Go vote your conscience - Reali-Xe challenge.

May 31st, 2006

Added part 62 of Phantom Bard's In an Age Before

Added part 7 (conclusion) of M.E. Tudor's Outfitter

DaemonCasts Volume 3 Available For Download!

DaemonCasts is a podcast that features reviews and discussion of alternative fan fiction, new and old, from every genre between the Xenaverse to the Delta Quadrant, as well as published lesbian fiction. Looking for well-written fiction? Check out a DaemonCast for the latest word.


Volume 3 features reviews of fiction - posted and published - by Gin,
Susanne Beck and Okasha Skat'si, Fletcher, and Ronica Black. Produced
by Daemon Kayne, featuring original music by Saij.

May 30th, 2006

Welcome to the Academy, Renée Strider!

A Pirate Yarn [original/alt/complete]
Martine and Alexis have spent the past summer sailing on Lake Ontario. What will they do now, having completed their last regatta? Martine has some surprising suggestions and tells Alex a story of long ago.

Meant to Be by Erin O'Reilly [original/alt/complete]
summary pending

May 29th, 2006

Added part 2 of Reining In the Belle by S. Derkins

May 28th, 2006

-from PD Publishing

We would like to announce that we have signed another gem of a story by Kim Pritekel to P.D. Publishing, Inc. We are honored to be publishing her wonderful story, Twilight. It should be available by Spring 2007. For more information please visit Kim's page www.pdpublishing.com/pritekel.html on our website.

May 27th, 2006

Reining In the Belle by S. Derkins
This the the third of the Now What? series. Lona and Tashalia's little girl is growing up and dealing with C'helan's society in her own unique way.

May 25th, 2006

Added part 5 (conclusion) of Fatal Hesitation by JM Dragon

from Nene Adams

Hello, all!

We find ourselves in a hellish bind at the moment, and I really hope you can help.

It's nearly the end of the month, and our rent is due. Unfortunately, a payment we had been counting on didn't come through in time, and now we're going to owe 2 months rent, which we can't pay. If we don't make this payment, there's going to be a man at the door wanting to seize our valuables (such as they are, ha ha) which includes the old computer that Corrie and I work on as we don't have much else that's worth anything. After that, we get evicted. Added to our woes is that our cairn terrier, who is eleven years old, has developed a severe pancreatic problem that requires daily medication to avoid her starving to death as her body cannot digest food any longer without the medication.

I really hate to ask again so soon, but when faced with the prospect of homelessness looming before me, not to mention having my goods and chattels seized and put up for auction, I'm appealing for any assistance you can give me. Any donation at all is very welcome.

There is a PayPal link on my Library page at http://www.corrieweb.nl/library.htm

Or you could go to PayPal directly: http://www.paypal.com
My account is listed under wynna1@yahoo.com

With any luck, if the gods are kind, and with your assistance, we can get over the hump and be back on track for the rest of the year. Thank you for your help. I'm truly grateful.

Nene Adams
Visit the CorrieWeb store for cool original merchandise: http://www.cafepress.com/corriewebstore

May 24th, 2006

Added part 3 of Love Eternal by Xena's Girl

May 23rd, 2006

To Hold Forever by Carrie Carr [über/alt/unfinished]
The next installment in the Lex and Amanda story

Added part 8 and part 9 (conclusion) of S. Derkin's Tenfold

-by Kim Pritekel

Hey, guys.  Again, this is hard for me to do, but I've run up on hard times yet again, as my student loan is going to be delayed much longer than I had anticipated.  The job market is still dry, anything available won't pay my rent let alone something I can survive on.  I guess what I'm saying is, I need a little help once more to help make it through the end of July.  I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart who can help me out.  Humbly bowing.

