through the alphabet soup of emotions sloshing around in her head. She finally grabs A for Angry and turns her attention to Akimi. She stands up, puts her hands on her hips, and glares at Akimi. "I want to know everything that's going on and I want to know it now!"

Akimi, calm and cool, rises to her feet, avoiding Xena's eyes. "Everything will be revealed in time." She reaches for Xena's hand. "Come, they are ready to resume their journey."

Xena won't have it. "No!" "Everything is later with you!" "Do you even know what's going on?"

Akimi answers in that soothing, even tone that is starting to get on Xena's nerves. "Yes, I do." "It is the elders who are preventing me from telling you what you want to know." "Please be patient." "Your questions will be answered."

That's pacifies Xena for now. "Fine." "But I'm holding you to your word."

A sweet smile from Akimi. "Of course."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Gabrielle is sitting astride her horse impatiently waiting for Deerdra to say goodbye to Margret, who has handed Deerdra a suede bag. "I've put everything you two will need in this bag, including the scroll, powder, bread, and a little something extra."

"Thank you, Margret." "I really enjoyed talking with you last night." "It's been a long time since I've talked shop about potions and powders."

Margret smiles. "And I enjoyed spending time with someone who wasn't afraid of me."

"Why would--"

"You should be going."

"Um, yeah, it looks like Gabrielle's getting antsy." "Either that or she has a rash on her behind."

The two laugh which only adds to Gabrielle's frustration. She mouths the words 'Come on' to Deerdra.

"The truth now, Margret." "What are our chances that this is actually going to work?"

"I was speaking the truth earlier." "There are no guarantees, but it should work--in theory."

"Well, if it doesn't, I'm going to have one heartbroken bard on my hands."

Margret grins. "Not that you would mind."

Deerdra smiles. "Shh." They hug goodbye then Deerdra heads over to her horse and saddles up.

Gabrielle gives her a terse "Bout time."

Deerdra turns and waves to Margret. "Bye!" "Hope I get to see you again!"

Margret waves back and says softly "You will, Deerdra." "You will."

Gabrielle gives a polite wave then spurs her horse into a full gallop. Deerdra's too busy smiling back at Margret and has to hustle to catch up. "Gabrielle, wait up!"

Gabrielle pretends not to hear her and keeps on riding.

Deerdra is getting angry at the snub. "Gabrielle, stop!"

She finally slows her horse to a trot, allowing Deerdra to catch up to her.

"Okay, who put a bee in your bonnet?"

Gabrielle doesn't look at her. "You have to ask?"

"Obviously." "What have I done?"

Gabrielle brings her horse to a dead stop then slowly turns toward Deerdra. "You sure were getting cozy with her last night."

"Yeah, and?" "I flirted with a beautiful woman, so shoot me."

"Don't tempt me."

"She's an interesting person." "I just wish we had more time spend with her."

"Yeah, I'm sure you would."

"Okay, now you're sounding like my brother." "I flirt with women all the time, it doesn't mean anything."

Gabrielle mutters under her breath. "Not to you maybe."

Deerdra's not sure she heard her right so she plays dumb. "What?"

Gabrielle clears her throat and covers. "We only have a two days to finish our tasks." "We don't have time for games."

Deerdra can tell by her tone that she did hear her correctly. "You're right, I'm sorry." "From now on I'll concentrate on the job at hand." "Speaking of which."

Gabrielle would like to say more to Deerdra about how her infatuation with Margret makes her feel, but that's a can of worms she's not ready to open, yet. "We should get moving and find that river."

Deerdra mentally agrees that now isn't the time or place for that kind of discussion. "According to Margret, the river is a straight shot from here." "Race ya!"


And so the two intrepid warriors dash off down the dirt road. First Deerdra is in the lead, then Gabrielle overtakes her, then Deerdra's back in front. They're too distracted by the race to notice a sign reading:





A pair of glowing red eyes peer out from among the trees.


Deerdra slows her horse and eventually comes to a stop adjacent to and a safe distance from a disturbingly calm river. Gabrielle and her horse come galloping up, blissfully unaware.