Kim Pritekel xenanut@hotmail.com

May 22nd, 2006

Added part 9 (conclusion) of The Return of Unity by Lissa

May 21st, 2006

Added part 7 of S. Derkin's Tenfold

May 20th, 2006

Added Ghost Town-ing 5 National Bison Range by Mickey Minner

Added part 2 of Remembering The Past by Jessica M. Hudson

May 19th, 2006

Added part 2 of Love Eternal by Xena's Girl

May 18th, 2006

Added part 18 and 19 of Vertigo's Keeping Faith

Added part 61 of PhantomBard's In an Age Before

Added part 6 of S. Derkin's Tenfold

May 17th, 2006

Added part 4 of JM Dragon's Fatal Hesitation

Added parts 2 - 10 of The Conqueror: Sceptre of Fate, Part II: Harbinger of Fate by Harpy and HkdonXetG

Added part 8 of The Return of Unity by Lissa

Added part 5 of Tenfold by S. Derkins

Added part 8 of Death of Innocence by Terias McKlay

Just Another Bacchae by Crystal Mills [complete/classic/alt]
A bacchae tells his story of love. Falling in love with a certain blonde bard that is. And how he copes, knowing that he’ll never be able to have her in that way, and the lessons he learned while holding her captive...

Updated The Ultimate Über List by Eileen Marks

from Chris Limbach

There is a vote going on about the best show on voote.
Xena is currently #3 and 14K away from #2. You can vote every 5 minutes. <just keep an eye on the pos. button, it shifts around>
Lost is 2nd and One Tree Hill is #1.

The link to the vote is....



May 16th, 2006

The Conqueror: Sceptre of Fate, Part II: Harbinger of Fate by Harpy and HkdonXetG [alt/conqueror/unfinished]
A different timeline, a different Xena and Gabrielle - or are they? Gabrielle is no longer a naïve village girl: she is senior advisor to the Empress of Greece with more power and influence to do good than she had ever dreamed possible. Xena is Empress of Greece with ambitions to rule an empire that eclipses even Alexander the Great. Together their mutual attraction has grown into love, but they soon find that being in love is easy compared to building a relationship – especially when Xena insists it must be kept secret.

"I am a target for my enemies; I can live with that. But if they know about you, about us, then you will become a target as well, and that I could never live with."

Will Gabrielle be able to bring about social reforms and secure a treaty with the Amazons, or will political rivals thwart her efforts? Will Xena be able to stay focused on her plans for conquering Asia Minor, or will her relationship with Gabrielle prove to be too much of a distraction? Will their love be strong enough to navigate the treacherous waters of political intrigue, personal relationships, and potential enemies?

Read Sceptre of Fate, Part II and find out in this original and refreshing take on Xena and Gabrielle in the alternate timeline of the Conqueror.

May 15th, 2006

House of Dolls by Carola "Ryûchan" Eriksson [original/alt/complete]
She watched the life in the manor go on around her from the shadows, not understanding why she was treated as if she did not exist and always longing for just one kind soul to ease her loneliness and see her.

Added part 4 of Tenfold by S. Derkins

Added part 18 (conclusion) of Blindsided by Colleen

May 14th, 2006

Remembering The Past by Jessica M. Hudson [classic/alt/unfinished]
After Xena’s death, Gabrielle finds herself alone and quickly sinking into severe depression. She knows she cannot continue on without her soul mate. The powers that be, take pity on the Battling Bard and try to reunite the two before there souls are lost forever.

Love Eternal by Xena's Girl [classic/alt/unfinished]
Eve and Varia are getting joined and Xena has a surprise for Gabrielle.

May 13th, 2006

Added part 3 of Nwyn by PsiDraconis

May 11th, 2006

Added part 3 of Tenfold by S. Derkins

May 10th, 2006

Added Part 60 of In an Age Before by Phantom Bard
Helluin and Beinvir are summoned to the court of Queen Beruthiel of Gondor.  There they meet many cats and view an unusual garden as they begin to understand the misunderstood queen.

New Site Announcement

Lida and Michelle have combined forces to create a new site for fans of the UK show Bad Girls. The site will feature fan fiction, music videos, screen captures, wallpaper, and more.
Submissions are being accepted for all of the above, except screen captures - Michelle has that covered. Come on bards and artists, flex your creative muscles!
Surf on over to http://www.badgirlsfans.com to check out the new site and current offerings. You can also join the companion Yahoo Group.

May 9th, 2006

Tenfold (parts 1 and 2) by SDerkins [original/alt]
An ancient blessing upon a family still haunts the beautiful Nessa, the last of her line. A very determined reporter seeks the truth about the recluse only to find herself in a dilemma--one heck of a story or a chance at romance with the wary redhead. Perhaps a push from the Sidhe will help.

Added Parts 30 and 31 (Conclusion) of Tie Break by Bonnie
Note from Bonnie: Here it is, finally and after a long, long wait: the conclusion of Tie Break. I'd like to thank all the readers who gave me constant feedback, and urged me - patiently and not so patiently - to finish this story. You know who you are.


The Academy of Bards Reviews page has been updated!

  BlackDaemon has reviewed the following jewels:

  "Destined By The Gods," by Inyx
  "The Phoenix," by DJ Belt
  "Twice Reflected," by Aurelia
  "Remembering An Angel," by Nut56
  "Say Goodbye To Boston," by Barbara Davies

  Check out www.academyofbards.org/reviews and find something new to read!

Announcement from Oz

One week left to get your entry in for
Reali-XE TV  (BC #15)

As previously posted, this will more than likely be the very last one. Although extremely popular with readers, the Bard Challenges seem to no longer hold the interest of many Bards .  More and more established Bards are opting out of participation to concentrate on other efforts and, sadly, less and less Newbies are testing the writing waters.  

Whether it be time constraints, lost interest in the fandom/fanfic, the overall shifting of focus to writing for publication, or various other valid reasons...bottom line is, we just can't have Bard Challenges without Bards.

I do want to sincerely thank all past participants (especially the regulars)...y'all brought the BC idea to life and took them on a great run.  Thank you for sharing your talents with a whole lot of eager readers.  Good luck in all future writing endeavors. 
Y'all ROCK!

Deadline for BC #15 is May 15th.

May 7th, 2006

The Chakram & the Dragon by Pysta
Returning to the Amazons is one thing - leading them is another. Gabrielle demonstrates her strength of character, and her wisdom. Her hopes and plans for the future of the tribe are strong. But life is full of twists and turns, and the reality of their chaotic world sets challenges that they must endure, and overcome - if the Amazons are to escape oblivion. 

Added part 3 of JM Dragon's Fatal Hesitation

May 6th, 2006

Welcome to the Academy, Pysta!

The Judging of the Queen [alt/classic/complete]
Ten long and lonely years after Xena's demise in Jappa, Gabrielle returns to the Amazon Village, in the hope that she will be able to rejoin the Tribe, and make amends for having abandoned them after Helicon. Uncertain that she still has any right to be their Queen, she appeals to a problematic Artemis, and must undergo an Ordeal to determine her fate. The post-Twilight of the Gods is an odd time, and strange things can still happen.

Added part 13 of Renegade by Cheyne

- from Xenacentro

Hello Everyone:

I belong to a group of Xenites that dedicate some of our time to activities that will help to preserve a space in the Xenaverse. We have translated the www.officialxwpvs.com and www.xwpsubtextvs.com virtual seasons and are currently translating some great fanfic works by Advocate, TNovan, and several other great writers (with permission of course). If you are interested in maintaining this space alive by working with us by translating or planning future projects, we are looking for new members for our group.
We only ask for some minor prerequisites, which are as follows:

You must posses at least a 40% understanding of Spanish. It is not necessary to be able to dominate the language in order to translate since there will be someone available to help with language problems. (This would be a great way to improve you language skills).
You must posses a great desire to preserve the Xenaverse.
You must be able to dedicate some time to translating a few pages of text that would be distributed on a weekly basis and translated within a specified time frame.
At this time we are also requesting anyone that is well versed in Spanish, but may not feel totally comfortable doing actual translation to help us out.  We are in desperate need of individuals that can check for grammar and syntax of the translated works.
Please remember this is all done for fun and to preserve the Amazon Warrior Spirit in all of us. If you would like more information you may contact us at xenacentro@hotmail.com

Xenacentro Coordinator for

Hola a todos:
Pertenezco a un grupo Xenita de trabajo que nos dedicamos a realizar actividades que ayuden a la preservación de nuestro espacio Xenita. Hemos traducido al español Las temporadas virtuales de www.officialxwpvs.com y www.xwpsubtextvs.com y ahora estamos traduciendo fanfic de varias escritoras como Advocate, Tnovan y otras buenas escritoras (con su permiso claro). Is deseas ayudar a mantener nuestro espacio vivo, colaborando en este trabajo como traductor/a y participar en la planificación de futuros proyectos, estamos buscando nuevos colaboradoras, que siempre son necesarios. Y bienvenidos.
Los requisitos para colaborar en el actual trabajo, son:

Conocimientos medios de inglés (40% en adelante): no es necesario un dominio absoluto para su traducción al español, ya que contamos con la ayuda de nuestra asesoría en ingles.
Muchas ganas de trabajar por preservar el Mundo Xenita.
Disponibilidad de tiempo para traducir un pequeño texto que se reparte cada semana y debe ser entregado igual.
En esta ocasión, también estamos solicitando a alguien que este capacitada en el español como lengua, pero que no se siente totalmente capaz de hacer un trabajo de traducción para ayudarnos en ello. Necesitamos urgentemente la ayuda de quienes puedan ayudarnos con la gramática y sintaxis de Las traducciones realizadas por el grupo de traductoras ya existente y aquellas (OS) que quieran unirse a nuestro grupo de trabajo.
Para mas información puedes escribir a xenacentro@hotmail, para cualquier duda que tengas.
Coordinadora de Xenacentro


May 4th, 2006

Welcome to the Academy, Dillon Watson!

Getting Over It by Dillon Watson [original/alt/complete]
An inadvertent discovery forces Madison Norman to admit her ten year relationship is over. But it's a face to face meeting with her ex-lover and her ex-lover's new love that drives Madison to a new state, a new town, and a new job.

Ashley Patterson has recently moved back to Georgia, wanting to be closer to her family and away from a former girlfriend who refuses to acknowledge their relationship is over.

Madison and Ash meet at a charity soccer game and the sparks fly. Their immediate attraction is doused by a conflict neither woman could have foreseen. Can they resolve their conflict and work through old baggage to continue the magic of their initial meeting?

Added part 14 of Lissa's Journey of Love & Life

-from PD Publishing

After a very long wait PD Publishing has two new books in print for your enjoyment.  :-)
The Growing, by Sue Beck and Okasha
First, 2nd edition, by Kim Pritekel

Both are now available through your local bookstores. Also, Amazon.com, and other on-line book stores, have these books listed at discounted prices.

May 3rd, 2006

Added part 59 of Phantombard's In an Age Before

Added part 7 of Death of Innocence by Terias McKlay

Ghost Town-ing 4 Interlude by Mickey Minner


The May edition of Bedazzled Ink is up at http://www.bedazzledink.com/khimairal-ink/5-06issue/5-06cover.html

A theme of enlightenment weaves through our diverse story selection this month. Barbara Davies's characters experience it rather humorously as she shares an excerpt from her new book, Christie and the Hellcat, published by Nuance Books, a division of Bedazzled Ink. We also welcome back Tyree Campbell and Sias Bryant. Tyree's "Fade to Rose" is just a really neat story. All I could say when I finished it was "Wow! How cool is that!" Sias gives us a sweet, slice-of-life tale from the American heartland in the "Last Row of Wheat." Finally, we're delighted with the little bit of extra creativity as Sheela Ardrian shares the insight of the "Women of Gomorrah" in poetic verse.