"No fair!" "You had a head start."

Deerdra puts her finger to her lips. "Shh."

Gabrielle's pulse quickens and she whispers back. "Are we there?"

Deerdra points to their right. Gabrielle isn't sure what she is seeing so she stands in the saddle to get a better look. "Is it even moving?"

"Yeah, it's moving." "Are you ready for this?"

Gabrielle steels herself. "Let's do it."

They ride up the road a short distance then dismount and tether the horses. Deerdra takes out two suede skins for the water and a small ceramic jar from the bag Margret prepared for them.

''Two skins?" "And what's in the jar?"

"Two is what the ritual calls for plus some powder Margret said will temporarily blind the nymph."

Gabrielle has to chuckle. "Faerie dust?"

Deerdra smiles. "Something like that."

Gabrielle hops up on a rock. "I can see a small waterfall from here that should fill the skins pretty quick."

"Good because once I get her attention, all Hell's going to break loose."

Gabrielle jumps off of the rock then places her hand on Deerdra's shoulder and says softly, "Be careful."

Deerdra takes Gabrielle's hand into her own and gives it a light kiss. "Always."

One last longing look then Gabrielle angles off toward the waterfall and Deerdra makes her way to the water's edge. She kneels as if to take a drink then waits for Gabrielle to get into place. It isn't long before the blurry form of an angry woman's face appears in the water staring right at Deerdra, startling her. "Shit." As Deerdra rises to her feet, so does the River Nymph, the water behind her receding as she grows in size.

Deerdra backpeddles and cranes her neck upward to see the Nymph's face. "Human sized my foot!"

The Nymph is mainly head, arms, and torso as the rest of her is connected to the river like some giant evil snake. While Deerdra stands marveling at her, a minnow swims through her midsection. Deerdra stifles a laugh but the Nymph is not amused. She lets out a loud primal cry then lunges at Deerdra who rolls behind a large fir tree seconds before a thunderous wall of water crashes down, shaking the ground. Deerdra peeks around the tree to check on Gabrielle's progress.

Gabrielle holds up one skin and indicates that the other one is almost done. The River Nymph, taking advantage of the distraction, wraps her arms around the tree trying to grab Deerdra in a watery death hug. Deerdra stumbles backwards, wet but unharmed. Her eyes dart toward Gabrielle and she holds up both skins. Deerdra zig zags behind another tree and dumps the powder into her hand, readying their escape. As soon as Gabrielle reaches the road, Deerdra steps out from behind the tree, takes a deep breath, and blows the powder directly in the face of the Nymph. She screeches and puts her hands to her face as her 'body' turns a deep milky white.

The two women don't hang around to see the end result. They high tail it to the horses then fly down the road. They only stop when the horses need to rest and they are far, far away from the Nymph.

Gabrielle eyeballs the smaller river meandering next to the road. "Are you sure that's a different river?"

"Yeah, it should be."

Gabrielle is still nervous. "Should be?"

"Don't worry, it is."

"All right." Deerdra sounds confident, but as they dismount and lead the horses over to let them drink, Gabrielle's heart nearly pounds out of her chest.

While the horses quench their thirst, Deerdra rummages through the bag Margret prepared for them. She finds a second loaf of bread and a third skin full of ale. That's when she notices the water dripping off of her horses tail. "Wow, she nearly go us."

That get's Gabrielle's attention. "What?"

"I said we're in luck, bread and ale!"

They park themselves on a couple of rocks and cool their feet in the water while they fill their bellies.

"So, where and what is next on Margret's scroll?"

Deerdra unrolls the parchment. "We have to 'borrrow' a crystal bowl from a sea siren."

"What does a siren need a crystal bowl for?"

"They use it to amplify the sound and to sing in harmony with their own song."

"I get the feeling she's not going to be to eager to part with it."

"Not likely." "Her voice maybe melodic while luring seamen to the cliffs, but her defensive screech will make your ears bleed and turn you deaf."