Our PDF version has really cool graphics, so don't forget to check that version out too.



May 2nd, 2006

For the Love of Cliches by Word Warior
summary pending

Games by Word Warior
summary pending

Added part 16 and part 17 of Vertigo's Keeping Faith

-from Kim Pritekel

The 2nd edition of First by Kim Pritekel is now available for sale. Go to PD Publishing's site for details

-from Ali Vali

Hey guys,

I received some news and want to ask for everyone's help. We were thrilled when we were able to announce last month that "Gillery's Little Secret" had been accepted by LOGO to be aired and could also be viewed on their website. After it aired if you've been following it, we were always in the top spot or second.

The favor I'm asking is for everyone to continue to vote and support the film. The following is why. This is the note I received from Tina Scorzafava this weekend.

There have been some FALSE voting for GLS on the LOGO web page. In less than one day, it was pushed all the way down from a true rank of #1/#2 to #5/#6 - looks like some have just been voting low to bring it down rather than allow a true measure.

http://www.logoonline.com/shows/events/short_films/2006/details.jhtml?cid=1527871&popThis=popVideo(80888 <http://www.logoonline.com/shows/events/short_films/2006/details.jhtml?cid=1527871&amp;popThis=popVideo(80888> )

Even if you can't actually watch it, you can still click it to register as a WATCH but also be sure to RATE it (under the picture there are circles to select your love which turns it to stars once registered).

So if you liked it and /or appreciated it, help us bring it back up.

The longer we stay visible on these lists, the better chances we have to make people aware of the feature. _______________________________________________________________________

If you have time please go to the sight above and view it again and remember to vote. Please vote fairly and often, but please vote.

I'll let everyone know in a couple of weeks how it's going. Thanks for support.


May 1st, 2006

OZ says:

I really, really hate to make this announcement. 

When I first presented the idea to Steph for a series of Bard Challenges...the sole intent was to try to get folks to write.  Fanfic was booming and I just knew that everyone had a story or three inside just dying to get out. People just needed a nudge in the right direction.  The BCs (and anonymous posting) were a way to put new bards on even ground with established bards in getting folks to read their stories.  And the BCs did just that.  Many, many new bards or first time posters found great success there.  It was a winning situation for the writers.  On the other side, readers reveled in the new batches of innovative, clever stories and discovered new writers to support.  It was also a winning situation for the readers.

It has become apparent that due to: time constraints, lost attention in the fandom/fanfic, shifting focus to writing for publication or various other reasons...the Bard Challenges no longer hold the interest of many bards.  Although the Bard Challenges are still a major draw to readers....more and more writers are opting out of participating.  I can't criticize valid reasoning, but I can mourn the end result.

Before I go any further, I do want to sincerely thank my group of regular contributors (you know who you are).  Y'ALL ROCK!  You have kept the BCs alive and I am grateful you give my babies life.

Bard Challenge #15--Reali-Xe TV technically was supposed to end yesterday. However, I am going to extend the deadline two weeks (May 15th).

I can only hope that we will generate a few more entries.  However, whether or not that happens, we will more than likely limit ourselves from this point on to just one challenge per year...the Solstice Challenge. 

Da Boss has asked me to keep the Solstice Challenge and, well, I have learned that keeping Da Boss happy is in my best interest.  <.g.>  Besides,  I really, really would miss those the most.  It never ceased to amaze me how clever bards could take a seemingly totally off the wall list of items and weave them into wonderful stories.  So we'll see how it goes but right now, we need to wrap up the current challenge...

Bard Challenge #15: Reali-Xe TV

NEW deadline for entries: MAY 15TH.


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