"Oh, good, more fun...for you." "Ha ha!" "You should have seen your face when the nymph stood up!" She does an exaggerated 'Oh, Shit!' look and laughs until her sides hurt. The ale has made her a little giddy.

"I think we've had enough ale for today." "The Siren of Lorelei Rock isn't far from here." "We can probably make it there before nightfall without having to push the horses."

That sobers up Gabrielle. "Then what are we waiting for, let's go!" She jumps to her feet then leads her horse back to the road before mounting up.

Deerdra chuckles. "Right behind you, chief."


Since they don't need to rush the horses, Gabrielle takes the opportunity to learn more about her new traveling companion. "So, how did a family from the far reaches of Britannia end up in Greece?"

Deerdra knew this was coming. "Short version?" A man named Colin led a revolt by a group who we thought were our allies." "Our clan protected these people at great risk, but a rumor from one man turned them against us...ungrateful slugs." "And since we were outnumbered, we were given a choice--leave or die." "I was ready to die a warrior's death, but Father was adamant we leave and head South."

"To Greece."

"Yes, to Greece." "But at the time, we had no idea where Father was taking us or why." "In our minds, we were running away." "Not that anyone was dumb enough to ask him."

Gabrielle grins. "What did he tell you?"

Deerdra smiles. "He said he had been having dreams about a land near the ocean whose gods lived high above the clouds in a mountain." "That gave him a burning desire to move and to keep moving until we found that place or his need to move was gone." "Colin graciously let us keep a few animals and our horses along with two carts...on one condition." "That the Family Reese swear on a black stone from the island of Iona to never return to those lands or any of it's islands."

"What's so special about a black stone from that island?"

"The myth around the stone is that he who swears an oath on a stone and breaks that oath will incur utter damnation."

Gabrielle is taken aback. "So you can never go home?"

There is sadness and regret in Deerdra's voice. "Greece is my home now." She clears those feelings from her throat--and mind. "The horses are probably rested enough and we need to get a move on, it'll be dark soon."

Gabrielle understands the topic change so she lightens the mood. "Is the siren's rock straight up this road?"

Deerdra wonders what she's going to do. "Yeah."

"Good, race ya!"

"Hey!" Deerdra begins to mount up then stops. An uneasy feeling comes over her as several pair of glowing red eyes watch from the trees. She hustles to catch up to Gabrielle.

Gabrielle is way in the lead, racing down a dirt road that appears to go on for several more miles. Unfortunately that's not the case.

"Gabrielle, stop!" "That's the gorge!"

She brings her horse to a screeching halt just short of an hundred foot drop into the raging Rhine River. Deerdra sidles up to her, chuckling. "Your heart can start beating now."

Gabrielle gives her a dirty look. "You could have warned me."

"What and ruin the surprise?" "Besides, you didn't give me a chance." "On the plus side, you won!"

"Yeah, well, still."

Deerdra is still chuckling. "Come on, Speedy, let's have a look at this gorge you nearly leapt into."

At approximately one hundred feet down, crystal blue water churns between soaring walls of rock and trees.

All of the blood drains from Gabrielle's face. "Wow!" "That was close." "We don't have to go down there, do we?"

"No." "Margret said Lorelei Rock is on this side of the river and I'm guessing it's that huge tree covered chunk over there on the right." "She said that a waterfall camouflages an underwater entrance." She gets down on her knees and peers over the side. "I can just make out footpath leading down to the water."

"Great." "So, what am I supposed to do while you're in there tango-ing with the siren?"

"Climb up a tree and wait for me." "Those wolves Margret warned us about have been following us." "I don't think they'll attack, but let's play it safe."

Gabrielle glances around, nervous but pumped. "So that's what I've been sensing." "I thought someone from the village was following us." "What better way to stop us than to force me to fight and kill."

"Exactly." "Go on and shimmy up one of these trees." "I'll be back as soon as I can."

Gabrielle gives her a big hug. "Be careful."

Deerdra smiles. "Always."

Before Deerdra makes her way down to the river, Gabrielle shows off by channeling her inner Amazon/acrobat. She picks out a good sturdy branched tree, runs past it, leaps up and springs off an adjacent tree, then does a flying back flip up into the sturdy tree, landing on her feet. "Ta-Da!"

Deerdra shakes her head and grins. "I'm impressed, only you forgot something!" She holds out their trip satchel. "The wolves would love to get a hold of this as well!" "Stand back, I'll snag it on a branch up there!" She heaves it up toward Gabrielle and, sure enough, it nestles in a crook right next to her.

Gabrielle shouts back. "Now I'm impressed!"

"I'm not going to tether the horses, but no matter what happens, you stay put!" "And don't forget to protect your ears!"

Gabrielle gives her a military salute "Yes, ma'am!"

Deerdra shakes her head as she slowly picks her way down the barely formed path to the water's edge, muttering as she goes. "There aren't any sea demons, there aren't any sea demons, there aren't any sea demons." An image from her youth pops into her head : Her father has tossed her into the water teaching her how to swim. As she flaps her arms trying to get back to the surface, a slimy hand grabs her leg and holds her there mere inches from the surface. Just as she's about to drown, her father reaches in and fishes her out, laughing. "There Aren't Any Sea Demons!" She takes a deep breath and dives in.

Ever since her first 'baptism', Deerdra has become a strong swimmer but still, she's relieved that she was only underwater for a short distance. The cave opening is narrow but once she pops through, she finds herself in the siren's lair. Strewn throughout are trinkets large and small from various shipwrecks. Deerdra searches for her prize - and a towel. She has no luck on either front until she sees a rainbow reflecting on one wall. She follows it across the room and there it is perched in a small window, it's crystal shimmering in the evening sun. She looks around the room. "This is too easy." "Where's that siren, anyhow?"

Right on cue, the siren appears behind Deerdra all wild haired, pointy teethed, and razor clawed out. When she hisses, Deerdra whirls around just in time to be slashed across both cheeks.

"Ow!" "Son of a ...!" "So you want to play rough, huh?"

The siren puffs up in readiness to shriek but before she can let out so much as a squeak, Deerdra halls off and lets her have it, sending the siren flying across the room and knocking her unconscious.

"Shriek that harpy."

Not waiting for the siren to wake up, Deerdra climbs up to the window and grabs the bowl. She spots a flour sack balled up in a corner and puts the bowl in side. Something rolls down her cheek and assuming that its water, she brushes it away. "Ow." "That's not water." A silver platter catches her eye so she uses it to examine her wounds. Yep, there are five bloody gashes across each cheek. "Lovely."

Deerdra doesn't make an effort to mend the wounds, she doesn't have to. As she's looking at her reflection, a bright white light begins to radiate from each wound, dimming only when each gnash is healed. "Much better."

A voice from behind her gives her a start. "Does she know?"

Deerdra spins around and is met by the now conscious siren in all of her full human glory. Beneath the wild-eyedness of the harpy is a beautiful young woman. She is lounging on a fur pelt covered rock, her long flowing golden hair strategically and seductively draped across her perfect yet naked body.

Deerdra stops ogling her long enough to answer. "No, and you're not going to tell her either."

"Don't worry, it's your secret not mine."

"Good." "Are we going another round about this bowl or are we through?"

The siren plays with her hair. "I'm a mourner not a fighter." "All that matters is that I made an attempt to stop you."

"Smart move." "I will return this when we're done."

The siren stands and walks up to the window and sits down on a stone leather covered chair. "What are you going to do after you bring her back?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"You do know that if you harm Xena you risk loosing Gabrielle."

Beautiful and naked or not, Deerdra is getting tired of her nosiness. "Then I guess I'll just have to come back here and help you lure innocent sailors to their deaths." She marches over to the cave opening and plunges in.

The siren watches the was the water ripples in Deerdra's wake. "Good luck." "You're going to need it."

* * * * * * * *

Xena's been watching all of this in her own crystal bowl. "What in the Hell was that?" "What is she?"

The ever patient Akimi is beside her. "One of the Appointed Seven."

"Who or what are they?"

"Seven humans who are destined to do bigger and more important things with their lives...especially Deerdra."

Xena grumbles. "Figures she's involved." "Destined to do what, exactly?"

"That I do not know."

Xena's anger is building again. "You don't know?" "Gabrielle is running around with this - woman and all you can say is I don't know?" She points her finger in Akimi's face. "And don't say that Gabrielle is safe."

Akimi isn't intimidated. "But she is safe." "Deerdra has had several opportunities to harm Gabrielle but has not." "That is not her purpose."

"Her purpose?" "That sounds like something...wait a minute." "That light from her wounds." "Has Michael sent Deerdra to protect Gabrielle?" "Don't bother to answer, you wouldn't tell me even if I was right." She crosses her arms. "This is so frustrating."

Akimi places her hand on Xena's shoulder. "I understand how you must feel." "Even if I could tell you the answers you wish to hear, you may not remember them when you leave here."

Xena turns to face Akimi. "My memory is going to be wiped clean?" "I won't remember any of this--of you?"

"You will remember a few threads but not enough to complete a garment."

Xena rolls her eyes and throws up her hands. "Great, I'm standing in the light but will be left in the dark." "How reassuring."


Gabrielle is nesting up in the tree and carrying on a conversation with herself. "I like Deerdra--really like Deerdra--but I am so tired of being treated like a sidekick." "Go here, Gabrielle." "Do this Gabrielle, but don't do that Gabrielle." "You'd think Xena was back, just shorter and with a better temperament and a neat place to live and a sexy accent." "I know she means well and this quest is an exception, but darn it, I can take care of myself."

An acorn comes sailing from down below and hits her on the leg, hard. "Ow!" "What the...?" She looks down and sees Deerdra pointing to her ears. Gabrielle plucks out the protective stuffing. "That hurt."

"Sorry, I was trying to get your attention." "You can come down now."

"So you got it?"

Deerdra whips out the twelve inch crystal and gold, etched bowl from the bag. "Yep!"

Gabrielle scrambles down from her perch and lands directly in front of Deerdra. "Did she put up much of a fight?"

"Nah." "She's a singer, not a fighter."

Gabrielle takes the bowl and holds it up to the waning light, its potential power has her a little awe struck. "So this is it, the last item on the list." She runs a finger across the etched scroll work then around the cool, slick rim. "It's beautiful." "Do you think we can make it to the peak by morning?"

Deerdra checks the suns position on the horizon. "No, but if we leave now, we can get halfway."

Gabrielle pushes the bowl back into the bag. "Then let's go."

Dozens of red, beady eyes follow them as they tear down the road.

They ride until it is nearly dark then set up camp just off the main road but away from any rivers and build a large campfire. Deerdra's a little uneasy about sleeping on the ground, being so close to the peak and the end of their journey. So, to be on the safe side, she and Gabrielle grab their gear and climb a giant oak tree and make themselves comfy. The horses are not tethered but they know to stay near the fire.

"Deerdra, are you awake?"


"Do you feel like talking?"

"I guess." "What about?"

"Your family." "What happened to them I mean." "You found the men who killed them, right?"

"Uh, huh."

"Do I want to know what you did to them?"

"Not if you want to have pleasant dreams, you don't."

"That's what I thought." "Goodnight then."

"Goodnight." "Oh, and Gabrielle." "Don't roll off of the tree." "I doubt those Wood Wives will be able to break your fall."

"Ha, ha." She shifts her weight around, just to be sure.

Deerdra hears her moving about and chuckles. She thinks back to her revenge and a picture flashes in her head: A dozen men are writhing around in their bedrolls, blood is spurting out of their necks and Deerdra is holding a dripping blade with a menacing grin on her face . "Oh, yeah." Her chuckle is low and evil. "I found them." She closes her eyes and dozes off, smiling.



chapter eight

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